A Smoll game engine
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using System.Numerics;
namespace Smoll {
struct Transform2D {
public Complex position;
public float angle;
public float scale;
public void ForceInvariant() {
while(angle > 2*MathF.PI) angle -= 2*MathF.PI;
while(angle < 0) angle += 2*MathF.PI;
sealed class Transform2DComponent : Component {
public Transform2D transform;
public Transform2DComponent()
: this(0,0,0,1)
public Transform2DComponent(float x, float y)
: this(x,y,0,1)
public Transform2DComponent(float x, float y, float angle)
: this(x,y,angle,1)
public Transform2DComponent(float x, float y, float angle, float scale) {
transform = new Transform2D();
transform.position = y*Complex.ImaginaryOne + x;
transform.angle = angle;
transform.scale = scale;
public Transform2D AbsoluteTransform() {
var up = owner.parent;
do {
if(up == null) return transform;
var component = up.GetComponent<Transform2DComponent>();
if(component != null) {
Transform2D combined = component.AbsoluteTransform();
combined.scale *= transform.scale;
var scaled_pos = combined.scale*(transform.position)*Complex.Exp(Complex.ImaginaryOne * combined.angle);
combined.position = scaled_pos + combined.position;
combined.angle += transform.angle;
return combined;
up = up.parent;
} while(true);
public override void Update(float _)