# # Copyright (C) 2018-2020 by George Cave - gcave@stablecoder.ca # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not # use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. # USAGE: To enable any code coverage instrumentation/targets, the single CMake # option of `CODE_COVERAGE` needs to be set to 'ON', either by GUI, ccmake, or # on the command line. # # From this point, there are two primary methods for adding instrumentation to # targets: 1 - A blanket instrumentation by calling `add_code_coverage()`, where # all targets in that directory and all subdirectories are automatically # instrumented. 2 - Per-target instrumentation by calling # `target_code_coverage()`, where the target is given and thus only # that target is instrumented. This applies to both libraries and executables. # # To add coverage targets, such as calling `make ccov` to generate the actual # coverage information for perusal or consumption, call # `target_code_coverage()` on an *executable* target. # # Example 1: All targets instrumented # # In this case, the coverage information reported will will be that of the # `theLib` library target and `theExe` executable. # # 1a: Via global command # # ~~~ # add_code_coverage() # Adds instrumentation to all targets # # add_library(theLib lib.cpp) # # add_executable(theExe main.cpp) # target_link_libraries(theExe PRIVATE theLib) # target_code_coverage(theExe) # As an executable target, adds the 'ccov-theExe' target (instrumentation already added via global anyways) for generating code coverage reports. # ~~~ # # 1b: Via target commands # # ~~~ # add_library(theLib lib.cpp) # target_code_coverage(theLib) # As a library target, adds coverage instrumentation but no targets. # # add_executable(theExe main.cpp) # target_link_libraries(theExe PRIVATE theLib) # target_code_coverage(theExe) # As an executable target, adds the 'ccov-theExe' target and instrumentation for generating code coverage reports. # ~~~ # # Example 2: Target instrumented, but with regex pattern of files to be excluded # from report # # ~~~ # add_executable(theExe main.cpp non_covered.cpp) # target_code_coverage(theExe EXCLUDE non_covered.cpp test/*) # As an executable target, the reports will exclude the non-covered.cpp file, and any files in a test/ folder. # ~~~ # # Example 3: Target added to the 'ccov' and 'ccov-all' targets # # ~~~ # add_code_coverage_all_targets(EXCLUDE test/*) # Adds the 'ccov-all' target set and sets it to exclude all files in test/ folders. # # add_executable(theExe main.cpp non_covered.cpp) # target_code_coverage(theExe AUTO ALL EXCLUDE non_covered.cpp test/*) # As an executable target, adds to the 'ccov' and ccov-all' targets, and the reports will exclude the non-covered.cpp file, and any files in a test/ folder. # ~~~ # Options option( CODE_COVERAGE "Builds targets with code coverage instrumentation. (Requires GCC or Clang)" OFF) # Programs if(NOT LLVM_COV_PATH) find_program(LLVM_COV_PATH llvm-cov) endif() if(NOT LLVM_PROFDATA_PATH) find_program(LLVM_PROFDATA_PATH llvm-profdata) endif() if(NOT LCOV_PATH) find_program(LCOV_PATH lcov) endif() find_program(GENHTML_PATH genhtml) # Hide behind the 'advanced' mode flag for GUI/ccmake mark_as_advanced(FORCE LLVM_COV_PATH LLVM_PROFDATA_PATH LCOV_PATH GENHTML_PATH) # Variables set(CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/ccov) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY JOB_POOLS ccov_serial_pool=1) # Common initialization/checks if(CODE_COVERAGE AND NOT CODE_COVERAGE_ADDED) set(CODE_COVERAGE_ADDED ON) # Common Targets add_custom_target( ccov-preprocessing COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY} DEPENDS ccov-clean) if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "(Apple)?[Cc]lang" OR CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "(Apple)?[Cc]lang") # Messages message(STATUS "Building with llvm Code Coverage Tools") if(NOT LLVM_COV_PATH) message(FATAL_ERROR "llvm-cov not found! Aborting.") else() # Version number checking for 'EXCLUDE' compatibility execute_process(COMMAND ${LLVM_COV_PATH} --version OUTPUT_VARIABLE LLVM_COV_VERSION_CALL_OUTPUT) string(REGEX MATCH "[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+" LLVM_COV_VERSION ${LLVM_COV_VERSION_CALL_OUTPUT}) if(LLVM_COV_VERSION VERSION_LESS "7.0.0") message( WARNING "target_code_coverage()/add_code_coverage_all_targets() 'EXCLUDE' option only available on llvm-cov >= 7.0.0" ) endif() endif() # Targets if(${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "3.17.0") add_custom_target( ccov-clean COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove -f ${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/binaries.list COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove -f ${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/profraw.list) else() add_custom_target( ccov-clean COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E rm -f ${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/binaries.list COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E rm -f ${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/profraw.list) endif() # Used to get the shared object file list before doing the main all- # processing add_custom_target( ccov-libs COMMAND ; COMMENT "libs ready for coverage report.") elseif(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU" OR CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU") # Messages message(STATUS "Building with lcov Code Coverage Tools") if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) string(TOUPPER ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} upper_build_type) if(NOT ${upper_build_type} STREQUAL "DEBUG") message( WARNING "Code coverage results with an optimized (non-Debug) build may be misleading" ) endif() else() message( WARNING "Code coverage results with an optimized (non-Debug) build may be misleading" ) endif() if(NOT LCOV_PATH) message(FATAL_ERROR "lcov not found! Aborting...") endif() if(NOT GENHTML_PATH) message(FATAL_ERROR "genhtml not found! Aborting...") endif() # Targets add_custom_target(ccov-clean COMMAND ${LCOV_PATH} --directory ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} --zerocounters) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Code coverage requires Clang or GCC. Aborting.") endif() endif() # Adds code coverage instrumentation to a library, or instrumentation/targets # for an executable target. # ~~~ # EXECUTABLE ADDED TARGETS: # GCOV/LCOV: # ccov : Generates HTML code coverage report for every target added with 'AUTO' parameter. # ccov-${TARGET_NAME} : Generates HTML code coverage report for the associated named target. # ccov-all : Generates HTML code coverage report, merging every target added with 'ALL' parameter into a single detailed report. # # LLVM-COV: # ccov : Generates HTML code coverage report for every target added with 'AUTO' parameter. # ccov-report : Generates HTML code coverage report for every target added with 'AUTO' parameter. # ccov-${TARGET_NAME} : Generates HTML code coverage report. # ccov-report-${TARGET_NAME} : Prints to command line summary per-file coverage information. # ccov-export-${TARGET_NAME} : Exports the coverage report to a JSON file. # ccov-show-${TARGET_NAME} : Prints to command line detailed per-line coverage information. # ccov-all : Generates HTML code coverage report, merging every target added with 'ALL' parameter into a single detailed report. # ccov-all-report : Prints summary per-file coverage information for every target added with ALL' parameter to the command line. # ccov-all-export : Exports the coverage report to a JSON file. # # Required: # TARGET_NAME - Name of the target to generate code coverage for. # Optional: # PUBLIC - Sets the visibility for added compile options to targets to PUBLIC instead of the default of PRIVATE. # INTERFACE - Sets the visibility for added compile options to targets to INTERFACE instead of the default of PRIVATE. # PLAIN - Do not set any target visibility (backward compatibility with old cmake projects) # AUTO - Adds the target to the 'ccov' target so that it can be run in a batch with others easily. Effective on executable targets. # ALL - Adds the target to the 'ccov-all' and 'ccov-all-report' targets, which merge several executable targets coverage data to a single report. Effective on executable targets. # EXTERNAL - For GCC's lcov, allows the profiling of 'external' files from the processing directory # COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME - For executables ONLY, changes the outgoing target name so instead of `ccov-${TARGET_NAME}` it becomes `ccov-${COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME}`. # EXCLUDE - Excludes files of the patterns provided from coverage. Note that GCC/lcov excludes by glob pattern, and clang/LLVM excludes via regex! **These do not copy to the 'all' targets.** # OBJECTS - For executables ONLY, if the provided targets are shared libraries, adds coverage information to the output # ARGS - For executables ONLY, appends the given arguments to the associated ccov-* executable call # ~~~ function(target_code_coverage TARGET_NAME) # Argument parsing set(options AUTO ALL EXTERNAL PUBLIC INTERFACE PLAIN) set(single_value_keywords COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME) set(multi_value_keywords EXCLUDE OBJECTS ARGS) cmake_parse_arguments( target_code_coverage "${options}" "${single_value_keywords}" "${multi_value_keywords}" ${ARGN}) # Set the visibility of target functions to PUBLIC, INTERFACE or default to # PRIVATE. if(target_code_coverage_PUBLIC) set(TARGET_VISIBILITY PUBLIC) set(TARGET_LINK_VISIBILITY PUBLIC) elseif(target_code_coverage_INTERFACE) set(TARGET_VISIBILITY INTERFACE) set(TARGET_LINK_VISIBILITY INTERFACE) elseif(target_code_coverage_PLAIN) set(TARGET_VISIBILITY PUBLIC) set(TARGET_LINK_VISIBILITY) else() set(TARGET_VISIBILITY PRIVATE) set(TARGET_LINK_VISIBILITY PRIVATE) endif() if(NOT target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME) # If a specific name was given, use that instead. set(target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME ${TARGET_NAME}) endif() if(CODE_COVERAGE) # Add code coverage instrumentation to the target's linker command if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "(Apple)?[Cc]lang" OR CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "(Apple)?[Cc]lang") target_compile_options(${TARGET_NAME} ${TARGET_VISIBILITY} -fprofile-instr-generate -fcoverage-mapping) target_link_options(${TARGET_NAME} ${TARGET_VISIBILITY} -fprofile-instr-generate -fcoverage-mapping) elseif(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU" OR CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU") target_compile_options(${TARGET_NAME} ${TARGET_VISIBILITY} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage) target_link_libraries(${TARGET_NAME} ${TARGET_LINK_VISIBILITY} gcov) endif() # Targets get_target_property(target_type ${TARGET_NAME} TYPE) # Add shared library to processing for 'all' targets if(target_type STREQUAL "SHARED_LIBRARY" AND target_code_coverage_ALL) if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "(Apple)?[Cc]lang" OR CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "(Apple)?[Cc]lang") add_custom_target( ccov-run-${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "-object=$" >> ${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/binaries.list DEPENDS ccov-preprocessing ${TARGET_NAME}) if(NOT TARGET ccov-libs) message( FATAL_ERROR "Calling target_code_coverage with 'ALL' must be after a call to 'add_code_coverage_all_targets'." ) endif() add_dependencies(ccov-libs ccov-run-${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME}) endif() endif() # For executables add targets to run and produce output if(target_type STREQUAL "EXECUTABLE") if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "(Apple)?[Cc]lang" OR CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "(Apple)?[Cc]lang") # If there are shared objects to also work with, generate the string to # add them here foreach(SO_TARGET ${target_code_coverage_OBJECTS}) # Check to see if the target is a shared object if(TARGET ${SO_TARGET}) get_target_property(SO_TARGET_TYPE ${SO_TARGET} TYPE) if(${SO_TARGET_TYPE} STREQUAL "SHARED_LIBRARY") set(SO_OBJECTS ${SO_OBJECTS} -object=$) endif() endif() endforeach() # Run the executable, generating raw profile data Make the run data # available for further processing. Separated to allow Windows to run # this target serially. add_custom_target( ccov-run-${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E env LLVM_PROFILE_FILE=${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME}.profraw $ ${target_code_coverage_ARGS} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "-object=$" ${SO_OBJECTS} >> ${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/binaries.list COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME}.profraw" >> ${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/profraw.list JOB_POOL ccov_serial_pool DEPENDS ccov-preprocessing ccov-libs ${TARGET_NAME}) # Merge the generated profile data so llvm-cov can process it add_custom_target( ccov-processing-${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME} COMMAND ${LLVM_PROFDATA_PATH} merge -sparse ${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME}.profraw -o ${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME}.profdata DEPENDS ccov-run-${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME}) # Ignore regex only works on LLVM >= 7 if(LLVM_COV_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "7.0.0") foreach(EXCLUDE_ITEM ${target_code_coverage_EXCLUDE}) set(EXCLUDE_REGEX ${EXCLUDE_REGEX} -ignore-filename-regex='${EXCLUDE_ITEM}') endforeach() endif() # Print out details of the coverage information to the command line add_custom_target( ccov-show-${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME} COMMAND ${LLVM_COV_PATH} show $ ${SO_OBJECTS} -instr-profile=${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME}.profdata -show-line-counts-or-regions ${EXCLUDE_REGEX} DEPENDS ccov-processing-${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME}) # Print out a summary of the coverage information to the command line add_custom_target( ccov-report-${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME} COMMAND ${LLVM_COV_PATH} report $ ${SO_OBJECTS} -instr-profile=${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME}.profdata ${EXCLUDE_REGEX} DEPENDS ccov-processing-${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME}) # Export coverage information so continuous integration tools (e.g. # Jenkins) can consume it add_custom_target( ccov-export-${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME} COMMAND ${LLVM_COV_PATH} export $ ${SO_OBJECTS} -instr-profile=${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME}.profdata -format="text" ${EXCLUDE_REGEX} > ${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME}.json DEPENDS ccov-processing-${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME}) # Generates HTML output of the coverage information for perusal add_custom_target( ccov-${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME} COMMAND ${LLVM_COV_PATH} show $ ${SO_OBJECTS} -instr-profile=${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME}.profdata -show-line-counts-or-regions -output-dir=${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME} -format="html" ${EXCLUDE_REGEX} DEPENDS ccov-processing-${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME}) elseif(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU" OR CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU") set(COVERAGE_INFO "${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME}.info" ) # Run the executable, generating coverage information add_custom_target( ccov-run-${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME} COMMAND $ ${target_code_coverage_ARGS} DEPENDS ccov-preprocessing ${TARGET_NAME}) # Generate exclusion string for use foreach(EXCLUDE_ITEM ${target_code_coverage_EXCLUDE}) set(EXCLUDE_REGEX ${EXCLUDE_REGEX} --remove ${COVERAGE_INFO} '${EXCLUDE_ITEM}') endforeach() if(EXCLUDE_REGEX) set(EXCLUDE_COMMAND ${LCOV_PATH} ${EXCLUDE_REGEX} --output-file ${COVERAGE_INFO}) else() set(EXCLUDE_COMMAND ;) endif() if(NOT ${target_code_coverage_EXTERNAL}) set(EXTERNAL_OPTION --no-external) endif() # Capture coverage data if(${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "3.17.0") add_custom_target( ccov-capture-${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove -f ${COVERAGE_INFO} COMMAND ${LCOV_PATH} --directory ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} --zerocounters COMMAND $ ${target_code_coverage_ARGS} COMMAND ${LCOV_PATH} --directory ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} --base-directory ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} --capture ${EXTERNAL_OPTION} --output-file ${COVERAGE_INFO} COMMAND ${EXCLUDE_COMMAND} DEPENDS ccov-preprocessing ${TARGET_NAME}) else() add_custom_target( ccov-capture-${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E rm -f ${COVERAGE_INFO} COMMAND ${LCOV_PATH} --directory ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} --zerocounters COMMAND $ ${target_code_coverage_ARGS} COMMAND ${LCOV_PATH} --directory ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} --base-directory ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} --capture ${EXTERNAL_OPTION} --output-file ${COVERAGE_INFO} COMMAND ${EXCLUDE_COMMAND} DEPENDS ccov-preprocessing ${TARGET_NAME}) endif() # Generates HTML output of the coverage information for perusal add_custom_target( ccov-${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME} COMMAND ${GENHTML_PATH} -o ${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME} ${COVERAGE_INFO} DEPENDS ccov-capture-${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME}) endif() add_custom_command( TARGET ccov-${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME} POST_BUILD COMMAND ; COMMENT "Open ${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME}/index.html in your browser to view the coverage report." ) # AUTO if(target_code_coverage_AUTO) if(NOT TARGET ccov) add_custom_target(ccov) endif() add_dependencies(ccov ccov-${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME}) if(NOT CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU" AND NOT CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU") if(NOT TARGET ccov-report) add_custom_target(ccov-report) endif() add_dependencies( ccov-report ccov-report-${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME}) endif() endif() # ALL if(target_code_coverage_ALL) if(NOT TARGET ccov-all-processing) message( FATAL_ERROR "Calling target_code_coverage with 'ALL' must be after a call to 'add_code_coverage_all_targets'." ) endif() add_dependencies(ccov-all-processing ccov-run-${target_code_coverage_COVERAGE_TARGET_NAME}) endif() endif() endif() endfunction() # Adds code coverage instrumentation to all targets in the current directory and # any subdirectories. To add coverage instrumentation to only specific targets, # use `target_code_coverage`. function(add_code_coverage) if(CODE_COVERAGE) if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "(Apple)?[Cc]lang" OR CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "(Apple)?[Cc]lang") add_compile_options(-fprofile-instr-generate -fcoverage-mapping) add_link_options(-fprofile-instr-generate -fcoverage-mapping) elseif(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU" OR CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU") add_compile_options(-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage) link_libraries(gcov) endif() endif() endfunction() # Adds the 'ccov-all' type targets that calls all targets added via # `target_code_coverage` with the `ALL` parameter, but merges all the coverage # data from them into a single large report instead of the numerous smaller # reports. Also adds the ccov-all-capture Generates an all-merged.info file, for # use with coverage dashboards (e.g. codecov.io, coveralls). # ~~~ # Optional: # EXCLUDE - Excludes files of the patterns provided from coverage. Note that GCC/lcov excludes by glob pattern, and clang/LLVM excludes via regex! # ~~~ function(add_code_coverage_all_targets) # Argument parsing set(multi_value_keywords EXCLUDE) cmake_parse_arguments(add_code_coverage_all_targets "" "" "${multi_value_keywords}" ${ARGN}) if(CODE_COVERAGE) if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "(Apple)?[Cc]lang" OR CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "(Apple)?[Cc]lang") # Merge the profile data for all of the run executables if(WIN32) add_custom_target( ccov-all-processing COMMAND powershell -Command $$FILELIST = Get-Content ${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/profraw.list\; llvm-profdata.exe merge -o ${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/all-merged.profdata -sparse $$FILELIST) else() add_custom_target( ccov-all-processing COMMAND ${LLVM_PROFDATA_PATH} merge -o ${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/all-merged.profdata -sparse `cat ${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/profraw.list`) endif() # Regex exclude only available for LLVM >= 7 if(LLVM_COV_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "7.0.0") foreach(EXCLUDE_ITEM ${add_code_coverage_all_targets_EXCLUDE}) set(EXCLUDE_REGEX ${EXCLUDE_REGEX} -ignore-filename-regex='${EXCLUDE_ITEM}') endforeach() endif() # Print summary of the code coverage information to the command line if(WIN32) add_custom_target( ccov-all-report COMMAND powershell -Command $$FILELIST = Get-Content ${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/binaries.list\; llvm-cov.exe report $$FILELIST -instr-profile=${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/all-merged.profdata ${EXCLUDE_REGEX} DEPENDS ccov-all-processing) else() add_custom_target( ccov-all-report COMMAND ${LLVM_COV_PATH} report `cat ${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/binaries.list` -instr-profile=${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/all-merged.profdata ${EXCLUDE_REGEX} DEPENDS ccov-all-processing) endif() # Export coverage information so continuous integration tools (e.g. # Jenkins) can consume it add_custom_target( ccov-all-export COMMAND ${LLVM_COV_PATH} export `cat ${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/binaries.list` -instr-profile=${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/all-merged.profdata -format="text" ${EXCLUDE_REGEX} > ${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/coverage.json DEPENDS ccov-all-processing) # Generate HTML output of all added targets for perusal if(WIN32) add_custom_target( ccov-all COMMAND powershell -Command $$FILELIST = Get-Content ${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/binaries.list\; llvm-cov.exe show $$FILELIST -instr-profile=${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/all-merged.profdata -show-line-counts-or-regions -output-dir=${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/all-merged -format="html" ${EXCLUDE_REGEX} DEPENDS ccov-all-processing) else() add_custom_target( ccov-all COMMAND ${LLVM_COV_PATH} show `cat ${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/binaries.list` -instr-profile=${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/all-merged.profdata -show-line-counts-or-regions -output-dir=${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/all-merged -format="html" ${EXCLUDE_REGEX} DEPENDS ccov-all-processing) endif() elseif(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU" OR CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU") set(COVERAGE_INFO "${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/all-merged.info") # Nothing required for gcov add_custom_target(ccov-all-processing COMMAND ;) # Exclusion regex string creation set(EXCLUDE_REGEX) foreach(EXCLUDE_ITEM ${add_code_coverage_all_targets_EXCLUDE}) set(EXCLUDE_REGEX ${EXCLUDE_REGEX} --remove ${COVERAGE_INFO} '${EXCLUDE_ITEM}') endforeach() if(EXCLUDE_REGEX) set(EXCLUDE_COMMAND ${LCOV_PATH} ${EXCLUDE_REGEX} --output-file ${COVERAGE_INFO}) else() set(EXCLUDE_COMMAND ;) endif() # Capture coverage data if(${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "3.17.0") add_custom_target( ccov-all-capture COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove -f ${COVERAGE_INFO} COMMAND ${LCOV_PATH} --directory ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} --capture --output-file ${COVERAGE_INFO} COMMAND ${EXCLUDE_COMMAND} DEPENDS ccov-preprocessing ccov-all-processing) else() add_custom_target( ccov-all-capture COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E rm -f ${COVERAGE_INFO} COMMAND ${LCOV_PATH} --directory ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} --capture --output-file ${COVERAGE_INFO} COMMAND ${EXCLUDE_COMMAND} DEPENDS ccov-preprocessing ccov-all-processing) endif() # Generates HTML output of all targets for perusal add_custom_target( ccov-all COMMAND ${GENHTML_PATH} -o ${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/all-merged ${COVERAGE_INFO} -p ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} DEPENDS ccov-all-capture) endif() add_custom_command( TARGET ccov-all POST_BUILD COMMAND ; COMMENT "Open ${CMAKE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/all-merged/index.html in your browser to view the coverage report." ) endif() endfunction()