- # raylib parser
- This parser scans [`raylib.h`](../src/raylib.h) to get information about `defines`, `structs`, `enums` and `functions`.
- All data is separated into parts, usually as strings. The following types are used for data:
- - `struct DefineInfo`
- - `struct FunctionInfo`
- - `struct StructInfo`
- - `struct EnumInfo`
- Check `raylib_parser.c` for details about those structs.
- ## Command Line
- ```
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // //
- // raylib API parser //
- // //
- // more info and bugs-report: github.com/raysan5/raylib/parser //
- // //
- // Copyright (c) 2021-2025 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5) //
- // //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- > raylib_parser [--help] [--input <filename.h>] [--output <filename.ext>] [--format <type>]
- -h, --help : Show tool version and command line usage help
- -i, --input <filename.h> : Define input header file to parse.
- NOTE: If not specified, defaults to: raylib.h
- -o, --output <filename.ext> : Define output file and format.
- Supported extensions: .txt, .json, .xml, .h
- NOTE: If not specified, defaults to: raylib_api.txt
- -f, --format <type> : Define output format for parser data.
- Supported types: DEFAULT, JSON, XML, LUA
- -d, --define <DEF> : Define functions specifiers (i.e. RLAPI for raylib.h, RMAPI for raymath.h, etc.)
- NOTE: If no specifier defined, defaults to: RLAPI
- -t, --truncate <after> : Define string to truncate input after (i.e. "RLGL IMPLEMENTATION" for rlgl.h)
- NOTE: If not specified, the full input file is parsed.
- > raylib_parser --input raylib.h --output api.json
- Process <raylib.h> to generate <api.json>
- > raylib_parser --output raylib_data.info --format XML
- Process <raylib.h> to generate <raylib_data.info> as XML text data
- > raylib_parser --input raymath.h --output raymath_data.info --format XML --define RMAPI
- Process <raymath.h> to generate <raymath_data.info> as XML text data
- ```
- ## Constraints
- This parser is specifically designed to work with raylib.h, so, it has some constraints:
- - Functions are expected as a single line with the following structure:
- ```
- <retType> <name>(<paramType[0]> <paramName[0]>, <paramType[1]> <paramName[1]>); <desc>
- ```
- Be careful with functions broken into several lines, it breaks the process!
- - Structures are expected as several lines with the following form:
- ```
- <desc>
- typedef struct <name> {
- <fieldType[0]> <fieldName[0]>; <fieldDesc[0]>
- <fieldType[1]> <fieldName[1]>; <fieldDesc[1]>
- <fieldType[2]> <fieldName[2]>; <fieldDesc[2]>
- } <name>;
- ```
- - Enums are expected as several lines with the following form:
- ```
- <desc>
- typedef enum {
- <valueName[0]> = <valueInteger[0]>, <valueDesc[0]>
- <valueName[1]>,
- <valueName[2]>, <valueDesc[2]>
- <valueName[3]> <valueDesc[3]>
- } <name>;
- ```
- _NOTE: For enums, multiple options are supported:_
- - If value is not provided, (<valueInteger[i -1]> + 1) is assigned
- - Value description can be provided or not
- ## Additional notes
- This parser _could_ work with other C header files if mentioned constraints are followed.
- This parser **does not require `<string.h>` library**, all data is parsed directly from char buffers.
- ### LICENSE: zlib/libpng
- raylib-parser is licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license, which is an OSI-certified, BSD-like license that allows static linking with closed source software. Check [LICENSE](LICENSE) for further details.