DrawText("Use WASD to move rectangle and ARROWS to move square",screenWidth/2-MeasureText("Use WASD to move rectangle and ARROWS to move square",20)/2,screenHeight*0.075f,20,LIGHTGRAY);
DrawText("Use WASD to move rectangle and ARROWS to move square",screenWidth/2-MeasureText("Use WASD to move rectangle and ARROWS to move square",20)/2,screenHeight*0.075f,20,LIGHTGRAY);
DrawText("Use LEFT MOUSE BUTTON to apply a force",screenWidth/2-MeasureText("Use LEFT MOUSE BUTTON to apply a force",20)/2,screenHeight*0.075f,20,LIGHTGRAY);
DrawText("Use LEFT MOUSE BUTTON to apply a force",screenWidth/2-MeasureText("Use LEFT MOUSE BUTTON to apply a force",20)/2,screenHeight*0.075f,20,LIGHTGRAY);
DrawText("Use R to reset objects position",screenWidth/2-MeasureText("Use R to reset objects position",20)/2,screenHeight*0.875f,20,GRAY);
DrawText("Use R to reset objects position",screenWidth/2-MeasureText("Use R to reset objects position",20)/2,screenHeight*0.875f,20,GRAY);