#2 Preserve function static storage during GC

vor 4 Tagen von Archivist geöffnet · 0 Kommentare
Archivist hat vor 4 Tagen kommentiert

The goal would be to allow local function storage to be preserved by garbage collection. This is required to implement #1 as the basis for macros would require the duration of storage of macro contents to exceed that of the routine that defined it.



Proposed implementation

Extract the stack exploration to a function that could operate on arbitrary stacks, including word internal stacks.

The goal would be to allow local function storage to be preserved by garbage collection. This is required to implement #1 as the basis for macros would require the duration of storage of macro contents to exceed that of the routine that defined it. ## Syntax `N/A` ## Proposed implementation Extract the stack exploration to a function that could operate on arbitrary stacks, including `word` internal stacks.
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