On September 2014, after 5 month of raylib 1.1 release, it comes raylib 1.2. Again, this version presents a
complete internal redesign of [core] (https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/master/src/core.h) module to support two new platforms: Android and Raspberry Pi.
complete internal redesign of [core] (https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/master/src/core.c) module to support two new platforms: [Android] (http://www.android.com/) and [Raspberry Pi] (http://www.raspberrypi.org/).
It's been some month of really hard work to accomodate raylib to those new platforms while keeping it easy for the user.
On Android, raylib manages internally the activity cicle, as well as the inputs; on Raspberry Pi, a complete raw input
system has been written from scratch.
A new display initialization system has been created to accomodate to multiple resolutions, adding black bars if required;
user only defines whatever screen size and it gets properly displayed.
A new display initialization system has been created to support multiple resolutions, adding black bars if required;
user only defines desired screen size and it gets properly displayed.
Now raylib can easily deploy games to Android devices and Raspberry Pi (console mode).
@ -85,12 +85,12 @@ features
* Powerful math module for Vector and Matrix operations [raymath]
* Audio loading and playing with streaming support (WAV and OGG)
* Custom color palette for fancy visuals on raywhite background
* Multiple platforms support: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, Raspberry Pi
* Multiple platforms support: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android and Raspberry Pi
raylib uses on its core module the outstanding [GLFW3] (http://www.glfw.org/) library. The best option by far I found for
multiplatform (Windows, Linux, Mac) window/context and input management (clean, focused, great license, well documented, modern, ...).
raylib uses on its audio module [OpenAL Soft] (http://kcat.strangesoft.net/openal.html) audio library, in multiple flavours,
raylib uses on its [audio] (https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/master/src/audio.c) module, [OpenAL Soft] (http://kcat.strangesoft.net/openal.html) audio library, in multiple flavours,
to accomodate to Android and Raspberry Pi.
On Android, raylib uses native_app_glue module (provided on Android NDK) and native Android libraries to manage window/context,
@ -119,41 +119,41 @@ Since raylib v1.1, you can download a windows Installer package for easy install
building source (generate libraylib.a)
Building raylib sources on desktop platforms:
**Building raylib sources on desktop platforms:**
Step 1: Using MinGW make tool, just navigate from command line to raylib/src/ folder and type:
_Step 1:_ Using MinGW make tool, just navigate from command line to raylib/src/ folder and type:
* NOTE: By default raylib compiles using OpenGL 1.1 to maximize compatibility; to use OpenGL 3.3 just type:
NOTE: By default raylib compiles using OpenGL 1.1 to maximize compatibility; to use OpenGL 3.3 just type: