#1 Features to add

Archivist atvēra pirms 2 mēnešiem · 0 komentāri

Scene contents

AI and animation state




## Scene contents - [x] Single sprite component - [ ] Animated sprite component - [ ] Animation puppeteer component - [ ] Audio source component ## AI and animation state - [ ] Blackboard component ## UI - [ ] Layered input component - [ ] Selectable text manager component - [ ] Selectable text option component ## Gizmos - [ ] Circle gizmo component - [x] Debug crosshair component - [ ] State interceptor component ## Physics - [ ] Scene physics manager - [ ] Rigid collisions component - [ ] Actor collisions component - [ ] Query collisions component - [ ] Circular hitbox component - [ ] Rectangular hitbox component - [ ] Point hitbox component - [ ] Box hitbox component - [x] Inertia component
Emilia tika piešķirta problēma no Archivist pirms 2 mēnešiem
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