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6 jaren geleden
6 jaren geleden
6 jaren geleden
6 jaren geleden
6 jaren geleden
6 jaren geleden
6 jaren geleden
6 jaren geleden
6 jaren geleden
6 jaren geleden
6 jaren geleden
6 jaren geleden
6 jaren geleden
6 jaren geleden
6 jaren geleden
6 jaren geleden
6 jaren geleden
6 jaren geleden
6 jaren geleden
  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. # Change your executable name here
  3. GAME_NAME="game"
  4. # Set your sources here (relative paths!)
  5. # Example with two source folders:
  6. # SOURCES="src/*.c src/submodule/*.c"
  7. SOURCES="core_basic_window.c"
  8. # Set your raylib/src location here (relative path!)
  9. RAYLIB_SRC="../../src"
  10. # About this build script: it does many things, but in essence, it's
  11. # very simple. It has 3 compiler invocations: building raylib (which
  12. # is not done always, see logic by searching "Build raylib"), building
  13. # src/*.c files, and linking together those two. Each invocation is
  14. # wrapped in an if statement to make the -qq flag work, it's pretty
  15. # verbose, sorry.
  16. # Stop the script if a compilation (or something else?) fails
  17. set -e
  18. # Get arguments
  19. while getopts ":hdusrcq" opt; do
  20. case $opt in
  21. h)
  22. echo "Usage: ./ [-hdusrcqq]"
  23. echo " -h Show this information"
  24. echo " -d Faster builds that have debug symbols, and enable warnings"
  25. echo " -u Run upx* on the executable after compilation (before -r)"
  26. echo " -s Run strip on the executable after compilation (before -r)"
  27. echo " -r Run the executable after compilation"
  28. echo " -c Remove the temp/(debug|release) directory, ie. full recompile"
  29. echo " -q Suppress this script's informational prints"
  30. echo " -qq Suppress all prints, complete silence (> /dev/null 2>&1)"
  31. echo ""
  32. echo "* This is mostly here to make building simple \"shipping\" versions"
  33. echo " easier, and it's a very small bit in the build scripts. The option"
  34. echo " requires that you have upx installed and on your path, of course."
  35. echo ""
  36. echo "Examples:"
  37. echo " Build a release build: ./"
  38. echo " Build a release build, full recompile: ./ -c"
  39. echo " Build a debug build and run: ./ -d -r"
  40. echo " Build in debug, run, don't print at all: ./ -drqq"
  41. exit 0
  42. ;;
  43. d)
  44. BUILD_DEBUG="1"
  45. ;;
  46. u)
  47. UPX_IT="1"
  48. ;;
  49. s)
  50. STRIP_IT="1"
  51. ;;
  52. r)
  54. ;;
  55. c)
  56. BUILD_ALL="1"
  57. ;;
  58. q)
  59. if [ -n "$QUIET" ]; then
  60. REALLY_QUIET="1"
  61. else
  62. QUIET="1"
  63. fi
  64. ;;
  65. \?)
  66. echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2
  67. exit 1
  68. ;;
  69. esac
  70. done
  71. # Set CC if it's not set already
  72. if [ -z "$CC" ]; then
  73. CC=cc
  74. fi
  75. # Directories
  79. # Flags
  80. OUTPUT_DIR="builds/linux"
  81. COMPILATION_FLAGS="-std=c99 -Os -flto"
  83. WARNING_FLAGS="-Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic"
  84. LINK_FLAGS="-flto -lm -ldl -lpthread -lX11 -lxcb -lGL -lGLX -lXext -lGLdispatch -lXau -lXdmcp"
  85. # Debug changes to flags
  86. if [ -n "$BUILD_DEBUG" ]; then
  87. OUTPUT_DIR="builds-debug/linux"
  88. COMPILATION_FLAGS="-std=c99 -O0 -g"
  90. LINK_FLAGS="-lm -ldl -lpthread -lX11 -lxcb -lGL -lGLX -lXext -lGLdispatch -lXau -lXdmcp"
  91. fi
  92. # Display what we're doing
  93. if [ -n "$BUILD_DEBUG" ]; then
  94. [ -z "$QUIET" ] && echo "COMPILE-INFO: Compiling in debug mode. ($COMPILATION_FLAGS $WARNING_FLAGS)"
  95. else
  96. [ -z "$QUIET" ] && echo "COMPILE-INFO: Compiling in release mode. ($COMPILATION_FLAGS $FINAL_COMPILE_FLAGS)"
  97. fi
  98. # Create the raylib cache directory
  99. TEMP_DIR="temp/release"
  100. if [ -n "$BUILD_DEBUG" ]; then
  101. TEMP_DIR="temp/debug"
  102. fi
  103. # If there's a -c flag, remove the cache
  104. if [ -d "$TEMP_DIR" ] && [ -n "$BUILD_ALL" ]; then
  105. [ -z "$QUIET" ] && echo "COMPILE-INFO: Found cached raylib, rebuilding."
  106. rm -r "$TEMP_DIR"
  107. fi
  108. # If temp directory doesn't exist, build raylib
  109. if [ ! -d "$TEMP_DIR" ]; then
  110. mkdir -p $TEMP_DIR
  111. cd $TEMP_DIR
  113. RAYLIB_C_FILES="$RAYLIB_SRC/rcore.c $RAYLIB_SRC/rshapes.c $RAYLIB_SRC/rtextures.c $RAYLIB_SRC/rtext.c $RAYLIB_SRC/rmodels.c $RAYLIB_SRC/utils.c $RAYLIB_SRC/raudio.c $RAYLIB_SRC/rglfw.c"
  114. RAYLIB_INCLUDE_FLAGS="-I$RAYLIB_SRC -I$RAYLIB_SRC/external/glfw/include"
  115. if [ -n "$REALLY_QUIET" ]; then
  117. else
  119. fi
  120. [ -z "$QUIET" ] && echo "COMPILE-INFO: raylib compiled into object files in: $TEMP_DIR/"
  121. cd $ROOT_DIR
  122. fi
  123. # Build the actual game
  124. mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR
  125. cd $OUTPUT_DIR
  126. [ -z "$QUIET" ] && echo "COMPILE-INFO: Compiling game code."
  127. if [ -n "$REALLY_QUIET" ]; then
  129. $CC -o $GAME_NAME $ROOT_DIR/$TEMP_DIR/*.o *.o $LINK_FLAGS > /dev/null 2>&1
  130. else
  133. fi
  134. rm *.o
  135. [ -z "$QUIET" ] && echo "COMPILE-INFO: Game compiled into an executable in: $OUTPUT_DIR/"
  136. if [ -n "$STRIP_IT" ]; then
  137. [ -z "$QUIET" ] && echo "COMPILE-INFO: Stripping $GAME_NAME."
  138. strip $GAME_NAME
  139. fi
  140. if [ -n "$UPX_IT" ]; then
  141. [ -z "$QUIET" ] && echo "COMPILE-INFO: Packing $GAME_NAME with upx."
  142. upx $GAME_NAME > /dev/null 2>&1
  143. fi
  144. if [ -n "$RUN_AFTER_BUILD" ]; then
  145. [ -z "$QUIET" ] && echo "COMPILE-INFO: Running."
  146. if [ -n "$REALLY_QUIET" ]; then
  147. ./$GAME_NAME > /dev/null 2>&1
  148. else
  149. ./$GAME_NAME
  150. fi
  151. fi
  152. cd $ROOT_DIR
  153. [ -z "$QUIET" ] && echo "COMPILE-INFO: All done."