;;; TODO: really a step5 test
;; Testing that (do (do)) not broken by TCO
(do (do 1 2))
;; Testing read-string, eval and slurp
(read-string "(1 2 (3 4) nil)")
;=>(1 2 (3 4) nil)
(read-string "(+ 2 3)")
;=>(+ 2 3)
(read-string "7 ;; comment")
;;; Differing output, but make sure no fatal error
(read-string ";; comment")
(eval (read-string "(+ 2 3)"))
;;; TODO: fix newline matching so that this works
;;;(slurp "../tests/test.txt")
;;;;=>"A line of text\n"
;; Testing load-file
(load-file "../tests/inc.mal")
(inc1 7)
(inc2 7)
(inc3 9)
;; Testing that *ARGV* exists and is an empty list
(list? *ARGV*)
;; -------- Optional Functionality --------
;; Testing comments in a file
(load-file "../tests/incB.mal")
; "incB.mal finished"
;=>"incB.mal return string"
(inc4 7)
(inc5 7)
;; Testing map literal across multiple lines in a file
(load-file "../tests/incC.mal")
;=>{"a" 1}
;;; TODO: really a step5 test
;; Testing that vector params not broken by TCO
(def! g (fn* [] 78))
(def! g (fn* [a] (+ a 78)))
(g 3)