- ::@echo off
- :: .
- :: Compile your examples using: raylib_compile_execute.bat core/core_basic_window.c
- :: .
- :: > Setup required Environment
- :: -------------------------------------
- set RAYLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=C:\raylib\src
- set RAYLIB_LIB_DIR=C:\raylib\src
- set RAYLIB_RES_FILE=C:\raylib\src\raylib.rc.data
- set COMPILER_DIR=C:\raylib\mingw\bin
- :: Get full filename path for input file %1
- set FILENAME=%~f1
- cd %~dp0
- :: .
- :: > Cleaning latest build
- :: ---------------------------
- cmd /c if exist %NAMEPART%.exe del /F %NAMEPART%.exe
- :: .
- :: > Compiling program
- :: --------------------------
- :: -s : Remove all symbol table and relocation information from the executable
- :: -O2 : Optimization Level 2, this option increases both compilation time and the performance of the generated code
- :: -std=c99 : Use C99 language standard
- :: -Wall : Enable all compilation Warnings
- :: -mwindows : Compile a Windows executable, no cmd window
- gcc -o %NAMEPART%.exe %FILENAME% %RAYLIB_RES_FILE% -s -O2 -I%RAYLIB_INCLUDE_DIR% -L%RAYLIB_LIB_DIR% -lraylib -lopengl32 -lgdi32 -lwinmm -std=c99 -Wall -mwindows
- :: .
- :: > Executing program
- :: -------------------------
- cmd /c if exist %NAMEPART%.exe %NAMEPART%.exe