@ -101,40 +101,69 @@ Lots of code changes and lot of testing have concluded in this amazing new rayli
notes on raylib 1.4
On February 2016, after 4 months of raylib 1.3 release, it comes raylib 1.4. For this new version, lots of parts of the library have been reviewed, lots of bugs have been solved and some interesting features have been added.
On February 2016, after 4 months of raylib 1.3 release, it comes raylib 1.4. For this new version,
lots of parts of the library have been reviewed, lots of bugs have been solved and some interesting features have been added.
First big addition is a set of [Image manipulation functions](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/develop/src/raylib.h#L673) have been added to crop, resize, colorize, flip, dither and even draw image-to-image or text-to-image. Now a basic image processing can be done before converting the image to texture for usage.
First big addition is a set of [Image manipulation functions](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/develop/src/raylib.h#L673) have been added to crop, resize, colorize, flip, dither and even draw image-to-image or text-to-image.
Now a basic image processing can be done before converting the image to texture for usage.
SpriteFonts system has been improved, adding support for AngelCode fonts (.fnt) and TrueType Fonts (using [stb_truetype](https://github.com/nothings/stb/blob/master/stb_truetype.h) helper library). Now raylib can read standard .fnt font data and also generate at loading a SpriteFont from a TTF file.
SpriteFonts system has been improved, adding support for AngelCode fonts (.fnt) and TrueType Fonts (using [stb_truetype](https://github.com/nothings/stb/blob/master/stb_truetype.h) helper library).
Now raylib can read standard .fnt font data and also generate at loading a SpriteFont from a TTF file.
New [physac](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/develop/src/physac.h) physics module for basic 2D physics support. Still in development but already functional. Module comes with some usage examples for basic jump and level interaction and also force-based physic movements.
New [physac](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/develop/src/physac.h) physics module for basic 2D physics support. Still in development but already functional.
Module comes with some usage examples for basic jump and level interaction and also force-based physic movements.
[raymath](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/develop/src/raymath.h) module has been reviewed; some bugs have been solved and the module has been converted to a header-only file for easier portability, optionally, functions can also be used as inline.
[gestures](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/develop/src/gestures.c) module has redesigned and simplified, now it can process touch events from any source, including mouse. This way, gestures system can be used on any platform providing an unified way to work with inputs and allowing the user to create multiplatform games with only one source code.
[gestures](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/develop/src/gestures.c) module has redesigned and simplified, now it can process touch events from any source, including mouse.
This way, gestures system can be used on any platform providing an unified way to work with inputs and allowing the user to create multiplatform games with only one source code.
Raspberry Pi input system has been redesigned to better read raw inputs using generic Linux event handlers (keyboard:`stdin`, mouse:`/dev/input/mouse0`, gamepad:`/dev/input/js0`). Gamepad support has also been added (experimental).
Raspberry Pi input system has been redesigned to better read raw inputs using generic Linux event handlers (keyboard:`stdin`, mouse:`/dev/input/mouse0`, gamepad:`/dev/input/js0`).
Gamepad support has also been added (experimental).
Other important improvements are the functional raycast system for 3D picking, including some ray collision-detection functions, and the addition of two simple functions for persistent data storage. Now raylib user can save and load game data in a file (only some platforms supported). A simple [easings](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/develop/src/easings.h) module has also been added for values animation.
Other important improvements are the functional raycast system for 3D picking, including some ray collision-detection functions,
and the addition of two simple functions for persistent data storage. Now raylib user can save and load game data in a file (only some platforms supported).
A simple [easings](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/develop/src/easings.h) module has also been added for values animation.
Up to 8 new code examples have been added to show the new raylib features and +10 complete game samples have been provided to learn how to create some classic games like Arkanoid, Asteroids, Missile Commander, Snake or Tetris.
Up to 8 new code examples have been added to show the new raylib features and +10 complete game samples have been provided to learn
how to create some classic games like Arkanoid, Asteroids, Missile Commander, Snake or Tetris.
Lots of code changes and lots of hours of hard work have concluded in this amazing new raylib 1.4.
notes on raylib 1.5
On June 2016, after 4 months of raylib 1.4 release, arrives raylib 1.5. Probably this new version is the biggest boost of the library ever, lots of parts of the library have been redesigned, lots of bugs have been solved and some **AMAZING** new features have been added.
New platform support: **Oculus Rift CV1**. raylib introduces VR support for one of the most anticipated VR devices in the market.
Supporting Oculus Rift CV1 makes raylib the only (or one of the few) C libraries in the market to support VR out-of-the-box. Additionally, stereo mode rendering has been added to raylib independently of the VR device.
New materials system:
New lighting system:
Complete gamepad support on Raspberry Pi
Redesigned physics module: physac
Up to 8 new code examples have been added to show the new raylib features and the usage of multiple raylib modules as standalone libraries (rlgl, audio).
Lots of code changes (more than 250 commits) and lots of hours of hard work have concluded in this amazing new raylib 1.5.
* Written in plain C code (C99)
* Uses C# PascalCase/camelCase notation
* Hardware accelerated with OpenGL (1.1, 3.3 or ES2)
* Hardware accelerated with OpenGL (1.1, 2.1, 3.3 or ES2)
* Unique OpenGL abstraction layer (usable as standalone module): [rlgl](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/blob/master/src/rlgl.c)
* Powerful fonts module with multiple SpriteFonts formats support (XNA bitmap fonts, AngelCode fonts, TTF)
raylib uses on its core module the outstanding [GLFW3](http://www.glfw.org/) library. The best option by far I found for
multiplatform (Windows, Linux, Mac) window/context and input management (clean, focused, great license, well documented, modern, ...).
@ -191,21 +220,26 @@ If you feel you can help, then, [helpme!](http://www.raylib.com/helpme.htm)
The following people have contributed in some way to make raylib project a reality. Big thanks to them!
I believe that time is the most valuable resource and the following people have invested part of their time
contributing (in some way or another) to make raylib project better. Huge thanks!
- [Zopokx](https://github.com/Zopokx) for testing the web.
- [Elendow](http://www.elendow.com) for testing and helping on web development.
- Victor Dual for implementating and testing of 3D shapes functions.
- Marc Palau for implementating and testing of 3D shapes functions and helping on development of camera and getures modules.
- Victor Dual for implementing and testing 3D shapes functions.
- Marc Palau for implementing and testing 3D shapes functions and contribute on camera and gestures modules.
- Kevin Gato for improving texture internal formats support and helping on raygui development.
- Daniel Nicolas for improving texture internal formats support and helping on raygui development.
- Marc Agüera for testing and using raylib on a real product ([Koala Seasons](http://www.koalaseasons.com))
- Daniel Moreno for testing and using raylib on a real product ([Koala Seasons](http://www.koalaseasons.com))
- Daniel Gomez for testing and using raylib on a real product ([Koala Seasons](http://www.koalaseasons.com))
- Sergio Martinez for helping on raygui development and tools development.
- Victor Fisac for developing physics raylib module (physac) and implementing light shaders and raycast system... and multiple tools and games.
- Sergio Martinez for helping on raygui development and tools development (raygui_styler).
- [Victor Fisac](https://github.com/victorfisac) for developing physics raylib module (physac) and implementing materials and lighting systems... among multiple other improvements and multiple tools and games.
- Albert Martos for helping on raygui and porting examples and game-templates to Android and HTML5.
- Ian Eito for helping on raygui and porting examples and game-templates to Android and HTML5.
- [procedural](https://github.com/procedural) for testing raylib on Linux, correcting some bugs and adding several mouse functions.
- [Chris Hemingway](https://github.com/cHemingway) for improving raylib on OSX build system.
- [Emanuele Petriglia](https://github.com/LelixSuper) for working on multiple GNU/Linux improvements and developing [TicTacToe](https://github.com/LelixSuper/TicTacToe) raylib game.
- [Joshua Reisenauer](https://github.com/kd7tck) for adding audio modules support (XM, MOD) and reviewing audio system.
[raysan5]: mailto:raysan5@gmail.com "Ramon Santamaria - Ray San"
@ -6,16 +6,22 @@ Here it is a wish list of features I would like to add and functions to improve.
Note that around the raylib source code there are multiple TODO points with pending revisions/bugs. Check [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/issues) for further details!
raylib 1.5
raylib 1.x
Redesign Shaders/Textures system, use Materials
Redesign physics module (physac)
[IN PROGRESS] LUA scripting support (wrapper to lua lib)