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3 jaren geleden
  1. ### WARNING: This file is unmaintained! This list of contributors is uncomplete!
  2. ### Check CHANGELOG for some of the contributors details or just the official contributors list of the repo
  3. ---
  4. Here is a list of raylib contributors, these people have invested part of their time
  5. contributing (in some way or another) to make the raylib project better. Huge thanks to all of them!
  6. - [Zopokx](https://github.com/Zopokx) for testing the web.
  7. - [Elendow](http://www.elendow.com) for testing and helping on web development.
  8. - Victor Dual for implementing and testing 3D shapes functions.
  9. - Marc Palau for implementing and testing 3D shapes functions and contribute on camera and gestures modules.
  10. - Kevin Gato for improving texture internal formats support and helping on raygui development.
  11. - Daniel Nicolas for improving texture internal formats support and helping on raygui development.
  12. - Marc Agüera for testing and using raylib on a real product ([Koala Seasons](http://www.koalaseasons.com))
  13. - Daniel Moreno for testing and using raylib on a real product ([Koala Seasons](http://www.koalaseasons.com))
  14. - Daniel Gomez for testing and using raylib on a real product ([Koala Seasons](http://www.koalaseasons.com))
  15. - [Sergio Martinez](https://github.com/anidealgift) for helping on raygui development and tools development (raygui_styler).
  16. - [Victor Fisac](https://github.com/victorfisac) for developing physics raylib module (physac) and implementing PBR materials and lighting systems... among multiple other improvements and multiple tools and games.
  17. - Albert Martos for helping on raygui and porting examples and game-templates to Android and HTML5.
  18. - Ian Eito for helping on raygui and porting examples and game-templates to Android and HTML5.
  19. - [procedural](https://github.com/procedural) for testing raylib on Linux, correcting some bugs and adding several mouse functions.
  20. - [Chris Hemingway](https://github.com/cHemingway) for improving raylib on OSX build system.
  21. - [Emanuele Petriglia](https://github.com/LelixSuper) for working on multiple GNU/Linux improvements and developing [TicTacToe](https://github.com/LelixSuper/TicTacToe) raylib game.
  22. - [Joshua Reisenauer](https://github.com/kd7tck) for adding audio modules support (XM, MOD) and reviewing audio system.
  23. - [Marcelo Paez](https://github.com/paezao) for helping on OSX High DPI display issue.
  24. - [Ghassan Al-Mashareqa](https://github.com/ghassanpl) for an amazing contribution to raylib Lua module.
  25. - [Teodor Stoenescu](https://github.com/teodor-stoenescu) for improvements on OBJ object loading.
  26. - [RDR8](https://github.com/RDR8) for helping with Linux build improvements.
  27. - [Saggi Mizrahi](https://github.com/ficoos) for multiple fixes on Linux and audio system.
  28. - [Daniel Lemos](https://github.com/xspager) for fixing issues on Linux games building.
  29. - [Joel Davis](https://github.com/joeld42) for adding raycast picking utilities and a [great example](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/master/examples/models/models_mesh_picking.c)
  30. - [Richard Goodwin](https://github.com/AudioMorphology) for adding RPI touchscreen support.
  31. - [Milan Nikolic](https://github.com/gen2brain) for adding Android build support with custom standalone toolchain.
  32. - [Michael Vetter](https://github.com/jubalh) for improvements on build system and his work on Suse Linux package... and multiple fixes!
  33. - [Wilhem Barbier](https://github.com/nounoursheureux) for adding Image generation functions, shaders work and some fixes.
  34. - [Benjamin Summerton](https://github.com/define-private-public) for improving OSX building and his amazing work on CMake build sytem.
  35. - [MartinFX](https://github.com/Martinfx) for adding compilation support for FreeBSD OS and derivatives.
  36. - [Ahmad Fatoum](https://github.com/a3f) for implementing CI support for raylib (Travis and AppVeyor) and great improvements on build system.
  37. - [SamNChiet](https://github.com/SamNChiet) for a greatly improved UWP input implementation.
  38. - [David Reid](https://github.com/mackron) for a complete review of audio module to support his amazing miniaudio library.
  39. - [Kai](https://github.com/questor) for multiple code reviews and improvements.
  40. - [Max Danielsson](https://github.com/autious) for adding support for orthographic 3d camera projection
  41. - [Lumaio](https://github.com/TheLumaio) for his great work on GBuffers and GetCollisionRayModel().
  42. - [Jonas Daeyaert](https://github.com/culacant) for an amazing work on IQM animated models support.
  43. - [Seth Archambault](https://github.com/SethArchambault) for the work on Android Gamepad support (SNES model).
  44. - [D3nX](https://github.com/D3nX) for adding Code::Blocks project template.
  45. - [Jak Barnes](https://github.com/Syphonx) for a great work on `rnet`, new raylib network module
  46. - [Vlad Adrian](https://github.com/Demizdor) for an amazing work on Unicode support, new shapes functions and raygui.
  47. - [Reece Mackie](https://github.com/Rover656) for a great work on improving UWP support
  48. - [flashback-fx](flashback-fx) for improving easings library and example
  49. - [Jorge A. Gomes](https://github.com/overdev) for adding nine-patch textures support and example
  50. - [Berni8k](https://github.com/Berni8k) for improving Raspberry Pi input system, using evdev
  51. - [Wilhem Barbier](https://github.com/wbrbr) for implementing glTF loading support and solving several issues
  52. - [Marco Lizza](https://github.com/MarcoLizza) for improving logging system and multiple issues
  53. - [Anata](https://github.com/anatagawa) for creating amazing examples and contributing with them
  54. - [Narice](https://github.com/narice) made easings.h includable as standalone header
  55. - [Eric J.](https://github.com/ProfJski) for shaders_eratosthenes example contribution
  56. - [PompPenguin](https://github.com/PompPenguin) for reviewing 3rd person camera
  57. - [Mohamed Shazan](https://github.com/msmshazan) for adding support for ANGLE graphics backend
  58. Please, if I forget someone in this list, excuse me and send me a PR!