Crisp ===== Crisp is one of Lisp dialect which is based on [mal]( and implemented with [Crystal]( This project is a toy box for my dynamic language ideas. ![screenshot]( ## So Many Tasks - __Refactorings__ - [ ] Make `is_a?` guards more elegant - [ ] Import test cases from Mal - [ ] Add CI - [ ] More OOP (`evaluator`, remove global variable, move states into object) - [x] Use standard `readline` implementation - [ ] Better lexer and parser - [ ] Add examples - [ ] More convenient REPL (e.g. completion) - __New language features using Crystal's semantics__ - [ ] Algebraic data type - ... ## Installation 1. Install `crystal` command 2. `$ crystal run /path/to/Crisp/src/` ## Development Environment - OS X - Crystal 0.7.1, 0.7.2 ## License Distributed under [the MIT License]( ``` Copyright (c) 2015 rhysd ```