@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ Some people ported raylib to other languages in form of bindings or wrappers to |
| nelua-raylib | 4.0 | [nelua](https://nelua.io/) | MIT | https://github.com/AKDev21/nelua-raylib | |
| Raylib.nelua | **4.5** | [nelua](https://nelua.io/) | Zlib | https://github.com/Its-Kenta/Raylib-Nelua | |
| NimraylibNow! | 4.2 | [Nim](https://nim-lang.org/) | MIT | https://github.com/greenfork/nimraylib_now | |
| raylib-bindings | **4.5** | [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/) | https://github.com/vaiorabbit/raylib-bindings | |
| raylib-Forever | auto | [Nim](https://nim-lang.org/) | ? | https://github.com/Guevara-chan/Raylib-Forever | |
| naylib | auto | [Nim](https://nim-lang.org/) | MIT | https://github.com/planetis-m/naylib | |
| node-raylib | **4.5** | [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/) | Zlib | https://github.com/RobLoach/node-raylib | |
@ -114,7 +115,6 @@ These are older raylib bindings that are more than 2 versions old or have not be |
| raylib-pas | 3.0 | [Pascal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascal_(programming_language)) | https://github.com/tazdij/raylib-pas | |
| raylib-pascal | 2.0 | [Pascal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascal_(programming_language)) | https://github.com/drezgames/raylib-pascal | |
| Graphics-Raylib | 1.4 | [Perl](https://www.perl.org/) | https://github.com/athreef/Graphics-Raylib | |
| raylib-bindings | 4.5 | [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/) | https://github.com/vaiorabbit/raylib-bindings | |
| raylib-ruby | 2.6 | [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/) | https://github.com/a0/raylib-ruby | |
| raylib-ruby-ffi | 2.0 | [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/) | https://github.com/D3nX/raylib-ruby-ffi | |
| raylib-mruby | 2.5-dev | [mruby](https://github.com/mruby/mruby) | https://github.com/lihaochen910/raylib-mruby | |