- /*******************************************************************************************
- *
- * raylib [text] example - Draw 2D text in 3D
- *
- * Draw a 2D text in 3D space, each letter is drawn in a quad (or 2 quads if backface is set)
- * where the texture coodinates of each quad map to the texture coordinates of the glyphs
- * inside the font texture.
- * A more efficient approach, i believe, would be to render the text in a render texture and
- * map that texture to a plane and render that, or maybe a shader but my method allows more
- * flexibility...for example to change position of each letter individually to make somethink
- * like a wavy text effect.
- *
- * Special thanks to:
- * @Nighten for the DrawTextStyle() code https://github.com/NightenDushi/Raylib_DrawTextStyle
- * Chris Camacho (codifies - http://bedroomcoders.co.uk/) for the alpha discard shader
- *
- * This example has been created using raylib 3.5 (www.raylib.com)
- * raylib is licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license (View raylib.h for details)
- *
- * Example contributed by Vlad Adrian (@Demizdor) and reviewed by Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2021 Vlad Adrian (@Demizdor - https://github.com/Demizdor)
- *
- ********************************************************************************************/
- #include "raylib.h"
- #include "rlgl.h"
- #include <stddef.h> // Required for: NULL
- #include <math.h> // Required for: sinf()
- // To make it work with the older RLGL module just comment the line below
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Globals
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #define LETTER_BOUNDRY_SIZE 0.25f
- #define TEXT_MAX_LAYERS 32
- bool SHOW_LETTER_BOUNDRY = false;
- bool SHOW_TEXT_BOUNDRY = false;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Data Types definition
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Configuration structure for waving the text
- typedef struct {
- Vector3 waveRange;
- Vector3 waveSpeed;
- Vector3 waveOffset;
- } WaveTextConfig;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Module Functions Declaration
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Draw a codepoint in 3D space
- void DrawTextCodepoint3D(Font font, int codepoint, Vector3 position, float fontSize, bool backface, Color tint);
- // Draw a 2D text in 3D space
- void DrawText3D(Font font, const char *text, Vector3 position, float fontSize, float fontSpacing, float lineSpacing, bool backface, Color tint);
- // Measure a text in 3D. For some reason `MeasureTextEx()` just doesn't seem to work so i had to use this instead.
- Vector3 MeasureText3D(Font font, const char* text, float fontSize, float fontSpacing, float lineSpacing);
- // Draw a 2D text in 3D space and wave the parts that start with `~~` and end with `~~`.
- // This is a modified version of the original code by @Nighten found here https://github.com/NightenDushi/Raylib_DrawTextStyle
- void DrawTextWave3D(Font font, const char *text, Vector3 position, float fontSize, float fontSpacing, float lineSpacing, bool backface, WaveTextConfig* config, float time, Color tint);
- // Measure a text in 3D ignoring the `~~` chars.
- Vector3 MeasureTextWave3D(Font font, const char* text, float fontSize, float fontSpacing, float lineSpacing);
- // Generates a nice color with a random hue
- Color GenerateRandomColor(float s, float v);
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Program main entry point
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int main(void)
- {
- // Initialization
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const int screenWidth = 800;
- const int screenHeight = 450;
- InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "raylib [text] example - draw 2D text in 3D");
- bool spin = true; // Spin the camera?
- bool multicolor = false; // Multicolor mode
- // Define the camera to look into our 3d world
- Camera3D camera = { 0 };
- camera.position = (Vector3){ -10.0f, 15.0f, -10.0f }; // Camera position
- camera.target = (Vector3){ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; // Camera looking at point
- camera.up = (Vector3){ 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f }; // Camera up vector (rotation towards target)
- camera.fovy = 45.0f; // Camera field-of-view Y
- camera.projection = CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE; // Camera mode type
- SetCameraMode(camera, CAMERA_ORBITAL);
- Vector3 cubePosition = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f };
- Vector3 cubeSize = { 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f };
- SetTargetFPS(60); // Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second
- // Use the default font
- Font font = GetFontDefault();
- float fontSize = 8.0f;
- float fontSpacing = 0.5f;
- float lineSpacing = -1.0f;
- // Set the text (using markdown!)
- char text[64] = "Hello ~~World~~ in 3D!";
- Vector3 tbox = {0};
- int layers = 1;
- int quads = 0;
- float layerDistance = 0.01f;
- WaveTextConfig wcfg;
- wcfg.waveSpeed.x = wcfg.waveSpeed.y = 3.0f; wcfg.waveSpeed.z = 0.5f;
- wcfg.waveOffset.x = wcfg.waveOffset.y = wcfg.waveOffset.z = 0.35f;
- wcfg.waveRange.x = wcfg.waveRange.y = wcfg.waveRange.z = 0.45f;
- float time = 0.0f;
- // Setup a light and dark color
- Color light = MAROON;
- Color dark = RED;
- // Load the alpha discard shader
- Shader alphaDiscard = LoadShader(NULL, "resources/shaders/glsl330/alpha_discard.fs");
- // Array filled with multiple random colors (when multicolor mode is set)
- Color multi[TEXT_MAX_LAYERS] = {0};
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Main game loop
- while (!WindowShouldClose()) // Detect window close button or ESC key
- {
- // Update
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Handle font files dropped
- if (IsFileDropped())
- {
- int count = 0;
- char **droppedFiles = GetDroppedFiles(&count);
- // NOTE: We only support first ttf file dropped
- if (IsFileExtension(droppedFiles[0], ".ttf"))
- {
- UnloadFont(font);
- font = LoadFontEx(droppedFiles[0], fontSize, 0, 0);
- }
- else if (IsFileExtension(droppedFiles[0], ".fnt"))
- {
- UnloadFont(font);
- font = LoadFont(droppedFiles[0]);
- fontSize = font.baseSize;
- }
- ClearDroppedFiles();
- }
- // Handle Events
- if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_F3))
- {
- // Handle camera change
- spin = !spin;
- // we need to reset the camera when changing modes
- camera = (Camera3D){ 0 };
- camera.target = (Vector3){ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; // Camera looking at point
- camera.up = (Vector3){ 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f }; // Camera up vector (rotation towards target)
- camera.fovy = 45.0f; // Camera field-of-view Y
- camera.projection = CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE; // Camera mode type
- if (spin)
- {
- camera.position = (Vector3){ -10.0f, 15.0f, -10.0f }; // Camera position
- SetCameraMode(camera, CAMERA_ORBITAL);
- }
- else
- {
- camera.position = (Vector3){ 10.0f, 10.0f, -10.0f }; // Camera position
- SetCameraMode(camera, CAMERA_FREE);
- }
- }
- // Handle clicking the cube
- if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT))
- {
- Ray ray = GetMouseRay(GetMousePosition(), camera);
- // Check collision between ray and box
- RayCollision collision = GetRayCollisionBox(ray,
- (BoundingBox){(Vector3){ cubePosition.x - cubeSize.x/2, cubePosition.y - cubeSize.y/2, cubePosition.z - cubeSize.z/2 },
- (Vector3){ cubePosition.x + cubeSize.x/2, cubePosition.y + cubeSize.y/2, cubePosition.z + cubeSize.z/2 }});
- if (collision.hit)
- {
- // Generate new random colors
- light = GenerateRandomColor(0.5f, 0.78f);
- dark = GenerateRandomColor(0.4f, 0.58f);
- }
- }
- // Handle text layers changes
- if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_HOME)) { if (layers > 1) --layers; }
- else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_END)) { if (layers < TEXT_MAX_LAYERS) ++layers; }
- // Handle text changes
- if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_LEFT)) fontSize -= 0.5f;
- else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_RIGHT)) fontSize += 0.5f;
- else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_UP)) fontSpacing -= 0.1f;
- else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_DOWN)) fontSpacing += 0.1f;
- else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_PAGE_UP)) lineSpacing -= 0.1f;
- else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_PAGE_DOWN)) lineSpacing += 0.1f;
- else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_INSERT)) layerDistance -= 0.001f;
- else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_DELETE)) layerDistance += 0.001f;
- else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_TAB))
- {
- multicolor = !multicolor; // Enable /disable multicolor mode
- if (multicolor)
- {
- // Fill color array with random colors
- for (int i = 0; i < TEXT_MAX_LAYERS; ++i)
- {
- multi[i] = GenerateRandomColor(0.5f, 0.8f);
- multi[i].a = GetRandomValue(0, 255);
- }
- }
- }
- // Handle text input
- int ch = GetCharPressed();
- if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_BACKSPACE))
- {
- // Remove last char
- int len = TextLength(text);
- if (len > 0) text[len - 1] = '\0';
- }
- else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER))
- {
- // handle newline
- int len = TextLength(text);
- if (len < sizeof(text) - 1)
- {
- text[len] = '\n';
- text[len+1] ='\0';
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // append only printable chars
- int len = TextLength(text);
- if (len < sizeof(text) - 1)
- {
- text[len] = ch;
- text[len+1] ='\0';
- }
- }
- // Measure 3D text so we can center it
- tbox = MeasureTextWave3D(font, text, fontSize, fontSpacing, lineSpacing);
- UpdateCamera(&camera); // Update camera
- quads = 0; // Reset quad counter
- time += GetFrameTime(); // Update timer needed by `DrawTextWave3D()`
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Draw
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BeginDrawing();
- ClearBackground(RAYWHITE);
- BeginMode3D(camera);
- DrawCubeV(cubePosition, cubeSize, dark);
- DrawCubeWires(cubePosition, 2.1f, 2.1f, 2.1f, light);
- DrawGrid(10, 2.0f);
- // Use a shader to handle the depth buffer issue with transparent textures
- // NOTE: more info at https://bedroomcoders.co.uk/raylib-billboards-advanced-use/
- BeginShaderMode(alphaDiscard);
- // Draw the 3D text above the red cube
- rlPushMatrix();
- rlRotatef(90.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
- rlRotatef(90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
- for (int i = 0; i < layers; ++i)
- {
- Color clr = light;
- if(multicolor) clr = multi[i];
- DrawTextWave3D(font, text, (Vector3){ -tbox.x/2.0f, layerDistance*i, -4.5f }, fontSize, fontSpacing, lineSpacing, true, &wcfg, time, clr);
- }
- // Draw the text boundry if set
- if (SHOW_TEXT_BOUNDRY) DrawCubeWiresV((Vector3){ 0.0f, 0.0f, -4.5f + tbox.z/2 }, tbox, dark);
- rlPopMatrix();
- // Don't draw the letter boundries for the 3D text below
- // Draw 3D options (use default font)
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- rlPushMatrix();
- rlRotatef(180.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
- char *opt = (char *)TextFormat("< SIZE: %2.1f >", fontSize);
- quads += TextLength(opt);
- Vector3 m = MeasureText3D(GetFontDefault(), opt, 8.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
- Vector3 pos = { -m.x/2.0f, 0.01f, 2.0f};
- DrawText3D(GetFontDefault(), opt, pos, 8.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, false, BLUE);
- pos.z += 0.5f + m.z;
- opt = (char *)TextFormat("< SPACING: %2.1f >", fontSpacing);
- quads += TextLength(opt);
- m = MeasureText3D(GetFontDefault(), opt, 8.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
- pos.x = -m.x/2.0f;
- DrawText3D(GetFontDefault(), opt, pos, 8.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, false, BLUE);
- pos.z += 0.5f + m.z;
- opt = (char *)TextFormat("< LINE: %2.1f >", lineSpacing);
- quads += TextLength(opt);
- m = MeasureText3D(GetFontDefault(), opt, 8.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
- pos.x = -m.x/2.0f;
- DrawText3D(GetFontDefault(), opt, pos, 8.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, false, BLUE);
- pos.z += 1.0f + m.z;
- opt = (char *)TextFormat("< LBOX: %3s >", slb? "ON" : "OFF");
- quads += TextLength(opt);
- m = MeasureText3D(GetFontDefault(), opt, 8.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
- pos.x = -m.x/2.0f;
- DrawText3D(GetFontDefault(), opt, pos, 8.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, false, RED);
- pos.z += 0.5f + m.z;
- opt = (char *)TextFormat("< TBOX: %3s >", SHOW_TEXT_BOUNDRY? "ON" : "OFF");
- quads += TextLength(opt);
- m = MeasureText3D(GetFontDefault(), opt, 8.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
- pos.x = -m.x/2.0f;
- DrawText3D(GetFontDefault(), opt, pos, 8.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, false, RED);
- pos.z += 0.5f + m.z;
- opt = (char *)TextFormat("< LAYER DISTANCE: %.3f >", layerDistance);
- quads += TextLength(opt);
- m = MeasureText3D(GetFontDefault(), opt, 8.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
- pos.x = -m.x/2.0f;
- DrawText3D(GetFontDefault(), opt, pos, 8.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, false, DARKPURPLE);
- rlPopMatrix();
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Draw 3D info text (use default font)
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- opt = "All the text displayed here is in 3D";
- quads += 36;
- m = MeasureText3D(GetFontDefault(), opt, 10.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
- pos = (Vector3){-m.x/2.0f, 0.01f, 2.0f};
- DrawText3D(GetFontDefault(), opt, pos, 10.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, false, DARKBLUE);
- pos.z += 1.5f + m.z;
- opt = "press [Left]/[Right] to change the font size";
- quads += 44;
- m = MeasureText3D(GetFontDefault(), opt, 6.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
- pos.x = -m.x/2.0f;
- DrawText3D(GetFontDefault(), opt, pos, 6.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, false, DARKBLUE);
- pos.z += 0.5f + m.z;
- opt = "press [Up]/[Down] to change the font spacing";
- quads += 44;
- m = MeasureText3D(GetFontDefault(), opt, 6.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
- pos.x = -m.x/2.0f;
- DrawText3D(GetFontDefault(), opt, pos, 6.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, false, DARKBLUE);
- pos.z += 0.5f + m.z;
- opt = "press [PgUp]/[PgDown] to change the line spacing";
- quads += 48;
- m = MeasureText3D(GetFontDefault(), opt, 6.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
- pos.x = -m.x/2.0f;
- DrawText3D(GetFontDefault(), opt, pos, 6.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, false, DARKBLUE);
- pos.z += 0.5f + m.z;
- opt = "press [F1] to toggle the letter boundry";
- quads += 39;
- m = MeasureText3D(GetFontDefault(), opt, 6.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
- pos.x = -m.x/2.0f;
- DrawText3D(GetFontDefault(), opt, pos, 6.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, false, DARKBLUE);
- pos.z += 0.5f + m.z;
- opt = "press [F2] to toggle the text boundry";
- quads += 37;
- m = MeasureText3D(GetFontDefault(), opt, 6.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f);
- pos.x = -m.x/2.0f;
- DrawText3D(GetFontDefault(), opt, pos, 6.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, false, DARKBLUE);
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- EndShaderMode();
- EndMode3D();
- // Draw 2D info text & stats
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- DrawText("Drag & drop a font file to change the font!\nType something, see what happens!\n\n"
- "Press [F3] to toggle the camera", 10, 35, 10, BLACK);
- quads += TextLength(text)*2*layers;
- char *tmp = (char *)TextFormat("%2i layer(s) | %s camera | %4i quads (%4i verts)", layers, spin? "ORBITAL" : "FREE", quads, quads*4);
- int width = MeasureText(tmp, 10);
- DrawText(tmp, screenWidth - 20 - width, 10, 10, DARKGREEN);
- tmp = "[Home]/[End] to add/remove 3D text layers";
- width = MeasureText(tmp, 10);
- DrawText(tmp, screenWidth - 20 - width, 25, 10, DARKGRAY);
- tmp = "[Insert]/[Delete] to increase/decrease distance between layers";
- width = MeasureText(tmp, 10);
- DrawText(tmp, screenWidth - 20 - width, 40, 10, DARKGRAY);
- tmp = "click the [CUBE] for a random color";
- width = MeasureText(tmp, 10);
- DrawText(tmp, screenWidth - 20 - width, 55, 10, DARKGRAY);
- tmp = "[Tab] to toggle multicolor mode";
- width = MeasureText(tmp, 10);
- DrawText(tmp, screenWidth - 20 - width, 70, 10, DARKGRAY);
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- DrawFPS(10, 10);
- EndDrawing();
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- }
- // De-Initialization
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- UnloadFont(font);
- CloseWindow(); // Close window and OpenGL context
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- return 0;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Module Functions Definitions
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Draw codepoint at specified position in 3D space
- void DrawTextCodepoint3D(Font font, int codepoint, Vector3 position, float fontSize, bool backface, Color tint)
- {
- // Character index position in sprite font
- // NOTE: In case a codepoint is not available in the font, index returned points to '?'
- int index = GetGlyphIndex(font, codepoint);
- float scale = fontSize/(float)font.baseSize;
- // Character destination rectangle on screen
- // NOTE: We consider charsPadding on drawing
- position.x += (float)(font.chars[index].offsetX - font.charsPadding)/(float)font.baseSize*scale;
- position.z += (float)(font.chars[index].offsetY - font.charsPadding)/(float)font.baseSize*scale;
- // Character source rectangle from font texture atlas
- // NOTE: We consider chars padding when drawing, it could be required for outline/glow shader effects
- Rectangle srcRec = { font.recs[index].x - (float)font.charsPadding, font.recs[index].y - (float)font.charsPadding,
- font.recs[index].width + 2.0f*font.charsPadding, font.recs[index].height + 2.0f*font.charsPadding };
- float width = (float)(font.recs[index].width + 2.0f*font.charsPadding)/(float)font.baseSize*scale;
- float height = (float)(font.recs[index].height + 2.0f*font.charsPadding)/(float)font.baseSize*scale;
- if(font.texture.id > 0)
- {
- const float x = 0.0f;
- const float y = 0.0f;
- const float z = 0.0f;
- // normalized texture coordinates of the glyph inside the font texture (0.0f -> 1.0f)
- const float tx = srcRec.x/font.texture.width;
- const float ty = srcRec.y/font.texture.height;
- const float tw = (srcRec.x+srcRec.width)/font.texture.width;
- const float th = (srcRec.y+srcRec.height)/font.texture.height;
- DrawCubeWiresV((Vector3){ position.x + width/2, position.y, position.z + height/2}, (Vector3){ width, LETTER_BOUNDRY_SIZE, height }, LETTER_BOUNDRY_COLOR);
- #if defined(RAYLIB_NEW_RLGL)
- rlCheckRenderBatchLimit(4 + 4*backface);
- rlSetTexture(font.texture.id);
- #else
- if (rlCheckBufferLimit(4 + 4*backface)) rlglDraw();
- rlEnableTexture(font.texture.id);
- #endif
- rlPushMatrix();
- rlTranslatef(position.x, position.y, position.z);
- rlBegin(RL_QUADS);
- rlColor4ub(tint.r, tint.g, tint.b, tint.a);
- // Front Face
- rlNormal3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // Normal Pointing Up
- rlTexCoord2f(tx, ty); rlVertex3f(x, y, z); // Top Left Of The Texture and Quad
- rlTexCoord2f(tx, th); rlVertex3f(x, y, z + height); // Bottom Left Of The Texture and Quad
- rlTexCoord2f(tw, th); rlVertex3f(x + width, y, z + height); // Bottom Right Of The Texture and Quad
- rlTexCoord2f(tw, ty); rlVertex3f(x + width, y, z); // Top Right Of The Texture and Quad
- if (backface)
- {
- // Back Face
- rlNormal3f(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f); // Normal Pointing Down
- rlTexCoord2f(tx, ty); rlVertex3f(x, y, z); // Top Right Of The Texture and Quad
- rlTexCoord2f(tw, ty); rlVertex3f(x + width, y, z); // Top Left Of The Texture and Quad
- rlTexCoord2f(tw, th); rlVertex3f(x + width, y, z + height); // Bottom Left Of The Texture and Quad
- rlTexCoord2f(tx, th); rlVertex3f(x, y, z + height); // Bottom Right Of The Texture and Quad
- }
- rlEnd();
- rlPopMatrix();
- #if defined(RAYLIB_NEW_RLGL)
- rlSetTexture(0);
- #else
- rlDisableTexture();
- #endif
- }
- }
- void DrawText3D(Font font, const char *text, Vector3 position, float fontSize, float fontSpacing, float lineSpacing, bool backface, Color tint)
- {
- int length = TextLength(text); // Total length in bytes of the text, scanned by codepoints in loop
- float textOffsetY = 0.0f; // Offset between lines (on line break '\n')
- float textOffsetX = 0.0f; // Offset X to next character to draw
- float scale = fontSize/(float)font.baseSize;
- for (int i = 0; i < length;)
- {
- // Get next codepoint from byte string and glyph index in font
- int codepointByteCount = 0;
- int codepoint = GetNextCodepoint(&text[i], &codepointByteCount);
- int index = GetGlyphIndex(font, codepoint);
- // NOTE: Normally we exit the decoding sequence as soon as a bad byte is found (and return 0x3f)
- // but we need to draw all of the bad bytes using the '?' symbol moving one byte
- if (codepoint == 0x3f) codepointByteCount = 1;
- if (codepoint == '\n')
- {
- // NOTE: Fixed line spacing of 1.5 line-height
- // TODO: Support custom line spacing defined by user
- textOffsetY += scale + lineSpacing/(float)font.baseSize*scale;
- textOffsetX = 0.0f;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((codepoint != ' ') && (codepoint != '\t'))
- {
- DrawTextCodepoint3D(font, codepoint, (Vector3){ position.x + textOffsetX, position.y, position.z + textOffsetY }, fontSize, backface, tint);
- }
- if (font.chars[index].advanceX == 0) textOffsetX += (float)(font.recs[index].width + fontSpacing)/(float)font.baseSize*scale;
- else textOffsetX += (float)(font.chars[index].advanceX + fontSpacing)/(float)font.baseSize*scale;
- }
- i += codepointByteCount; // Move text bytes counter to next codepoint
- }
- }
- Vector3 MeasureText3D(Font font, const char* text, float fontSize, float fontSpacing, float lineSpacing)
- {
- int len = TextLength(text);
- int tempLen = 0; // Used to count longer text line num chars
- int lenCounter = 0;
- float tempTextWidth = 0.0f; // Used to count longer text line width
- float scale = fontSize/(float)font.baseSize;
- float textHeight = scale;
- float textWidth = 0.0f;
- int letter = 0; // Current character
- int index = 0; // Index position in sprite font
- for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
- {
- lenCounter++;
- int next = 0;
- letter = GetNextCodepoint(&text[i], &next);
- index = GetGlyphIndex(font, letter);
- // NOTE: normally we exit the decoding sequence as soon as a bad byte is found (and return 0x3f)
- // but we need to draw all of the bad bytes using the '?' symbol so to not skip any we set next = 1
- if (letter == 0x3f) next = 1;
- i += next - 1;
- if (letter != '\n')
- {
- if (font.chars[index].advanceX != 0) textWidth += (font.chars[index].advanceX+fontSpacing)/(float)font.baseSize*scale;
- else textWidth += (font.recs[index].width + font.chars[index].offsetX)/(float)font.baseSize*scale;
- }
- else
- {
- if (tempTextWidth < textWidth) tempTextWidth = textWidth;
- lenCounter = 0;
- textWidth = 0.0f;
- textHeight += scale + lineSpacing/(float)font.baseSize*scale;
- }
- if (tempLen < lenCounter) tempLen = lenCounter;
- }
- if (tempTextWidth < textWidth) tempTextWidth = textWidth;
- Vector3 vec = { 0 };
- vec.x = tempTextWidth + (float)((tempLen - 1)*fontSpacing/(float)font.baseSize*scale); // Adds chars spacing to measure
- vec.y = 0.25f;
- vec.z = textHeight;
- return vec;
- }
- void DrawTextWave3D(Font font, const char *text, Vector3 position, float fontSize, float fontSpacing, float lineSpacing, bool backface, WaveTextConfig* config, float time, Color tint)
- {
- int length = TextLength(text); // Total length in bytes of the text, scanned by codepoints in loop
- float textOffsetY = 0.0f; // Offset between lines (on line break '\n')
- float textOffsetX = 0.0f; // Offset X to next character to draw
- float scale = fontSize/(float)font.baseSize;
- bool wave = false;
- for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < length; ++k)
- {
- // Get next codepoint from byte string and glyph index in font
- int codepointByteCount = 0;
- int codepoint = GetNextCodepoint(&text[i], &codepointByteCount);
- int index = GetGlyphIndex(font, codepoint);
- // NOTE: Normally we exit the decoding sequence as soon as a bad byte is found (and return 0x3f)
- // but we need to draw all of the bad bytes using the '?' symbol moving one byte
- if (codepoint == 0x3f) codepointByteCount = 1;
- if (codepoint == '\n')
- {
- // NOTE: Fixed line spacing of 1.5 line-height
- // TODO: Support custom line spacing defined by user
- textOffsetY += scale + lineSpacing/(float)font.baseSize*scale;
- textOffsetX = 0.0f;
- k = 0;
- }
- else if (codepoint == '~')
- {
- if (GetNextCodepoint(&text[i+1], &codepointByteCount) == '~')
- {
- codepointByteCount += 1;
- wave = !wave;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if ((codepoint != ' ') && (codepoint != '\t'))
- {
- Vector3 pos = position;
- if (wave) // Apply the wave effect
- {
- pos.x += sinf(time*config->waveSpeed.x-k*config->waveOffset.x)*config->waveRange.x;
- pos.y += sinf(time*config->waveSpeed.y-k*config->waveOffset.y)*config->waveRange.y;
- pos.z += sinf(time*config->waveSpeed.z-k*config->waveOffset.z)*config->waveRange.z;
- }
- DrawTextCodepoint3D(font, codepoint, (Vector3){ pos.x + textOffsetX, pos.y, pos.z + textOffsetY }, fontSize, backface, tint);
- }
- if (font.chars[index].advanceX == 0) textOffsetX += (float)(font.recs[index].width + fontSpacing)/(float)font.baseSize*scale;
- else textOffsetX += (float)(font.chars[index].advanceX + fontSpacing)/(float)font.baseSize*scale;
- }
- i += codepointByteCount; // Move text bytes counter to next codepoint
- }
- }
- Vector3 MeasureTextWave3D(Font font, const char* text, float fontSize, float fontSpacing, float lineSpacing)
- {
- int len = TextLength(text);
- int tempLen = 0; // Used to count longer text line num chars
- int lenCounter = 0;
- float tempTextWidth = 0.0f; // Used to count longer text line width
- float scale = fontSize/(float)font.baseSize;
- float textHeight = scale;
- float textWidth = 0.0f;
- int letter = 0; // Current character
- int index = 0; // Index position in sprite font
- for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
- {
- lenCounter++;
- int next = 0;
- letter = GetNextCodepoint(&text[i], &next);
- index = GetGlyphIndex(font, letter);
- // NOTE: normally we exit the decoding sequence as soon as a bad byte is found (and return 0x3f)
- // but we need to draw all of the bad bytes using the '?' symbol so to not skip any we set next = 1
- if (letter == 0x3f) next = 1;
- i += next - 1;
- if (letter != '\n')
- {
- if(letter == '~' && GetNextCodepoint(&text[i+1], &next) == '~')
- {
- i++;
- }
- else
- {
- if (font.chars[index].advanceX != 0) textWidth += (font.chars[index].advanceX+fontSpacing)/(float)font.baseSize*scale;
- else textWidth += (font.recs[index].width + font.chars[index].offsetX)/(float)font.baseSize*scale;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (tempTextWidth < textWidth) tempTextWidth = textWidth;
- lenCounter = 0;
- textWidth = 0.0f;
- textHeight += scale + lineSpacing/(float)font.baseSize*scale;
- }
- if (tempLen < lenCounter) tempLen = lenCounter;
- }
- if (tempTextWidth < textWidth) tempTextWidth = textWidth;
- Vector3 vec = { 0 };
- vec.x = tempTextWidth + (float)((tempLen - 1)*fontSpacing/(float)font.baseSize*scale); // Adds chars spacing to measure
- vec.y = 0.25f;
- vec.z = textHeight;
- return vec;
- }
- Color GenerateRandomColor(float s, float v)
- {
- const float Phi = 0.618033988749895f; // Golden ratio conjugate
- float h = GetRandomValue(0, 360);
- h = fmodf((h + h*Phi), 360.0f);
- return ColorFromHSV(h, s, v);
- }