
Review rnet errors

Ray 6年前
  1. +0
  2. +10
  3. +58

+ 0
- 5
src/raylib.h ファイルの表示

@ -100,11 +100,6 @@
#define MAX_SHADER_LOCATIONS 32 // Maximum number of predefined locations stored in shader struct
#define MAX_MATERIAL_MAPS 12 // Maximum number of texture maps stored in shader struct
// Network connection related defines
#define SOCKET_MAX_SOCK_OPTS (4) // Maximum socket options
#define SOCKET_MAX_UDPCHANNELS (32) // Maximum UDP channels
#define SOCKET_MAX_UDPADDRESSES (4) // Maximum bound UDP addresses
// NOTE: MSC C++ compiler does not support compound literals (C99 feature)
// Plain structures in C++ (without constructors) can be initialized from { } initializers.
#if defined(__cplusplus)

+ 10
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src/rnet.c ファイルの表示

@ -42,10 +42,10 @@
#include "raylib.h"
#include <assert.h> // Required for: assert()
#include <stdio.h> // Required for: FILE, fopen(), fclose(), fread()
#include <stdlib.h> // Required for: malloc(), free()
#include <string.h> // Required for: strcmp(), strncmp()
#include <assert.h> // Required for: assert()
#include <stdio.h> // Required for: FILE, fopen(), fclose(), fread()
#include <stdlib.h> // Required for: malloc(), free()
#include <string.h> // Required for: strcmp(), strncmp()
// Module defines
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ static char *SocketErrorCodeToString(int err)
#if defined(_WIN32)
static char gaiStrErrorBuffer[GAI_STRERROR_BUFFER_SIZE];
sprintf(gaiStrErrorBuffer, "%ws", gai_strerror(err));
sprintf(gaiStrErrorBuffer, "%s", gai_strerror(err));
return gaiStrErrorBuffer;
return gai_strerror(err);
@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ static bool CreateSocket(SocketConfig *config, SocketResult *outresult)
char hoststr[NI_MAXHOST];
char portstr[NI_MAXSERV];
socklen_t client_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage);
int rc = getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *) res->ai_addr, client_len, hoststr, sizeof(hoststr), portstr, sizeof(portstr), NI_NUMERICHOST | NI_NUMERICSERV);
int rc = getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *) res->ai_addr, client_len, hoststr, sizeof(hoststr), portstr, sizeof(portstr), NI_NUMERICHOST | NI_NUMERICSERV);
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "Successfully resolved host %s:%s", hoststr, portstr);
@ -746,10 +746,10 @@ int ResolveHost(const char *address, const char *service, int addressType, int f
hints.ai_family = addressType; // Either IPv4 or IPv6 (ADDRESS_TYPE_IPV4, ADDRESS_TYPE_IPV6)
hints.ai_protocol = 0; // Automatically select correct protocol (IPPROTO_TCP), (IPPROTO_UDP)
hints.ai_flags = flags;
assert(hints.ai_addrlen == NULL || hints.ai_addrlen == 0);
assert(hints.ai_canonname == NULL || hints.ai_canonname == 0);
assert(hints.ai_addr == NULL || hints.ai_addr == 0);
assert(hints.ai_next == NULL || hints.ai_next == 0);
assert(p">(hints.ai_addrlen == NULL) || p">(hints.ai_addrlen == 0));
assert(p">(hints.ai_canonname == NULL) || p">(hints.ai_canonname == 0));
assert(p">(hints.ai_addr == NULL) || p">(hints.ai_addr == 0));
assert(p">(hints.ai_next == NULL) || p">(hints.ai_next == 0));
// When the address is NULL, populate the IP for me
if (address == NULL)

+ 58
- 44
src/rnet.h ファイルの表示

@ -38,6 +38,9 @@
#ifndef RNET_H
#define RNET_H
#include <limits.h> // Required for limits
#include <inttypes.h> // Required for platform type sizes
@ -168,6 +171,10 @@ typedef int socklen_t;
// Network connection related defines
#define SOCKET_MAX_SET_SIZE (32) // Maximum sockets in a set
#define SOCKET_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE (16) // Maximum socket queue size
#define SOCKET_MAX_SOCK_OPTS (4) // Maximum socket options
#define SOCKET_MAX_UDPCHANNELS (32) // Maximum UDP channels
#define SOCKET_MAX_UDPADDRESSES (4) // Maximum bound UDP addresses
// Network address related defines
#define ADDRESS_IPV4_ADDRSTRLEN (22) // IPv4 string length
@ -216,6 +223,13 @@ typedef int socklen_t;
// Types and Structures Definition
// Boolean type
#if defined(__STDC__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
#include <stdbool.h>
#elif !defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(bool)
typedef enum { false, true } bool;
// Network typedefs
typedef uint32_t SocketChannel;
typedef struct _AddressInformation * AddressInformation;
@ -301,7 +315,7 @@ typedef struct SocketResult
Socket *socket;
} SocketResult;
// Packet type
typedef struct Packet
uint32_t size; // The total size of bytes in data
@ -325,64 +339,64 @@ extern "C" { // Prevents name mangling of functions
// Initialisation and cleanup
RLAPI bool InitNetwork(void);
RLAPI void CloseNetwork(void);
bool InitNetwork(void);
void CloseNetwork(void);
// Address API
RLAPI void ResolveIP(const char *ip, const char *service, int flags, char *outhost, char *outserv);
RLAPI int ResolveHost(const char *address, const char *service, int addressType, int flags, AddressInformation *outAddr);
RLAPI int GetAddressFamily(AddressInformation address);
RLAPI int GetAddressSocketType(AddressInformation address);
RLAPI int GetAddressProtocol(AddressInformation address);
RLAPI char* GetAddressCanonName(AddressInformation address);
RLAPI char* GetAddressHostAndPort(AddressInformation address, char *outhost, int *outport);
RLAPI void PrintAddressInfo(AddressInformation address);
void ResolveIP(const char *ip, const char *service, int flags, char *outhost, char *outserv);
int ResolveHost(const char *address, const char *service, int addressType, int flags, AddressInformation *outAddr);
int GetAddressFamily(AddressInformation address);
int GetAddressSocketType(AddressInformation address);
int GetAddressProtocol(AddressInformation address);
char* GetAddressCanonName(AddressInformation address);
char* GetAddressHostAndPort(AddressInformation address, char *outhost, int *outport);
void PrintAddressInfo(AddressInformation address);
// Address Memory API
RLAPI AddressInformation AllocAddress();
RLAPI void FreeAddress(AddressInformation *addressInfo);
RLAPI AddressInformation *AllocAddressList(int size);
AddressInformation AllocAddress();
void FreeAddress(AddressInformation *addressInfo);
AddressInformation *AllocAddressList(int size);
// Socket API
RLAPI bool SocketCreate(SocketConfig *config, SocketResult *result);
RLAPI bool SocketBind(SocketConfig *config, SocketResult *result);
RLAPI bool SocketListen(SocketConfig *config, SocketResult *result);
RLAPI bool SocketConnect(SocketConfig *config, SocketResult *result);
RLAPI Socket *SocketAccept(Socket *server, SocketConfig *config);
bool SocketCreate(SocketConfig *config, SocketResult *result);
bool SocketBind(SocketConfig *config, SocketResult *result);
bool SocketListen(SocketConfig *config, SocketResult *result);
bool SocketConnect(SocketConfig *config, SocketResult *result);
Socket *SocketAccept(Socket *server, SocketConfig *config);
// UDP Socket API
RLAPI int SocketSetChannel(Socket *socket, int channel, const IPAddress *address);
RLAPI void SocketUnsetChannel(Socket *socket, int channel);
int SocketSetChannel(Socket *socket, int channel, const IPAddress *address);
void SocketUnsetChannel(Socket *socket, int channel);
// UDP DataPacket API
RLAPI SocketDataPacket *AllocPacket(int size);
RLAPI int ResizePacket(SocketDataPacket *packet, int newsize);
RLAPI void FreePacket(SocketDataPacket *packet);
RLAPI SocketDataPacket **AllocPacketList(int count, int size);
RLAPI void FreePacketList(SocketDataPacket **packets);
SocketDataPacket *AllocPacket(int size);
int ResizePacket(SocketDataPacket *packet, int newsize);
void FreePacket(SocketDataPacket *packet);
SocketDataPacket **AllocPacketList(int count, int size);
void FreePacketList(SocketDataPacket **packets);
// General Socket API
RLAPI int SocketSend(Socket *sock, const void *datap, int len);
RLAPI int SocketReceive(Socket *sock, void *data, int maxlen);
RLAPI void SocketClose(Socket *sock);
RLAPI SocketAddressStorage SocketGetPeerAddress(Socket *sock);
RLAPI char* GetSocketAddressHost(SocketAddressStorage storage);
RLAPI short GetSocketAddressPort(SocketAddressStorage storage);
int SocketSend(Socket *sock, const void *datap, int len);
int SocketReceive(Socket *sock, void *data, int maxlen);
void SocketClose(Socket *sock);
SocketAddressStorage SocketGetPeerAddress(Socket *sock);
char* GetSocketAddressHost(SocketAddressStorage storage);
short GetSocketAddressPort(SocketAddressStorage storage);
// Socket Memory API
RLAPI Socket *AllocSocket();
RLAPI void FreeSocket(Socket **sock);
RLAPI SocketResult *AllocSocketResult();
RLAPI void FreeSocketResult(SocketResult **result);
RLAPI SocketSet *AllocSocketSet(int max);
RLAPI void FreeSocketSet(SocketSet *sockset);
Socket *AllocSocket();
void FreeSocket(Socket **sock);
SocketResult *AllocSocketResult();
void FreeSocketResult(SocketResult **result);
SocketSet *AllocSocketSet(int max);
void FreeSocketSet(SocketSet *sockset);
// Socket I/O API
RLAPI bool IsSocketReady(Socket *sock);
RLAPI bool IsSocketConnected(Socket *sock);
RLAPI int AddSocket(SocketSet *set, Socket *sock);
RLAPI int RemoveSocket(SocketSet *set, Socket *sock);
RLAPI int CheckSockets(SocketSet *set, unsigned int timeout);
bool IsSocketReady(Socket *sock);
bool IsSocketConnected(Socket *sock);
int AddSocket(SocketSet *set, Socket *sock);
int RemoveSocket(SocketSet *set, Socket *sock);
int CheckSockets(SocketSet *set, unsigned int timeout);
// Packet API
void PacketSend(Packet *packet);
@ -400,4 +414,4 @@ uint64_t PacketRead64(Packet *packet);
#endif // RNET_H
#endif // RNET_H
