Goddess of Justice DB, the database used for storage on IzaroDFS
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  1. \documentclass[a4paper,10pt,BCOR10mm,oneside,headsepline]{scrartcl}
  2. \usepackage[french]{babel}
  3. \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
  4. \usepackage{wasysym}% provides \ocircle and \Box
  5. \usepackage{enumitem}% easy control of topsep and leftmargin for lists
  6. \usepackage{color}% used for background color
  7. \usepackage{forloop}% used for \Qrating and \Qlines
  8. \usepackage{ifthen}% used for \Qitem and \QItem
  9. \usepackage{typearea}
  10. \usepackage{eurosym}
  11. \usepackage{numprint}
  12. \usepackage{bytefield}
  13. \usepackage{siunitx}
  14. \usepackage{placeins}
  15. \usepackage{pgf-umlsd}
  16. \usepackage{pgf-umlcd}
  17. \usepackage{adjustbox}
  18. \usepackage{multirow}
  19. \usepackage{enumitem}
  20. \usepackage{hhline}
  21. \usepackage{pgfplots}
  22. \usepackage{float}
  23. \usepackage{fp}
  24. \areaset{17cm}{26cm}
  25. \setlength{\topmargin}{-1cm}
  26. \usepackage{scrpage2}
  27. \pagestyle{scrheadings}
  28. \ihead{Enquête sur la sécurité des données (à propos)}
  29. \ohead{\pagemark}
  30. \chead{}
  31. \cfoot{}
  32. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  33. %% Beginning of questionnaire command definitions %%
  34. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  35. %%
  36. %% 2010, 2012 by Sven Hartenstein
  37. %% mail@svenhartenstein.de
  38. %% http://www.svenhartenstein.de
  39. %%
  40. %% Please be warned that this is NOT a full-featured framework for
  41. %% creating (all sorts of) questionnaires. Rather, it is a small
  42. %% collection of LaTeX commands that I found useful when creating a
  43. %% questionnaire. Feel free to copy and adjust any parts you like.
  44. %% Most probably, you will want to change the commands, so that they
  45. %% fit your taste.
  46. %%
  47. %% Also note that I am not a LaTeX expert! Things can very likely be
  48. %% done much more elegant than I was able to. If you have suggestions
  49. %% about what can be improved please send me an email. I intend to
  50. %% add good tipps to my website and to name contributers of course.
  51. %%
  52. %% 10/2012: Thanks to karathan for the suggestion to put \noindent
  53. %% before \rule!
  54. %% \Qq = Questionaire question. Oh, this is just too simple. It helps
  55. %% making it easy to globally change the appearance of questions.
  56. \newcommand{\Qq}[1]{\textbf{#1}}
  57. %% \QO = Circle or box to be ticked. Used both by direct call and by
  58. %% \Qrating and \Qlist.
  59. \newcommand{\QO}{$\Box$}% or: $\ocircle$
  60. %% \Qrating = Automatically create a rating scale with NUM steps, like
  61. %% this: 0--0--0--0--0.
  62. \newcounter{qr}
  63. \newcommand{\Qrating}[1]{\QO\forloop{qr}{1}{\value{qr} < #1}{---\QO}}
  64. %% \Qline = Again, this is very simple. It helps setting the line
  65. %% thickness globally. Used both by direct call and by \Qlines.
  66. \newcommand{\Qline}[1]{\noindent\rule{#1}{0.6pt}}
  67. %% \Qlines = Insert NUM lines with width=\linewith. You can change the
  68. %% \vskip value to adjust the spacing.
  69. \newcounter{ql}
  70. \newcommand{\Qlines}[1]{\forloop{ql}{0}{\value{ql}<#1}{\vskip0em\Qline{\linewidth}}}
  71. %% \Qlist = This is an environment very similar to itemize but with
  72. %% \QO in front of each list item. Useful for classical multiple
  73. %% choice. Change leftmargin and topsep accourding to your taste.
  74. \newenvironment{Qlist}{%
  75. \renewcommand{\labelitemi}{\QO}
  76. \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1.5em,topsep=-.5em]
  77. }{%
  78. \end{itemize}
  79. }
  80. %% \Qtab = A "tabulator simulation". The first argument is the
  81. %% distance from the left margin. The second argument is content which
  82. %% is indented within the current row.
  83. \newlength{\qt}
  84. \newcommand{\Qtab}[2]{
  85. \setlength{\qt}{\linewidth}
  86. \addtolength{\qt}{-#1}
  87. \hfill\parbox[t]{\qt}{\raggedright #2}
  88. }
  89. %% \Qitem = Item with automatic numbering. The first optional argument
  90. %% can be used to create sub-items like 2a, 2b, 2c, ... The item
  91. %% number is increased if the first argument is omitted or equals 'a'.
  92. %% You will have to adjust this if you prefer a different numbering
  93. %% scheme. Adjust topsep and leftmargin as needed.
  94. \newcounter{itemnummer}
  95. \newcommand{\Qitem}[2][]{% #1 optional, #2 notwendig
  96. \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{\stepcounter{itemnummer}}{}
  97. \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{a}}{\stepcounter{itemnummer}}{}
  98. \begin{enumerate}[topsep=2pt,leftmargin=2.8em]
  99. \item[\textbf{\arabic{itemnummer}#1.}] #2
  100. \end{enumerate}
  101. }
  102. %% \QItem = Like \Qitem but with alternating background color. This
  103. %% might be error prone as I hard-coded some lengths (-5.25pt and
  104. %% -3pt)! I do not yet understand why I need them.
  105. \definecolor{bgodd}{rgb}{0.8,0.8,0.8}
  106. \definecolor{bgeven}{rgb}{0.9,0.9,0.9}
  107. \newcounter{itemoddeven}
  108. \newlength{\gb}
  109. \newcommand{\QItem}[2][]{% #1 optional, #2 notwendig
  110. \setlength{\gb}{\linewidth}
  111. \addtolength{\gb}{-5.25pt}
  112. \ifthenelse{\equal{\value{itemoddeven}}{0}}{%
  113. \noindent\colorbox{bgeven}{\hskip-3pt\begin{minipage}{\gb}\Qitem[#1]{#2}\end{minipage}}%
  114. \stepcounter{itemoddeven}%
  115. }{%
  116. \noindent\colorbox{bgodd}{\hskip-3pt\begin{minipage}{\gb}\Qitem[#1]{#2}\end{minipage}}%
  117. \setcounter{itemoddeven}{0}%
  118. }
  119. }
  120. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  121. %% End of questionnaire command definitions %%
  122. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  123. \begin{document}
  124. \begin{center}
  125. \textbf{\huge Enquête sur la sécurité des données}
  126. \end{center}\vskip1em
  127. \section*{Pourquoi~?}
  128. Ce questionaire à plusieurs objectifs:
  129. \begin{itemize}
  130. \item mieux comprendre l'approche des utilisateurs et des entreprises face aux nouvelles technologies de protection des données
  131. \item promouvoir le développement de nouvelles solutions de protection des données
  132. \end{itemize}
  133. Ces données seront mises à disposition des internautes, anonymisées, sous la forme d'une base de données téléchargeable.
  134. \section*{Qui~?}
  135. Cette recherche est effectuée par un petit groupe de développeurs et acteurs de l'informatique. La version française du questionnaire à été conçue par Ludovic Lagouardette.
  136. Les données seront accessibles publiquement à partir de février 2020 par n'importe quel internaute, ainsi qu'une liste des statistiques obtenues, à l'addresse suivante~: \texttt{https://archivist.nekoit.xyz/enquete1/ }
  137. \section*{Comment~?}
  138. Si vous répondez à une fiche employé ou entreprise, veillez à fournir le même \texttt{Identifiant de l'entreprise} que vos collègues dans la case semblable à la figure ci-dessous.
  139. \begin{figure}[H]
  140. \centering
  141. \begin{minipage}{0.7\textwidth}
  142. \textbf{\Large Identifiant de l'entreprise \huge \Square \Square \Square \Square \Square \Square \Square \Square }
  143. \end{minipage}
  144. \end{figure}
  145. Veuillez cocher dans les questions à choix multiples la ou les cases qui vous concernent. En cas de réponses douteuses sur une fiche, celle-ci sera ignorée, de même en cas de mention d'informations specifiques à une personne ou entreprise dans le formulaire.
  146. \section*{Où~?}
  147. Ce sondage sera majoritairement effectué en France, mais potentiellement aussi aux Pays-Bas et/ou aux États-Unis.
  148. \end{document}