@ -43,11 +43,10 @@ |
#include "config.h" // Defines module configuration flags |
#endif |
#include "utils.h" // Required for: fopen() Android mapping |
#include "utils.h" // Required for: LoadFileData(), LoadFileText(), SaveFileText() |
#include <stdlib.h> // Required for: malloc(), free() |
#include <stdio.h> // Required for: FILE, fopen(), fclose() |
#include <string.h> // Required for: strncmp() [Used in LoadModelAnimations()], strlen() [Used in LoadTextureFromCgltfImage()] |
#include <string.h> // Required for: memcmp(), strlen() |
#include <math.h> // Required for: sinf(), cosf(), sqrtf(), fabsf() |
#if defined(_WIN32) |
@ -825,57 +824,64 @@ void UnloadMesh(Mesh mesh) |
// Export mesh data to file |
void ExportMesh(Mesh mesh, const char *fileName) |
{ |
bool success = false; |
if (IsFileExtension(fileName, ".obj")) |
{ |
FILE *objFile = fopen(fileName, "wt"); |
fprintf(objFile, "# //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n"); |
fprintf(objFile, "# // //\n"); |
fprintf(objFile, "# // rMeshOBJ exporter v1.0 - Mesh exported as triangle faces and not optimized //\n"); |
fprintf(objFile, "# // //\n"); |
fprintf(objFile, "# // more info and bugs-report: github.com/raysan5/raylib //\n"); |
fprintf(objFile, "# // feedback and support: ray[at]raylib.com //\n"); |
fprintf(objFile, "# // //\n"); |
fprintf(objFile, "# // Copyright (c) 2018 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5) //\n"); |
fprintf(objFile, "# // //\n"); |
fprintf(objFile, "# //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n"); |
fprintf(objFile, "# Vertex Count: %i\n", mesh.vertexCount); |
fprintf(objFile, "# Triangle Count: %i\n\n", mesh.triangleCount); |
fprintf(objFile, "g mesh\n"); |
// Estimated data size, it should be enough... |
int dataSize = mesh.vertexCount/3*strlen("v 0000.00f 0000.00f 0000.00f") + |
mesh.vertexCount/2*strlen("vt 0.000f 0.00f") + |
mesh.vertexCount/3*strlen("vn 0.000f 0.00f 0.00f") + |
mesh.triangleCount/3*strlen("f 00000/00000/00000 00000/00000/00000 00000/00000/00000"); |
// NOTE: Text data buffer size is estimated considering mesh data size |
char *txtData = (char *)RL_CALLOC(dataSize + 2000, sizeof(char)); |
int bytesCount = 0; |
bytesCount += sprintf(txtData + bytesCount, "# //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n"); |
bytesCount += sprintf(txtData + bytesCount, "# // //\n"); |
bytesCount += sprintf(txtData + bytesCount, "# // rMeshOBJ exporter v1.0 - Mesh exported as triangle faces and not optimized //\n"); |
bytesCount += sprintf(txtData + bytesCount, "# // //\n"); |
bytesCount += sprintf(txtData + bytesCount, "# // more info and bugs-report: github.com/raysan5/raylib //\n"); |
bytesCount += sprintf(txtData + bytesCount, "# // feedback and support: ray[at]raylib.com //\n"); |
bytesCount += sprintf(txtData + bytesCount, "# // //\n"); |
bytesCount += sprintf(txtData + bytesCount, "# // Copyright (c) 2018 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5) //\n"); |
bytesCount += sprintf(txtData + bytesCount, "# // //\n"); |
bytesCount += sprintf(txtData + bytesCount, "# //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n"); |
bytesCount += sprintf(txtData + bytesCount, "# Vertex Count: %i\n", mesh.vertexCount); |
bytesCount += sprintf(txtData + bytesCount, "# Triangle Count: %i\n\n", mesh.triangleCount); |
bytesCount += sprintf(txtData + bytesCount, "g mesh\n"); |
for (int i = 0, v = 0; i < mesh.vertexCount; i++, v += 3) |
{ |
fprintf(objFile, "v %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", mesh.vertices[v], mesh.vertices[v + 1], mesh.vertices[v + 2]); |
bytesCount += sprintf(txtData + bytesCount, "v %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", mesh.vertices[v], mesh.vertices[v + 1], mesh.vertices[v + 2]); |
} |
for (int i = 0, v = 0; i < mesh.vertexCount; i++, v += 2) |
{ |
fprintf(objFile, "vt %.2f %.2f\n", mesh.texcoords[v], mesh.texcoords[v + 1]); |
bytesCount += sprintf(txtData + bytesCount, "vt %.3f %.3f\n", mesh.texcoords[v], mesh.texcoords[v + 1]); |
} |
for (int i = 0, v = 0; i < mesh.vertexCount; i++, v += 3) |
{ |
fprintf(objFile, "vn %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", mesh.normals[v], mesh.normals[v + 1], mesh.normals[v + 2]); |
bytesCount += sprintf(txtData + bytesCount, "vn %.3f %.3f %.3f\n", mesh.normals[v], mesh.normals[v + 1], mesh.normals[v + 2]); |
} |
for (int i = 0; i < mesh.triangleCount; i += 3) |
{ |
fprintf(objFile, "f %i/%i/%i %i/%i/%i %i/%i/%i\n", i, i, i, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1, i + 2, i + 2, i + 2); |
bytesCount += sprintf(txtData + bytesCount, "f %i/%i/%i %i/%i/%i %i/%i/%i\n", i, i, i, i + 1, i + 1, i + 1, i + 2, i + 2, i + 2); |
} |
fprintf(objFile, "\n"); |
bytesCount += sprintf(txtData + bytesCount, "\n"); |
fclose(objFile); |
// NOTE: Text data length exported is determined by '\0' (NULL) character |
SaveFileText(fileName, txtData); |
success = true; |
RL_FREE(txtData); |
} |
else if (IsFileExtension(fileName, ".raw")) |
{ |
// TODO: Support additional file formats to export mesh vertex data |
} |
else if (IsFileExtension(fileName, ".raw")) { } // TODO: Support additional file formats to export mesh vertex data |
if (success) TRACELOG(LOG_INFO, "FILEIO: [%s] Mesh exported successfully", fileName); |
else TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "FILEIO: [%s] Failed to export mesh data", fileName); |
} |
// Load materials from model file |