@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ Some people ported raylib to other languages in form of bindings or wrappers to
| Raylib.4.0.Pascal | **4.0** | [Free Pascal ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Pascal )| Zlib | https://github.com/sysrpl/Raylib.4.0.Pascal |
| pyraylib | 3.7 | [Python ](https://www.python.org/ ) | Zlib | https://github.com/Ho011/pyraylib |
| raylib-python-cffi | **4.2** | [Python ](https://www.python.org/ ) | EPL-2.0 | https://github.com/electronstudio/raylib-python-cffi |
| raylibpyctbg | **4.2** | [Python ](https://www.python.org/ ) | MIT | https://github.com/overdev/raylibpyctbg |
| raylib-py | **4.2** | [Python ](https://www.python.org/ ) | MIT | https://github.com/overdev/raylib-py |
| raylib-python-ctypes | **4.2** | [Python ](https://www.python.org/ ) | MIT | https://github.com/sDos280/raylib-python-ctypes |
| raylib-php | 3.5 | [PHP ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PHP ) | Zlib | https://github.com/joseph-montanez/raylib-php |
| raylib-phpcpp | 3.5 | [PHP ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PHP ) | Zlib | https://github.com/oraoto/raylib-phpcpp |
@ -103,8 +105,6 @@ These are older raylib bindings that are more than 2 versions old or have not be
| raylib-ruby | 2.6 | [Ruby ](https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/ ) | https://github.com/a0/raylib-ruby |
| raylib-ruby-ffi | 2.0 | [Ruby ](https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/ ) | https://github.com/D3nX/raylib-ruby-ffi |
| raylib-mruby | 2.5-dev | [mruby ](https://github.com/mruby/mruby ) | https://github.com/lihaochen910/raylib-mruby |
| raylib-py-ctbg | 2.6 | [Python ](https://www.python.org/ ) | https://github.com/overdev/raylib-py-ctbg |
| raylib-py | 2.0 | [Python ](https://www.python.org/ ) | https://github.com/overdev/raylib-py |
| raylib-java | 2.0 | [Java ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_(programming_language )) | https://github.com/XoanaIO/raylib-java |
| clj-raylib | 3.0 | [Clojure ](https://clojure.org/ ) | https://github.com/lsevero/clj-raylib |
| QuickJS-raylib | 3.0 | [QuickJS ](https://bellard.org/quickjs/ ) | https://github.com/sntg-p/QuickJS-raylib |