@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ First, some general numbers of this new update:
Here the list with some highlights for `raylib 3.5`.
- NEW **Platform** supported: **Raspberry Pi 4 native mode** (no X11 windows) through [DRM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_Rendering_Manager) subsystem and GBM API. Actually this is a really interesting improvement because it opens the door to raylib to support other embedded platforms (Odroid, GameShell, NanoPi...). Also worth mentioning the un-official homebrew ports of raylib for [PS4](https://github.com/orbisdev/orbisdev-orbisGl2) and PSVita.
- NEW **Platform** supported: **Raspberry Pi 4 native mode** (no X11 windows) through [DRM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_Rendering_Manager) subsystem and GBM API. Actually this is a really interesting improvement because it opens the door to raylib to support other embedded platforms (Odroid, GameShell, NanoPi...). Also worth mentioning the un-official homebrew ports of raylib for [PS4](https://github.com/orbisdev/orbisdev-orbisGl2) and [PSVita](https://github.com/psp2dev/raylib4Vita).
- NEW **configuration options** exposed: For custom raylib builds, `config.h` now exposes **more than 150 flags and defines** to build raylib with only the desired features, for example, it allows to build a minimal raylib library in just some KB removing all external data filetypes supported, very useful to generate **small executables or embedded devices**.