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Update raylib.h

raysan5 3 years ago
1 changed files with 17 additions and 18 deletions
  1. +17

+ 17
- 18
src/raylib.h View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
* - NO external dependencies, all required libraries included with raylib
* - Multiplatform: Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonFly,
* MacOS, Haiku, UWP, Android, Raspberry Pi, HTML5.
* MacOS, Haiku, Android, Raspberry Pi, DRM native, HTML5.
* - Written in plain C code (C99) in PascalCase/camelCase notation
* - Hardware accelerated with OpenGL (1.1, 2.1, 3.3 or ES2 - choose at compile)
* - Unique OpenGL abstraction layer (usable as standalone module): [rlgl]
@ -21,29 +21,28 @@
* - Bindings to multiple programming languages available!
* One default Font is loaded on InitWindow()->LoadFontDefault() [core, text]
* One default Texture2D is loaded on rlglInit(), 1x1 white pixel R8G8B8A8 [rlgl] (OpenGL 3.3 or ES2)
* One default Shader is loaded on rlglInit()->rlLoadShaderDefault() [rlgl] (OpenGL 3.3 or ES2)
* One default RenderBatch is loaded on rlglInit()->rlLoadRenderBatch() [rlgl] (OpenGL 3.3 or ES2)
* o">- One default Font is loaded on InitWindow()->LoadFontDefault() [core, text]
* o">- One default Texture2D is loaded on rlglInit(), 1x1 white pixel R8G8B8A8 [rlgl] (OpenGL 3.3 or ES2)
* o">- One default Shader is loaded on rlglInit()->rlLoadShaderDefault() [rlgl] (OpenGL 3.3 or ES2)
* o">- One default RenderBatch is loaded on rlglInit()->rlLoadRenderBatch() [rlgl] (OpenGL 3.3 or ES2)
* DEPENDENCIES (included):
* [core] rglfw (Camilla Löwy - for window/context management and input (PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
* [rcore] rglfw (Camilla Löwy - for window/context management and input (PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
* [rlgl] glad (David Herberth - for OpenGL 3.3 extensions loading (PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
* [raudio] miniaudio (David Reid - for audio device/context management
* [core] msf_gif (Miles Fogle) for GIF recording
* [core] sinfl (Micha Mettke) for DEFLATE decompression algorythm
* [core] sdefl (Micha Mettke) for DEFLATE compression algorythm
* [textures] stb_image (Sean Barret) for images loading (BMP, TGA, PNG, JPEG, HDR...)
* [textures] stb_image_write (Sean Barret) for image writting (BMP, TGA, PNG, JPG)
* [textures] stb_image_resize (Sean Barret) for image resizing algorithms
* [textures] stb_perlin (Sean Barret) for Perlin noise image generation
* [text] stb_truetype (Sean Barret) for ttf fonts loading
* [text] stb_rect_pack (Sean Barret) for rectangles packing
* [models] par_shapes (Philip Rideout) for parametric 3d shapes generation
* [models] tinyobj_loader_c (Syoyo Fujita) for models loading (OBJ, MTL)
* [models] cgltf (Johannes Kuhlmann) for models loading (glTF)
* [rcore] msf_gif (Miles Fogle) for GIF recording
* [rcore] sinfl (Micha Mettke) for DEFLATE decompression algorythm
* [rcore] sdefl (Micha Mettke) for DEFLATE compression algorythm
* [rtextures] stb_image (Sean Barret) for images loading (BMP, TGA, PNG, JPEG, HDR...)
* [rtextures] stb_image_write (Sean Barret) for image writting (BMP, TGA, PNG, JPG)
* [rtextures] stb_image_resize (Sean Barret) for image resizing algorithms
* [rtext] stb_truetype (Sean Barret) for ttf fonts loading
* [rtext] stb_rect_pack (Sean Barret) for rectangles packing
* [rmodels] par_shapes (Philip Rideout) for parametric 3d shapes generation
* [rmodels] tinyobj_loader_c (Syoyo Fujita) for models loading (OBJ, MTL)
* [rmodels] cgltf (Johannes Kuhlmann) for models loading (glTF)
* [raudio] dr_wav (David Reid) for WAV audio file loading
* [raudio] dr_flac (David Reid) for FLAC audio file loading
* [raudio] dr_mp3 (David Reid) for MP3 audio file loading
