Kaynağa Gözat

Move shaders functions to module rlgl

Shader functionality owns to rlgl, not core module
raysan5 9 yıl önce
4 değiştirilmiş dosya ile 309 ekleme ve 251 silme
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  2. +35
  3. +267
  4. +3

+ 4
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src/core.c Dosyayı Görüntüle

@ -192,9 +192,6 @@ static double targetTime = 0.0; // Desired time for one frame, if 0
static char configFlags = 0;
static bool showLogo = false;
// Shaders variables
static bool enabledPostpro = false;
// Other Modules Functions Declaration (required by core)
@ -468,7 +465,7 @@ int GetScreenHeight(void)
// Sets Background Color
void ClearBackground(Color color)
// l">TODO: Review "clearing area", full framebuffer vs render area
// ">Clear full framebuffer (not only render area) to color
rlClearColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
@ -479,7 +476,7 @@ void BeginDrawing(void)
updateTime = currentTime - previousTime;
previousTime = currentTime;
if (enabledPostpro) rlEnableFBO();
if (IsPosproShaderEnabled()) rlEnableFBO();
@ -496,7 +493,7 @@ void EndDrawing(void)
rlglDraw(); // Draw Buffers (Only OpenGL 3+ and ES2)
if (enabledPostpro) rlglDrawPostpro(); // Draw postprocessing effect (shader)
if (IsPosproShaderEnabled()) rlglDrawPostpro(); // Draw postprocessing effect (shader)
SwapBuffers(); // Copy back buffer to front buffer
@ -970,39 +967,6 @@ Vector2 GetTouchPosition(void)
// Set postprocessing shader
void SetPostproShader(Shader shader)
if (rlGetVersion() == OPENGL_11) TraceLog(WARNING, "Postprocessing shaders not supported on OpenGL 1.1");
if (!enabledPostpro)
enabledPostpro = true;
// Set custom shader to be used in batch draw
void SetCustomShader(Shader shader)
// Set default shader to be used in batch draw
void SetDefaultShader(void)
enabledPostpro = false;
// Module specific Functions Definition
@ -1579,7 +1543,7 @@ static void PollInputEvents(void)
// Poll Events (registered events)
// TODO: Enable/disable activityMinimized to block activity if minimized
//while ((ident = ALooper_pollAll(activityMinimized ? 0 : -1, NULL, &events,(void**)&source)) >= 0)
while ((ident = ALooper_pollAll(0, NULL, &events,(void**)&source)) >= 0)
while ((ident = ALooper_pollAll(0, NULL, &events, (void**)&source)) >= 0)
// Process this event
if (source != NULL) source->process(app, source);

+ 35
- 45
src/raylib.h Dosyayı Görüntüle

@ -265,9 +265,6 @@ typedef struct Camera {
Vector3 up;
} Camera;
// Camera modes
// Vertex data definning a mesh
// NOTE: If using OpenGL 1.1, data loaded in CPU; if OpenGL 3.3+ data loaded in GPU (vaoId)
typedef struct VertexData {
@ -284,21 +281,21 @@ typedef struct VertexData {
typedef struct Shader {
unsigned int id; // Shader program id
// TODO: This should be Texture2D objects
unsigned int texDiffuseId; // Diffuse texture id
unsigned int texNormalId; // Normal texture id
unsigned int texSpecularId; // Specular texture id
// Variable attributes
int vertexLoc; // Vertex attribute location point (vertex shader)
int texcoordLoc; // Texcoord attribute location point (vertex shader)
int normalLoc; // Normal attribute location point (vertex shader)
int colorLoc; // Color attibute location point (vertex shader)
int vertexLoc; // Vertex attribute location point (vertex shader)
int texcoordLoc; // Texcoord attribute location point (vertex shader)
int normalLoc; // Normal attribute location point (vertex shader)
int colorLoc; // Color attibute location point (vertex shader)
// Uniforms
int projectionLoc; // Projection matrix uniform location point (vertex shader)
int modelviewLoc; // ModeView matrix uniform location point (vertex shader)
int tintColorLoc; // Color uniform location point (fragment shader)
int projectionLoc; // Projection matrix uniform location point (vertex shader)
int modelviewLoc; // ModeView matrix uniform location point (vertex shader)
int tintColorLoc; // Color uniform location point (fragment shader)
int mapDiffuseLoc; // Diffuse map texture uniform location point (fragment shader)
int mapNormalLoc; // Normal map texture uniform location point (fragment shader)
@ -421,32 +418,28 @@ Color Fade(Color color, float alpha); // Color fade-in or
void SetConfigFlags(char flags); // Enable some window configurations
void ShowLogo(void); // Activates raylib logo at startup (can be done with flags)
void SetPostproShader(Shader shader); // Set fullscreen postproduction shader
void SetCustomShader(Shader shader); // Set custom shader to be used in batch draw
void SetDefaultShader(void); // Set default shader to be used in batch draw
Ray GetMouseRay(Vector2 mousePosition, Camera camera); // Gives the rayTrace from mouse position
// Camera modes setup and control functions (module: camera)
void SetCameraMode(int mode); // Select camera mode (multiple camera modes available)
Camera UpdateCamera(Vector3 *position); // Update camera with position
void SetCameraControls(int front, int left, int back, int right, int up, int down);
void SetCameraMouseSensitivity(float sensitivity);
void SetCameraResetPosition(Vector3 resetPosition);
void SetCameraResetControl(int resetKey);
void SetCameraPawnControl(int pawnControlKey);
void SetCameraFnControl(int fnControlKey);
void SetCameraSmoothZoomControl(int smoothZoomControlKey);
void SetCameraOrbitalTarget(Vector3 target);
// Shaders control functions
int GetShaderLocation(Shader shader, const char *uniformName);
void SetShaderValue(Shader shader, int uniformLoc, float *value, int size);
Ray GetMouseRay(Vector2 mousePosition, Camera camera); // TODO: Gives the ray trace from mouse position
void SetShaderMapDiffuse(Shader *shader, Texture2D texture);
void SetShaderMapNormal(Shader *shader, const char *uniformName, Texture2D texture);
void SetShaderMapSpecular(Shader *shader, const char *uniformName, Texture2D texture);
// Shaders System Functions (Module: rlgl)
// NOTE: This functions are useless when using OpenGL 1.1
Shader LoadShader(char *vsFileName, char *fsFileName); // Load a custom shader and bind default locations
unsigned int LoadShaderProgram(char *vShaderStr, char *fShaderStr); // Load a custom shader and return program id
void UnloadShader(Shader shader); // Unload a custom shader from memory
void SetPostproShader(Shader shader); // Set fullscreen postproduction shader
void SetCustomShader(Shader shader); // Set custom shader to be used in batch draw
void SetDefaultShader(void); // Set default shader to be used in batch draw
void SetModelShader(Model *model, Shader shader); // Link a shader to a model
bool IsPosproShaderEnabled(void); // Check if postprocessing shader is enabled
int GetShaderLocation(Shader shader, const char *uniformName); // Get shader uniform location
void SetShaderValue(Shader shader, int uniformLoc, float *value, int size); // Set shader uniform value (float)
void SetShaderValuei(Shader shader, int uniformLoc, int *value, int size); // Set shader uniform value (int)
void SetShaderMapDiffuse(Shader *shader, Texture2D texture); // Default diffuse shader map texture assignment
void SetShaderMapNormal(Shader *shader, const char *uniformName, Texture2D texture); // Normal map texture shader assignment
void SetShaderMapSpecular(Shader *shader, const char *uniformName, Texture2D texture); // Specular map texture shader assignment
void SetShaderMap(Shader *shader, int mapLocation, Texture2D texture, int textureUnit); // TODO: Generic shader map assignment
// Input Handling Functions (Module: core)
@ -535,6 +528,7 @@ bool CheckCollisionPointTriangle(Vector2 point, Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2, Vector2
Image LoadImage(const char *fileName); // Load an image into CPU memory (RAM)
Image LoadImageEx(Color *pixels, int width, int height); // Load image data from Color array data (RGBA - 32bit)
Image LoadImageRaw(const char *fileName, int width, int height, int format, int headerSize); // Load image data from RAW file
Image LoadImageFromRES(const char *rresName, int resId); // Load an image from rRES file (raylib Resource)
Texture2D LoadTexture(const char *fileName); // Load an image as texture into GPU memory
Texture2D LoadTextureEx(void *data, int width, int height, int textureFormat, int mipmapCount); // Load a texture from raw data into GPU memory
@ -542,10 +536,10 @@ Texture2D LoadTextureFromRES(const char *rresName, int resId);
Texture2D LoadTextureFromImage(Image image); // Load a texture from image data (and generate mipmaps)
void UnloadImage(Image image); // Unload image from CPU memory (RAM)
void UnloadTexture(Texture2D texture); // Unload texture from GPU memory
Color *GetImageData(Image image); // Get pixel data from image as a Color struct array
Image GetTextureData(Texture2D texture); // Get pixel data from GPU texture and return an Image
void ImageConvertToPOT(Image *image, Color fillColor); // Convert image to POT (power-of-two)
void ImageConvertFormat(Image *image, int newFormat); // Convert image data to desired format
Color *GetPixelData(Image image); // Get pixel data from image as a Color struct array
Image GetTextureData(Texture2D texture); // Get pixel data from GPU texture and return an Image
void GenTextureMipmaps(Texture2D texture); // Generate GPU mipmaps for a texture
void DrawTexture(Texture2D texture, int posX, int posY, Color tint); // Draw a Texture2D
@ -600,7 +594,6 @@ Model LoadHeightmap(Image heightmap, float maxHeight);
Model LoadCubicmap(Image cubicmap); // Load a map image as a 3d model (cubes based)
void UnloadModel(Model model); // Unload 3d model from memory
void SetModelTexture(Model *model, Texture2D texture); // Link a texture to a model
void SetModelShader(Model *model, Shader shader); // Link a shader to a model (not available on OpenGL 1.1)
void DrawModel(Model model, Vector3 position, float scale, Color tint); // Draw a model (with texture if set)
void DrawModelEx(Model model, Vector3 position, float rotationAngle, Vector3 rotationAxis, Vector3 scale, Color tint); // Draw a model with extended parameters
@ -609,12 +602,9 @@ void DrawModelWires(Model model, Vector3 position, float scale, Color color);
void DrawBillboard(Camera camera, Texture2D texture, Vector3 center, float size, Color tint); // Draw a billboard texture
void DrawBillboardRec(Camera camera, Texture2D texture, Rectangle sourceRec, Vector3 center, float size, Color tint); // Draw a billboard texture defined by sourceRec
Shader LoadShader(char *vsFileName, char *fsFileName); // Load a custom shader (vertex shader + fragment shader)
void UnloadShader(Shader shader); // Unload a custom shader from memory
bool CheckCollisionSpheres(Vector3 centerA, float radiusA, Vector3 centerB, float radiusB);
bool CheckCollisionBoxes(Vector3 minBBox1, Vector3 maxBBox1, Vector3 minBBox2, Vector3 maxBBox2);
bool CheckCollisionBoxSphere(Vector3 minBBox, Vector3 maxBBox, Vector3 centerSphere, float radiusSphere);
bool CheckCollisionSpheres(Vector3 centerA, float radiusA, Vector3 centerB, float radiusB); // Detect collision between two spheres
bool CheckCollisionBoxes(Vector3 minBBox1, Vector3 maxBBox1, Vector3 minBBox2, Vector3 maxBBox2); // Detect collision between two boxes
bool CheckCollisionBoxSphere(Vector3 minBBox, Vector3 maxBBox, Vector3 centerSphere, float radiusSphere); // Detect collision between box and sphere
Vector3 ResolveCollisionCubicmap(Image cubicmap, Vector3 mapPosition, Vector3 *playerPosition, float radius); // Return the normal vector of the impacted surface

+ 267
- 160
src/rlgl.c Dosyayı Görüntüle

@ -230,6 +230,9 @@ static bool texCompASTCSupported = false; // ASTC texture compression support
// Framebuffer object and texture
static GLuint fbo, fboColorTexture, fboDepthTexture;
static Model postproQuad;
// Shaders related variables
static bool enabledPostpro = false;
// Compressed textures support flags
@ -957,7 +960,7 @@ void rlglInit(void)
// Init default Shader (GLSL 110) -> Common for GL 3.3+ and ES2
defaultShader = LoadDefaultShader();
simpleShader = LoadSimpleShader();
//customShader = rlglLoadShader("custom.vs", "custom.fs"); // Works ok
//customShader = LoadShader("custom.vs", "custom.fs"); // Works ok
currentShader = defaultShader;
@ -1054,25 +1057,6 @@ void rlglInitPostpro(void)
// Set postprocessing shader
void rlglSetPostproShader(Shader shader)
rlglSetModelShader(&postproQuad, shader);
Texture2D texture;
texture.id = fboColorTexture;
texture.width = GetScreenWidth();
texture.height = GetScreenHeight();
SetShaderMapDiffuse(&postproQuad.shader, texture);
//TraceLog(INFO, "Postproquad texture id: %i", postproQuad.texture.id);
//TraceLog(INFO, "Postproquad shader diffuse map id: %i", postproQuad.shader.texDiffuseId);
//TraceLog(INFO, "Shader diffuse map id: %i", shader.texDiffuseId);
// Vertex Buffer Object deinitialization (memory free)
void rlglClose(void)
@ -1377,7 +1361,18 @@ void rlglDrawModel(Model model, Vector3 position, float rotationAngle, Vector3 r
// Set shader textures (diffuse, normal, specular)
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, model.shader.texDiffuseId);
//glUniform1i(model.shader.mapDiffuseLoc, 0); // Diffuse texture fits in texture unit 0
if (model.shader.texNormalId != 0)
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, model.shader.texNormalId);
if (model.shader.texSpecularId != 0)
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, model.shader.texSpecularId);
if (vaoSupported)
@ -1402,9 +1397,21 @@ void rlglDrawModel(Model model, Vector3 position, float rotationAngle, Vector3 r
// Draw call!
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, model.mesh.vertexCount);
if (model.shader.texNormalId != 0)
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
if (model.shader.texSpecularId != 0)
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); // Unbind textures
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); // Set shader active texture to default 0
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); // Unbind textures
if (vaoSupported) glBindVertexArray(0); // Unbind VAO
else glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); // Unbind VBOs
@ -1933,12 +1940,130 @@ Model rlglLoadModel(VertexData mesh)
return model;
// Read screen pixel data (color buffer)
unsigned char *rlglReadScreenPixels(int width, int height)
unsigned char *screenData = (unsigned char *)malloc(width * height * sizeof(unsigned char) * 4);
// NOTE: glReadPixels returns image flipped vertically -> (0,0) is the bottom left corner of the framebuffer
glReadPixels(0, 0, width, height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, screenData);
// Flip image vertically!
unsigned char *imgData = (unsigned char *)malloc(width * height * sizeof(unsigned char) * 4);
for (int y = height-1; y >= 0; y--)
for (int x = 0; x < (width*4); x++)
imgData[x + (height - y - 1)*width*4] = screenData[x + (y*width*4)];
return imgData; // NOTE: image data should be freed
// Read texture pixel data
void *rlglReadTexturePixels(unsigned int textureId, unsigned int format)
int width, height;
glGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH, &width);
glGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT, &height);
//glGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_TEXTURE_INTERNAL_FORMAT, &format);
int glFormat = 0, glType = 0;
void *pixels = NULL;
unsigned int size = width*height;
switch (format)
case UNCOMPRESSED_GRAYSCALE: pixels = (unsigned char *)malloc(size); glFormat = GL_LUMINANCE; glType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; break; // 8 bit per pixel (no alpha)
case UNCOMPRESSED_GRAY_ALPHA: pixels = (unsigned char *)malloc(size*2); glFormat = GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA; glType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; break; // 16 bpp (2 channels)
case UNCOMPRESSED_R5G6B5: pixels = (unsigned short *)malloc(size); glFormat = GL_RGB; glType = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5; break; // 16 bpp
case UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8: pixels = (unsigned char *)malloc(size*3); glFormat = GL_RGB; glType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; break; // 24 bpp
case UNCOMPRESSED_R5G5B5A1: pixels = (unsigned short *)malloc(size); glFormat = GL_RGBA; glType = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1; break; // 16 bpp (1 bit alpha)
case UNCOMPRESSED_R4G4B4A4: pixels = (unsigned short *)malloc(size); glFormat = GL_RGBA; glType = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4; break; // 16 bpp (4 bit alpha)
case UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8A8: pixels = (unsigned char *)malloc(size*4); glFormat = GL_RGBA; glType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; break; // 32 bpp
default: TraceLog(WARNING, "Texture format not suported"); break;
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureId);
// NOTE: Each row written to or read from by OpenGL pixel operations like glGetTexImage are aligned to a 4 byte boundary by default, which may add some padding.
// Use glPixelStorei to modify padding with the GL_[UN]PACK_ALIGNMENT setting.
// GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT affects operations that read from OpenGL memory (glReadPixels, glGetTexImage, etc.)
// GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT affects operations that write to OpenGL memory (glTexImage, etc.)
glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
glGetTexImage(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, glFormat, glType, pixels);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
return pixels;
// Module Functions Definition - Shaders Functions
// NOTE: Those functions are exposed directly to the user in raylib.h
// Load a custom shader and bind default locations
Shader LoadShader(char *vsFileName, char *fsFileName)
Shader shader;
// Load a shader (vertex shader + fragment shader) from text data
unsigned int rlglLoadShaderFromText(char *vShaderStr, char *fShaderStr)
// Shaders loading from external text file
char *vShaderStr = TextFileRead(vsFileName);
char *fShaderStr = TextFileRead(fsFileName);
shader.id = LoadShaderProgram(vShaderStr, fShaderStr);
if (shader.id != 0) TraceLog(INFO, "[SHDR ID %i] Custom shader loaded successfully", shader.id);
else TraceLog(WARNING, "[SHDR ID %i] Custom shader could not be loaded", shader.id);
// Shader strings must be freed
// Set shader textures ids (all 0 by default)
shader.texDiffuseId = 0;
shader.texNormalId = 0;
shader.texSpecularId = 0;
// Get handles to GLSL input attibute locations
shader.vertexLoc = glGetAttribLocation(shader.id, "vertexPosition");
shader.texcoordLoc = glGetAttribLocation(shader.id, "vertexTexCoord");
shader.normalLoc = glGetAttribLocation(shader.id, "vertexNormal");
// NOTE: custom shader does not use colorLoc
shader.colorLoc = -1;
// Get handles to GLSL uniform locations (vertex shader)
shader.modelviewLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shader.id, "modelviewMatrix");
shader.projectionLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shader.id, "projectionMatrix");
// Get handles to GLSL uniform locations (fragment shader)
shader.tintColorLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shader.id, "tintColor");
shader.mapDiffuseLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shader.id, "texture0");
shader.mapNormalLoc = -1; // It can be set later
shader.mapSpecularLoc = -1; // It can be set later
return shader;
// Load a custom shader and return program id
unsigned int LoadShaderProgram(char *vShaderStr, char *fShaderStr)
unsigned int program;
unsigned int program = 0;
GLuint vertexShader;
GLuint fragmentShader;
@ -2029,125 +2154,89 @@ unsigned int rlglLoadShaderFromText(char *vShaderStr, char *fShaderStr)
return program;
// Read screen pixel data (color buffer)
unsigned char *rlglReadScreenPixels(int width, int height)
// Unload a custom shader from memory
void UnloadShader(Shader shader)
unsigned char *screenData = (unsigned char *)malloc(width * height * sizeof(unsigned char) * 4);
// NOTE: glReadPixels returns image flipped vertically -> (0,0) is the bottom left corner of the framebuffer
glReadPixels(0, 0, width, height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, screenData);
// Set custom shader to be used on batch draw
void SetCustomShader(Shader shader)
if (currentShader.id != shader.id)
// Flip image vertically!
unsigned char *imgData = (unsigned char *)malloc(width * height * sizeof(unsigned char) * 4);
currentShader = shader;
if (vaoSupported) glBindVertexArray(vaoQuads);
// Enable vertex attributes: position
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, quadsBuffer[0]);
glVertexAttribPointer(currentShader.vertexLoc, 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, 0, 0);
for (int y = height-1; y >= 0; y--)
for (int x = 0; x < (width*4); x++)
imgData[x + (height - y - 1)*width*4] = screenData[x + (y*width*4)];
// Enable vertex attributes: texcoords
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, quadsBuffer[1]);
glVertexAttribPointer(currentShader.texcoordLoc, 2, GL_FLOAT, 0, 0, 0);
// Enable vertex attributes: colors
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, quadsBuffer[2]);
glVertexAttribPointer(currentShader.colorLoc, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_TRUE, 0, 0);
return imgData; // NOTE: image data should be freed
if (vaoSupported) glBindVertexArray(0); // Unbind VAO
// Read texture pixel data
void o">*rlglReadTexturePixels(unsigned int textureId, unsigned int format)
// Set postprocessing shader
void n">SetPostproShader(Shader shader)
int width, height;
glGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH, &width);
glGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT, &height);
//glGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_TEXTURE_INTERNAL_FORMAT, &format);
int glFormat, glType;
void *pixels = NULL;
unsigned int size = width*height;
switch (format)
if (!enabledPostpro)
case UNCOMPRESSED_GRAYSCALE: pixels = (unsigned char *)malloc(size); glFormat = GL_LUMINANCE; glType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; // 8 bit per pixel (no alpha)
case UNCOMPRESSED_GRAY_ALPHA: pixels = (unsigned char *)malloc(size*2); glFormat = GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA; glType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; // 16 bpp (2 channels)
case UNCOMPRESSED_R5G6B5: pixels = (unsigned short *)malloc(size); glFormat = GL_RGB; glType = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5; // 16 bpp
case UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8: pixels = (unsigned char *)malloc(size*3); glFormat = GL_RGB; glType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; // 24 bpp
case UNCOMPRESSED_R5G5B5A1: pixels = (unsigned short *)malloc(size); glFormat = GL_RGBA; glType = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1; // 16 bpp (1 bit alpha)
case UNCOMPRESSED_R4G4B4A4: pixels = (unsigned short *)malloc(size); glFormat = GL_RGBA; glType = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4; // 16 bpp (4 bit alpha)
case UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8A8: pixels = (unsigned char *)malloc(size*4); glFormat = GL_RGBA; glType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; // 32 bpp
default: TraceLog(WARNING, "Texture format not suported"); break;
enabledPostpro = true;
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureId);
// NOTE: Each row written to or read from by OpenGL pixel operations like glGetTexImage are aligned to a 4 byte boundary by default, which may add some padding.
// Use glPixelStorei to modify padding with the GL_[UN]PACK_ALIGNMENT setting.
// GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT affects operations that read from OpenGL memory (glReadPixels, glGetTexImage, etc.)
// GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT affects operations that write to OpenGL memory (glTexImage, etc.)
glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
SetModelShader(&postproQuad, shader);
glGetTexImage(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, glFormat, glType, pixels);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
Texture2D texture;
texture.id = fboColorTexture;
texture.width = GetScreenWidth();
texture.height = GetScreenHeight();
SetShaderMapDiffuse(&postproQuad.shader, texture);
return pixels;
//TraceLog(DEBUG, "Postproquad texture id: %i", postproQuad.texture.id);
//TraceLog(DEBUG, "Postproquad shader diffuse map id: %i", postproQuad.shader.texDiffuseId);
//TraceLog(DEBUG, "Shader diffuse map id: %i", shader.texDiffuseId);
#elif defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_11)
TraceLog(WARNING, "Postprocessing shaders not supported on OpenGL 1.1");
// Load a shader (vertex shader + fragment shader) from files
Shader rlglLoadShader(char *vsFileName, char *fsFileName)
// Set default shader to be used in batch draw
kt">void SetDefaultShader(void)
Shader shader;
// Shaders loading from external text file
char *vShaderStr = TextFileRead(vsFileName);
char *fShaderStr = TextFileRead(fsFileName);
shader.id = rlglLoadShaderFromText(vShaderStr, fShaderStr);
if (shader.id != 0) TraceLog(INFO, "[SHDR ID %i] Custom shader loaded successfully", shader.id);
else TraceLog(WARNING, "[SHDR ID %i] Custom shader could not be loaded", shader.id);
// Shader strings must be freed
// Set shader textures ids (all 0 by default)
shader.texDiffuseId = 0;
shader.texNormalId = 0;
shader.texSpecularId = 0;
// Get handles to GLSL input attibute locations
shader.vertexLoc = glGetAttribLocation(shader.id, "vertexPosition");
shader.texcoordLoc = glGetAttribLocation(shader.id, "vertexTexCoord");
shader.normalLoc = glGetAttribLocation(shader.id, "vertexNormal");
// NOTE: custom shader does not use colorLoc
shader.colorLoc = -1;
// Get handles to GLSL uniform locations (vertex shader)
shader.modelviewLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shader.id, "modelviewMatrix");
shader.projectionLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shader.id, "projectionMatrix");
// Get handles to GLSL uniform locations (fragment shader)
shader.tintColorLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shader.id, "tintColor");
shader.mapDiffuseLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shader.id, "texture0");
shader.mapNormalLoc = -1; // It can be set later
shader.mapSpecularLoc = -1; // It can be set later
enabledPostpro = false;
return shader;
// Link shader to model
void rlglSetModelShader(Model *model, Shader shader)
void SetModelShader(Model *model, Shader shader)
model->shader = shader;
@ -2175,48 +2264,17 @@ void rlglSetModelShader(Model *model, Shader shader)
// Set custom shader to be used on batch draw
void rlglSetCustomShader(Shader shader)
// Check if postprocessing is enabled (used in module: core)
bool IsPosproShaderEnabled(void)
if (currentShader.id != shader.id)
currentShader = shader;
if (vaoSupported) glBindVertexArray(vaoQuads);
// Enable vertex attributes: position
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, quadsBuffer[0]);
glVertexAttribPointer(currentShader.vertexLoc, 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, 0, 0);
// Enable vertex attributes: texcoords
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, quadsBuffer[1]);
glVertexAttribPointer(currentShader.texcoordLoc, 2, GL_FLOAT, 0, 0, 0);
// Enable vertex attributes: colors
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, quadsBuffer[2]);
glVertexAttribPointer(currentShader.colorLoc, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_TRUE, 0, 0);
if (vaoSupported) glBindVertexArray(0); // Unbind VAO
// Set default shader to be used on batch draw
void rlglSetDefaultShader(void)
return enabledPostpro;
#elif defined(GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_11)
return false;
// Get shader uniform location
int GetShaderLocation(Shader shader, const char *uniformName)
int location = -1;
@ -2228,6 +2286,7 @@ int GetShaderLocation(Shader shader, const char *uniformName)
return location;
// Set shader uniform value (float)
void SetShaderValue(Shader shader, int uniformLoc, float *value, int size)
@ -2237,12 +2296,29 @@ void SetShaderValue(Shader shader, int uniformLoc, float *value, int size)
else if (size == 2) glUniform2fv(uniformLoc, 1, value); // Shader uniform type: vec2
else if (size == 3) glUniform3fv(uniformLoc, 1, value); // Shader uniform type: vec3
else if (size == 4) glUniform4fv(uniformLoc, 1, value); // Shader uniform type: vec4
else TraceLog(WARNING, "Shader value float array size not recognized");
else TraceLog(WARNING, "Shader value float array size not supported");
// Set shader uniform value (int)
void SetShaderValuei(Shader shader, int uniformLoc, int *value, int size)
if (size == 1) glUniform1iv(uniformLoc, 1, value); // Shader uniform type: int
else if (size == 2) glUniform2iv(uniformLoc, 1, value); // Shader uniform type: ivec2
else if (size == 3) glUniform3iv(uniformLoc, 1, value); // Shader uniform type: ivec3
else if (size == 4) glUniform4iv(uniformLoc, 1, value); // Shader uniform type: ivec4
else TraceLog(WARNING, "Shader value int array size not supported");
// Default diffuse shader map texture assignment
void SetShaderMapDiffuse(Shader *shader, Texture2D texture)
@ -2261,6 +2337,7 @@ void SetShaderMapDiffuse(Shader *shader, Texture2D texture)
// Normal map texture shader assignment
void SetShaderMapNormal(Shader *shader, const char *uniformName, Texture2D texture)
@ -2285,6 +2362,7 @@ void SetShaderMapNormal(Shader *shader, const char *uniformName, Texture2D textu
// Specular map texture shader assignment
void SetShaderMapSpecular(Shader *shader, const char *uniformName, Texture2D texture)
@ -2300,7 +2378,7 @@ void SetShaderMapSpecular(Shader *shader, const char *uniformName, Texture2D tex
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, shader->texSpecularId);
glUniform1i(shader->mapSpecularLoc, 2); // Texture fits in active texture unit 0
glUniform1i(shader->mapSpecularLoc, 2); // Texture fits in active texture unit 2
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
@ -2309,6 +2387,35 @@ void SetShaderMapSpecular(Shader *shader, const char *uniformName, Texture2D tex
// Generic shader maps assignment
// TODO: Trying to find a generic shader to allow any kind of map
// NOTE: mapLocation should be retrieved by user with GetShaderLocation()
// ISSUE: mapTextureId: Shader should contain a reference to map texture and corresponding textureUnit,
// so it can be automatically checked and used in rlglDrawModel()
void SetShaderMap(Shader *shader, int mapLocation, Texture2D texture, int textureUnit)
if (mapLocation == -1) TraceLog(WARNING, "[SHDR ID %i] Map location could not be found", shader->id);
shader->mapTextureId = texture.id;
glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + textureUnit);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, shader->mapTextureId);
glUniform1i(mapLocation, textureUnit); // Texture fits in active textureUnit
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
void PrintProjectionMatrix(void)
@ -2415,7 +2522,7 @@ static Shader LoadDefaultShader(void)
" gl_FragColor = texelColor*tintColor; \n"
"} \n";
shader.id = rlglLoadShaderFromText(vShaderStr, fShaderStr);
shader.id = LoadShaderProgram(vShaderStr, fShaderStr);
if (shader.id != 0) TraceLog(INFO, "[SHDR ID %i] Default shader loaded successfully", shader.id);
else TraceLog(WARNING, "[SHDR ID %i] Default shader could not be loaded", shader.id);
@ -2491,7 +2598,7 @@ static Shader LoadSimpleShader(void)
" gl_FragColor = texelColor*tintColor; \n"
"} \n";
shader.id = rlglLoadShaderFromText(vShaderStr, fShaderStr);
shader.id = LoadShaderProgram(vShaderStr, fShaderStr);
if (shader.id != 0) TraceLog(INFO, "[SHDR ID %i] Simple shader loaded successfully", shader.id);
else TraceLog(WARNING, "[SHDR ID %i] Simple shader could not be loaded", shader.id);
@ -2710,7 +2817,7 @@ static void InitializeBuffersGPU(void)
// Update VBOs with vertex array data
// NOTE: If there is not vertex data, buffers doesn't need to be updated (vertexCount > 0)
// TODO: If no data changed on the CPU arrays --> No need to update GPU arrays
// TODO: If no data changed on the CPU arrays --> No need to update GPU arrays (change flag required)
static void UpdateBuffers(void)
if (lines.vCounter > 0)

+ 3
- 6
src/rlgl.h Dosyayı Görüntüle

@ -212,14 +212,11 @@ void rlglInitGraphics(int offsetX, int offsetY, int width, int height); // Init
unsigned int rlglLoadTexture(void *data, int width, int height, int textureFormat, int mipmapCount); // Load in GPU OpenGL texture
void rlglGenerateMipmaps(unsigned int textureId); // Generate mipmap data for selected texture
Shader rlglLoadShader(char *vsFileName, char *fsFileName); // Load a shader (vertex shader + fragment shader) from files
unsigned int rlglLoadShaderFromText(char *vShaderStr, char *fShaderStr); // Load a shader from text data
// NOTE: There is a set of shader related functions that are available to end user,
// to avoid creating function wrappers through core module, they have been directly declared in raylib.h
void rlglInitPostpro(void); // Initialize postprocessing system
void rlglDrawPostpro(void); // Draw with postprocessing shader
void rlglSetPostproShader(Shader shader); // Set postprocessing shader
void rlglSetModelShader(Model *model, Shader shader); // Set shader for a model
void rlglSetCustomShader(Shader shader); // Set custom shader to be used on batch draw
void rlglSetDefaultShader(void); // Set default shader to be used on batch draw
Model rlglLoadModel(VertexData mesh); // Upload vertex data into GPU and provided VAO/VBO ids
void rlglDrawModel(Model model, Vector3 position, float rotationAngle, Vector3 rotationAxis, Vector3 scale, Color color, bool wires);
