@ -6,9 +6,8 @@ Some people ported raylib to other languages in the form of bindings or wrappers
| Name | raylib Version | Language | License |
| :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------------: | :------------------------------------------------------------------: | :------------------: |
| [raylib ](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib ) | **5.0 ** | [C/C++ ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_(programming_language )) | Zlib |
| [raylib ](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib ) | **5.5 ** | [C/C++ ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_(programming_language )) | Zlib |
| [raylib-beef ](https://github.com/Starpelly/raylib-beef ) | **5.5** | [Beef ](https://www.beeflang.org ) | MIT |
| [raylib-boo ](https://github.com/Rabios/raylib-boo ) | 3.7 | [Boo ](http://boo-language.github.io ) | MIT |
| [raybit ](https://github.com/Alex-Velez/raybit ) | **5.0** | [Brainfuck ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainfuck ) | MIT |
| [raylib-c3 ](https://github.com/c3lang/vendor/tree/main/libraries/raylib55.c3l ) | **5.5** | [C3 ](https://c3-lang.org ) | MIT |
| [Raylib-cs ](https://github.com/ChrisDill/Raylib-cs ) | **5.0** | [C# ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_Sharp_(programming_language )) | Zlib |
@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ Some people ported raylib to other languages in the form of bindings or wrappers
| [raylib-factor ](https://github.com/factor/factor/blob/master/extra/raylib/raylib.factor ) | 4.5 | [Factor ](https://factorcode.org ) | BSD |
| [raylib-freebasic ](https://github.com/WIITD/raylib-freebasic ) | **5.0** | [FreeBASIC ](https://www.freebasic.net ) | MIT |
| [fortran-raylib ](https://github.com/interkosmos/fortran-raylib ) | **5.5** | [Fortran ](https://fortran-lang.org ) | ISC |
| [raylib-go ](https://github.com/gen2brain/raylib-go ) | **5.0 ** | [Go ](https://golang.org ) | Zlib |
| [raylib-go ](https://github.com/gen2brain/raylib-go ) | **5.5 ** | [Go ](https://golang.org ) | Zlib |
| [raylib-guile ](https://github.com/petelliott/raylib-guile ) | **auto** | [Guile ](https://www.gnu.org/software/guile ) | Zlib |
| [gforth-raylib ](https://github.com/ArnautDaniel/gforth-raylib ) | 3.5 | [Gforth ](https://gforth.org ) | **???** |
| [h-raylib ](https://github.com/Anut-py/h-raylib ) | **5.5-dev** | [Haskell ](https://haskell.org ) | Apache-2.0 |
@ -42,14 +41,13 @@ Some people ported raylib to other languages in the form of bindings or wrappers
| [Raylib.jl ](https://github.com/chengchingwen/Raylib.jl ) | 4.2 | [Julia ](https://julialang.org ) | Zlib |
| [kaylib ](https://github.com/electronstudio/kaylib ) | 3.7 | [Kotlin/native ](https://kotlinlang.org ) | **???** |
| [KaylibKit ](https://codeberg.org/Kenta/KaylibKit ) | 4.5 | [Kotlin/native ](https://kotlinlang.org ) | Zlib |
| [raylib-lua ](https://github.com/TSnake41/raylib-lua ) | 4.5 | [Lua ](http://www.lua.org ) | ISC |
| [raylua ](https://github.com/Rabios/raylua ) | 4.0 | [Lua ](http://www.lua.org ) | MIT |
| [raylib-lua ](https://github.com/TSnake41/raylib-lua ) | 5.0 | [Lua ](http://www.lua.org ) | ISC |
| [raylib-matte ](https://github.com/jcorks/raylib-matte ) | 4.6-dev | [Matte ](https://github.com/jcorks/matte ) | MIT |
| [Raylib.nelua ](https://github.com/AuzFox/Raylib.nelua ) | **5.0** | [nelua ](https://nelua.io ) | Zlib |
| [raylib-bindings ](https://github.com/vaiorabbit/raylib-bindings ) | 4. 5 | [Ruby ](https://www.ruby-lang.org/en ) | Zlib |
| [raylib-bindings ](https://github.com/vaiorabbit/raylib-bindings ) | 5.6-dev | [Ruby ](https://www.ruby-lang.org/en ) | Zlib |
| [naylib ](https://github.com/planetis-m/naylib ) | **5.1-dev** | [Nim ](https://nim-lang.org ) | MIT |
| [node-raylib ](https://github.com/RobLoach/node-raylib ) | 4.5 | [Node.js ](https://nodejs.org/en ) | Zlib |
| [raylib-odin ](https://github.com/odin-lang/Odin/tree/master/vendor/raylib ) | **5.0 ** | [Odin ](https://odin-lang.org ) | BSD-3Clause |
| [raylib-odin ](https://github.com/odin-lang/Odin/tree/master/vendor/raylib ) | **5.5 ** | [Odin ](https://odin-lang.org ) | BSD-3Clause |
| [raylib_odin_bindings ](https://github.com/Deathbat2190/raylib_odin_bindings ) | 4.0-dev | [Odin ](https://odin-lang.org ) | MIT |
| [raylib-ocaml ](https://github.com/tjammer/raylib-ocaml ) | **5.0** | [OCaml ](https://ocaml.org ) | MIT |
| [TurboRaylib ](https://github.com/turborium/TurboRaylib ) | 4.5 | [Object Pascal ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_Pascal ) | MIT |
@ -57,25 +55,25 @@ Some people ported raylib to other languages in the form of bindings or wrappers
| [Raylib.4.0.Pascal ](https://github.com/sysrpl/Raylib.4.0.Pascal ) | 4.0 | [Free Pascal ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Pascal ) | Zlib |
| [pyraylib ](https://github.com/Ho011/pyraylib ) | 3.7 | [Python ](https://www.python.org ) | Zlib |
| [raylib-python-cffi ](https://github.com/electronstudio/raylib-python-cffi ) | **5.5** | [Python ](https://www.python.org ) | EPL-2.0 |
| [raylibpyctbg ](https://github.com/overdev/raylibpyctbg ) | 4 .5 | [Python ](https://www.python.org ) | MIT |
| [raylibpyctbg ](https://github.com/overdev/raylibpyctbg ) | 5 .5 | [Python ](https://www.python.org ) | MIT |
| [raylib-py ](https://github.com/overdev/raylib-py ) | 5.5 | [Python ](https://www.python.org ) | MIT |
| [raylib-python-ctypes ](https://github.com/sDos280/raylib-python-ctypes ) | 4.6-dev | [Python ](https://www.python.org ) | MIT |
| [raylib-pkpy-bindings ](https://github.com/blueloveTH/pkpy-bindings ) | 4.6 -dev | [pocketpy ](https://pocketpy.dev ) | MIT |
| [raylib-pkpy-bindings ](https://github.com/blueloveTH/pkpy-bindings ) | 5.1 -dev | [pocketpy ](https://pocketpy.dev ) | MIT |
| [raylib-php ](https://github.com/joseph-montanez/raylib-php ) | 4.5 | [PHP ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PHP ) | Zlib |
| [raylib-phpcpp ](https://github.com/oraoto/raylib-phpcpp ) | 3.5 | [PHP ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PHP ) | Zlib |
| [raylibr ](https://github.com/jeroenjanssens/raylibr ) | 4.0 | [R ](https://www.r-project.org ) | MIT |
| [raylib-ffi ](https://github.com/ewpratten/raylib-ffi ) | 4 .5 | [Rust ](https://www.rust-lang.org ) | GPLv3 |
| [raylib-rs ](https://github.com/raylib-rs/raylib-rs ) | **5.0 ** | [Rust ](https://www.rust-lang.org ) | Zlib |
| [raylib-ffi ](https://github.com/ewpratten/raylib-ffi ) | 5 .5 | [Rust ](https://www.rust-lang.org ) | GPLv3 |
| [raylib-rs ](https://github.com/raylib-rs/raylib-rs ) | **5.5 ** | [Rust ](https://www.rust-lang.org ) | Zlib |
| [Relib ](https://github.com/RedCubeDev-ByteSpace/Relib ) | 3.5 | [ReCT ](https://github.com/RedCubeDev-ByteSpace/ReCT ) | **???** |
| [racket-raylib ](https://github.com/eutro/racket-raylib ) | 4.0 | [Racket ](https://racket-lang.org ) | MIT/Apache-2.0 |
| [raylib-swift ](https://github.com/STREGAsGate/Raylib ) | 4.0 | [Swift ](https://swift.org ) | MIT |
| [raylib-scopes ](https://github.com/salotz/raylib-scopes ) | auto | [Scopes ](http://scopes.rocks ) | MIT |
| [raylib-SmallBASIC ](https://github.com/smallbasic/smallbasic.plugins/tree/master/raylib ) | **5.0 ** | [SmallBASIC ](https://github.com/smallbasic/SmallBASIC ) | GPLv3 |
| [raylib-SmallBASIC ](https://github.com/smallbasic/smallbasic.plugins/tree/master/raylib ) | **5.5 ** | [SmallBASIC ](https://github.com/smallbasic/SmallBASIC ) | GPLv3 |
| [raylib-umka ](https://github.com/robloach/raylib-umka ) | 4.5 | [Umka ](https://github.com/vtereshkov/umka-lang ) | Zlib |
| [raylib.v ](https://github.com/irishgreencitrus/raylib.v ) | 4.2 | [V ](https://vlang.io ) | Zlib |
| [raylib-vapi ](https://github.com/lxmcf/raylib-vapi ) | **5.0** | [Vala ](https://vala.dev ) | Zlib |
| [raylib-wren ](https://github.com/TSnake41/raylib-wren ) | 4.0 | [Wren ](http://wren.io ) | ISC |
| [raylib-zig ](https://github.com/Not-Nik/raylib-zig ) | **5.0 ** | [Zig ](https://ziglang.org ) | MIT |
| [raylib-wren ](https://github.com/TSnake41/raylib-wren ) | 4.5 | [Wren ](http://wren.io ) | ISC |
| [raylib-zig ](https://github.com/Not-Nik/raylib-zig ) | **5.5 ** | [Zig ](https://ziglang.org ) | MIT |
| [raylib.zig ](https://github.com/ryupold/raylib.zig ) | **5.1-dev** | [Zig ](https://ziglang.org ) | MIT |
| [raylib-zig-bindings ](https://github.com/L-Briand/raylib-zig-bindings ) | **5.0** | [Zig ](https://ziglang.org ) | Zlib |
| [hare-raylib ](https://git.sr.ht/~evantj/hare-raylib ) | **auto** | [Hare ](https://harelang.org ) | Zlib |
@ -86,6 +84,7 @@ Some people ported raylib to other languages in the form of bindings or wrappers
| [Raylib.lean ](https://github.com/KislyjKisel/Raylib.lean ) | **5.5-dev** | [Lean4 ](https://lean-lang.org ) | BSD-3-Clause |
| [raylib-cobol ](https://codeberg.org/glowiak/raylib-cobol ) | **auto** | [COBOL ](https://gnucobol.sourceforge.io ) | Public domain |
| [raylib-apl ](https://github.com/Brian-ED/raylib-apl ) | **5.0** | [Dyalog APL ](https://www.dyalog.com/ ) | MIT |
| [raylib-jai ](https://github.com/ahmedqarmout2/raylib-jai ) | **5.5** | [Jai ](https://github.com/BSVino/JaiPrimer/blob/master/JaiPrimer.md ) | MIT |
### Utility Wrapers