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fabsf() not working with TCC

Replaced by fabs() that seem to work ok
Ray há 6 anos
6 ficheiros alterados com 18 adições e 18 eliminações
  1. +2
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  4. +4
  5. +1
  6. +6

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src/camera.h Ver ficheiro

@ -244,8 +244,8 @@ void SetCameraMode(Camera camera, int mode)
distance.y = sqrtf(dx*dx + dy*dy);
// Camera angle calculation
cameraAngle.x = asinf(fabsf(dx)/distance.x); // Camera angle in plane XZ (0 aligned with Z, move positive CCW)
cameraAngle.y = -asinf(fabsf(dy)/distance.y); // Camera angle in plane XY (0 aligned with X, move positive CW)
cameraAngle.x = asinf(fabs(dx)/distance.x); // Camera angle in plane XZ (0 aligned with Z, move positive CCW)
cameraAngle.y = -asinf(fabs(dy)/distance.y); // Camera angle in plane XY (0 aligned with X, move positive CW)
// NOTE: Just testing what cameraAngle means
//cameraAngle.x = 0.0f*DEG2RAD; // Camera angle in plane XZ (0 aligned with Z, move positive CCW)

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src/external/jar_xm.h Ver ficheiro

@ -2365,7 +2365,7 @@ static void jar_xm_tick(jar_xm_context_t* ctx) {
float panning, volume;
panning = ch->panning +
(ch->panning_envelope_panning - .5f) * (.5f - fabsf(ch->panning - .5f)) * 2.0f;
(ch->panning_envelope_panning - .5f) * (.5f - fabs(ch->panning - .5f)) * 2.0f;
if(ch->tremor_on) {
volume = .0f;

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src/models.c Ver ficheiro

@ -1837,9 +1837,9 @@ void DrawBoundingBox(BoundingBox box, Color color)
Vector3 size;
size.x = fabsf(box.max.x - box.min.x);
size.y = fabsf(box.max.y - box.min.y);
size.z = fabsf(box.max.z - box.min.z);
size.x = fabs(box.max.x - box.min.x);
size.y = fabs(box.max.y - box.min.y);
size.z = fabs(box.max.z - box.min.z);
Vector3 center = { box.min.x + size.x/2.0f, box.min.y + size.y/2.0f, box.min.z + size.z/2.0f };
@ -2074,7 +2074,7 @@ RayHitInfo GetCollisionRayGround(Ray ray, float groundHeight)
RayHitInfo result = { 0 };
if (fabsf(ray.direction.y) > EPSILON)
if (fabs(ray.direction.y) > EPSILON)
float distance = (ray.position.y - groundHeight)/-ray.direction.y;

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src/raymath.h Ver ficheiro

@ -296,17 +296,17 @@ RMDEF Vector3 Vector3Perpendicular(Vector3 v)
Vector3 result = { 0 };
float min = fabsf(v.x);
float min = fabs(v.x);
Vector3 cardinalAxis = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
if (fabsf(v.y) < min)
if (fabs(v.y) < min)
min = fabsf(v.y);
min = fabs(v.y);
Vector3 tmp = {0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f};
cardinalAxis = tmp;
if (fabsf(v.z) < min)
if (fabs(v.z) < min)
Vector3 tmp = {0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
cardinalAxis = tmp;

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src/rlgl.c Ver ficheiro

@ -3948,7 +3948,7 @@ static void SetStereoConfig(VrDeviceInfo hmd)
// Compute distortion scale parameters
// NOTE: To get lens max radius, lensShift must be normalized to [-1..1]
float lensRadius = fabsf(-1.0f - 4.0f*lensShift);
float lensRadius = fabs(-1.0f - 4.0f*lensShift);
float lensRadiusSq = lensRadius*lensRadius;
float distortionScale = hmd.lensDistortionValues[0] +
hmd.lensDistortionValues[1]*lensRadiusSq +

+ 6
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src/shapes.c Ver ficheiro

@ -648,8 +648,8 @@ bool CheckCollisionRecs(Rectangle rec1, Rectangle rec2)
bool collision = false;
float dx = fabsf((rec1.x + rec1.width/2) - (rec2.x + rec2.width/2));
float dy = fabsf((rec1.y + rec1.height/2) - (rec2.y + rec2.height/2));
float dx = fabs((rec1.x + rec1.width/2) - (rec2.x + rec2.width/2));
float dy = fabs((rec1.y + rec1.height/2) - (rec2.y + rec2.height/2));
if ((dx <= (rec1.width/2 + rec2.width/2)) && ((dy <= (rec1.height/2 + rec2.height/2)))) collision = true;
@ -678,8 +678,8 @@ bool CheckCollisionCircleRec(Vector2 center, float radius, Rectangle rec)
int recCenterX = rec.x + rec.width/2;
int recCenterY = rec.y + rec.height/2;
float dx = fabsf(center.x - recCenterX);
float dy = fabsf(center.y - recCenterY);
float dx = fabs(center.x - recCenterX);
float dy = fabs(center.y - recCenterY);
if (dx > (rec.width/2.0f + radius)) { return false; }
if (dy > (rec.height/2.0f + radius)) { return false; }
@ -700,8 +700,8 @@ Rectangle GetCollisionRec(Rectangle rec1, Rectangle rec2)
if (CheckCollisionRecs(rec1, rec2))
float dxx = fabsf(rec1.x - rec2.x);
float dyy = fabsf(rec1.y - rec2.y);
float dxx = fabs(rec1.x - rec2.x);
float dyy = fabs(rec1.y - rec2.y);
if (rec1.x <= rec2.x)
