- require "./expr"
- require "./error"
- module Crisp
- extend self
- class Reader
- def initialize(@tokens : Array(String))
- @pos = 0
- end
- def current_token
- @tokens[@pos] rescue nil
- end
- def peek
- t = current_token
- if t && t[0] == ';'
- @pos += 1
- peek
- else
- t
- end
- end
- def next
- peek
- ensure
- @pos += 1
- end
- def read_sequence(init, open, close)
- token = self.next
- Crisp.parse_error "expected '#{open}', got EOF" unless token
- Crisp.parse_error "expected '#{open}', got #{token}" unless token[0] == open
- loop do
- token = peek
- Crisp.parse_error "expected '#{close}', got EOF" unless token
- break if token[0] == close
- init << read_form
- peek
- end
- self.next
- init
- end
- def read_list
- Crisp::Expr.new read_sequence(Crisp::List.new, '(', ')')
- end
- def read_vector
- Crisp::Expr.new read_sequence(Crisp::Vector.new, '[', ']')
- end
- def read_hashmap
- types = read_sequence([] of Crisp::Expr, '{', '}')
- Crisp.parse_error "odd number of elements for hash-map: #{types.size}" if types.size.odd?
- map = Crisp::HashMap.new
- types.each_slice(2) do |kv|
- k, v = kv[0].unwrap, kv[1]
- case k
- when String
- map[k] = v
- else
- Crisp.parse_error("key of hash-map must be string or keyword")
- end
- end
- Crisp::Expr.new map
- end
- def read_atom
- token = self.next
- Crisp.parse_error "expected Atom but got EOF" unless token
- Crisp::Expr.new case
- when token =~ /^-?\d+$/ then token.to_i
- when token == "true" then true
- when token == "false" then false
- when token == "nil" then nil
- when token[0] == '"' then token[1..-2].gsub(/\\"/, "\"")
- when token[0] == ':' then "\u029e#{token[1..-1]}"
- else Crisp::Symbol.new token
- end
- end
- def list_of(symname)
- Crisp::List.new << gen_type(Crisp::Symbol, symname) << read_form
- end
- def read_form
- token = peek
- Crisp.parse_error "unexpected EOF" unless token
- Crisp.parse_error "unexpected comment" if token[0] == ';'
- Crisp::Expr.new case token
- when "(" then read_list
- when ")" then Crisp.parse_error "unexpected ')'"
- when "[" then read_vector
- when "]" then Crisp.parse_error "unexpected ']'"
- when "{" then read_hashmap
- when "}" then Crisp.parse_error "unexpected '}'"
- when "'" then self.next; list_of("quote")
- when "`" then self.next; list_of("quasiquote")
- when "~" then self.next; list_of("unquote")
- when "~@" then self.next; list_of("splice-unquote")
- when "@" then self.next; list_of("deref")
- when "^"
- self.next
- meta = read_form
- list_of("with-meta") << meta
- else read_atom
- end
- end
- end
- def tokenize(str)
- regex = /[\s,]*(~@|[\[\]{}()'`~^@]|"(?:\\.|[^\\"])*"|;.*|[^\s\[\]{}('"`,;)]*)/
- str.scan(regex).map { |m| m[1] }.reject(&.empty?)
- end
- def read_str(str)
- r = Reader.new(tokenize(str))
- begin
- r.read_form
- ensure
- unless r.peek.nil?
- raise Crisp::ParseException.new "expected EOF, got #{r.peek.to_s}"
- end
- end
- end
- end