@ -3135,26 +3135,28 @@ void ImageDrawRectangleRec(Image *dst, Rectangle rec, Color color) |
if (rec.height < 0) rec.height = 0; |
int sy = (int)rec.y; |
int ey = sy + (int)rec.height; |
int sx = (int)rec.x; |
int bytesPerPixel = GetPixelDataSize(1, 1, dst->format); |
for (int y = sy; y < ey; y++) |
{ |
// Fill in the first pixel of the row based on image format |
ImageDrawPixel(dst, sx, y, color); |
// Fill in the first pixel of the first row based on image format |
ImageDrawPixel(dst, sx, sy, color); |
int bytesOffset = ((y*dst->width) + sx)*bytesPerPixel; |
unsigned char *pSrcPixel = (unsigned char *)dst->data + bytesOffset; |
int bytesOffset = ((sy*dst->width) + sx)*bytesPerPixel; |
unsigned char *pSrcPixel = (unsigned char *)dst->data + bytesOffset; |
// Repeat the first pixel data throughout the row |
for (int x = 1; x < (int)rec.width; x++) |
{ |
memcpy(pSrcPixel + x*bytesPerPixel, pSrcPixel, bytesPerPixel); |
} |
// Repeat the first pixel data throughout the row |
for (int x = 1; x < (int)rec.width; x++) |
{ |
memcpy(pSrcPixel + x*bytesPerPixel, pSrcPixel, bytesPerPixel); |
} |
// Repeat the first row data for all other rows |
int bytesPerRow = bytesPerPixel * (int)rec.width; |
for (int y = 1; y < (int)rec.height; y++) |
{ |
memcpy(pSrcPixel + (y*dst->width)*bytesPerPixel, pSrcPixel, bytesPerRow); |
} |
} |
// Draw rectangle lines within an image |