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[rnet] Renamed some functions

Ray 5 år sedan
8 ändrade filer med 83 tillägg och 83 borttagningar
  1. +3
  2. +1
  3. +2
  4. +2
  5. +8
  6. +2
  7. +2
  8. +63

+ 3
- 3
examples/network/network_ping_pong.c Visa fil

@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ int main(void)
InitNetworkDevice(); // Init network communications
// Create the server: getaddrinfo + socket + setsockopt + bind + listen
serverResult = AllocSocketResult();
serverResult = LoadSocketResult();
if (!SocketCreate(&serverConfig, serverResult))
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to open server: status %d, errno %d", serverResult->status, serverResult->socket->status);
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ int main(void)
// Create the client: getaddrinfo + socket + setsockopt + connect (TCP only)
clientResult = AllocSocketResult();
clientResult = LoadSocketResult();
if (!SocketCreate(&clientConfig, clientResult))
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to open client: status %d, errno %d", clientResult->status, clientResult->socket->status);
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ int main(void)
// Create and add sockets to the socket set
socketSet = AllocSocketSet(3);
socketSet = LoadSocketSet(3);
AddSocket(socketSet, serverResult->socket);
AddSocket(socketSet, clientResult->socket);

+ 1
- 1
examples/network/network_resolve_host.c Visa fil

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ int main(void)
unsigned short port = 0;
AddressInformation *address = AllocAddressList(1);
AddressInformation *address = LoadAddressList(1);
// Address info flags
// ADDRESS_INFO_NUMERICHOST // or try them in conjunction to

+ 2
- 2
examples/network/network_tcp_client.c Visa fil

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ int main(void)
char receiveBuffer[512] = { 0 };
// Create the client: getaddrinfo + socket + setsockopt + connect (TCP only)
clientResult = AllocSocketResult();
clientResult = LoadSocketResult();
if (!SocketCreate(&clientConfig, clientResult)) TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to open client: status %d, errno %d", clientResult->status, clientResult->socket->status);
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ int main(void)
// Create and add sockets to the socket set
socketSet = AllocSocketSet(1);
socketSet = LoadSocketSet(1);
AddSocket(socketSet, clientResult->socket);
SetTargetFPS(60); // Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second

+ 2
- 2
examples/network/network_tcp_server.c Visa fil

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ int main(void)
char receiveBuffer[512] = { 0 };
// Create the server: getaddrinfo + socket + setsockopt + bind + listen
serverResult = AllocSocketResult();
serverResult = LoadSocketResult();
if (!SocketCreate(&serverConfig, serverResult))
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to open server: status %d, errno %d", serverResult->status, serverResult->socket->status);
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ int main(void)
// Create and add sockets to the socket set
socketSet = AllocSocketSet(2);
socketSet = LoadSocketSet(2);
AddSocket(socketSet, serverResult->socket);
SetTargetFPS(60); // Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second

+ 8
- 8
examples/network/network_test.c Visa fil

@ -23,17 +23,17 @@ void test_network_initialise()
void test_socket_result()
SocketResult *result = AllocSocketResult();
SocketResult *result = LoadSocketResult();
assert(result != NULL);
assert(result == NULL);
void test_socket()
Socket *socket = AllocSocket();
Socket *socket = LoadSocket();
assert(socket != NULL);
assert(socket == NULL);
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ void test_resolve_host()
const char *address = "localhost";
const char *port = "80";
AddressInformation *addr = AllocAddressList(3);
AddressInformation *addr = LoadAddressList(3);
int count = ResolveHost(address, port, ADDRESS_TYPE_ANY, 0, addr);
assert(GetAddressFamily(addr[0]) == ADDRESS_TYPE_IPV6);
@ -105,9 +105,9 @@ void test_address_list()
void test_socket_create()
SocketConfig server_cfg = { .host = "", .port = "8080", .server = true, .nonblocking = true };
Socket *socket = AllocSocket();
SocketResult *server_res = AllocSocketResult();
SocketSet *socket_set = AllocSocketSet(1);
Socket *socket = LoadSocket();
SocketResult *server_res = LoadSocketResult();
SocketSet *socket_set = LoadSocketSet(1);
assert(SocketCreate(&server_cfg, server_res));
assert(AddSocket(socket_set, server_res->socket));

+ 2
- 2
examples/network/network_udp_client.c Visa fil

@ -45,14 +45,14 @@ int main(void)
char receiveBuffer[512] = { 0 };
// Create the client: getaddrinfo + socket + setsockopt + connect (TCP only)
clientResult = AllocSocketResult();
clientResult = LoadSocketResult();
if (!SocketCreate(&clientConfig, clientResult))
TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to open client: status %d, errno %d", clientResult->status, clientResult->socket->status);
// Create and add sockets to the socket set
socketSet = AllocSocketSet(1);
socketSet = LoadSocketSet(1);
AddSocket(socketSet, clientResult->socket);
SetTargetFPS(60); // Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second

+ 2
- 2
examples/network/network_udp_server.c Visa fil

@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ int main(void)
char receiveBuffer[512] = { 0 };
// Create the server: getaddrinfo + socket + setsockopt + bind + listen
serverResult = AllocSocketResult();
serverResult = LoadSocketResult();
if (!SocketCreate(&serverConfig, serverResult)) TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to open server: status %d, errno %d", serverResult->status, serverResult->socket->status);
else if (!SocketBind(&serverConfig, serverResult)) TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to bind server: status %d, errno %d", serverResult->status, serverResult->socket->status);
// Create and add sockets to the socket set
socketSet = AllocSocketSet(1);
socketSet = LoadSocketSet(1);
AddSocket(socketSet, serverResult->socket);
SetTargetFPS(60); // Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second

+ 63
- 63
src/rnet.h Visa fil

@ -77,15 +77,15 @@
#define NOMSG // typedef MSG and associated routines
#define NOOPENFILE // OpenFile(), OemToAnsi, AnsiToOem, and OF_*
#define NOSCROLL // SB_* and scrolling routines
#define NOSERVICE // All Service Controller routines, SERVICE_ equates, etc.
#define NOSOUND // Sound driver routines
#define NOSERVICE // All Service Controller routines, SERVICE_ equates, etc.
#define NOSOUND // Sound driver routines
#define NOTEXTMETRIC // typedef TEXTMETRIC and associated routines
#define NOWH // SetWindowsHook and WH_*
#define NOWINOFFSETS // GWL_*, GCL_*, associated routines
#define NOCOMM // COMM driver routines
#define NOKANJI // Kanji support stuff.
#define NOHELP // Help engine interface.
#define NOPROFILER // Profiler interface.
#define NOCOMM // COMM driver routines
#define NOKANJI // Kanji support stuff.
#define NOHELP // Help engine interface.
#define NOPROFILER // Profiler interface.
#define NODEFERWINDOWPOS // DeferWindowPos routines
#define NOMCX // Modem Configuration Extensions
@ -256,6 +256,11 @@ typedef struct IPAddress {
unsigned short port; // 16-bit protocol port
} IPAddress;
typedef struct UDPChannel {
int numbound; // The total number of addresses this channel is bound to
IPAddress address[SOCKET_MAX_UDPADDRESSES]; // The list of remote addresses this channel is bound to
} UDPChannel;
// An option ID, value, sizeof(value) tuple for setsockopt(2).
typedef struct SocketOpt {
int id; // Socked option id
@ -263,17 +268,13 @@ typedef struct SocketOpt {
void *value; // Socked option value data
} SocketOpt;
typedef struct UDPChannel {
int numbound; // The total number of addresses this channel is bound to
IPAddress address[SOCKET_MAX_UDPADDRESSES]; // The list of remote addresses this channel is bound to
} UDPChannel;
typedef struct Socket {
int ready; // Is the socket ready? i.e. has information
int status; // The last status code to have occured using this socket
bool isServer; // Is this socket a server socket (i.e. TCP/UDP Listen Server)
SocketChannel channel; // The socket handle id
SocketType type; // Is this socket a TCP or UDP socket?
bool isIPv6; // Is this socket address an ipv6 address?
SocketAddressIPv4 addripv4; // The host/target IPv4 for this socket (in network byte order)
SocketAddressIPv6 addripv6; // The host/target IPv6 for this socket (in network byte order)
@ -281,6 +282,26 @@ typedef struct Socket {
struct UDPChannel binding[SOCKET_MAX_UDPCHANNELS]; // The amount of channels (if UDP) this socket is bound to
} Socket;
// Configuration for a socket
typedef struct SocketConfig {
SocketType type; // The type of socket, TCP/UDP
char *host; // The host address in form
char *port; // The target port/service in the form "http" or "25565"
bool server; // Listen for incoming clients?
bool nonblocking; // non-blocking operation?
int backlog_size; // set a custom backlog size
SocketOpt sockopts[SOCKET_MAX_SOCK_OPTS];
} SocketConfig;
typedef struct SocketDataPacket {
IPAddress address; // The source/dest address of an incoming/outgoing packet
int channel; // The src/dst channel of the packet
int maxlen; // The size of the data buffer
int status; // Packet status after sending
unsigned int len; // The length of the packet data
unsigned char *data; // The packet data
} SocketDataPacket;
// Result from calling open with a given config
typedef struct SocketResult {
int status; // Socket result state
@ -293,26 +314,6 @@ typedef struct SocketSet {
struct Socket **sockets; // Sockets array
} SocketSet;
typedef struct SocketDataPacket {
IPAddress address; // The source/dest address of an incoming/outgoing packet
int channel; // The src/dst channel of the packet
int maxlen; // The size of the data buffer
int status; // Packet status after sending
unsigned int len; // The length of the packet data
unsigned char *data; // The packet data
} SocketDataPacket;
// Configuration for a socket
typedef struct SocketConfig {
SocketType type; // The type of socket, TCP/UDP
char *host; // The host address in form
char *port; // The target port/service in the form "http" or "25565"
bool server; // Listen for incoming clients?
bool nonblocking; // non-blocking operation?
int backlog_size; // set a custom backlog size
SocketOpt sockopts[SOCKET_MAX_SOCK_OPTS];
} SocketConfig;
// Packet type
typedef struct Packet {
uint32_t size; // The total size of bytes in data
@ -347,12 +348,11 @@ int GetAddressSocketType(AddressInformation address);
int GetAddressProtocol(AddressInformation address);
char *GetAddressCanonName(AddressInformation address);
char *GetAddressHostAndPort(AddressInformation address, char *outhost, int *outport);
void PrintAddressInfo(AddressInformation address);
// Address Memory API
AddressInformation AllocAddress();
void FreeAddress(AddressInformation *addressInfo);
AddressInformation *AllocAddressList(int size);
AddressInformation LoadAddress(void);
void UnloadAddress(AddressInformation *addressInfo);
AddressInformation *LoadAddressList(int size);
// Socket API
bool SocketCreate(SocketConfig *config, SocketResult *result);
@ -361,6 +361,14 @@ bool SocketListen(SocketConfig *config, SocketResult *result);
bool SocketConnect(SocketConfig *config, SocketResult *result);
Socket *SocketAccept(Socket *server, SocketConfig *config);
// General Socket API
int SocketSend(Socket *sock, const void *datap, int len);
int SocketReceive(Socket *sock, void *data, int maxlen);
SocketAddressStorage SocketGetPeerAddress(Socket *sock);
char *GetSocketAddressHost(SocketAddressStorage storage);
short GetSocketAddressPort(SocketAddressStorage storage);
void SocketClose(Socket *sock);
// UDP Socket API
int SocketSetChannel(Socket *socket, int channel, const IPAddress *address);
void SocketUnsetChannel(Socket *socket, int channel);
@ -372,21 +380,13 @@ void FreePacket(SocketDataPacket *packet);
SocketDataPacket **AllocPacketList(int count, int size);
void FreePacketList(SocketDataPacket **packets);
// General Socket API
int SocketSend(Socket *sock, const void *datap, int len);
int SocketReceive(Socket *sock, void *data, int maxlen);
void SocketClose(Socket *sock);
SocketAddressStorage SocketGetPeerAddress(Socket *sock);
char* GetSocketAddressHost(SocketAddressStorage storage);
short GetSocketAddressPort(SocketAddressStorage storage);
// Socket Memory API
Socket *AllocSocket();
void FreeSocket(Socket **sock);
SocketResult *AllocSocketResult();
void FreeSocketResult(SocketResult **result);
SocketSet *AllocSocketSet(int max);
void FreeSocketSet(SocketSet *sockset);
Socket *LoadSocket(void);
void UnloadSocket(Socket **sock);
SocketResult *LoadSocketResult(void);
void UnloadSocketResult(SocketResult **result);
SocketSet *LoadSocketSet(int max);
void UnloadSocketSet(SocketSet *sockset);
// Socket I/O API
bool IsSocketReady(Socket *sock);
@ -1120,7 +1120,7 @@ int ResolveHost(const char *address, const char *service, int addressType, int f
int i;
for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
outAddr[i] = AllocAddress();
outAddr[i] = LoadAddress();
if (outAddr[i] == NULL)
@ -1475,7 +1475,7 @@ Socket *SocketAccept(Socket *server, SocketConfig *config)
struct sockaddr_storage sock_addr;
socklen_t sock_alen;
Socket *sock = AllocSocket();
Socket *sock = LoadSocket();
server->ready = 0;
sock_alen = sizeof(sock_addr);
sock->channel = accept(server->channel, (struct sockaddr *)&sock_addr, &sock_alen);
@ -1863,14 +1863,14 @@ bool IsSocketConnected(Socket *sock)
// Allocate and return a SocketResult struct
SocketResult *AllocSocketResult(void)
SocketResult *LoadSocketResult(void)
struct SocketResult *res = (struct SocketResult *)RNET_MALLOC(sizeof(*res));
if (res != NULL)
memset(res, 0, sizeof(*res));
if ((res->socket = AllocSocket()) == NULL)
if ((res->socket = LoadSocket()) == NULL)
res = NULL;
@ -1881,11 +1881,11 @@ SocketResult *AllocSocketResult(void)
// Free an allocated SocketResult
void FreeSocketResult(SocketResult **result)
void UnloadSocketResult(SocketResult **result)
if (*result != NULL)
if ((*result)->socket != NULL) FreeSocket(&((*result)->socket));
if ((*result)->socket != NULL) UnloadSocket(&((*result)->socket));
*result = NULL;
@ -1893,7 +1893,7 @@ void FreeSocketResult(SocketResult **result)
// Allocate a Socket
Socket *AllocSocket(void)
Socket *LoadSocket(void)
struct Socket *sock;
sock = (Socket *)RNET_MALLOC(sizeof(*sock));
@ -1911,7 +1911,7 @@ Socket *AllocSocket(void)
// Free an allocated Socket
void FreeSocket(Socket **sock)
void UnloadSocket(Socket **sock)
if (*sock != NULL)
@ -1921,7 +1921,7 @@ void FreeSocket(Socket **sock)
// Allocate a SocketSet
SocketSet *AllocSocketSet(int max)
SocketSet *LoadSocketSet(int max)
struct SocketSet *set = (struct SocketSet *)RNET_MALLOC(sizeof(*set));
@ -1945,7 +1945,7 @@ SocketSet *AllocSocketSet(int max)
// Free an allocated SocketSet
void FreeSocketSet(SocketSet *set)
void UnloadSocketSet(SocketSet *set)
if (set)
@ -2053,10 +2053,10 @@ int CheckSockets(SocketSet *set, unsigned int timeout)
// Allocate an AddressInformation
AddressInformation AllocAddress(void)
AddressInformation LoadAddress(void)
AddressInformation addressInfo = NULL;
addressInfo = (AddressInformation) RNET_CALLOC(1, sizeof(*addressInfo));
addressInfo = (AddressInformation)RNET_CALLOC(1, sizeof(*addressInfo));
if (addressInfo != NULL)
@ -2069,7 +2069,7 @@ AddressInformation AllocAddress(void)
// Free an AddressInformation struct
void FreeAddress(AddressInformation *addressInfo)
void UnloadAddress(AddressInformation *addressInfo)
if (*addressInfo != NULL)
@ -2085,7 +2085,7 @@ void FreeAddress(AddressInformation *addressInfo)
// Allocate a list of AddressInformation
AddressInformation *AllocAddressList(int size)
AddressInformation *LoadAddressList(int size)
AddressInformation *addr;
addr = (AddressInformation *)RNET_MALLOC(size * sizeof(AddressInformation));
