- /*******************************************************************************************
- *
- * raylib [shapes] example - top down lights
- *
- * Example originally created with raylib 4.2, last time updated with raylib 4.2
- *
- * Example contributed by Vlad Adrian (@demizdor) and reviewed by Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
- *
- * Example licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license, which is an OSI-certified,
- * BSD-like license that allows static linking with closed source software
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Jeffery Myers (@JeffM2501)
- *
- ********************************************************************************************/
- #include "raylib.h"
- #include "raymath.h"
- #include "rlgl.h"
- // Custom Blend Modes
- #define RLGL_SRC_ALPHA 0x0302
- #define RLGL_MIN 0x8007
- #define RLGL_MAX 0x8008
- #define MAX_BOXES 20
- #define MAX_SHADOWS MAX_BOXES*3 // MAX_BOXES *3. Each box can cast up to two shadow volumes for the edges it is away from, and one for the box itself
- #define MAX_LIGHTS 16
- // Shadow geometry type
- typedef struct ShadowGeometry {
- Vector2 vertices[4];
- } ShadowGeometry;
- // Light info type
- typedef struct LightInfo {
- bool active; // Is this light slot active?
- bool dirty; // Does this light need to be updated?
- bool valid; // Is this light in a valid position?
- Vector2 position; // Light position
- RenderTexture mask; // Alpha mask for the light
- float outerRadius; // The distance the light touches
- Rectangle bounds; // A cached rectangle of the light bounds to help with culling
- ShadowGeometry shadows[MAX_SHADOWS];
- int shadowCount;
- } LightInfo;
- LightInfo lights[MAX_LIGHTS] = { 0 };
- // Move a light and mark it as dirty so that we update it's mask next frame
- void MoveLight(int slot, float x, float y)
- {
- lights[slot].dirty = true;
- lights[slot].position.x = x;
- lights[slot].position.y = y;
- // update the cached bounds
- lights[slot].bounds.x = x - lights[slot].outerRadius;
- lights[slot].bounds.y = y - lights[slot].outerRadius;
- }
- // Compute a shadow volume for the edge
- // It takes the edge and projects it back by the light radius and turns it into a quad
- void ComputeShadowVolumeForEdge(int slot, Vector2 sp, Vector2 ep)
- {
- if (lights[slot].shadowCount >= MAX_SHADOWS) return;
- float extension = lights[slot].outerRadius*2;
- Vector2 spVector = Vector2Normalize(Vector2Subtract(sp, lights[slot].position));
- Vector2 spProjection = Vector2Add(sp, Vector2Scale(spVector, extension));
- Vector2 epVector = Vector2Normalize(Vector2Subtract(ep, lights[slot].position));
- Vector2 epProjection = Vector2Add(ep, Vector2Scale(epVector, extension));
- lights[slot].shadows[lights[slot].shadowCount].vertices[0] = sp;
- lights[slot].shadows[lights[slot].shadowCount].vertices[1] = ep;
- lights[slot].shadows[lights[slot].shadowCount].vertices[2] = epProjection;
- lights[slot].shadows[lights[slot].shadowCount].vertices[3] = spProjection;
- lights[slot].shadowCount++;
- }
- // Draw the light and shadows to the mask for a light
- void DrawLightMask(int slot)
- {
- // Use the light mask
- BeginTextureMode(lights[slot].mask);
- ClearBackground(WHITE);
- // Force the blend mode to only set the alpha of the destination
- rlSetBlendMode(BLEND_CUSTOM);
- // If we are valid, then draw the light radius to the alpha mask
- if (lights[slot].valid) DrawCircleGradient((int)lights[slot].position.x, (int)lights[slot].position.y, lights[slot].outerRadius, ColorAlpha(WHITE, 0), WHITE);
- rlDrawRenderBatchActive();
- // Cut out the shadows from the light radius by forcing the alpha to maximum
- rlSetBlendMode(BLEND_ALPHA);
- rlSetBlendMode(BLEND_CUSTOM);
- // Draw the shadows to the alpha mask
- for (int i = 0; i < lights[slot].shadowCount; i++)
- {
- DrawTriangleFan(lights[slot].shadows[i].vertices, 4, WHITE);
- }
- rlDrawRenderBatchActive();
- // Go back to normal blend mode
- rlSetBlendMode(BLEND_ALPHA);
- EndTextureMode();
- }
- // Setup a light
- void SetupLight(int slot, float x, float y, float radius)
- {
- lights[slot].active = true;
- lights[slot].valid = false; // The light must prove it is valid
- lights[slot].mask = LoadRenderTexture(GetScreenWidth(), GetScreenHeight());
- lights[slot].outerRadius = radius;
- lights[slot].bounds.width = radius * 2;
- lights[slot].bounds.height = radius * 2;
- MoveLight(slot, x, y);
- // Force the render texture to have something in it
- DrawLightMask(slot);
- }
- // See if a light needs to update it's mask
- bool UpdateLight(int slot, Rectangle* boxes, int count)
- {
- if (!lights[slot].active || !lights[slot].dirty) return false;
- lights[slot].dirty = false;
- lights[slot].shadowCount = 0;
- lights[slot].valid = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- // Are we in a box? if so we are not valid
- if (CheckCollisionPointRec(lights[slot].position, boxes[i])) return false;
- // If this box is outside our bounds, we can skip it
- if (!CheckCollisionRecs(lights[slot].bounds, boxes[i])) continue;
- // Check the edges that are on the same side we are, and cast shadow volumes out from them
- // Top
- Vector2 sp = (Vector2){ boxes[i].x, boxes[i].y };
- Vector2 ep = (Vector2){ boxes[i].x + boxes[i].width, boxes[i].y };
- if (lights[slot].position.y > ep.y) ComputeShadowVolumeForEdge(slot, sp, ep);
- // Right
- sp = ep;
- ep.y += boxes[i].height;
- if (lights[slot].position.x < ep.x) ComputeShadowVolumeForEdge(slot, sp, ep);
- // Bottom
- sp = ep;
- ep.x -= boxes[i].width;
- if (lights[slot].position.y < ep.y) ComputeShadowVolumeForEdge(slot, sp, ep);
- // Left
- sp = ep;
- ep.y -= boxes[i].height;
- if (lights[slot].position.x > ep.x) ComputeShadowVolumeForEdge(slot, sp, ep);
- // The box itself
- lights[slot].shadows[lights[slot].shadowCount].vertices[0] = (Vector2){ boxes[i].x, boxes[i].y };
- lights[slot].shadows[lights[slot].shadowCount].vertices[1] = (Vector2){ boxes[i].x, boxes[i].y + boxes[i].height };
- lights[slot].shadows[lights[slot].shadowCount].vertices[2] = (Vector2){ boxes[i].x + boxes[i].width, boxes[i].y + boxes[i].height };
- lights[slot].shadows[lights[slot].shadowCount].vertices[3] = (Vector2){ boxes[i].x + boxes[i].width, boxes[i].y };
- lights[slot].shadowCount++;
- }
- lights[slot].valid = true;
- DrawLightMask(slot);
- return true;
- }
- // Set up some boxes
- void SetupBoxes(Rectangle *boxes, int *count)
- {
- boxes[0] = (Rectangle){ 150,80, 40, 40 };
- boxes[1] = (Rectangle){ 1200, 700, 40, 40 };
- boxes[2] = (Rectangle){ 200, 600, 40, 40 };
- boxes[3] = (Rectangle){ 1000, 50, 40, 40 };
- boxes[4] = (Rectangle){ 500, 350, 40, 40 };
- for (int i = 5; i < MAX_BOXES; i++)
- {
- boxes[i] = (Rectangle){(float)GetRandomValue(0,GetScreenWidth()), (float)GetRandomValue(0,GetScreenHeight()), (float)GetRandomValue(10,100), (float)GetRandomValue(10,100) };
- }
- *count = MAX_BOXES;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Program main entry point
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int main(void)
- {
- // Initialization
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- const int screenWidth = 800;
- const int screenHeight = 450;
- InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "raylib [shapes] example - top down lights");
- // Initialize our 'world' of boxes
- int boxCount = 0;
- Rectangle boxes[MAX_BOXES] = { 0 };
- SetupBoxes(boxes, &boxCount);
- // Create a checkerboard ground texture
- Image img = GenImageChecked(64, 64, 32, 32, DARKBROWN, DARKGRAY);
- Texture2D backgroundTexture = LoadTextureFromImage(img);
- UnloadImage(img);
- // Create a global light mask to hold all the blended lights
- RenderTexture lightMask = LoadRenderTexture(GetScreenWidth(), GetScreenHeight());
- // Setup initial light
- SetupLight(0, 600, 400, 300);
- int nextLight = 1;
- bool showLines = false;
- SetTargetFPS(60); // Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Main game loop
- while (!WindowShouldClose()) // Detect window close button or ESC key
- {
- // Update
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Drag light 0
- if (IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT)) MoveLight(0, GetMousePosition().x, GetMousePosition().y);
- // Make a new light
- if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT) && (nextLight < MAX_LIGHTS))
- {
- SetupLight(nextLight, GetMousePosition().x, GetMousePosition().y, 200);
- nextLight++;
- }
- // Toggle debug info
- if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_F1)) showLines = !showLines;
- // Update the lights and keep track if any were dirty so we know if we need to update the master light mask
- bool dirtyLights = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS; i++)
- {
- if (UpdateLight(i, boxes, boxCount)) dirtyLights = true;
- }
- // Update the light mask
- if (dirtyLights)
- {
- // Build up the light mask
- BeginTextureMode(lightMask);
- ClearBackground(BLACK);
- // Force the blend mode to only set the alpha of the destination
- rlSetBlendMode(BLEND_CUSTOM);
- // Merge in all the light masks
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS; i++)
- {
- if (lights[i].active) DrawTextureRec(lights[i].mask.texture, (Rectangle){ 0, 0, (float)GetScreenWidth(), -(float)GetScreenHeight() }, Vector2Zero(), WHITE);
- }
- rlDrawRenderBatchActive();
- // Go back to normal blend
- rlSetBlendMode(BLEND_ALPHA);
- EndTextureMode();
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Draw
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BeginDrawing();
- ClearBackground(BLACK);
- // Draw the tile background
- DrawTextureRec(backgroundTexture, (Rectangle){ 0, 0, (float)GetScreenWidth(), (float)GetScreenHeight() }, Vector2Zero(), WHITE);
- // Overlay the shadows from all the lights
- DrawTextureRec(lightMask.texture, (Rectangle){ 0, 0, (float)GetScreenWidth(), -(float)GetScreenHeight() }, Vector2Zero(), ColorAlpha(WHITE, showLines? 0.75f : 1.0f));
- // Draw the lights
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS; i++)
- {
- if (lights[i].active) DrawCircle((int)lights[i].position.x, (int)lights[i].position.y, 10, (i == 0)? YELLOW : WHITE);
- }
- if (showLines)
- {
- for (int s = 0; s < lights[0].shadowCount; s++)
- {
- DrawTriangleFan(lights[0].shadows[s].vertices, 4, DARKPURPLE);
- }
- for (int b = 0; b < boxCount; b++)
- {
- if (CheckCollisionRecs(boxes[b],lights[0].bounds)) DrawRectangleRec(boxes[b], PURPLE);
- DrawRectangleLines((int)boxes[b].x, (int)boxes[b].y, (int)boxes[b].width, (int)boxes[b].height, DARKBLUE);
- }
- DrawText("(F1) Hide Shadow Volumes", 10, 50, 10, GREEN);
- }
- else
- {
- DrawText("(F1) Show Shadow Volumes", 10, 50, 10, GREEN);
- }
- DrawFPS(screenWidth - 80, 10);
- DrawText("Drag to move light #1", 10, 10, 10, DARKGREEN);
- DrawText("Right click to add new light", 10, 30, 10, DARKGREEN);
- EndDrawing();
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- }
- // De-Initialization
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- UnloadTexture(backgroundTexture);
- UnloadRenderTexture(lightMask);
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS; i++)
- {
- if (lights[i].active) UnloadRenderTexture(lights[i].mask);
- }
- CloseWindow(); // Close window and OpenGL context
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- return 0;
- }