A Tcl like command language made for the Clinl kernel testing
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

136 lines
1.8 KiB

#pragma once
#include <stddef.h>
#include "container.hpp"
namespace __internals{
template<typename T>
T& ref(T& n)
return n;
template<class T>
struct r_op_iterator
r_op_iterator(T* in):it(in){}
T* it;
auto operator++()
return it--;
auto operator++(int)
return --it;
auto operator--()
return it--;
auto operator--(int)
return --it;
T& operator*()
return *it;
T& operator[](const size_t idx)
return *(it-idx);
auto operator==(const r_op_iterator& rhs)
return it==rhs.it;
auto operator!=(const r_op_iterator& rhs)
return it!=rhs.it;
auto operator<=(const r_op_iterator& rhs)
return (rhs.it<=it);
auto operator>=(const r_op_iterator& rhs)
return (rhs.it>=it);
auto operator<(const r_op_iterator& rhs)
return (rhs.it<it);
auto operator>(const r_op_iterator& rhs)
return (rhs.it>it);
namespace ksdk{
template<typename T>
class buffer : public typed_container<T>
T* _buffer;
size_t _size;
constexpr buffer(T* b, T* e)
constexpr buffer()
constexpr buffer(T* b, size_t sz)
size_t size()
return _size;
T* begin()
return _buffer;
T* end()
return _buffer+_size;
__internals::r_op_iterator<T> rbegin()
return __internals::r_op_iterator<T>(_buffer-1+_size);
__internals::r_op_iterator<T> rend()
return __internals::r_op_iterator<T>(_buffer-1);
T& operator[](size_t idx)
return _buffer[idx];
bool operator==(buffer<T> oth)
return false;
for(size_t i=0; i<size(); i++)
return false;
return true;