- ;;;
- ;;; See IMPL/tests/stepA_mal.mal for implementation specific
- ;;; interop tests.
- ;;;
- ;;
- ;; Testing readline
- (readline "mal-user> ")
- "hello"
- ;=>"\"hello\""
- ;;
- ;; Testing *host-language*
- ;;; each impl is different, but this should return false
- ;;; rather than throwing an exception
- (= "something bogus" *host-language*)
- ;=>false
- ;;
- ;; ------- Optional Functionality ----------
- ;; ------- (Needed for self-hosting) -------
- ;;
- ;; Testing metadata on functions
- ;;
- ;; Testing metadata on mal functions
- (meta (fn* (a) a))
- ;=>nil
- (meta (with-meta (fn* (a) a) {"b" 1}))
- ;=>{"b" 1}
- (meta (with-meta (fn* (a) a) "abc"))
- ;=>"abc"
- (def! l-wm (with-meta (fn* (a) a) {"b" 2}))
- (meta l-wm)
- ;=>{"b" 2}
- (meta (with-meta l-wm {"new_meta" 123}))
- ;=>{"new_meta" 123}
- (meta l-wm)
- ;=>{"b" 2}
- (def! f-wm (with-meta (fn* [a] (+ 1 a)) {"abc" 1}))
- (meta f-wm)
- ;=>{"abc" 1}
- (meta (with-meta f-wm {"new_meta" 123}))
- ;=>{"new_meta" 123}
- (meta f-wm)
- ;=>{"abc" 1}
- (def! f-wm2 ^{"abc" 1} (fn* [a] (+ 1 a)))
- (meta f-wm2)
- ;=>{"abc" 1}
- ;; Meta of native functions should return nil (not fail)
- (meta +)
- ;=>nil
- ;;
- ;; Make sure closures and metadata co-exist
- (def! gen-plusX (fn* (x) (with-meta (fn* (b) (+ x b)) {"meta" 1})))
- (def! plus7 (gen-plusX 7))
- (def! plus8 (gen-plusX 8))
- (plus7 8)
- ;=>15
- (meta plus7)
- ;=>{"meta" 1}
- (meta plus8)
- ;=>{"meta" 1}
- (meta (with-meta plus7 {"meta" 2}))
- ;=>{"meta" 2}
- (meta plus8)
- ;=>{"meta" 1}
- ;;
- ;; Testing atoms
- (def! inc3 (fn* (a) (+ 3 a)))
- (def! a (atom 2))
- ;=>(atom 2)
- ;;;(type a)
- ;;;;=>"atom"
- (deref a)
- ;=>2
- @a
- ;=>2
- (reset! a 3)
- ;=>3
- @a
- ;=>3
- (swap! a inc3)
- ;=>6
- @a
- ;=>6
- (swap! a (fn* (a) a))
- ;=>6
- (swap! a (fn* (a) (* 2 a)))
- ;=>12
- (swap! a (fn* (a b) (* a b)) 10)
- ;=>120
- (swap! a + 3)
- ;=>123
- ;; Testing swap!/closure interaction
- (def! inc-it (fn* (a) (+ 1 a)))
- (def! atm (atom 7))
- (def! f (fn* [] (swap! atm inc-it)))
- (f)
- ;=>8
- (f)
- ;=>9
- ;; Testing hash-map evaluation and atoms (i.e. an env)
- (def! e (atom {"+" +}))
- (swap! e assoc "-" -)
- ( (get @e "+") 7 8)
- ;=>15
- ( (get @e "-") 11 8)
- ;=>3
- ;;
- ;; ------- Optional Functionality --------------
- ;; ------- (Not needed for self-hosting) -------
- ;;
- ;; Testing conj function
- (conj (list) 1)
- ;=>(1)
- (conj (list 1) 2)
- ;=>(2 1)
- (conj (list 2 3) 4)
- ;=>(4 2 3)
- (conj (list 2 3) 4 5 6)
- ;=>(6 5 4 2 3)
- (conj (list 1) (list 2 3))
- ;=>((2 3) 1)
- (conj [] 1)
- ;=>[1]
- (conj [1] 2)
- ;=>[1 2]
- (conj [2 3] 4)
- ;=>[2 3 4]
- (conj [2 3] 4 5 6)
- ;=>[2 3 4 5 6]
- (conj [1] [2 3])
- ;=>[1 [2 3]]
- ;;
- ;; Testing metadata on collections
- (meta [1 2 3])
- ;=>nil
- (with-meta [1 2 3] {"a" 1})
- ;=>[1 2 3]
- (meta (with-meta [1 2 3] {"a" 1}))
- ;=>{"a" 1}
- (vector? (with-meta [1 2 3] {"a" 1}))
- ;=>true
- (meta (with-meta [1 2 3] "abc"))
- ;=>"abc"
- (meta (with-meta (list 1 2 3) {"a" 1}))
- ;=>{"a" 1}
- (list? (with-meta (list 1 2 3) {"a" 1}))
- ;=>true
- (meta (with-meta {"abc" 123} {"a" 1}))
- ;=>{"a" 1}
- (map? (with-meta {"abc" 123} {"a" 1}))
- ;=>true
- ;;; Not actually supported by Clojure
- ;;;(meta (with-meta (atom 7) {"a" 1}))
- ;;;;=>{"a" 1}
- (def! l-wm (with-meta [4 5 6] {"b" 2}))
- ;=>[4 5 6]
- (meta l-wm)
- ;=>{"b" 2}
- (meta (with-meta l-wm {"new_meta" 123}))
- ;=>{"new_meta" 123}
- (meta l-wm)
- ;=>{"b" 2}
- ;;
- ;; Testing metadata on builtin functions
- (meta +)
- ;=>nil
- (def! f-wm3 ^{"def" 2} +)
- (meta f-wm3)
- ;=>{"def" 2}
- (meta +)
- ;=>nil