@ -9,26 +9,30 @@ Release: raylib 2.0 (June 2017 ?) |
- Removed external dependencies (GLFW3 and OpenAL) |
- Complete redesign of audio module to use mini_al audio library |
- Support AppVeyor and Travis CI (continuous integration) build |
- Support AppVeyor and Travis CI (continuous integration) building |
- Reviewed raymath.h for better consistency and performance (inlining) |
- Refactor all #define SUPPORT_* into a single config.h |
- Support TCC compiler |
- Support TCC compiler (32bit and 64bit) |
Detailed changes: |
[build] REMOVED: GitHub develop branch |
[build] ADDED: FreeBSD OS support |
[build] REMOVED: External dependencies GLFW and OpenAL |
[build] REMOVED: Android 32bit ARM support (only 64bit building supported) |
[build] ADDED: FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Dragon Fly OS support |
[build] ADDED: Universal Windows Platform (UWP) support |
[build] ADDED: Wayland Linux desktop support |
[build] REMOVED: External dependencies GLFW and OpenAL |
[build] ADDED: AppVeyor CI for automatic Windows builds |
[build] ADDED: Travis CI for automatic Linux/macOS builds |
[build] ADDED: rglfw (GLFW3 module) to avoid external dependency |
[build] ADDED: VS2017 UWP project |
[build] ADDED: Builder project template |
[build] REVIEWED: VS2015 and VS2017 projects |
[build] ADDED: Compiler memory sanitizer for better debug |
[build] Setup CMake package target and CI auto-deploy tags |
[build] Support DEBUG library building |
[build] ADDED: CMake package target and CI auto-deploy tags |
[build] ADDED: DEBUG library building support |
[build] ADDED: Notepad++ NppExec scripts |
[build] REVIEWED: VS2015 and VS2017 projects |
[build] REVIEWED: Android APK build pipeline |
[core] REVIEWED: Window creation hints to support transparent windows |
[core] Unified InitWindow() between platforms |
[core] Export Android main entry point |
[core] RENAMED: Begin3dMode() to BeginMode3D() |
@ -67,12 +71,24 @@ Detailed changes: |
[textures] ADDED: ImageMipmaps() |
[textures] ADDED: GenImageColor() |
[textures] ADDED: GetPixelDataSize() |
[textures] ADDED: ImageRotateCW() |
[textures] ADDED: ImageRotateCCW() |
[textures] ADDED: ImageResizeCanvas() |
[textures] ADDED: GetImageDataNormalized() |
[textures] REVIEWED: ImageFormat() to use normalized data |
[textures] REVIEWED: Manual mipmap generation |
[textures] REVIEWED: LoadASTC() |
[textures] REVIEWED: GenImagePerlinNoise() |
[textures] REVIEWED: ImageTextEx() to support UTF8 basic characters |
[textures] REVIEWED: GetTextureData() for RPI - requires some work |
[textures] Added new example: text drawing on image |
[text] Corrected issue with ttf font y-offset |
[text] Support SDF font data generation |
[text] ADDED: GenImageFontAtlas() |
[text] ADDED: LoadFontData() to load data from TTF file |
[text] REMOVED: LoadTTF() internal function |
[text] REVIEWED: DrawTextEx() - avoid rendering SPACE character! |
[rlgl] ADDED: rlCheckBufferLimit() |
[rlgl] ADDED: LoadShaderCode() |
[rlgl] ADDED: GetMatrixModelview() |
[rlgl] ADDED: SetVrDistortionShader(Shader shader) |
@ -87,6 +103,7 @@ Detailed changes: |
[models] RENAMED: CalculateBoundingBox() to MeshBoundingBox() |
[models] REMOVED: GetCollisionRayMesh() - does not consider model transform |
[models] REVIEWED: LoadMesh() - fallback to default cube mesh if loading fails |
[audio] ADDED: Support for MP3 fileformat |
[audio] ADDED: IsAudioStreamPlaying() |
[audio] ADDED: SetAudioStreamVolume() |
[audio] ADDED: SetAudioStreamPitch() |
@ -94,10 +111,14 @@ Detailed changes: |
[utils] RENAMED: SaveImageAs() to ExportImage() |
[utils] REMOVED: rres support - moved to external library (rres.h) |
[shaders] REVIEWED: GLSL 120 shaders |
[raymath] ADDED: Vector3RotateByQuaternion() |
[raymath] REVIEWED: math usage to reduce temp variables |
[raymath] REVIEWED: Avoid pointer-based parameters for API consistency |
[physac] REVIEWED: physac.h timming system |
[examples] Replaced dwarf model by brand new 3d assets: 3d medieval buildings |
[examples] Assets cleaning and some replacements |
[games] ADDED: GGJ18 game - transmission mission |
[games] REVIEWED: Light my Ritual game - improved gameplay drawing |
[*] Updated external libraries to latest version |
[*] Multiple bugs corrected (check github issues) |