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19 regels
647 B

5 jaren geleden
5 jaren geleden
  1. ::@echo off
  2. :: > Setup required Environment
  3. :: -------------------------------------
  4. set RAYLIB_DIR=C:\raylib
  5. set PATH=%PATH%;%RAYLIB_DIR%\mingw\bin
  6. set FILE_NAME=%1
  7. set NAME_PART=%FILE_NAME:~0,-2%
  8. cd %~dp0
  9. :: .
  10. :: > Cleaning latest build
  11. :: ---------------------------
  12. cmd /c if exist %NAME_PART%.exe del /F %NAME_PART%.exe
  13. :: .
  14. :: > Compiling program
  15. :: --------------------------
  16. gcc -o %NAME_PART%.exe %FILE_NAME% %RAYLIB_DIR%\src\ -s -O2 -I../../src -Iexternal -lraylib -lopengl32 -lgdi32 -lwinmm -std=c99 -Wall -mwindows
  17. :: .
  18. :: . > Executing program
  19. :: -------------------------
  20. cmd /c if exist %NAME_PART%.exe %NAME_PART%.exe