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raysan5 8 years ago
13 changed files with 140 additions and 70 deletions
  1. +12
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  6. +18
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  12. +10
  13. +2

+ 12
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src/audio.c View File

@ -2,18 +2,22 @@
* Basic functions to manage Audio:
* This module provides basic functionality to work with audio:
* Manage audio device (init/close)
* Load and Unload audio files
* Load and Unload audio files (WAV, OGG, FLAC, XM, MOD)
* Play/Stop/Pause/Resume loaded audio
* Manage mixing channels
* Manage raw audio context
* Uses external lib:
* OpenAL Soft - Audio device management lib (
* stb_vorbis - Ogg audio files loading (
* jar_xm - XM module file loading
* jar_mod - MOD audio file loading
* External libs:
* OpenAL Soft - Audio device management (
* stb_vorbis - OGG audio files loading (
* jar_xm - XM module file loading
* jar_mod - MOD audio file loading
* dr_flac - FLAC audio file loading
* Module Configuration Flags:
* AUDIO_STANDALONE - Use this module as standalone library (independently of raylib)
* Many thanks to Joshua Reisenauer (github: @kd7tck) for the following additions:
* XM audio module support (jar_xm)
@ -21,6 +25,7 @@
* Mixing channels support
* Raw audio context support
* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event

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src/audio.h View File

@ -2,18 +2,19 @@
* Basic functions to manage Audio:
* This module provides basic functionality to work with audio:
* Manage audio device (init/close)
* Load and Unload audio files
* Load and Unload audio files (WAV, OGG, FLAC, XM, MOD)
* Play/Stop/Pause/Resume loaded audio
* Manage mixing channels
* Manage raw audio context
* Uses external lib:
* OpenAL Soft - Audio device management lib (
* stb_vorbis - Ogg audio files loading (
* jar_xm - XM module file loading
* jar_mod - MOD audio file loading
* External libs:
* OpenAL Soft - Audio device management (
* stb_vorbis - OGG audio files loading (
* jar_xm - XM module file loading
* jar_mod - MOD audio file loading
* dr_flac - FLAC audio file loading
* Many thanks to Joshua Reisenauer (github: @kd7tck) for the following additions:
* XM audio module support (jar_xm)
@ -21,6 +22,7 @@
* Mixing channels support
* Raw audio context support
* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event

+ 13
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src/core.c View File

@ -4,24 +4,25 @@
* Basic functions to manage windows, OpenGL context and input on multiple platforms
* The following platforms are supported:
* PLATFORM_DESKTOP - Windows, Linux, Mac (OSX)
* PLATFORM_ANDROID - Only OpenGL ES 2.0 devices
* PLATFORM_RPI - Rapsberry Pi (tested on Raspbian)
* PLATFORM_WEB - Emscripten, HTML5
* Oculus Rift CV1 (with desktop mirror) - View [rlgl] module to enable it
* The following platforms are supported: Windows, Linux, Mac (OSX), Android, Raspberry Pi, HTML5, Oculus Rift CV1
* On PLATFORM_DESKTOP, the external lib GLFW3 ( is used to manage graphic
* device, OpenGL context and input on multiple operating systems (Windows, Linux, OSX).
* On PLATFORM_ANDROID, graphic device is managed by EGL and input system by Android activity.
* On PLATFORM_RPI, graphic device is managed by EGL and input system is coded in raw mode.
* External libs:
* GLFW3 - Manage graphic device, OpenGL context and inputs on PLATFORM_DESKTOP (Windows, Linux, OSX)
* raymath - 3D math functionality (Vector3, Matrix, Quaternion)
* camera - Multiple 3D camera modes (free, orbital, 1st person, 3rd person)
* gestures - Gestures system for touch-ready devices (or simulated from mouse inputs)
* Module Configuration Flags:
* PLATFORM_DESKTOP - Windows, Linux, Mac (OSX)
* PLATFORM_ANDROID - Android (only OpenGL ES 2.0 devices), graphic device is managed by EGL and input system by Android activity.
* PLATFORM_RPI - Rapsberry Pi (tested on Raspbian), graphic device is managed by EGL and input system is coded in raw mode.
* PLATFORM_WEB - HTML5 (using emscripten compiler)
* RL_LOAD_DEFAULT_FONT - Use external module functions to load default raylib font (module: text)
* NOTE: Oculus Rift CV1 requires PLATFORM_DESKTOP for render mirror - View [rlgl] module to enable it
* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event

+ 2
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src/external/stb_image.h View File

@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ publish, and distribute this file as you see fit.
#define STBI_NO_HDR // RaySan: not required by raylib
cp">#define STBI_NO_SIMD // RaySan: issues when compiling with GCC 4.7.2
o">//#define STBI_NO_SIMD // RaySan: issues when compiling with GCC 4.7.2
#include <stdio.h>
@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ publish, and distribute this file as you see fit.
// NOTE: Added to work with raylib on Android
#include "utils.h" // Android fopen function map
#include "utils.h" // RaySan: Android fopen function map
#define STBI_VERSION 1

+ 7
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src/models.c View File

@ -4,6 +4,12 @@
* Basic functions to draw 3d shapes and load/draw 3d models (.OBJ)
* External libs:
* rlgl - raylib OpenGL abstraction layer
* Module Configuration Flags:
* ...
* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
@ -34,8 +40,7 @@
#include <string.h> // Required for: strcmp()
#include <math.h> // Required for: sin(), cos()
#include "rlgl.h" // raylib OpenGL abstraction layer to OpenGL 1.1, 3.3+ or ES2
#include "raymath.h" // Matrix data type and Matrix functions
#include "rlgl.h" // raylib OpenGL abstraction layer to OpenGL 1.1, 2.1, 3.3+ or ES2
// Defines and Macros

+ 18
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src/raylib.h View File

@ -6,37 +6,39 @@
* Features:
* Library written in plain C code (C99)
* Uses C# PascalCase/camelCase notation
* Uses PascalCase/camelCase notation
* Hardware accelerated with OpenGL (1.1, 2.1, 3.3 or ES 2.0)
* Unique OpenGL abstraction layer (usable as standalone module): [rlgl]
* Powerful fonts module with SpriteFonts support (XNA bitmap fonts, AngelCode fonts, TTF)
* Multiple textures support, including compressed formats and mipmaps generation
* Basic 3d support for Shapes, Models, Billboards, Heightmaps and Cubicmaps
* Materials (diffuse, normal, specular) and Lighting (point, directional, spot) support
* Powerful math module for Vector, Matrix and Quaternion operations [raymath]
* Audio loading and playing with streaming support and mixing channels (WAV, OGG, XM, MOD)
* Powerful math module for Vector, Matrix and Quaternion l">operations: [raymath]
* Audio loading and playing with streaming support and mixing channels [audio]
* VR stereo rendering support with configurable HMD device parameters
* Multiple platforms support: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, Raspberry Pi, HTML5 and Oculus Rift CV1
* Custom color palette for fancy visuals on raywhite background
* Minimal external dependencies (GLFW3, OpenGL, OpenAL)
* Complete binding for LUA [rlua]
* Used external libs:
* GLFW3 ( for window/context management and input
* GLAD for OpenGL extensions loading (3.3 Core profile, only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
* stb_image (Sean Barret) for images loading (JPEG, PNG, BMP, TGA, PSD, GIF, HDR, PIC)
* stb_image_write (Sean Barret) for image writting (PNG)
* stb_vorbis (Sean Barret) for ogg audio loading
* stb_truetype (Sean Barret) for ttf fonts loading
* jar_xm (Joshua Reisenauer) for XM audio module loading
* jar_mod (Joshua Reisenauer) for MOD audio module loading
* OpenAL Soft for audio device/context management
* tinfl for data decompression (DEFLATE algorithm)
* External libs:
* GLFW3 ( for window/context management and input [core]
* GLAD for OpenGL extensions loading (3.3 Core profile, only PLATFORM_DESKTOP) [rlgl]
* stb_image (Sean Barret) for images loading (JPEG, PNG, BMP, TGA) [textures]
* stb_image_write (Sean Barret) for image writting (PNG) [utils]
* stb_truetype (Sean Barret) for ttf fonts loading [text]
* stb_vorbis (Sean Barret) for ogg audio loading [audio]
* jar_xm (Joshua Reisenauer) for XM audio module loading [audio]
* jar_mod (Joshua Reisenauer) for MOD audio module loading [audio]
* dr_flac (David Reid) for FLAC audio file loading [audio]
* OpenAL Soft for audio device/context management [audio]
* tinfl for data decompression (DEFLATE algorithm) [utils]
* Some design decisions:
* 32bit Colors - All defined color are always RGBA (struct Color is 4 byte)
* One custom default font is loaded automatically when InitWindow()
* One custom default font could be loaded automatically when InitWindow() [core]
* If using OpenGL 3.3 or ES2, several vertex buffers (VAO/VBO) are created to manage lines-triangles-quads
* If using OpenGL 3.3 or ES2, two default shaders are loaded automatically (internally defined)
* If using OpenGL 3.3 or ES2, two default shaders could be loaded automatically (internally defined)
* -- LICENSE --

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src/rlgl.c View File

@ -2,11 +2,30 @@
* rlgl - raylib OpenGL abstraction layer
* raylib now uses OpenGL 1.1 style functions (rlVertex) that are mapped to selected OpenGL version:
* OpenGL 1.1 - Direct map rl* -> gl*
* OpenGL 2.1 - Vertex data is stored in VBOs, call rlglDraw() to render
* OpenGL 3.3 - Vertex data is stored in VAOs, call rlglDraw() to render
* OpenGL ES 2 - Vertex data is stored in VBOs or VAOs (when available), call rlglDraw() to render
* rlgl allows usage of OpenGL 1.1 style functions (rlVertex) that are internally mapped to
* selected OpenGL version (1.1, 2.1, 3.3 Core, ES 2.0).
* When chosing an OpenGL version greater than OpenGL 1.1, rlgl stores vertex data on internal
* VBO buffers (and VAOs if available). It requires calling 3 functions:
* rlglInit() - Initialize internal buffers and auxiliar resources
* rlglDraw() - Process internal buffers and send required draw calls
* rlglClose() - De-initialize internal buffers data and other auxiliar resources
* External libs:
* raymath - 3D math functionality (Vector3, Matrix, Quaternion)
* GLAD - OpenGL extensions loading (OpenGL 3.3 Core only)
* Module Configuration Flags:
* GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_11 - Use OpenGL 1.1 backend
* GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_21 - Use OpenGL 2.1 backend
* GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_33 - Use OpenGL 3.3 Core profile backend
* GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_ES2 - Use OpenGL ES 2.0 backend
* RLGL_STANDALONE - Use rlgl as standalone library (no raylib dependency)
* RLGL_NO_STANDARD_SHADER - Avoid standard shader (shader_standard.h) inclusion
* RLGL_NO_DISTORTION_SHADER - Avoid stereo rendering distortion sahder (shader_distortion.h) inclusion
* RLGL_OCULUS_SUPPORT - Enable Oculus Rift CV1 functionality
* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)

+ 21
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src/rlgl.h View File

@ -2,11 +2,27 @@
* rlgl - raylib OpenGL abstraction layer
* raylib now uses OpenGL 1.1 style functions (rlVertex) that are mapped to selected OpenGL version:
* OpenGL 1.1 - Direct map rl* -> gl*
* OpenGL 2.1 - Vertex data is stored in VBOs, call rlglDraw() to render
* OpenGL 3.3 - Vertex data is stored in VAOs, call rlglDraw() to render
* OpenGL ES 2 - Vertex data is stored in VBOs or VAOs (when available), call rlglDraw() to render
* rlgl allows usage of OpenGL 1.1 style functions (rlVertex) that are internally mapped to
* selected OpenGL version (1.1, 2.1, 3.3 Core, ES 2.0).
* When chosing an OpenGL version greater than OpenGL 1.1, rlgl stores vertex data on internal
* VBO buffers (and VAOs if available). It requires calling 3 functions:
* rlglInit() - Initialize internal buffers and auxiliar resources
* rlglDraw() - Process internal buffers and send required draw calls
* rlglClose() - De-initialize internal buffers data and other auxiliar resources
* External libs:
* raymath - 3D math functionality (Vector3, Matrix, Quaternion)
* GLAD - OpenGL extensions loading (OpenGL 3.3 Core only)
* Module Configuration Flags:
* GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_11 - Use OpenGL 1.1 backend
* GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_21 - Use OpenGL 2.1 backend
* GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_33 - Use OpenGL 3.3 Core profile backend
* GRAPHICS_API_OPENGL_ES2 - Use OpenGL ES 2.0 backend
* RLGL_STANDALONE - Use rlgl as standalone library (no raylib dependency)
* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)

+ 8
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src/shapes.c View File

@ -4,6 +4,12 @@
* Basic functions to draw 2d Shapes and check collisions
* External libs:
* rlgl - raylib OpenGL abstraction layer
* Module Configuration Flags:
* ...
* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
@ -25,11 +31,11 @@
#include "raylib.h"
#include "rlgl.h" // raylib OpenGL abstraction layer to OpenGL 1.1, 2.1, 3.3+ or ES2
#include <stdlib.h> // Required for: abs()
#include <math.h> // Required for: sinf(), cosf(), sqrtf()
#include "rlgl.h" // raylib OpenGL abstraction layer to OpenGL 1.1, 3.3+ or ES2
// Defines and Macros

+ 7
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src/text.c View File

@ -4,6 +4,12 @@
* Basic functions to load SpriteFonts and draw Text
* External libs:
* stb_truetype - Load TTF file and rasterize characters data
* Module Configuration Flags:
* ...
* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
@ -33,7 +39,7 @@
#include "utils.h" // Required for: GetExtension(), GetNextPOT()
// Following libs are used on LoadTTF()
o">//#define STBTT_STATIC
cp">#define STBTT_STATIC // Define stb_truetype functions static to this module
#include "external/stb_truetype.h" // Required for: stbtt_BakeFontBitmap()

+ 7
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src/textures.c View File

@ -4,9 +4,13 @@
* Basic functions to load and draw Textures (2d)
* Uses external lib:
* stb_image - Multiple formats image loading (JPEG, PNG, BMP, TGA, PSD, GIF, PIC)
* NOTE: stb_image has been slightly modified, original library:
* External libs:
* stb_image - Multiple image formats loading (JPEG, PNG, BMP, TGA, PSD, GIF, PIC)
* NOTE: stb_image has been slightly modified to support Android platform.
* stb_image_resize - Multiple image resize algorythms
* Module Configuration Flags:
* ...
* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)

+ 10
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src/utils.c View File

@ -2,12 +2,16 @@
* raylib.utils
* Utils Functions Definitions
* Some utility functions
* Uses external libs:
* tinfl - zlib DEFLATE algorithm decompression lib
* External libs:
* tinfl - zlib DEFLATE algorithm decompression
* stb_image_write - PNG writting functions
* Module Configuration Flags:
* DO_NOT_TRACE_DEBUG_MSGS - Avoid showing DEBUG TraceLog() messages
* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
@ -46,7 +50,9 @@
#include "external/tinfl.c" // Required for: tinfl_decompress_mem_to_mem()
// NOTE: Deflate algorythm data decompression
// NOTE: DEFLATE algorythm data decompression
#define DO_NOT_TRACE_DEBUG_MSGS // Avoid DEBUG messages tracing
// Global Variables Definition

+ 2
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src/utils.h View File

@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* raylib.utils
* Some utility l">functions: rRES files data decompression
* Some utility functions
* Copyright (c) 2014 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
* Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
@ -34,8 +34,6 @@
// Some basic Defines
#define DO_NOT_TRACE_DEBUG_MSGS // Use this define to avoid DEBUG tracing
#define fopen(name, mode) android_fopen(name, mode)
