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Ray vor 2 Jahren
1 geänderte Dateien mit 43 neuen und 28 gelöschten Zeilen
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HISTORY.md Datei anzeigen

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ On September 2015, after 1 year of raylib 1.2 release, arrives raylib 1.3. This
- Shaders support is the biggest addition to raylib 1.3, with support for easy shaders loading and use. Loaded shaders can be attached to 3d models or used as fullscreen postrocessing effects. A bunch of postprocessing shaders are also included in this release, check raylib/shaders folder.
- Textures module has grown to support most of the internal texture formats available in OpenGL (RGB565, RGB888, RGBA5551, RGBA4444, etc.), including compressed texture formats (DXT, ETC1, ETC2, ASTC, PVRT); raylib 1.3 can load .dds, .pkm, .ktx, .astc and .pvr files.
- Textures module has grown to support most of the internal texture formats available in OpenGL (RGB565, RGB888, RGBA5551, RGBA4444, etc.), including compressed texture formats (DXT, ETC1, ETC2, ASTC, PVRT); raylib 1.3 can load .dds, .pkm, .ktx, .astc and .pvr files.
- A brand new [camera](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/master/src/rcamera.c) module offers to the user multiple preconfigured ready-to-use camera systems (free camera, 1st person, 3rd person). Camera modes are very easy to use, just check examples: [core_3d_camera_free.c](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/master/examples/core_3d_camera_free.c) and [core_3d_camera_first_person.c](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/master/examples/core_3d_camera_first_person.c).
@ -75,16 +75,16 @@ On February 2016, after 4 months of raylib 1.3 release, it comes raylib 1.4. For
- New [physac](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/master/src/physac.h) physics module for basic 2D physics support. Still in development but already functional. Module comes with some usage examples for basic jump and level interaction and also force-based physic movements.
- [raymath](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/master/src/raymath.h) module has been reviewed; some bugs have been solved and the module has been converted to a header-only file for easier portability, optionally, functions can also be used as inline.
- [raymath](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/master/src/raymath.h) module has been reviewed; some bugs have been solved and the module has been converted to a header-only file for easier portability, optionally, functions can also be used as inline.
- [gestures](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/master/src/rgestures.c) module has redesigned and simplified, now it can process touch events from any source, including mouse. This way, gestures system can be used on any platform providing an unified way to work with inputs and allowing the user to create multiplatform games with only one source code.
- Raspberry Pi input system has been redesigned to better read raw inputs using generic Linux event handlers (keyboard:`stdin`, mouse:`/dev/input/mouse0`, gamepad:`/dev/input/js0`). Gamepad support has also been added (experimental).
Other important improvements are the functional raycast system for 3D picking, including some ray collision-detection functions,
Other important improvements are the functional raycast system for 3D picking, including some ray collision-detection functions,
and the addition of two simple functions for persistent data storage. Now raylib user can save and load game data in a file (only some platforms supported). A simple [easings](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/master/src/easings.h) module has also been added for values animation.
Up to 8 new code examples have been added to show the new raylib features and +10 complete game samples have been provided to learn
Up to 8 new code examples have been added to show the new raylib features and +10 complete game samples have been provided to learn
how to create some classic games like Arkanoid, Asteroids, Missile Commander, Snake or Tetris.
Lots of code changes and lots of hours of hard work have concluded in this amazing new raylib 1.4.
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ It's been 9 month since last raylib version was published, a lots of things have
In **raylib 2.0** the full API has been carefully reviewed for better consistency, some new functionality has been added and the overall raylib experience has been greatly improved... The key features of new version are:
- **Complete removal of external dependencies.** Finally, raylib does not require external libraries to be installed and linked along with raylib, all required libraries are contained and compiled within raylib. Obviously some external libraries are required but only the strictly platform-dependant ones, the ones that come installed with the OS. So, raylib becomes a self-contained platform-independent games development library.
- **Complete removal of external dependencies.** Finally, raylib does not require external libraries to be installed and linked along with raylib, all required libraries are contained and compiled within raylib. Obviously some external libraries are required but only the strictly platform-dependant ones, the ones that come installed with the OS. So, raylib becomes a self-contained platform-independent games development library.
- **Full redesign of audio module to use the amazing miniaudio library**, along with external dependencies removal, OpenAL library has been replaced by [miniaudio](https://github.com/dr-soft/miniaudio), this brand new library offers automatic dynamic linking with default OS audio systems. Undoubtly, the perfect low-level companion for raylib audio module!
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ After almost one years since latest raylib installment, here it is **raylib 2.5*
- Brand **new text management API**, with the addition of multiple functions to deal with string data, including functionality like replace, insert, join, split, append, to uppercase, to lower... Note that most of those functions are intended for text management on rendering, using pre-loaded internal buffers, avoiding new memory allocation that user should free manually.
- Multiple **new shapes and textures drawing functions** to support rings (`DrawRing()`, `DrawRingLines()`), circle sectors (`DrawCircleSector()`, `DrawCircleSectorLines()`), rounded rectangles (`DrawRectangleRounded()`, `DrawRectangleRoundedLines()`) and also n-patch textures (`DrawTextureNPatch()`), detailed examples have been added to illustrate all this new functionality.
- Multiple **new shapes and textures drawing functions** to support rings (`DrawRing()`, `DrawRingLines()`), circle sectors (`DrawCircleSector()`, `DrawCircleSectorLines()`), rounded rectangles (`DrawRectangleRounded()`, `DrawRectangleRoundedLines()`) and also n-patch textures (`DrawTextureNPatch()`), detailed examples have been added to illustrate all this new functionality.
- Experimental **cubemap support**, to automatically load multiple cubemap layouts (`LoadTextureCubemap()`). It required some internal `rlgl` redesign to allow cubemap textures.
@ -267,27 +267,27 @@ First, some general numbers of this new update:
- **+90** functions REVIEWED/REDESIGNED
- **+30** contributors (for a TOTAL of **170**!)
- **+8** new examples (for a TOTAL of **+120**!)
Here the list with some highlights for `raylib 3.5`.
- NEW **Platform** supported: **Raspberry Pi 4 native mode** (no X11 windows) through [DRM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_Rendering_Manager) subsystem and GBM API. Actually this is a really interesting improvement because it opens the door to raylib to support other embedded platforms (Odroid, GameShell, NanoPi...). Also worth mentioning the un-official homebrew ports of raylib for [PS4](https://github.com/orbisdev/orbisdev-orbisGl2) and [PSVita](https://github.com/psp2dev/raylib4Vita).
- NEW **configuration options** exposed: For custom raylib builds, `config.h` now exposes **more than 150 flags and defines** to build raylib with only the desired features, for example, it allows to build a minimal raylib library in just some KB removing all external data filetypes supported, very useful to generate **small executables or embedded devices**.
- NEW **automatic GIF recording** feature: Actually, automatic GIF recording (**CTRL+F12**) for any raylib application has been available for some versions but this feature was really slow and low-performant using an old gif library with many file-accesses. It has been replaced by a **high-performant alternative** (`msf_gif.h`) that operates directly on memory... and actually works very well! Try it out!
- NEW **RenderBatch** system: `rlgl` module has been redesigned to support custom **render batches** to allow grouping draw calls as desired, previous implementation just had one default render batch. This feature has not been exposed to raylib API yet but it can be used by advance users dealing with `rlgl` directly. For example, multiple `RenderBatch` can be created for 2D sprites and 3D geometry independently.
- NEW **Framebuffer** system: `rlgl` module now exposes an API for custom **Framebuffer attachments** (including cubemaps!). raylib `RenderTexture` is a basic use-case, just allowing color and depth textures, but this new API allows the creation of more advance Framebuffers with multiple attachments, like the **G-Buffers**. `GenTexture*()` functions have been redesigned to use this new API.
- Improved **software rendering**: raylib `Image*()` API is intended for software rendering, for those cases when **no GPU or no Window is available**. Those functions operate directly with **multi-format** pixel data on RAM and they have been completely redesigned to be way faster, specially for small resolutions and retro-gaming. Low-end embedded devices like **microcontrollers with custom displays** could benefit of this raylib functionality!
- File **loading from memory**: Multiple functions have been redesigned to load data from memory buffers **instead of directly accessing the files**, now all raylib file loading/saving goes through a couple of functions that load data into memory. This feature allows **custom virtual-file-systems** and it gives more control to the user to access data already loaded in memory (i.e. images, fonts, sounds...).
- NEW **Window states** management system: raylib `core` module has been redesigned to support Window **state check and setup more easily** and also **before/after Window initialization**, `SetConfigFlags()` has been reviewed and `SetWindowState()` has been added to control Window minification, maximization, hidding, focusing, topmost and more.
- NEW **GitHub Actions** CI/CD system: Previous CI implementation has been reviewed and improved a lot to support **multiple build configurations** (platforms, compilers, static/shared build) and also an **automatic deploy system** has been implemented to automatically attach the diferent generated artifacts to every new release. As the system seems to work very good, previous CI platforms (AppVeyor/TravisCI) have been removed.
A part of those changes, many new functions have been added, some redundant functions removed and many functions have been reviewed for consistency with the full API (function name, parameters name and order, code formatting...). Again, this release represents is a **great improvement for raylib and marks the way forward** for the library. Make sure to check [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG) for details! Hope you enjoy it!
Happy holidays! :)
@ -304,21 +304,21 @@ Let's start with some numbers:
- **+50** functions ADDED (**+30** of them to rlgl API)
- **+30** functions REVIEWED/REDESIGNED
- **+40** new contributors (for a TOTAL of **+210**!)
Highlights for `raylib 3.7`:
- **REDESIGNED: `rlgl` module for greater abstraction level**. This suppose an **important change in raylib architecture**, now `rlgl` functionality is self-contained in the module and used by higher-level layers (specially by `core` module), those upper layers are the ones that expose functionality to the main API when required, for example the `Shaders`, `Mesh` and `Materials` functionality. Multiple `rlgl` functions have been renamed for consistency, in this case, following the `rl*()` prefix convention. Functions have also been reorganized internally by categories and `GenTexture*()` functions have been removed from the library and moved to [`models_material_pbr`](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/master/examples/models/models_material_pbr.c) example.
- **REDESIGNED: VR simulator and stereo rendering mechanism**. A **brand new API** has been added, more comprehensive and better integrated with raylib, the **new stereo rendering** can be combined with `RenderTexture` and `Shader` API allowing the user to **manage fbo and distortion shader directly**. Also, the new rendering mechanism supports **instancing on stereo rendering**! Check the updated [`core_vr_simulator`](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/master/examples/core/core_vr_simulator.c) example for reference!
- **ADDED: New file access callbacks system**. Several new callback functions have been added to the API to allow custom file loaders. A [nice example](https://github.com/RobLoach/raylib-physfs) it's the **raylib integration with a virtual file system** [PhysFS](https://icculus.org/physfs/).
- **ADDED: glTF animations support**. glTF is the preferred models file format to be used with raylib and along the addition of a models animation API on latest raylib versions, now animations support for glTF format has come to raylib, thanks for this great contribution to [Hristo Stamenov](@object71)
- **ADDED: Music streaming support from memory**. raylib has been adding the `Load*FromMemory()` option to all its supported file formats but **music streaming** was not supported yet... until now. Thanks to this great contribution by [Agnis "NeZvērs" Aldiņš](@nezvers), now raylib supports music streamming from memory data for all supported file formats: WAV, OGG, MP3, FLAC, XM and MOD.
- **RENAMED: enums values for consistency**. Most raylib enums names and values names have been renamed for consistency, now all value names start with the type of data they represent. It increases clarity and readability when using those values and also **improves overall library consistency**.
Beside those key changes, many functions have been reviewed with improvements and bug fixes, many of them contributed by the community! Thanks! And again, this release sets a **new milestone for raylib library**. Make sure to check [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG) for detailed list of changes! Hope you enjoy this new raylib installment!
Happy **gamedev/tools/graphics** programming! :)
@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ Let's start with some numbers:
- **+60** functions ADDED to rlgl API
- **+60** new contributors (for a TOTAL of **+275**!)
Highlights for `raylib 4.0`:
- **Naming consistency and coherency**: `raylib` API has been completely reviewed to be consistent on naming conventions for data structures and functions, comments and descriptions have been reviewed, also the syntax of many symbols for consistency; some functions and structs have been renamed (i.e. `struct CharInfo` to `struct GlyphInfo`). Output log messages have been also improved to show more info to the users. Several articles have been writen in this process: [raylib_syntax analysis](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/wiki/raylib-syntax-analysis) and [raylib API usage analysis](https://gist.github.com/raysan5/7c0c9fff1b6c19af24bb4a51b7383f1e). In general, a big polishment of the library to make it more consistent and coherent.
@ -346,19 +346,34 @@ Highlights for `raylib 4.0`:
- **Custom game-loop control**: As requested by some advance users, **the game-loop control can be exposed** compiling raylib with the config flag: `SUPPORT_CUSTOM_FRAME_CONTROL`. It's intended for advance users that want to control the events polling and also the timming mechanisms of their games.
- [**`rlgl 4.0`**](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/master/src/rlgl.h): This module has been completely **decoupled from platform layer** and raylib, now `rlgl` single-file header-only library only depends on the multiple OpenGL backends supported, even the dependency on `raymath` has been removed. Additionally, **support for OpenGL 4.3** has been added, supporting compute shaders and Shader Storage Buffer Objects (SSBO). Now `rlgl` can be used as a complete standalone portable library to wrap several OpenGL version and providing **a simple and easy-to-use pseudo-OpenGL immediate-mode API**.
- [**`raymath 1.5`**](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/master/src/raymath.h): This module has been reviewed and some new conventions have been adopted to make it **more portable and self-contained**:
- Functions are self-contained, no function use other raymath function inside, required code is directly re-implemented
- Functions input parameters are always received by value
- Functions use always a "result" variable for return
- Angles are always in radians (`DEG2RAD`/`RAD2DEG` macros provided for convenience)
- [**`raygui 3.0`**](https://github.com/raysan5/raygui): The **official raylib immediate-mode gui library** (included in `raylib/src/extras`) has been updated to a new version, embedding the icons collection and adding mulstiple improvements. It has been simplified and constrained for a better focus on its task: provide a simple and easy-to-use immediate-mode-gui library for small tools development.
- [**`raygui 3.0`**](https://github.com/raysan5/raygui): The **official raylib immediate-mode gui library** (included in `raylib/src/extras`) has been updated to a new version, embedding the icons collection and adding mulstiple improvements. It has been simplified and constrained for a better focus on its task: provide a simple and easy-to-use immediate-mode-gui library for small tools development.
- [**`raylib_parser`**](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/tree/master/parser): Added **new tool to parse `raylib.h`** and tokenize its enums, structs and functions, extracting all required info (name, params, descriptions...) into custom output formats (TXT, XML, JSON...) for further processing. This tool is specially useful to **automatize bindings generation**. Hopefully, this tool will make life easier to binding creators to update their bindings for raylib 4.0 or adding new ones!
- **Zig and Odin official support for raylib**: Those two new amazing programming languages are officially supporting raylib, `Zig` lists raylib as an [official example for C interoperatibility](https://ziglang.org/learn/samples/#c-interoperability) and Odin [officially supports raylib as a vendor library](https://github.com/odin-lang/Odin/tree/master/vendor/raylib). Both languages also have several bingings to raylib. Additionally, Zig build system supported has been added to compile raylib library and examples.
Those are some of the key features for this new release but actually there is way more! **Support for `VOX` ([MagikaVoxel](https://ephtracy.github.io/)) 3d model format** has been added, **new [raylib_game_template](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib-game-template)** repo shared, **new `EncodeDataBase64()` and `DecodeDataBase64()` functions** added, **improved HiDPI support**, new `DrawTextPro()` with support for text rotations, completely **reviewed `glTF` models loading**, added **`SeekMusicStream()` for music seeking**, many new examples and +20 examples reviewed... **hundreds of improvements and bug fixes**! Make sure to check [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG) for a detailed list of changes!
Those are some of the key features for this new release but actually there is way more! **Support for `VOX` ([MagikaVoxel](https://ephtracy.github.io/)) 3d model format** has been added, **new [raylib_game_template](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib-game-template)** repo shared, **new `EncodeDataBase64()` and `DecodeDataBase64()` functions** added, **improved HiDPI support**, new `DrawTextPro()` with support for text rotations, completely **reviewed `glTF` models loading**, added **`SeekMusicStream()` for music seeking**, many new examples and +20 examples reviewed... **hundreds of improvements and bug fixes**! Make sure to check [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG) for a detailed list of changes!
Undoubtely, **this is the best raylib ever**. Enjoy gamedev/tools/graphics programming! :)
notes on raylib 4.2 - 9th Anniversary Edition
Here we go again! New raylib release! Nine months after latest raylib, here it is a new version. It was supposed to be just a small update but, actually, it's a huge update with lots of changes a improvements. It's also the update with more contributors to date.
Some numbers to start:
- **+190** closed issues (for a TOTAL of **+1220**!)
- **+500** commits since previous RELEASE
- **+20** functions ADDED to raylib API (for a TOTAL of **502**!)
- **+60** functions REVIEWED/REDESIGNED
- **+70** new contributors (for a TOTAL of **+350**!)
