@ -183,18 +183,21 @@ ifeq ($(PLATFORM),PLATFORM_DESKTOP) |
endif |
# Define compiler flags:
# -O0 defines optimization level (no optimization, better for debugging)
# -O1 defines optimization level
# -g include debug information on compilation
# -s strip unnecessary data from build
# -s strip unnecessary data from build -> do not use in debug builds
# -Wall turns on most, but not all, compiler warnings
# -std=c99 defines C language mode (standard C from 1999 revision)
# -std=gnu99 defines C language mode (GNU C from 1999 revision)
# -Wno-missing-braces ignore invalid warning (GCC bug 53119)
# -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE use with -std=c99 on Linux and PLATFORM_WEB, required for timespec
CFLAGS += -O1 -s -Wall -std=c99 -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE -Wno-missing-braces |
CFLAGS += -Wall -std=c99 -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE -Wno-missing-braces |
ifeq ($(BUILD_MODE),DEBUG) |
CFLAGS += -g |
CFLAGS += -g -O0 |
else |
CFLAGS += -s -O1 |
endif |
# Additional flags for compiler (if desired)