- ;; Testing non-macro function
- (not (= 1 1))
- ;=>false
- ;;; This should fail if it is a macro
- (not (= 1 2))
- ;=>true
- ;; Testing trivial macros
- (defmacro! one (fn* () 1))
- (one)
- ;=>1
- (defmacro! two (fn* () 2))
- (two)
- ;=>2
- ;; Testing unless macros
- (defmacro! unless (fn* (pred a b) `(if ~pred ~b ~a)))
- (unless false 7 8)
- ;=>7
- (unless true 7 8)
- ;=>8
- (defmacro! unless2 (fn* (pred a b) `(if (not ~pred) ~a ~b)))
- (unless2 false 7 8)
- ;=>7
- (unless2 true 7 8)
- ;=>8
- ;; Testing macroexpand
- (macroexpand (unless2 2 3 4))
- ;=>(if (not 2) 3 4)
- ;; Testing nth, first and rest functions
- (nth '(1) 0)
- ;=>1
- (nth '(1 2) 1)
- ;=>2
- (def! x "x")
- (def! x (nth '(1 2) 2))
- x
- ;=>"x"
- (first '())
- ;=>nil
- (first '(6))
- ;=>6
- (first '(7 8 9))
- ;=>7
- (rest '())
- ;=>()
- (rest '(6))
- ;=>()
- (rest '(7 8 9))
- ;=>(8 9)
- ;; Testing or macro
- (or)
- ;=>nil
- (or 1)
- ;=>1
- (or 1 2 3 4)
- ;=>1
- (or false 2)
- ;=>2
- (or false nil 3)
- ;=>3
- (or false nil false false nil 4)
- ;=>4
- (or false nil 3 false nil 4)
- ;=>3
- (or (or false 4))
- ;=>4
- ;; Testing cond macro
- (cond)
- ;=>nil
- (cond true 7)
- ;=>7
- (cond true 7 true 8)
- ;=>7
- (cond false 7 true 8)
- ;=>8
- (cond false 7 false 8 "else" 9)
- ;=>9
- (cond false 7 (= 2 2) 8 "else" 9)
- ;=>8
- (cond false 7 false 8 false 9)
- ;=>nil
- ;;
- ;; Loading core.mal
- (load-file "../core.mal")
- ;; Testing and macro
- (and)
- ;=>true
- (and 1)
- ;=>1
- (and 1 2)
- ;=>2
- (and 1 2 3)
- ;=>3
- (and 1 2 3 4)
- ;=>4
- (and 1 2 3 4 false)
- ;=>false
- (and 1 2 3 4 false 5)
- ;=>false
- ;; Testing -> macro
- (-> 7)
- ;=>7
- (-> (list 7 8 9) first)
- ;=>7
- (-> (list 7 8 9) (first))
- ;=>7
- (-> (list 7 8 9) first (+ 7))
- ;=>14
- (-> (list 7 8 9) rest (rest) first (+ 7))
- ;=>16
- ;; Testing EVAL in let*
- (let* (x (or nil "yes")) x)
- ;=>"yes"
- ;;
- ;; -------- Optional Functionality --------
- ;; Testing nth, first, rest with vectors
- (nth [1] 0)
- ;=>1
- (nth [1 2] 1)
- ;=>2
- (def! x "x")
- (def! x (nth [1 2] 2))
- x
- ;=>"x"
- (first [])
- ;=>nil
- (first [10])
- ;=>10
- (first [10 11 12])
- ;=>10
- (rest [])
- ;=>()
- (rest [10])
- ;=>()
- (rest [10 11 12])
- ;=>(11 12)
- ;; Testing EVAL in vector let*
- (let* [x (or nil "yes")] x)
- ;=>"yes"