- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % The Legrand Orange Book
- % Structural Definitions File
- % Version 2.1 (26/09/2018)
- %
- % Original author:
- % Mathias Legrand (legrand.mathias@gmail.com) with modifications by:
- % Vel (vel@latextemplates.com)
- %
- % This file was downloaded from:
- % http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com
- %
- % License:
- % CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/)
- %
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- \usepackage{graphicx} % Required for including pictures
- \graphicspath{{Pictures/}} % Specifies the directory where pictures are stored
- \usepackage{lipsum} % Inserts dummy text
- \usepackage{tikz} % Required for drawing custom shapes
- \usepackage[english]{babel} % English language/hyphenation
- \usepackage{makeidx}
- \usepackage{enumitem} % Customize lists
- \setlist{nolistsep} % Reduce spacing between bullet points and numbered lists
- \usepackage{booktabs} % Required for nicer horizontal rules in tables
- \usepackage{xcolor} % Required for specifying colors by name
- \definecolor{ocre}{RGB}{0,102,233} % Define the orange color used for highlighting throughout the book
- \makeindex
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- \usepackage{geometry} % Required for adjusting page dimensions and margins
- \geometry{
- paper=a4paper, % Paper size, change to letterpaper for US letter size
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- right=3cm, % Right margin
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- headsep=10pt, % Space from the top margin to the baseline of the header
- %showframe, % Uncomment to show how the type block is set on the page
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- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- \usepackage{avant} % Use the Avantgarde font for headings
- %\usepackage{times} % Use the Times font for headings
- \usepackage{mathptmx} % Use the Adobe Times Roman as the default text font together with math symbols from the Symbol, Chancery and Computer Modern fonts
- \usepackage{microtype} % Slightly tweak font spacing for aesthetics
- \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Required for including letters with accents
- \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Use 8-bit encoding that has 256 glyphs
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- \usepackage[style=numeric,citestyle=numeric,sorting=nyt,sortcites=true,autopunct=true,babel=hyphen,hyperref=true,abbreviate=false,backref=true,backend=biber]{biblatex}
- \addbibresource{bibliography.bib} % BibTeX bibliography file
- \defbibheading{bibempty}{}
- \usepackage{calc} % For simpler calculation - used for spacing the index letter headings correctly
- \usepackage{makeidx} % Required to make an index
- \makeindex % Tells LaTeX to create the files required for indexing
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- \usepackage{titletoc} % Required for manipulating the table of contents
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- % Part text styling (this is mostly taken care of in the PART HEADINGS section of this file)
- \titlecontents{part}
- [0cm] % Left indentation
- {\addvspace{20pt}\bfseries} % Spacing and font options for parts
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- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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- {}
- % Subsection text styling (note these aren't shown by default, display them by searchings this file for tocdepth and reading the commented text)
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- [.5em] % Left indentation
- {\sffamily\footnotesize} % Spacing and font options for subsections
- {\contentslabel[\thecontentslabel]{1.25cm}}
- {}
- {}
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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- \newcommand{\ud}{\mathop{\mathrm{{}d}}\mathopen{}}
- \newcommand{\intff}[2]{\mathopen{[}#1\,;#2\mathclose{]}}
- \renewcommand{\qedsymbol}{$\blacksquare$}
- \newtheorem{notation}{Notation}[chapter]
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- {0pt}% Space above
- {0pt}% Space below
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- {}% Indent amount
- {\small\bf\sffamily\color{ocre}}% Theorem head font
- {\;}% Punctuation after theorem head
- {0.25em}% Space after theorem head
- {\small\sffamily\color{ocre}\thmname{#1}\nobreakspace\thmnumber{\@ifnotempty{#1}{}\@upn{#2}}% Theorem text (e.g. Theorem 2.1)
- \thmnote{\nobreakspace\the\thm@notefont\sffamily\bfseries\color{black}---\nobreakspace#3.}} % Optional theorem note
- \newtheoremstyle{blacknumex}% Theorem style name
- {5pt}% Space above
- {5pt}% Space below
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- {} % Indent amount
- {\small\bf\sffamily}% Theorem head font
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- {\small\sffamily{\tiny\ensuremath{\blacksquare}}\nobreakspace\thmname{#1}\nobreakspace\thmnumber{\@ifnotempty{#1}{}\@upn{#2}}% Theorem text (e.g. Theorem 2.1)
- \thmnote{\nobreakspace\the\thm@notefont\sffamily\bfseries---\nobreakspace#3.}}% Optional theorem note
- \newtheoremstyle{blacknumbox} % Theorem style name
- {0pt}% Space above
- {0pt}% Space below
- {\normalfont}% Body font
- {}% Indent amount
- {\small\bf\sffamily}% Theorem head font
- {\;}% Punctuation after theorem head
- {0.25em}% Space after theorem head
- {\small\sffamily\thmname{#1}\nobreakspace\thmnumber{\@ifnotempty{#1}{}\@upn{#2}}% Theorem text (e.g. Theorem 2.1)
- \thmnote{\nobreakspace\the\thm@notefont\sffamily\bfseries---\nobreakspace#3.}}% Optional theorem note
- % Non-boxed/non-framed environments
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- {5pt}% Space below
- {\normalfont}% Body font
- {}% Indent amount
- {\small\bf\sffamily\color{ocre}}% Theorem head font
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- {0.25em}% Space after theorem head
- {\small\sffamily\color{ocre}\thmname{#1}\nobreakspace\thmnumber{\@ifnotempty{#1}{}\@upn{#2}}% Theorem text (e.g. Theorem 2.1)
- \thmnote{\nobreakspace\the\thm@notefont\sffamily\bfseries\color{black}---\nobreakspace#3.}} % Optional theorem note
- \makeatother
- % Defines the theorem text style for each type of theorem to one of the three styles above
- \newcounter{dummy}
- \numberwithin{dummy}{section}
- \theoremstyle{ocrenumbox}
- \newtheorem{theoremeT}[dummy]{Theorem}
- \newtheorem{problem}{Problem}[chapter]
- \newtheorem{exerciseT}{Exercise}[chapter]
- \theoremstyle{blacknumex}
- \newtheorem{exampleT}{Example}[chapter]
- \theoremstyle{blacknumbox}
- \newtheorem{vocabulary}{Vocabulary}[chapter]
- \newtheorem{definitionT}{Definition}[section]
- \newtheorem{corollaryT}[dummy]{Corollary}
- \theoremstyle{ocrenum}
- \newtheorem{proposition}[dummy]{Proposition}
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- \RequirePackage[framemethod=default]{mdframed} % Required for creating the theorem, definition, exercise and corollary boxes
- % Theorem box
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- skipbelow=7pt,
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- innerleftmargin=5pt,
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- % Exercise box
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- skipbelow=7pt,
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- bottomline=false,
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- innerrightmargin=5pt,
- innertopmargin=5pt,
- innerbottommargin=5pt,
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- rightmargin=0cm,
- linewidth=4pt]{eBox}
- % Definition box
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- skipbelow=7pt,
- rightline=false,
- leftline=true,
- topline=false,
- bottomline=false,
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- innerrightmargin=5pt,
- innertopmargin=0pt,
- leftmargin=0cm,
- rightmargin=0cm,
- linewidth=4pt,
- innerbottommargin=0pt]{dBox}
- % Corollary box
- \newmdenv[skipabove=7pt,
- skipbelow=7pt,
- rightline=false,
- leftline=true,
- topline=false,
- bottomline=false,
- linecolor=gray,
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- innerrightmargin=5pt,
- innertopmargin=5pt,
- leftmargin=0cm,
- rightmargin=0cm,
- linewidth=4pt,
- innerbottommargin=5pt]{cBox}
- % Creates an environment for each type of theorem and assigns it a theorem text style from the "Theorem Styles" section above and a colored box from above
- \newenvironment{theorem}{\begin{tBox}\begin{theoremeT}}{\end{theoremeT}\end{tBox}}
- \newenvironment{exercise}{\begin{eBox}\begin{exerciseT}}{\hfill{\color{ocre}\tiny\ensuremath{\blacksquare}}\end{exerciseT}\end{eBox}}
- \newenvironment{definition}{\begin{dBox}\begin{definitionT}}{\end{definitionT}\end{dBox}}
- \newenvironment{example}{\begin{exampleT}}{\hfill{\tiny\ensuremath{\blacksquare}}\end{exampleT}}
- \newenvironment{corollary}{\begin{cBox}\begin{corollaryT}}{\end{corollaryT}\end{cBox}}
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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- \begin{list}{}{
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- \rightmargin=25pt}\item\ignorespaces % Indentation on the right
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- \advance\baselineskip -1pt}{\end{list}\vskip5pt} % Tighter line spacing and white space after remark
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- \makeatletter
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- {1ex \@plus.2ex }
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- {0.5ex \@plus.2ex }
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- {.2ex \@plus.2ex }
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- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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- % Unnumbered part in the table of contents
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- \setlength\fboxsep{0pt}%
- \noindent\colorbox{ocre!40}{\strut\parbox[c][.7cm]{\linewidth}{\Large\sffamily\centering#1}}%
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- \startcontents%
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- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % A switch to conditionally include a picture, implemented by Christian Hupfer
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- \usechapterimagetrue
- \newcommand{\thechapterimage}{}%
- \newcommand{\chapterimage}[1]{\ifusechapterimage\renewcommand{\thechapterimage}{#1}\fi}%
- \newcommand{\autodot}{.}
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- \draw[anchor=west] (\Gm@lmargin+.3cm,-9cm) node {\huge\sffamily\bfseries\color{black}#1\strut};
- \end{tikzpicture}};
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- \fi\fi\par\vspace*{270\p@}}}
- %-------------------------------------------
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- \draw[anchor=west] (\Gm@lmargin+.3cm,-9cm) node {\huge\sffamily\bfseries\color{black}#1\strut};
- \end{tikzpicture}};
- \end{tikzpicture}
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- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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- \fi
- \ifnum\bookmarkget{level}=-1 % part
- \bookmarksetup{color=ocre,bold}%
- \fi
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- }