@ -0,0 +1,683 @@ |
/********************************************************************************************** |
raylib parser - raylib header parser |
This parser scans raylib.h to get information about structs, enums and functions. |
All data is separated into parts, usually as strings. The following types are used for data: |
- struct FunctionInfo |
- struct StructInfo |
- struct EnumInfo |
This parser is specifically designed to work with raylib.h, so, it has some constraints: |
- Functions are expected as a single line with the following structure: |
<retType> <name>(<paramType[0]> <paramName[0]>, <paramType[1]> <paramName[1]>); <desc> |
Be careful with functions broken into several lines, it breaks the process! |
- Structures are expected as several lines with the following form: |
<desc> |
typedef struct <name> { |
<fieldType[0]> <fieldName[0]>; <fieldDesc[0]> |
<fieldType[1]> <fieldName[1]>; <fieldDesc[1]> |
<fieldType[2]> <fieldName[2]>; <fieldDesc[2]> |
} <name>; |
- Enums are expected as several lines with the following form: |
<desc> |
typedef enum { |
<valueName[0]> = <valueInt[0]>, <valueDesc[0]> |
<valueName[1]>, |
<valueName[2]>, <valueDesc[2]> |
<valueName[3]> <valueDesc[3]> |
} <name>; |
NOTE: Multiple options are supported: |
- If value is not provided, (<valueInt[i -1]> + 1) is assigned |
- Value description can be provided or not |
This parser could work with other C header files if mentioned constraints are followed. |
This parser does not require <string.h> library, all data is parsed directly from char buffers. |
LICENSE: zlib/libpng |
raylib-parser is licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license, which is an OSI-certified, |
BSD-like license that allows static linking with closed source software: |
Copyright (c) 2021 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5) |
**********************************************************************************************/ |
#include <stdlib.h> // Required for: malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), free(), atoi(), strtol() |
#include <stdio.h> // Required for: printf(), fopen(), fseek(), ftell(), fread(), fclose() |
#include <stdbool.h> // Required for: bool |
#define MAX_FUNCS_TO_PARSE 512 // Maximum number of functions to parse |
#define MAX_STRUCTS_TO_PARSE 64 // Maximum number of structures to parse |
#define MAX_ENUMS_TO_PARSE 64 // Maximum number of enums to parse |
#define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 512 // Maximum length of one line (including comments) |
#define MAX_STRUCT_LINE_LENGTH 2048 // Maximum length of one struct (multiple lines) |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Types and Structures Definition |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Function info data |
typedef struct FunctionInfo { |
char name[64]; // Function name |
char retType[32]; // Return value type |
int paramCount; // Number of function parameters |
char paramType[12][32]; // Parameters type (max: 12 parameters) |
char paramName[12][32]; // Parameters name (max: 12 parameters) |
char desc[128]; // Function description (comment at the end) |
} FunctionInfo; |
// Struct info data |
typedef struct StructInfo { |
char name[64]; // Struct name |
char desc[64]; // Struct type description |
int fieldCount; // Number of fields in the struct |
char fieldType[16][32]; // Field type (max: 16 fields) |
char fieldName[16][32]; // Field name (max: 16 fields) |
char fieldDesc[16][128]; // Field description (max: 16 fields) |
} StructInfo; |
// Enum info data |
typedef struct EnumInfo { |
char name[64]; // Enum name |
char desc[64]; // Enum description |
int valueCount; // Number of values in enumerator |
char valueName[128][64]; // Value name definition (max: 128 values) |
int valueInt[128]; // Value integer (max: 128 values) |
} EnumInfo; |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Module Functions Declaration |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
char *LoadFileText(const char *fileName, int *length); |
char **GetTextLines(const char *buffer, int length, int *linesCount); |
void GetDataTypeAndName(const char *typeName, int typeNameLen, char *type, char *name); |
bool IsTextEqual(const char *text1, const char *text2, unsigned int count); |
void MemoryCopy(void *dest, const void *src, unsigned int count); |
// Main entry point |
int main() |
{ |
int length = 0; |
char *buffer = LoadFileText("../src/raylib.h", &length); |
// Preprocess buffer to get separate lines |
// NOTE: GetTextLines() also removes leading spaces/tabs |
int linesCount = 0; |
char **lines = GetTextLines(buffer, length, &linesCount); |
// Print buffer lines |
//for (int i = 0; i < linesCount; i++) printf("_%s_\n", lines[i]); |
// Function lines pointers, selected from buffer "lines" |
int funcCount = 0; |
char **funcLines = (char **)malloc(MAX_FUNCS_TO_PARSE*sizeof(char *)); |
// Structs data (multiple lines), selected from "buffer" |
int structCount = 0; |
char **structLines = (char **)malloc(MAX_STRUCTS_TO_PARSE*sizeof(char *)); |
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_STRUCTS_TO_PARSE; i++) structLines[i] = (char *)calloc(MAX_STRUCT_LINE_LENGTH, sizeof(char)); |
// Enums lines pointers, selected from buffer "lines" |
int enumCount = 0; |
int *enumLines = (int *)malloc(MAX_ENUMS_TO_PARSE*sizeof(int)); |
// Prepare required lines for parsing |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Read function lines |
for (int i = 0; i < linesCount; i++) |
{ |
// Read function line (starting with "RLAPI") |
if (IsTextEqual(lines[i], "RLAPI", 5)) |
{ |
// Keep a pointer to the function line |
funcLines[funcCount] = lines[i]; |
funcCount++; |
} |
} |
// Print function lines |
//for (int i = 0; i < funcCount; i++) printf("%s\n", funcLines[i]); |
// Read structs data (multiple lines, read directly from buffer) |
// TODO: Parse structs data from "lines" instead of "buffer" -> Easier to get struct definition |
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) |
{ |
// Read struct data (starting with "typedef struct", ending with '} ... ;') |
// NOTE: We read it directly from buffer |
if (IsTextEqual(buffer + i, "typedef struct", 14)) |
{ |
int j = 0; |
bool validStruct = false; |
// WARNING: Typedefs between types: typedef Vector4 Quaternion; |
for (int c = 0; c < 128; c++) |
{ |
if (buffer[i + c] == '{') |
{ |
validStruct = true; |
break; |
} |
else if (buffer[i + j] == ';') |
{ |
// Not valid struct: |
// i.e typedef struct rAudioBuffer rAudioBuffer; -> Typedef and forward declaration |
i += c; |
break; |
} |
} |
if (validStruct) |
{ |
while (buffer[i + j] != '}') |
{ |
structLines[structCount][j] = buffer[i + j]; |
j++; |
} |
while (buffer[i + j] != '}') |
{ |
structLines[structCount][j] = buffer[i + j]; |
j++; |
} |
while (buffer[i + j] != '\n') |
{ |
structLines[structCount][j] = buffer[i + j]; |
j++; |
} |
i += j; |
structCount++; |
} |
} |
} |
// Read enum lines |
for (int i = 0; i < linesCount; i++) |
{ |
// Read function line (starting with "RLAPI") |
if (IsTextEqual(lines[i], "typedef enum {", 14)) |
{ |
// Keep the line position in the array of lines, |
// so, we can scan that position and following lines |
enumLines[enumCount] = i; |
enumCount++; |
} |
} |
// At this point we have all raylib structs, enums, functions lines data to start parsing |
free(buffer); // Unload text buffer |
// Parsing raylib data |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Structs info data |
StructInfo *structs = (StructInfo *)calloc(MAX_STRUCTS_TO_PARSE, sizeof(StructInfo)); |
for (int i = 0; i < structCount; i++) |
{ |
int structLineOffset = 0; |
// Get struct name: typedef struct name { |
for (int c = 15; c < 64 + 15; c++) |
{ |
if (structLines[i][c] == '{') |
{ |
structLineOffset = c + 2; |
MemoryCopy(structs[i].name, &structLines[i][15], c - 15 - 1); |
break; |
} |
} |
// Get struct fields and count them -> fields finish with ; |
int j = 0; |
while (structLines[i][structLineOffset + j] != '}') |
{ |
// WARNING: Some structs have empty spaces and comments -> OK, processed |
int fieldStart = 0; |
if ((structLines[i][structLineOffset + j] != ' ') && (structLines[i][structLineOffset + j] != '\n')) fieldStart = structLineOffset + j; |
if (fieldStart != 0) |
{ |
// Scan one field line |
int c = 0; |
int fieldEndPos = 0; |
char fieldLine[256] = { 0 }; |
while (structLines[i][structLineOffset + j] != '\n') |
{ |
if (structLines[i][structLineOffset + j] == ';') fieldEndPos = c; |
fieldLine[c] = structLines[i][structLineOffset + j]; |
c++; j++; |
} |
if (fieldLine[0] != '/') // Field line is not a comment |
{ |
//printf("Struct field: %s_\n", fieldLine); // OK! |
// Get struct field type and name |
GetDataTypeAndName(fieldLine, fieldEndPos, structs[i].fieldType[structs[i].fieldCount], structs[i].fieldName[structs[i].fieldCount]); |
// Get the field description |
// We start skipping spaces in front of description comment |
int descStart = fieldEndPos; |
while ((fieldLine[descStart] != '/') && (fieldLine[descStart] != '\0')) descStart++; |
int k = 0; |
while ((fieldLine[descStart + k] != '\0') && (fieldLine[descStart + k] != '\n')) |
{ |
structs[i].fieldDesc[structs[i].fieldCount][k] = fieldLine[descStart + k]; |
k++; |
} |
structs[i].fieldCount++; |
} |
} |
j++; |
} |
} |
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_STRUCTS_TO_PARSE; i++) free(structLines[i]); |
free(structLines); |
// Enum info data |
EnumInfo *enums = (EnumInfo *)calloc(MAX_ENUMS_TO_PARSE, sizeof(EnumInfo)); |
for (int i = 0; i < enumCount; i++) |
{ |
// TODO: Get enum description from lines[enumLines[i] - 1] |
for (int j = 1; j < 256; j++) // Maximum number of lines following enum first line |
{ |
char *linePtr = lines[enumLines[i] + j]; |
if ((linePtr[0] >= 'A') && (linePtr[0] <= 'Z')) |
{ |
// Parse enum value line, possible options: |
//ENUM_VALUE_NAME = 0x00000040, // Value description |
// We start reading the value name |
int c = 0; |
while ((linePtr[c] != ',') && |
(linePtr[c] != ' ') && |
(linePtr[c] != '=') && |
(linePtr[c] != '\0')) { enums[i].valueName[enums[i].valueCount][c] = linePtr[c]; c++; } |
// After the name we can have: |
// '=' -> value is provided |
// ',' -> value is equal to previous + 1, there could be a description if not '\0' |
// ' ' -> value is equal to previous + 1, there could be a description if not '\0' |
// '\0' -> value is equal to previous + 1 |
// Let's start checking if the line is not finished |
if ((linePtr[c] != ',') && (linePtr[c] != '\0')) |
{ |
// Two options: |
// '=' -> value is provided |
// ' ' -> value is equal to previous + 1, there could be a description if not '\0' |
bool foundValue = false; |
while (linePtr[c] != '\0') |
{ |
if (linePtr[c] == '=') { foundValue = true; break; } |
c++; |
} |
if (foundValue) |
{ |
if (linePtr[c + 1] == ' ') c += 2; |
else c++; |
// Parse integer value |
int n = 0; |
char integer[16] = { 0 }; |
while ((linePtr[c] != ',') && (linePtr[c] != ' ') && (linePtr[c] != '\0')) |
{ |
integer[n] = linePtr[c]; |
c++; n++; |
} |
if (integer[1] == 'x') enums[i].valueInt[enums[i].valueCount] = (int)strtol(integer, NULL, 16); |
else enums[i].valueInt[enums[i].valueCount] = atoi(integer); |
} |
else enums[i].valueInt[enums[i].valueCount] = (enums[i].valueInt[enums[i].valueCount - 1] + 1); |
// TODO: Parse value description if any |
} |
else enums[i].valueInt[enums[i].valueCount] = (enums[i].valueInt[enums[i].valueCount - 1] + 1); |
enums[i].valueCount++; |
} |
else if (linePtr[0] == '}') |
{ |
// Get enum name from typedef |
int c = 0; |
while (linePtr[2 + c] != ';') { enums[i].name[c] = linePtr[2 + c]; c++; } |
break; // Enum ended, break for() loop |
} |
} |
} |
// Functions info data |
FunctionInfo *funcs = (FunctionInfo *)calloc(MAX_FUNCS_TO_PARSE, sizeof(FunctionInfo)); |
for (int i = 0; i < funcCount; i++) |
{ |
int funcParamsStart = 0; |
int funcEnd = 0; |
// Get return type and function name from func line |
for (int c = 0; (c < MAX_LINE_LENGTH) && (funcLines[i][c] != '\n'); c++) |
{ |
if (funcLines[i][c] == '(') // Starts function parameters |
{ |
funcParamsStart = c + 1; |
// At this point we have function return type and function name |
char funcRetTypeName[128] = { 0 }; |
int funcRetTypeNameLen = c - 6; // Substract "RLAPI " |
MemoryCopy(funcRetTypeName, &funcLines[i][6], funcRetTypeNameLen); |
GetDataTypeAndName(funcRetTypeName, funcRetTypeNameLen, funcs[i].retType, funcs[i].name); |
break; |
} |
} |
// Get parameters from func line |
for (int c = funcParamsStart; c < MAX_LINE_LENGTH; c++) |
{ |
if (funcLines[i][c] == ',') // Starts function parameters |
{ |
// Get parameter type + name, extract info |
char funcParamTypeName[128] = { 0 }; |
int funcParamTypeNameLen = c - funcParamsStart; |
MemoryCopy(funcParamTypeName, &funcLines[i][funcParamsStart], funcParamTypeNameLen); |
GetDataTypeAndName(funcParamTypeName, funcParamTypeNameLen, funcs[i].paramType[funcs[i].paramCount], funcs[i].paramName[funcs[i].paramCount]); |
funcParamsStart = c + 1; |
if (funcLines[i][c + 1] == ' ') funcParamsStart += 1; |
funcs[i].paramCount++; // Move to next parameter |
} |
else if (funcLines[i][c] == ')') |
{ |
funcEnd = c + 2; |
// Check if previous word is void |
if ((funcLines[i][c - 4] == 'v') && (funcLines[i][c - 3] == 'o') && (funcLines[i][c - 2] == 'i') && (funcLines[i][c - 1] == 'd')) break; |
// Get parameter type + name, extract info |
char funcParamTypeName[128] = { 0 }; |
int funcParamTypeNameLen = c - funcParamsStart; |
MemoryCopy(funcParamTypeName, &funcLines[i][funcParamsStart], funcParamTypeNameLen); |
GetDataTypeAndName(funcParamTypeName, funcParamTypeNameLen, funcs[i].paramType[funcs[i].paramCount], funcs[i].paramName[funcs[i].paramCount]); |
funcs[i].paramCount++; // Move to next parameter |
break; |
} |
} |
// Get function description |
for (int c = funcEnd; c < MAX_LINE_LENGTH; c++) |
{ |
if (funcLines[i][c] == '/') |
{ |
MemoryCopy(funcs[i].desc, &funcLines[i][c], 127); // WARNING: Size could be too long for funcLines[i][c]? |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
for (int i = 0; i < linesCount; i++) free(lines[i]); |
free(lines); |
free(funcLines); |
// At this point, all raylib data has been parsed! |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// structs[] -> We have all the structs decomposed into pieces for further analysis |
// enums[] -> We have all the enums decomposed into pieces for further analysis |
// funcs[] -> We have all the functions decomposed into pieces for further analysis |
// Print structs info |
printf("\nStructures found: %i\n\n", structCount); |
for (int i = 0; i < structCount; i++) |
{ |
printf("Struct %02i: %s (%i fields)\n", i + 1, structs[i].name, structs[i].fieldCount); |
//printf("Description: %s\n", structs[i].desc); |
for (int f = 0; f < structs[i].fieldCount; f++) printf(" Fields %i: %s %s %s\n", f + 1, structs[i].fieldType[f], structs[i].fieldName[f], structs[i].fieldDesc[f]); |
} |
// Print enums info |
printf("\nEnums found: %i\n\n", enumCount); |
for (int i = 0; i < enumCount; i++) |
{ |
printf("Enum %02i: %s (%i values)\n", i + 1, enums[i].name, enums[i].valueCount); |
//printf("Description: %s\n", enums[i].desc); |
for (int e = 0; e < enums[i].valueCount; e++) printf(" Value %s: %i\n", enums[i].valueName[e], enums[i].valueInt[e]); |
} |
// Print function info |
printf("\nFunctions found: %i\n\n", funcCount); |
for (int i = 0; i < funcCount; i++) |
{ |
printf("Function %03i: %s() (%i input parameters)\n", i + 1, funcs[i].name, funcs[i].paramCount); |
printf(" Description: %s\n", funcs[i].desc); |
printf(" Return type: %s\n", funcs[i].retType); |
for (int p = 0; p < funcs[i].paramCount; p++) printf(" Param %i: %s (type: %s)\n", p + 1, funcs[i].paramName[p], funcs[i].paramType[p]); |
if (funcs[i].paramCount == 0) printf(" No input parameters\n"); |
} |
free(funcs); |
free(structs); |
free(enums); |
} |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Module Functions Definition |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Load text data from file, returns a '\0' terminated string |
// NOTE: text chars array should be freed manually |
char *LoadFileText(const char *fileName, int *length) |
{ |
char *text = NULL; |
if (fileName != NULL) |
{ |
FILE *file = fopen(fileName, "rt"); |
if (file != NULL) |
{ |
// WARNING: When reading a file as 'text' file, |
// text mode causes carriage return-linefeed translation... |
// ...but using fseek() should return correct byte-offset |
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); |
int size = ftell(file); |
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); |
if (size > 0) |
{ |
*length = size; |
text = (char *)calloc((size + 1), sizeof(char)); |
unsigned int count = (unsigned int)fread(text, sizeof(char), size, file); |
// WARNING: \r\n is converted to \n on reading, so, |
// read bytes count gets reduced by the number of lines |
if (count < (unsigned int)size) text = realloc(text, count + 1); |
// Zero-terminate the string |
text[count] = '\0'; |
} |
fclose(file); |
} |
} |
return text; |
} |
// Get all lines from a text buffer (expecting lines ending with '\n') |
char **GetTextLines(const char *buffer, int length, int *linesCount) |
{ |
//#define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 512 |
// Get the number of lines in the text |
int count = 0; |
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) if (buffer[i] == '\n') count++; |
//printf("Number of text lines in buffer: %i\n", count); |
// Allocate as many pointers as lines |
char **lines = (char **)malloc(count*sizeof(char **)); |
char *bufferPtr = (char *)buffer; |
for (int i = 0; (i < count) || (bufferPtr[0] != '\0'); i++) |
{ |
lines[i] = (char *)calloc(MAX_LINE_LENGTH, sizeof(char)); |
// Remove line leading spaces |
// Find last index of space/tab character |
int index = 0; |
while ((bufferPtr[index] == ' ') || (bufferPtr[index] == '\t')) index++; |
int j = 0; |
while (bufferPtr[index + j] != '\n') |
{ |
lines[i][j] = bufferPtr[index + j]; |
j++; |
} |
bufferPtr += (index + j + 1); |
} |
*linesCount = count; |
return lines; |
} |
// Get data type and name from a string containing both |
// NOTE: Useful to parse function parameters and struct fields |
void GetDataTypeAndName(const char *typeName, int typeNameLen, char *type, char *name) |
{ |
for (int k = typeNameLen; k > 0; k--) |
{ |
if (typeName[k] == ' ') |
{ |
// Function name starts at this point (and ret type finishes at this point) |
MemoryCopy(type, typeName, k); |
MemoryCopy(name, typeName + k + 1, typeNameLen - k - 1); |
break; |
} |
else if (typeName[k] == '*') |
{ |
MemoryCopy(type, typeName, k + 1); |
MemoryCopy(name, typeName + k + 1, typeNameLen - k - 1); |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
// Custom memcpy() to avoid <string.h> |
void MemoryCopy(void *dest, const void *src, unsigned int count) |
{ |
char *srcPtr = (char *)src; |
char *destPtr = (char *)dest; |
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) destPtr[i] = srcPtr[i]; |
} |
// Compare two text strings, requires number of characters to compare |
bool IsTextEqual(const char *text1, const char *text2, unsigned int count) |
{ |
bool result = true; |
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) |
{ |
if (text1[i] != text2[i]) |
{ |
result = false; |
break; |
} |
} |
return result; |
} |
/* |
// Replace text string |
// REQUIRES: strlen(), strstr(), strncpy(), strcpy() -> TODO: Replace by custom implementations! |
// WARNING: Returned buffer must be freed by the user (if return != NULL) |
char *TextReplace(char *text, const char *replace, const char *by) |
{ |
// Sanity checks and initialization |
if (!text || !replace || !by) return NULL; |
char *result; |
char *insertPoint; // Next insert point |
char *temp; // Temp pointer |
int replaceLen; // Replace string length of (the string to remove) |
int byLen; // Replacement length (the string to replace replace by) |
int lastReplacePos; // Distance between replace and end of last replace |
int count; // Number of replacements |
replaceLen = strlen(replace); |
if (replaceLen == 0) return NULL; // Empty replace causes infinite loop during count |
byLen = strlen(by); |
// Count the number of replacements needed |
insertPoint = text; |
for (count = 0; (temp = strstr(insertPoint, replace)); count++) insertPoint = temp + replaceLen; |
// Allocate returning string and point temp to it |
temp = result = (char *)malloc(strlen(text) + (byLen - replaceLen)*count + 1); |
if (!result) return NULL; // Memory could not be allocated |
// First time through the loop, all the variable are set correctly from here on, |
// - 'temp' points to the end of the result string |
// - 'insertPoint' points to the next occurrence of replace in text |
// - 'text' points to the remainder of text after "end of replace" |
while (count--) |
{ |
insertPoint = strstr(text, replace); |
lastReplacePos = (int)(insertPoint - text); |
temp = strncpy(temp, text, lastReplacePos) + lastReplacePos; |
temp = strcpy(temp, by) + byLen; |
text += lastReplacePos + replaceLen; // Move to next "end of replace" |
} |
// Copy remaind text part after replacement to result (pointed by moving temp) |
strcpy(temp, text); |
return result; |
} |
*/ |