

Ray 2 年之前
共有 1 個檔案被更改,包括 140 行新增0 行删除
  1. +140

+ 140
- 0

@ -3,6 +3,146 @@ changelog
Current Release: raylib 4.2.0 (11 August 2022)
Release: raylib 4.5 (xx February 2022?) -WIP-
- ADDED: M3D model format support with animations
- ADDED: GLTF animation support
- rlgl redesign to avoid render batch triangles limits pre-check: rlCheckRenderBatchLimit()
- rshapes simplification to minimize the requirement of rlgl functionality, now it only depends on 6 functions
- rl_gputex.h: Compressed textures loading, required by rtextures module, has been moved to a separate self-contained library
- raygui 3.5: New version of the immediate-mode gui system for tools development with raylib
Detailed changes:
[core] ADDED: RAYLIB_VERSION_* values to raylib.h (#2856) by @RobLoach
[core] ADDED: Basic gamepad support for Android (#2709) by @deniska
[core] ADDED: Support CAPS/NUM lock keys registering if locked
[core] ADDED: _GNU_SOURCE define on Linux (#2729)
[core] `WARNING`: RENAMED: Exported raylib version symbol to raylib_version #2671
[core] REMOVED: Touch points on touch up events on Android (#2711) by @deniska
[core] REVIEWED: Window position setup on InitWindow() (#2732) by @RandomErrorMessage
[core] REVIEWED: Touchscreen input related functions on Android (#2702) by @deniska
[core] REVIEWED: Viewport scaling on Android after context rebind (#2703) by @deniska
[core] REVIEWED: ScanDirectoryFilesRecursively() (#2704)
[core] REVIEWED: Gamepad mappings with latest gamecontrollerdb (#2725)
[core] REVIEWED: Monitor order check on app initialization
[core] REVIEWED: Application monitor when opening (#2728, #2731) by @RandomErrorMessage
[core] REVIEWED: Gestures module to use GetTime() if available (#2733) by @RobLoach
[core] REVIEWED: Resolve GLFW3 some symbols re-definition of windows.h in glfw3native (#2643) by @daipom
[core] REVIEWED: OpenURL(), string buffer too short sometimes
[core] REVIEWED: GetRandomValue() range limit warning (#2800) by @Pere001
[core] REVIEWED: UnloadDirectoryFiles()
[core] REVIEWED: GetKeyPressed(), out of range issue (#2814) by @daipom
[core] REVIEWED: GetTime(), renamed variable 'time' to 'nanoSeconds' (#2816) by @jtainer
[core] REVIEWED: LoadShaderFromMemory(), issue with shader linkage
[core] REVIEWED: Avoid possible gamepad index as -1 (#2839)
[core] REVIEWED: SetShaderValue*(), avoid setup uniforms for invalid locations
[core] REVIEWED: GetClipboardText() on PLATFORM_WEB, permissions issues
[core] REVIEWED: Initial window position for display-sized fullscreen (#2742) by @daipom
[core] REVIEWED: Sticky touches input (#2857) by @ImazighenGhost
[rlgl] ADDED: OpenGL ES 2.0 support on PLATFORM_DESKTOP (#2840) by @wtnbgo
[rlgl] ADDED: Separate blending modes for color and alpha, BLEND_CUSTOM_SEPARATE (#2741)
[rlgl] ADDED: rlSetBlendFactorsSeparate and custom blend mode modification checks (#2741) by @pure01fx
[rlgl] ADDED: RL_TEXTURE_MIPMAP_BIAS_RATIO support to `rlTextureParameters()` for OpenGL 3.3 #2674
[rlgl] ADDED: rlCubemapParameters() (#2862) by @GithubPrankster
[rlgl] ADDED: rlSetCullFace() (#2797) by @jtainer
[rlgl] REMOVED: Mipmaps software generation for OpenGL 1.1
[rlgl] REVIEWED: Check for extensions before enabling them (#2706) by @Not-Nik
[rlgl] REVIEWED: SSBO usage to avoid long long data types
[rlgl] REVIEWED: Enable DXT compression on __APPLE__ targets (#2694) by @Not-Nik
[rlgl] REVIEWED: enums exposed and description comments
[rlgl] REVIEWED: rlBindImageTexture(), correct data types (#2808) by @planetis-m
[rlgl] REVIEWED: rlMultMatrixf(), use const pointer (#2807) by @planetis-m
[rlgl] REVIEWED: Expose OpenGL blending mode factors and functions/equations
[rlgl] REVIEWED: rLoadTextureDepth(), issue with depth textures on WebGL (#2824)
[raymath] REVIEWED: Vector2Angle() (#2829, #2832) by @AlxHnr and @planetis-m
[shapes] ADDED: CheckCollisionPointPoly() (#2685) by @acejacek
[shapes] REVIEWED: DrawPixel*(), use RL_QUADS/RL_TRIANGLES (#2750) by @hatkidchan
[shapes] REVIEWED: DrawLineBezier*(), fix bezier line breaking (#2735, #2767) by @nobytesgiven
[textures] ADDED: ColorBrightness()
[textures] ADDED: ColorTint()
[textures] ADDED: ColorContrast()
[textures] ADDED: Support for PNM images (.ppm, .pgm)
[textures] ADDED: GenImagePerlinNoise()
[textures] ADDED: GenImageText(), generate grayscale image from text byte data
[textures] ADDED: ImageDrawCircleLines(), ImageDrawCircleLinesV() (#2713) by @RobLoach
[textures] ADDED: ImageBlurGaussian() (#2770) by @nobytesgiven
[textures] REVIEWED: Image fileformat support: PIC, PNM
[textures] REVIEWED: ImageTextEx() and ImageDrawTextEx() scaling (#2756) by @hatkidchan
[textures] `WARNING`: REMOVED: DrawTextureQuad()
[textures] `WARNING`: REMOVED: DrawTexturePoly(), function moved to example: `textures_polygon`
[textures] `WARNING`: REMOVED: DrawTextureTiled(),function implementation moved to the textures_tiled.c
[text] ADDED: GetCodepointPrevious()
[text] ADDED: UnloadUTF8(), aligned with LoadUTF8()
[text] `WARNING`: RENAMED: TextCodepointsToUTF8() to LoadUTF8()
[text] `WARNING`: RENAMED: GetCodepoint() -> GetCodepointNext()
[text] REDESIGNED: GetCodepointNext()
[text] REVIEWED text_codepoints_loading.c
[text] REVIEWED: MeasureTextEx(), avoid crash on bad data
[text] REVIEWED: UnloadFontData(), avoid crash on invalid font data
[models] ADDED: Support M3D model file format (meshes and materials) (#2648) by @bztsrc
[models] ADDED: Support for M3D animations (#2648) by @bztsrc
[models] ADDED: GLTF animation support (#2844) by @charles-l
[models] ADDED: DrawCapsule() and DrawCapsuleWires() (#2761) by @IanBand
[models] ADDED: LoadMaterials(), MTL files loading, same code as OBJ loader (#2872) by @JeffM2501
[models] REVIEWED: GenMeshHeightmap() (#2716)
[models] REVIEWED: LoadIQM() (#2676)
[models] REVIEWED: Simplify .vox signature check (#2752) by @CrezyDud
[models] REVIEWED: LoadIQM(), support bone names loading if available (#2882) by @PencilAmazing
[models] `WARNING`: REMOVED: DrawCubeTexture(), DrawCubeTextureRec(), functions moved to new example: `models_draw_cube_texture`
[audio] REVIEWED: Clear PCM buffer state when closing audio device (#2736) by @veins1
[audio] REVIEWED: Android backend selected (#2118, #2875) by @planetis-m
[multi] REVIEWED: Multiple code/comment typos by @sDos280
[multi] REVIEWED: Use TRACELOG() macro instead of TraceLog() in internal modules (#2881) by @RobLoach
[examples] ADDED: textures_textured_curve (#2821) by @JeffM2501
[examples] ADDED: shaders_write_depth (#2836) by @BugraAlptekinSari
[examples] RENAMED: Several shaders for naming consistency (#2707)
[examples] RENAMED: lighting_instanced.fs to lighting_instancing.fs (glsl100) (#2805) by @gtrxAC
[examples] REVIEWED: core_custom_logging.c (#2692) by @hartmannathan
[examples] REVIEWED: core_camera_2d_platformer (#2687) by @skylar779
[examples] REVIEWED: core_custom_frame_control
[examples] REVIEWED: text_rectangle_bounds (#2746) by @SzieberthAdam
[examples] REVIEWED: textures_image_processing, added gaussian blurring (#2775) by @nobytesgiven
[examples] REVIEWED: models_billboard, highlighting rotation and draw order (#2779) by @nobytesgiven
[examples] REVIEWED: core_loading_thread, join thread on completion (#2845) by @planetis-m
[examples] REVIEWED: models_loading_gltf
[examples] REVIEWED: Shader lighting.fs for GLSL120 (#2651)
[parser] REVIEWED: raylib-parser Makefile (#2765) by @Peter0x44
[build] ADDED: Packaging for distros with deb-based and rpm-based packages (#2877) by @KOLANICH
[build] ADDED: Linkage library -latomic on Linux (only required for ARM32)
[build] ADDED: Required frameworks on macOS (#2793) by @SpexGuy
[build] REVIEWED: CMake project template to easily target raylib version (#2700) by @RobLoach
[build] REVIEWED: PATH for PLATFORM_WEB target (#2647) by @futureapricot
[build] REVIEWED: build.zig to let user decide how to set build mode and linker fixes by @InKryption
[build] REVIEWED: Deprecation error on Android API higher than 23 (#2778) by @anggape
[build] REVIEWED: Android x86 Architecture name (#2783) by @IsaacTCB
[build] REVIEWED: examples/build.zig for the latest Zig version (#2786) by @RomanAkberov
[utils] REVIEWED: ExportDataAsCode() data types (#2787) by @RGDTAB
[build] REVIEWED: Makefile emscripten path (#2785) by @Julianiolo
[build] REVIEWED: Several compilation warnings (for strict rules)
[build] REVIEWED: All github workflows using deprecated actions
[build] REVIEWED: CMake when compiling for web (#2820) by @object71
[build] REVIEWED: Avoid MSVC warnings in raylib project (#2871) by @JeffM2501
[build] REVIEWED: Paths in .bat files to build examples (#2870) by @masoudd
[build] REVIEWED: CMake, use GLVND for old cmake versions (#2826) by @simendsjo
[build] REVIEWED: Makefile, multiple tweaks
[build] REVIEWED: CI action: linux_examples.yml
[build] REVIEWED: CI action: cmake.yml
[bindings] ADDED: h-raylib (Haskell) by @Anut-py
[bindings] ADDED: raylib-c3 (C3) by @Its-Kenta
[bindings] ADDED: raylib-umka (Umka) by @RobLoach
[bindings] ADDED: chez-raylib (Chez Scheme) by @Yunoinsky
[bindings] ADDED: raylib-python-ctypes (Python) by @sDos280
[bindings] ADDED: claylib (Common Lisp) by @shelvick
[bindings] ADDED: raylib-vapi (Vala) by @lxmcf
[bindings] ADDED: TurboRaylib (Object Pascal) by @turborium
[bindings] ADDED: Kaylib (Kotlin/Native) by @Its-Kenta
[bindings] ADDED: Raylib-Nelua (Nelua) by @Its-Kenta
[misc] REVIEWED: Update some external libraries to latest versions
Release: raylib 4.2 (11 August 2022)
