
Added new game: Cat vs Roomba

GGJ2019 game
Ray 6 年之前
共有 36 個文件被更改,包括 3883 次插入0 次删除
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+ 20
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games/cat_vs_roomba/LICENSE.txt 查看文件

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@

This game sources are licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license,
which is an OSI-certified, BSD-like license:
Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented
as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.

+ 331
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games/cat_vs_roomba/Makefile 查看文件

@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
# raylib makefile for Desktop platforms, Raspberry Pi, Android and HTML5
# Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
# This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
# will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
# Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
# applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
# 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
# wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
# in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
# 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented
# as being the original software.
# 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
.PHONY: all clean
# Define required raylib variables
# WARNING: To compile to HTML5, code must be redesigned to use emscripten.h and emscripten_set_main_loop()
RAYLIB_PATH ?= C:/GitHub/raylib
PROJECT_NAME ?= roomba
# Default path for raylib on Raspberry Pi, if installed in different path, update it!
RAYLIB_PATH ?= /home/pi/raylib
# Library type used for raylib: STATIC (.a) or SHARED (.so/.dll)
# Use external GLFW library instead of rglfw module
# Use Wayland display server protocol on Linux desktop
# by default it uses X11 windowing system
# NOTE: On PLATFORM_WEB OpenAL Soft backend is used by default (check raylib/src/Makefile)
# Determine PLATFORM_OS in case PLATFORM_DESKTOP selected
# No uname.exe on MinGW!, but OS=Windows_NT on Windows!
# ifeq ($(UNAME),Msys) -> Windows
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
UNAMEOS=$(shell uname)
ifeq ($(UNAMEOS),Linux)
ifeq ($(UNAMEOS),FreeBSD)
ifeq ($(UNAMEOS),OpenBSD)
ifeq ($(UNAMEOS),NetBSD)
ifeq ($(UNAMEOS),DragonFly)
ifeq ($(UNAMEOS),Darwin)
UNAMEOS=$(shell uname)
ifeq ($(UNAMEOS),Linux)
# Emscripten required variables
EMSDK_PATH = C:/emsdk
CLANG_VERSION = e1.38.20_64bit
PYTHON_VERSION =\python-2.7.13.amd64
NODE_VERSION = 8.9.1_64bit
# Define raylib release directory for compiled library
RAYLIB_RELEASE_PATH = $(RAYLIB_PATH)/release/libs/win32/mingw32
RAYLIB_RELEASE_PATH = $(RAYLIB_PATH)/release/libs/linux
# Define default C compiler: gcc
# NOTE: define g++ compiler if using C++
CC = gcc
# OSX default compiler
CC = clang
# FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonFly default compiler
CC = clang
# Define RPI cross-compiler
#CC = armv6j-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi-gcc
CC = $(RPI_TOOLCHAIN)/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc
# HTML5 emscripten compiler
CC = emcc
# Define default make program: Mingw32-make
MAKE = mingw32-make
MAKE = make
# Define compiler flags:
# -O1 defines optimization level
# -g enable debugging
# -s strip unnecessary data from build
# -Wall turns on most, but not all, compiler warnings
# -std=c99 defines C language mode (standard C from 1999 revision)
# -std=gnu99 defines C language mode (GNU C from 1999 revision)
# -Wno-missing-braces ignore invalid warning (GCC bug 53119)
# -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE use with -std=c99 on Linux and PLATFORM_WEB, required for timespec
CFLAGS += -O1 -s -Wall -std=c99 -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE -Wno-missing-braces
# Additional flags for compiler (if desired)
#CFLAGS += -Wextra -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes
# resources file contains windows exe icon
# -Wl,--subsystem,windows hides the console window
CFLAGS += $(RAYLIB_PATH)/raylib.rc.data -Wl,--subsystem,windows
CFLAGS += -std=gnu99
# -O2 # if used, also set --memory-init-file 0
# --memory-init-file 0 # to avoid an external memory initialization code file (.mem)
# -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 # to allow memory resizing
# -s TOTAL_MEMORY=16777216 # to specify heap memory size (default = 16MB)
# -s USE_PTHREADS=1 # multithreading support
# -s WASM=1 # support Web Assembly (https://github.com/kripken/emscripten/wiki/WebAssembly)
# --preload-file resources # specify a resources folder for data compilation
# -s ASSERTIONS=1 --profiling
CFLAGS += -s USE_GLFW=3 -s WASM=1 -s TOTAL_MEMORY=16777216 --preload-file resources
# Define a custom shell .html and output extension
CFLAGS += --shell-file $(RAYLIB_PATH)\templates\web_shell\shell.html
EXT = .html
# Define include paths for required headers
# NOTE: Several external required libraries (stb and others)
INCLUDE_PATHS = -I. -I$(RAYLIB_PATH)/release/include -I$(RAYLIB_PATH)/src -I$(RAYLIB_PATH)/src/external
# Define additional directories containing required header files
# RPI requried libraries
INCLUDE_PATHS += -I/opt/vc/include
INCLUDE_PATHS += -I/opt/vc/include/interface/vmcs_host/linux
INCLUDE_PATHS += -I/opt/vc/include/interface/vcos/pthreads
# Define library paths containing required libs
INCLUDE_PATHS += -I/usr/local/include
LDFLAGS += -L. -Lsrc -L/usr/local/lib
LDFLAGS += -L/opt/vc/lib
# Define any libraries required on linking
# if you want to link libraries (libname.so or libname.a), use the -lname
# Libraries for Windows desktop compilation
LDLIBS = -lraylib -lopengl32 -lgdi32
# Required for physac examples
#LDLIBS += -static -lpthread
# Libraries for Debian GNU/Linux desktop compiling
# NOTE: Required packages: libegl1-mesa-dev
LDLIBS = -lraylib -lGL -lm -lpthread -ldl -lrt
# On X11 requires also below libraries
LDLIBS += -lX11
# NOTE: It seems additional libraries are not required any more, latest GLFW just dlopen them
#LDLIBS += -lXrandr -lXinerama -lXi -lXxf86vm -lXcursor
# On Wayland windowing system, additional libraries requires
LDLIBS += -lwayland-client -lwayland-cursor -lwayland-egl -lxkbcommon
# Libraries for OSX 10.9 desktop compiling
# NOTE: Required packages: libopenal-dev libegl1-mesa-dev
LDLIBS = -lraylib -framework OpenGL -framework OpenAL -framework Cocoa
# Libraries for FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonFly desktop compiling
# NOTE: Required packages: mesa-libs
LDLIBS = -lraylib -lGL -lpthread -lm
# On XWindow requires also below libraries
LDLIBS += -lX11 -lXrandr -lXinerama -lXi -lXxf86vm -lXcursor
# NOTE: It could require additional packages installed: libglfw3-dev
LDLIBS += -lglfw
# Libraries for Raspberry Pi compiling
# NOTE: Required packages: libasound2-dev (ALSA)
LDLIBS = -lraylib -lbrcmGLESv2 -lbrcmEGL -lpthread -lrt -lm -lbcm_host -ldl
# Libraries for web (HTML5) compiling
# Define all source files required
screens/screen_logo.c \
screens/screen_title.c \
screens/screen_gameplay.c \
# Define all object files from source files
OBJS = $(patsubst %.c, %.o, $(PROJECT_SOURCE_FILES))
# For Android platform we call a custom Makefile.Android
MAKEFILE_PARAMS = -f Makefile.Android
# Default target entry
# NOTE: We call this Makefile target or Makefile.Android target
# Project target defined by PROJECT_NAME
# Compile source files
# NOTE: This pattern will compile every module defined on $(OBJS)
%.o: %.c
$(CC) -c $< -o $@ $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDE_PATHS) -D$(PLATFORM)
# Clean everything
del *.o *.exe /s
find -type f -executable | xargs file -i | grep -E 'x-object|x-archive|x-sharedlib|x-executable' | rev | cut -d ':' -f 2- | rev | xargs rm -f
find . -type f -perm +ugo+x -delete
rm -f *.o
find . -type f -executable -delete
rm -f *.o
del *.o *.html *.js
@echo Cleaning done

+ 298
- 0
games/cat_vs_roomba/Makefile.Android 查看文件

@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
# raylib makefile for Android project (APK building)
# Copyright (c) 2017 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
# This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
# will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
# Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
# applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
# 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
# wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
# in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
# 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented
# as being the original software.
# 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
# Define required raylib variables
RAYLIB_PATH ?= ..\..
# Define Android architecture (armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86-64) and API version
ANDROID_ARCH_NAME = armeabi-v7a
ifeq ($(ANDROID_ARCH),ARM64)
# Required path variables
# NOTE: JAVA_HOME must be set to JDK
ANDROID_HOME = C:/android-sdk
ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS = $(ANDROID_HOME)/build-tools/28.0.1
# Android project configuration variables
PROJECT_NAME ?= raylib_game
PROJECT_SOURCE_FILES ?= raylib_game.c
# Some source files are placed in directories, when compiling to some
# output directory other than source, that directory must pre-exist.
# Here we get a list of required folders that need to be created on
# code output folder $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\obj to avoid GCC errors.
# Android app configuration variables
APP_ICON_LDPI ?= $(RAYLIB_PATH)\logo\raylib_36x36.png
APP_ICON_MDPI ?= $(RAYLIB_PATH)\logo\raylib_48x48.png
APP_ICON_HDPI ?= $(RAYLIB_PATH)\logo\raylib_72x72.png
# Library type used for raylib: STATIC (.a) or SHARED (.so/.dll)
# Shared libs must be added to APK if required
# NOTE: Generated NativeLoader.java automatically load those libraries
# Compiler and archiver
# NOTE: GCC is being deprecated in Android NDK r16
CC = $(ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN)/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-clang
AR = $(ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN)/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-ar
ifeq ($(ANDROID_ARCH),ARM64)
CC = $(ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN)/bin/aarch64-linux-android-clang
AR = $(ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN)/bin/aarch64-linux-android-ar
# Compiler flags for arquitecture
CFLAGS = -std=c99 -march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=vfpv3-d16
ifeq ($(ANDROID_ARCH),ARM64)
CFLAGS = -std=c99 -target aarch64 -mfix-cortex-a53-835769
# Compilation functions attributes options
CFLAGS += -ffunction-sections -funwind-tables -fstack-protector-strong -fPIC
# Compiler options for the linker
CFLAGS += -Wall -Wa,--noexecstack -Wformat -Werror=format-security -no-canonical-prefixes
# Preprocessor macro definitions
# Paths containing required header files
INCLUDE_PATHS = -I. -I$(RAYLIB_PATH)/release/include -I$(RAYLIB_PATH)/src/external/android/native_app_glue
# Linker options
LDFLAGS = -Wl,-soname,lib$(PROJECT_LIBRARY_NAME).so -Wl,--exclude-libs,libatomic.a
LDFLAGS += -Wl,--build-id -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -Wl,--warn-shared-textrel -Wl,--fatal-warnings
# Force linking of library module to define symbol
LDFLAGS += -u ANativeActivity_onCreate
# Library paths containing required libs
# Define any libraries to link into executable
# if you want to link libraries (libname.so or libname.a), use the -lname
LDLIBS = -lm -lc -lraylib -llog -landroid -lEGL -lGLESv2 -lOpenSLES -ldl
# Generate target objects list from PROJECT_SOURCE_FILES
OBJS = $(patsubst %.c, $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/obj/%.o, $(PROJECT_SOURCE_FILES))
# Android APK building process... some steps required...
# NOTE: typing 'make' will invoke the default target entry called 'all',
all: create_temp_project_dirs \
copy_project_required_libs \
copy_project_resources \
generate_loader_script \
generate_android_manifest \
generate_apk_keystore \
config_project_package \
compile_project_code \
compile_project_class \
compile_project_class_dex \
create_project_apk_package \
sign_project_apk_package \
# Create required temp directories for APK building
if not exist $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\obj mkdir $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\obj
if not exist $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\src mkdir $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\src
if not exist $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\src\com mkdir $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\src\com
if not exist $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\lib mkdir $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\lib
if not exist $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\bin mkdir $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\bin
if not exist $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\res mkdir $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\res
if not exist $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\res\drawable-ldpi mkdir $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\res\drawable-ldpi
if not exist $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\res\drawable-mdpi mkdir $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\res\drawable-mdpi
if not exist $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\res\drawable-hdpi mkdir $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\res\drawable-hdpi
if not exist $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\res\values mkdir $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\res\values
if not exist $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\assets mkdir $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\assets
if not exist $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\obj\screens mkdir $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\obj\screens
$(foreach dir, $(PROJECT_SOURCE_DIRS), $(call create_dir, $(dir)))
define create_dir
if not exist $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\obj\$(1) mkdir $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\obj\$(1)
# Copy required shared libs for integration into APK
# NOTE: If using shared libs they are loaded by generated NativeLoader.java
copy /Y $(RAYLIB_LIB_PATH)\libraylib.so $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\lib\$(ANDROID_ARCH_NAME)\libraylib.so
copy /Y $(RAYLIB_LIB_PATH)\libraylib.a $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\lib\$(ANDROID_ARCH_NAME)\libraylib.a
# Copy project required resources: strings.xml, icon.png, assets
# NOTE: Required strings.xml is generated and game resources are copied to assets folder
# TODO: Review xcopy usage, it can not be found in some systems!
copy $(APP_ICON_LDPI) $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\res\drawable-ldpi\icon.png /Y
copy $(APP_ICON_MDPI) $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\res\drawable-mdpi\icon.png /Y
copy $(APP_ICON_HDPI) $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\res\drawable-hdpi\icon.png /Y
@echo ^<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"^?^> > $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/res/values/strings.xml
@echo ^<resources^>^<string name="app_name"^>$(APP_LABEL_NAME)^</string^>^</resources^> >> $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/res/values/strings.xml
# Generate NativeLoader.java to load required shared libraries
# NOTE: Probably not the bet way to generate this file... but it works.
@echo package com.$(APP_COMPANY_NAME).$(APP_PRODUCT_NAME); > $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/src/com/$(APP_COMPANY_NAME)/$(APP_PRODUCT_NAME)/NativeLoader.java
@echo. >> $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/src/com/$(APP_COMPANY_NAME)/$(APP_PRODUCT_NAME)/NativeLoader.java
@echo public class NativeLoader extends android.app.NativeActivity { >> $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/src/com/$(APP_COMPANY_NAME)/$(APP_PRODUCT_NAME)/NativeLoader.java
@echo static { >> $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/src/com/$(APP_COMPANY_NAME)/$(APP_PRODUCT_NAME)/NativeLoader.java
@echo System.loadLibrary("raylib"); >> $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/src/com/$(APP_COMPANY_NAME)/$(APP_PRODUCT_NAME)/NativeLoader.java
@echo System.loadLibrary("$(PROJECT_LIBRARY_NAME)"); >> $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/src/com/$(APP_COMPANY_NAME)/$(APP_PRODUCT_NAME)/NativeLoader.java
@echo } >> $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/src/com/$(APP_COMPANY_NAME)/$(APP_PRODUCT_NAME)/NativeLoader.java
@echo } >> $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/src/com/$(APP_COMPANY_NAME)/$(APP_PRODUCT_NAME)/NativeLoader.java
# Generate AndroidManifest.xml with all the required options
# NOTE: Probably not the bet way to generate this file... but it works.
@echo ^<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"^?^> > $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/AndroidManifest.xml
@echo ^<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" >> $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/AndroidManifest.xml
@echo package="com.$(APP_COMPANY_NAME).$(APP_PRODUCT_NAME)" >> $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/AndroidManifest.xml
@echo android:versionCode="$(APP_VERSION_CODE)" android:versionName="$(APP_VERSION_NAME)" ^> >> $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/AndroidManifest.xml
@echo ^<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="$(ANDROID_API_VERSION)" /^> >> $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/AndroidManifest.xml
@echo ^<uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00020000" android:required="true" /^> >> $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/AndroidManifest.xml
@echo ^<application android:allowBackup="false" android:label="@string/app_name" android:icon="@drawable/icon" ^> >> $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/AndroidManifest.xml
@echo ^<activity android:name="com.$(APP_COMPANY_NAME).$(APP_PRODUCT_NAME).NativeLoader" >> $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/AndroidManifest.xml
@echo android:theme="@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen" >> $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/AndroidManifest.xml
@echo android:configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden|screenSize" >> $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/AndroidManifest.xml
@echo android:screenOrientation="$(APP_SCREEN_ORIENTATION)" android:launchMode="singleTask" >> $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/AndroidManifest.xml
@echo android:clearTaskOnLaunch="true"^> >> $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/AndroidManifest.xml
@echo ^<meta-data android:name="android.app.lib_name" android:value="$(PROJECT_LIBRARY_NAME)" /^> >> $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/AndroidManifest.xml
@echo ^<intent-filter^> >> $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/AndroidManifest.xml
@echo ^<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /^> >> $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/AndroidManifest.xml
@echo ^<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /^> >> $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/AndroidManifest.xml
@echo ^</intent-filter^> >> $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/AndroidManifest.xml
@echo ^</activity^> >> $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/AndroidManifest.xml
@echo ^</application^> >> $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/AndroidManifest.xml
@echo ^</manifest^> >> $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/AndroidManifest.xml
# Generate storekey for APK signing: $(PROJECT_NAME).keystore
# NOTE: Configure here your Distinguished Names (-dname) if required!
if not exist $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/$(PROJECT_NAME).keystore $(JAVA_HOME)/bin/keytool -genkeypair -validity 1000 -dname "CN=$(APP_COMPANY_NAME),O=Android,C=ES" -keystore $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/$(PROJECT_NAME).keystore -storepass $(APP_KEYSTORE_PASS) -keypass $(APP_KEYSTORE_PASS) -alias $(PROJECT_NAME)Key -keyalg RSA
# Config project package and resource using AndroidManifest.xml and res/values/strings.xml
# NOTE: Generates resources file: src/com/$(APP_COMPANY_NAME)/$(APP_PRODUCT_NAME)/R.java
$(ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS)/aapt package -f -m -S $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/res -J $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/src -M $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/AndroidManifest.xml -I $(ANDROID_HOME)/platforms/android-$(ANDROID_API_VERSION)/android.jar
# Compile native_app_glue code as static library: obj/libnative_app_glue.a
$(CC) -c $(RAYLIB_PATH)/src/external/android/native_app_glue/android_native_app_glue.c -o $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/obj/native_app_glue.o $(CFLAGS)
$(AR) rcs $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/obj/libnative_app_glue.a $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/obj/native_app_glue.o
# Compile project code into a shared library: lib/lib$(PROJECT_LIBRARY_NAME).so
compile_project_code: $(OBJS)
# Compile all .c files required into object (.o) files
# NOTE: Those files will be linked into a shared library
$(CC) -c $^ -o $@ $(INCLUDE_PATHS) $(CFLAGS) --sysroot=$(ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN)/sysroot
# Compile project .java code into .class (Java bytecode)
$(JAVA_HOME)/bin/javac -verbose -source 1.7 -target 1.7 -d $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/obj -bootclasspath $(JAVA_HOME)/jre/lib/rt.jar -classpath $(ANDROID_HOME)/platforms/android-$(ANDROID_API_VERSION)/android.jar;$(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/obj -sourcepath $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/src $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/src/com/$(APP_COMPANY_NAME)/$(APP_PRODUCT_NAME)/R.java $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/src/com/$(APP_COMPANY_NAME)/$(APP_PRODUCT_NAME)/NativeLoader.java
# Compile .class files into Dalvik executable bytecode (.dex)
# NOTE: Since Android 5.0, Dalvik interpreter (JIT) has been replaced by ART (AOT)
$(ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS)/dx --verbose --dex --output=$(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/bin/classes.dex $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/obj
# Create Android APK package: bin/$(PROJECT_NAME).unsigned.apk
# NOTE: Requires compiled classes.dex and lib$(PROJECT_LIBRARY_NAME).so
# NOTE: Use -A resources to define additional directory in which to find raw asset files
$(ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS)/aapt package -f -M $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/AndroidManifest.xml -S $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/res -A $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/assets -I $(ANDROID_HOME)/platforms/android-$(ANDROID_API_VERSION)/android.jar -F $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/bin/$(PROJECT_NAME).unsigned.apk $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/bin
# Create signed APK package using generated Key: bin/$(PROJECT_NAME).signed.apk
$(JAVA_HOME)/bin/jarsigner -keystore $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/$(PROJECT_NAME).keystore -storepass $(APP_KEYSTORE_PASS) -keypass $(APP_KEYSTORE_PASS) -signedjar $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/bin/$(PROJECT_NAME).signed.apk $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)/bin/$(PROJECT_NAME).unsigned.apk $(PROJECT_NAME)Key
# Create zip-aligned APK package: $(PROJECT_NAME).apk
# Install $(PROJECT_NAME).apk to default emulator/device
# NOTE: Use -e (emulator) or -d (device) parameters if required
# Check supported ABI for the device (armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64)
$(ANDROID_PLATFORM_TOOLS)/adb shell getprop ro.product.cpu.abi
# Monitorize output log coming from device, only raylib tag
$(ANDROID_PLATFORM_TOOLS)/adb logcat raylib:V *:S
# Install and monitorize $(PROJECT_NAME).apk to default emulator/device
$(ANDROID_PLATFORM_TOOLS)/adb logcat raylib:V *:S
# Clean everything
del $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH)\* /f /s /q
rmdir $(PROJECT_BUILD_PATH) /s /q
@echo Cleaning done

games/cat_vs_roomba/libraylib.bc 查看文件

+ 1378
- 0

games/cat_vs_roomba/resources/cat.png 查看文件

Before After
Width: 48  |  Height: 52  |  Size: 2.2 KiB

games/cat_vs_roomba/resources/cat_mouse.mod 查看文件

games/cat_vs_roomba/resources/catch22.mod 查看文件

games/cat_vs_roomba/resources/coin.wav 查看文件

+ 16
- 0
games/cat_vs_roomba/resources/collisions.txt 查看文件

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@

games/cat_vs_roomba/resources/dirtiles.png 查看文件

Before After
Width: 144  |  Height: 36  |  Size: 883 B

games/cat_vs_roomba/resources/dyson.png 查看文件

Before After
Width: 48  |  Height: 48  |  Size: 4.8 KiB

+ 34
- 0
games/cat_vs_roomba/resources/furmap.txt 查看文件

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
.state: 0-Block, 1-Alpha, 2-Breakable
.f setId cellX cellY state counter
.puff and sits
f 3 0 4 0 0
f 3 13 0 0 0
f 3 22 0 0 0
f 3 21 11 0 0
f 2 19 15 0 0
f 2 30 5 0 0
f 4 12 4 0 0
.wood pieces
f 26 3 0 0 0
f 27 4 10 0 0
f 27 24 7 0 0
f 17 30 15 0 0
f 11 0 15 0 0
f 13 0 12 0 0
.sofa and bed (alpha)
f 14 4 7 1 0
f 10 24 11 1 0
.glass and tables (alpha)
f 9 17 4 1 0
f 16 6 4 1 0
f 16 10 15 1 0
f 15 22 15 1 0
.plants (breakable)
f 6 0 6 2 1800
f 6 12 10 2 1800
f 7 17 0 2 1200
f 7 15 15 2 1200
f 8 13 15 2 2000
f 8 24 5 2 2000

games/cat_vs_roomba/resources/furniture.png 查看文件

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Width: 1280  |  Height: 360  |  Size: 96 KiB

+ 37
- 0
games/cat_vs_roomba/resources/furset.txt 查看文件

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
.first line
f 0 0 0 2 2
f 1 2 0 2 2
f 2 4 0 2 2
f 3 6 0 2 2
f 4 8 0 2 2
f 5 10 0 2 2
f 6 12 0 2 2
f 7 14 0 2 2
f 8 16 0 2 2
f 9 18 0 5 6
f 10 23 0 6 6
.second line
f 11 0 2 10 2
f 12 10 2 7 3
.third line
f 13 0 4 2 3
f 14 2 4 8 3
f 15 10 5 2 2
f 16 12 5 3 2
f 17 15 5 2 2
f 18 17 6 1 1
f 19 18 6 1 1
f 20 19 6 1 1
f 21 20 6 1 1
f 22 21 6 1 1
f 23 22 6 1 1
f 24 23 6 1 1
f 25 24 6 1 1
.four line
f 26 0 7 10 2
f 27 10 7 8 2
f 28 18 7 3 2
f 29 21 7 3 2
f 30 24 7 2 2

games/cat_vs_roomba/resources/fursetid.png 查看文件

Before After
Width: 1280  |  Height: 360  |  Size: 93 KiB

games/cat_vs_roomba/resources/fxcat01.wav 查看文件

games/cat_vs_roomba/resources/fxcat02.wav 查看文件

games/cat_vs_roomba/resources/fxrobot01.wav 查看文件

games/cat_vs_roomba/resources/fxrobot02.wav 查看文件

games/cat_vs_roomba/resources/fxrobot03.wav 查看文件

games/cat_vs_roomba/resources/roomba.png 查看文件

Before After
Width: 42  |  Height: 42  |  Size: 3.9 KiB

+ 139
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games/cat_vs_roomba/resources/star.fnt 查看文件

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games/cat_vs_roomba/resources/star.png 查看文件

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games/cat_vs_roomba/resources/star2.fnt 查看文件

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games/cat_vs_roomba/resources/star2.png 查看文件

Before After
Width: 512  |  Height: 512  |  Size: 71 KiB

games/cat_vs_roomba/resources/title_cat.png 查看文件

Before After
Width: 340  |  Height: 220  |  Size: 6.4 KiB

games/cat_vs_roomba/resources/title_roomba.png 查看文件

Before After
Width: 640  |  Height: 180  |  Size: 15 KiB

games/cat_vs_roomba/resources/title_vs.png 查看文件

Before After
Width: 160  |  Height: 128  |  Size: 4.5 KiB

games/cat_vs_roomba/resources/tracemap.png 查看文件

Before After
Width: 1152  |  Height: 612  |  Size: 98 KiB

+ 286
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games/cat_vs_roomba/roomba.c 查看文件

@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
* raylib - Advance Game template
* <Game title>
* <Game description>
* This game has been created using raylib (www.raylib.com)
* raylib is licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license (View raylib.h for details)
* Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
#include "raylib.h"
#include "screens/screens.h" // NOTE: Defines global variable: currentScreen
#if defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
#include <emscripten/emscripten.h>
// Global Variables Definition (local to this module)
const int screenWidth = 1280;
#if defined(TILE_VIEWER_MODE)
const int screenHeight = 1080;
const int screenHeight = 720;
// Required variables to manage screen transitions (fade-in, fade-out)
static float transAlpha = 0.0f;
static bool onTransition = false;
static bool transFadeOut = false;
static int transFromScreen = -1;
static int transToScreen = -1;
// NOTE: Some global variables that require to be visible for all screens,
// are defined in screens.h (i.e. currentScreen)
// Local Functions Declaration
static void ChangeToScreen(int screen); // No transition effect
static void TransitionToScreen(int screen);
static void UpdateTransition(void);
static void DrawTransition(void);
static void UpdateDrawFrame(void); // Update and Draw one frame
// Main entry point
int main(void)
// Initialization (Note windowTitle is unused on Android)
InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "raylib template - advance game");
// Global data loading (assets that must be available in all screens, i.e. fonts)
font = LoadFont("resources/star.fnt");
font2 = LoadFont("resources/star2.fnt");
music = LoadMusicStream("resources/cat_mouse.mod");
fxCoin = LoadSound("resources/coin.wav");
SetMusicVolume(music, 1.0f);
// Setup and Init first screen
currentScreen = LOGO;
#if defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
emscripten_set_main_loop(UpdateDrawFrame, 0, 1);
SetTargetFPS(60); // Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second
// Main game loop
while (!WindowShouldClose()) // Detect window close button or ESC key
// De-Initialization
// Unload current screen data before closing
switch (currentScreen)
case LOGO: UnloadLogoScreen(); break;
case TITLE: UnloadTitleScreen(); break;
case GAMEPLAY: UnloadGameplayScreen(); break;
case ENDING: UnloadEndingScreen(); break;
default: break;
// Unload all global loaded data (i.e. fonts) here!
CloseAudioDevice(); // Close audio context
CloseWindow(); // Close window and OpenGL context
return 0;
// Module specific Functions Definition
// Change to next screen, no transition
static void ChangeToScreen(int screen)
// Unload current screen
switch (currentScreen)
case LOGO: UnloadLogoScreen(); break;
case TITLE: UnloadTitleScreen(); break;
case GAMEPLAY: UnloadGameplayScreen(); break;
case ENDING: UnloadEndingScreen(); break;
default: break;
// Init next screen
switch (screen)
case LOGO: InitLogoScreen(); break;
case TITLE: InitTitleScreen(); break;
case GAMEPLAY: InitGameplayScreen(); break;
case ENDING: InitEndingScreen(); break;
default: break;
currentScreen = screen;
// Define transition to next screen
static void TransitionToScreen(int screen)
onTransition = true;
transFadeOut = false;
transFromScreen = currentScreen;
transToScreen = screen;
transAlpha = 0.0f;
// Update transition effect
static void UpdateTransition(void)
if (!transFadeOut)
transAlpha += 0.02f;
// NOTE: Due to float internal representation, condition jumps on 1.0f instead of 1.05f
// For that reason we compare against 1.01f, to avoid last frame loading stop
if (transAlpha > 1.01f)
transAlpha = 1.0f;
// Unload current screen
switch (transFromScreen)
case LOGO: UnloadLogoScreen(); break;
case TITLE: UnloadTitleScreen(); break;
case GAMEPLAY: UnloadGameplayScreen(); break;
case ENDING: UnloadEndingScreen(); break;
default: break;
// Load next screen
switch (transToScreen)
case LOGO: InitLogoScreen(); break;
case TITLE: InitTitleScreen(); break;
case GAMEPLAY: InitGameplayScreen(); break;
case ENDING: InitEndingScreen(); break;
default: break;
currentScreen = transToScreen;
// Activate fade out effect to next loaded screen
transFadeOut = true;
else // Transition fade out logic
transAlpha -= 0.02f;
if (transAlpha < -0.01f)
transAlpha = 0.0f;
transFadeOut = false;
onTransition = false;
transFromScreen = -1;
transToScreen = -1;
// Draw transition effect (full-screen rectangle)
static void DrawTransition(void)
DrawRectangle(0, 0, GetScreenWidth(), GetScreenHeight(), Fade(BLACK, transAlpha));
// Update and draw game frame
static void UpdateDrawFrame(void)
// Update
UpdateMusicStream(music); // NOTE: Music keeps playing between screens
if (!onTransition)
case LOGO:
if (FinishLogoScreen()) TransitionToScreen(TITLE);
} break;
case TITLE:
if (FinishTitleScreen() == 1) TransitionToScreen(OPTIONS);
else if (FinishTitleScreen() == 2) TransitionToScreen(GAMEPLAY);
} break;
if (FinishGameplayScreen() == 1) TransitionToScreen(ENDING);
//else if (FinishGameplayScreen() == 2) TransitionToScreen(TITLE);
} break;
case ENDING:
if (FinishEndingScreen() == 1) TransitionToScreen(TITLE);
} break;
default: break;
else UpdateTransition(); // Update transition (fade-in, fade-out)
// Draw
case LOGO: DrawLogoScreen(); break;
case TITLE: DrawTitleScreen(); break;
case GAMEPLAY: DrawGameplayScreen(); break;
case ENDING: DrawEndingScreen(); break;
default: break;
// Draw full screen rectangle in front of everything
if (onTransition) DrawTransition();
//DrawFPS(10, 10);

+ 96
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games/cat_vs_roomba/screens/screen_ending.c 查看文件

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
* raylib - Advance Game template
* Ending Screen Functions Definitions (Init, Update, Draw, Unload)
* Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented
* as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#include "raylib.h"
#include "screens.h"
// Global Variables Definition (local to this module)
// Ending screen global variables
static int framesCounter;
static int finishScreen;
static int scrollPositionX;
// Ending Screen Functions Definition
// Ending Screen Initialization logic
void InitEndingScreen(void)
// TODO: Initialize ENDING screen variables here!
framesCounter = 0;
finishScreen = 0;
// Ending Screen Update logic
void UpdateEndingScreen(void)
scrollPositionX -= 5;
if (scrollPositionX < -GetScreenWidth()) scrollPositionX = 0;
// Press enter or tap to return to TITLE screen
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER) || IsGestureDetected(GESTURE_TAP))
finishScreen = 1;
// Ending Screen Draw logic
void DrawEndingScreen(void)
for (int i = 0; i < 64*2*2; i++)
DrawRectangle(64*i + scrollPositionX, 0, 64, GetScreenHeight(), (i%2 == 0)? GetColor(0xf3726dff) : GetColor(0xffcf6bff));
if (result == 0) DrawTextEx(font2, "YOU LOOSE...", (Vector2){ 350, 200 }, font2.baseSize*2, 2, WHITE);
else if (result == 1) DrawTextEx(font, "YOU WIN!!!", (Vector2){ 380, 200 }, font.baseSize*2, 2, WHITE);
// Draw score
DrawTextEx(font, FormatText("FINAL SCORE: %i", score), (Vector2){ 400, 360 }, font2.baseSize, 2, WHITE);
if ((framesCounter/30)%2) DrawTextEx(font2, "PRESS ENTER to TITLE", (Vector2){ 340, 550 }, font2.baseSize, 2, WHITE);
// Ending Screen Unload logic
void UnloadEndingScreen(void)
// TODO: Unload ENDING screen variables here!
// Ending Screen should finish?
int FinishEndingScreen(void)
return finishScreen;

+ 652
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games/cat_vs_roomba/screens/screen_gameplay.c 查看文件

@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
* raylib - Advance Game template
* Gameplay Screen Functions Definitions (Init, Update, Draw, Unload)
* Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented
* as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#include "raylib.h"
#include "screens.h"
#include "raymath.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#define TILE_REQUIRED_CLEAN_TIME 2 // Frames it takes to clean a dirt level
#define TILE_SCORE_BY_CLEANED_LEVEL 100 // Score by cleanied dirt level
#define TILE_REQUIRED_CLEAN_AREA 28*28 // Required are for actually cleaning tile
#define TILE_SIZE 36 // Tile size, it should match texture
#define MAX_TILES_X 32
#define MAX_TILES_Y 17
#define CAT_TARGET_RADIUS 3 // Target proximity radius
#define CAT_DIRT_CELL_RADIUS 2 // Cells around cat for dirt spreading
#define TIME_LIMIT_SECONDS 180 // Time to complete the level in seconds
#define MAX_SCORE_POPUPS 60 // Maximum simultaneous score pop-ups!
// Module types
// One dirt tile type
typedef struct {
Vector2 position; // Relative to top-left corner
int level; // Dirtiness: 0-Clean, 1-2-3-Dirt levels
int state; // Current dirtiness state
int counter; // Frames counter for cleaning
//int time; // Time it takes to make it clean --> Depends on level
//int score; // It depends on the dirt level
bool cleaned; // If it was cleaned (not clean by default)
} Dirtile;
// Score poping-up type
typedef struct {
Vector2 position;
int value;
float alpha;
bool enabled;
} ScorePopup;
// Furniture tile set
typedef struct {
int id; // Furniture tile id
int posX; // Position X on tileset
int posY; // Position Y on tileset
int width; // Furniture piece width
int height; // Furniture piece height
} FurSet;
// Furniture type
typedef struct {
int furId; // Tileset id
int cellX; // Cell position X
int cellY; // Cell position Y
int state; // 0-Block, 1-Alpha, 2-Breakable
int counter; // Counter in case of break
} Furniture;
// Global Variables Definition (local to this module)
// Gameplay screen global variables
static int framesCounter;
static int timeLevelSeconds;
static bool levelFinished;
static int finishScreen;
const Vector2 roomOffset = { 70, 70 };
static Texture2D roomba;
static Texture2D cat;
static Texture2D dirtiles;
static Texture2D furniture;
#if defined(TILE_VIEWER_MODE)
static Texture2D tracemap;
static Texture2D fursetid;
static Music catch;
static Sound fxCat[2];
static Sound fxRoomba[3];
static Vector2 roombaPosition = { 100, 100 };
static Vector2 roombaSpeed = { 4, 4 };
static int roombaTilePosX = 0, roombaTilePosY = 0;
static Vector2 catPosition = { 0, 0 };
static Vector2 catTargetPosition = { 0, 0 };
static Vector2 catSpeed = { 3, 3 };
static int catTilePosX = 0, catTilePosY = 0;
static bool catShouldMove = false;
static Vector2 mousePosition = { 0, 0 };
static int mouseTileX = -1, mouseTileY = -1;
static Dirtile tiles[MAX_TILES_X*MAX_TILES_Y] = { 0 };
static ScorePopup popup[MAX_SCORE_POPUPS] = { 0 };
static FurSet furset[32] = { -1 };
static Furniture furmap[40] = { -1 };
static int furnitureCount = 0;
// Furniture collisions map
// 0-block, 1-normal, 2-alpha, 3-breakable
static int furcolmap[MAX_TILES_X*MAX_TILES_Y] = {
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,1,1,0,0,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,0,0 };
static bool showObjective = false;
// Module Functions Definition
static float GetTileCleanPercent(void);
// Gameplay Screen Functions Definition
// Gameplay Screen Initialization logic
void InitGameplayScreen(void)
// Initialize GAMEPLAY screen variables here!
framesCounter = 0;
finishScreen = 0;
timeLevelSeconds = TIME_LIMIT_SECONDS;
levelFinished = false;
roomba = LoadTexture("resources/roomba.png");
cat = LoadTexture("resources/cat.png");
dirtiles = LoadTexture("resources/dirtiles.png");
furniture = LoadTexture("resources/furniture.png");
#if defined(TILE_VIEWER_MODE)
tracemap = LoadTexture("resources/tracemap.png");
fursetid = LoadTexture("resources/fursetid.png");
int furCount = 0;
FILE *fursetFile = fopen("resources/furset.txt", "rt");
if (fursetFile != NULL)
char buffer[512] = { 0 };
while (!feof(fursetFile))
fgets(buffer, 512, fursetFile);
switch (buffer[0])
case 'f':
sscanf(buffer, "f %i %i %i %i %i",
} break;
case '.': // This is a comment
default: break;
// Position and size come in cell form, not pixels
for (int i = 0; i < furCount; i++)
furset[i].posX *= TILE_SIZE;
furset[i].posY *= TILE_SIZE;
furset[i].width *= TILE_SIZE;
furset[i].height *= TILE_SIZE;
printf("Furniture SET elements read: %i\n", furCount);
// Init furniture elements
FILE *furnitureFile = fopen("resources/furmap.txt", "rt");
if (furnitureFile != NULL)
char buffer[512] = { 0 };
while (!feof(furnitureFile))
fgets(buffer, 512, furnitureFile);
switch (buffer[0])
case 'f':
sscanf(buffer, "f %i %i %i %i %i",
} break;
case '.': // This is a comment
default: break;
printf("Furniture MAP elements read: %i\n", furnitureCount);
// Init dirt tiles
for (int y = 0; y < MAX_TILES_Y; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < MAX_TILES_X; x++)
tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].position = (Vector2){ roomOffset.x + TILE_SIZE*x, roomOffset.y + TILE_SIZE*y };
if ((furcolmap[y*MAX_TILES_X + x] != 0) &&
(furcolmap[y*MAX_TILES_X + x] != 3))
// TODO: Level of dirtiness depends on difficulty level
// Adjust probability of every tile dirt level
int dirt = GetRandomValue(0, 100);
if (dirt < 50) tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].level = 0; // 50% probability
else if (dirt < 70) tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].level = 1; // 20% probability
else if (dirt < 90) tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].level = 2; // 10% probability
else if (dirt < 100) tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].level = 3; // 10% probability
else tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].level = 0;
tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].state = tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].level;
tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].counter = (tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].level == 0)? 0 : TILE_REQUIRED_CLEAN_TIME;
tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].cleaned = (tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].level == 0)? true : false;
// Init score popups
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE_POPUPS; i++)
popup[i].position = (Vector2){ 0, 0 };
popup[i].enabled = false;
popup[i].alpha = 1.0f;
// Init cat position
catPosition = (Vector2){ 30*TILE_SIZE + roomOffset.x, TILE_SIZE + roomOffset.y };
catTargetPosition = catPosition;
showObjective = true;
// Load music and sounds
fxCat[0] = LoadSound("resources/fxcat01.wav");
fxCat[1] = LoadSound("resources/fxcat02.wav");
fxRoomba[0] = LoadSound("resources/fxrobot01.wav");
fxRoomba[1] = LoadSound("resources/fxrobot02.wav");
fxRoomba[2] = LoadSound("resources/fxrobot03.wav");
catch = LoadMusicStream("resources/catch22.mod");
SetMusicVolume(catch, 0.6f);
result = 0; // Global variable: screens.h
// Gameplay Screen Update logic
void UpdateGameplayScreen(void)
if (showObjective)
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER))
showObjective = false;
if (framesCounter == 60)
if (timeLevelSeconds == 0)
levelFinished = true;
finishScreen = 1;
if (GetTileCleanPercent() >= 80) result = 1;
framesCounter = 0;
mousePosition = GetMousePosition();
mouseTileX = (int)floorf((mousePosition.x - roomOffset.x)/TILE_SIZE);
mouseTileY = (int)floorf((mousePosition.y - roomOffset.y)/TILE_SIZE);
// Roomba movement logic
Vector2 prevPosition = roombaPosition;
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_D)) roombaPosition.x += roombaSpeed.x;
else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_A)) roombaPosition.x -= roombaSpeed.x;
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_W)) roombaPosition.y -= roombaSpeed.y;
else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_S)) roombaPosition.y += roombaSpeed.y;
// Verify current player position is valid or reset
roombaTilePosX = (int)(floorf(roombaPosition.x - roomOffset.x)/TILE_SIZE);
roombaTilePosY = (int)(floorf(roombaPosition.y - roomOffset.y)/TILE_SIZE);
if ((roombaPosition.x - roomba.width/2 < roomOffset.x) ||
((roombaPosition.x + roomba.width/2) >= (roomOffset.x + MAX_TILES_X*TILE_SIZE)) ||
(roombaPosition.y - roomba.height/2 < roomOffset.y) ||
((roombaPosition.y + roomba.height/2) >= (roomOffset.y + MAX_TILES_Y*TILE_SIZE)) ||
(furcolmap[roombaTilePosY*MAX_TILES_X + roombaTilePosX] == 0) ||
(furcolmap[roombaTilePosY*MAX_TILES_X + roombaTilePosX] == 3)) roombaPosition = prevPosition;
// Dyson movement logic
// if (IsKeyDown(KEY_RIGHT)) dysonPosition.x += dysonSpeed.x;
// else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT)) dysonPosition.x -= dysonSpeed.x;
// if (IsKeyDown(KEY_UP)) dysonPosition.y -= dysonSpeed.y;
// else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_DOWN)) dysonPosition.y += dysonSpeed.y;
// Check collision area between Roomba and dirt tiles to verify it's beeing cleaned
// TODO: OPTIMIZATION: Check only Roomba surrounding tiles
for (int y = 0; y < MAX_TILES_Y; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < MAX_TILES_X; x++)
// Check if tile requires cleaning
if (tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].state > 0)
// TODO: Get better collision area measure, considering round roomba
Rectangle cleanRec = GetCollisionRec((Rectangle){ tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].position.x, tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].position.y, 36, 36 },
(Rectangle){ roombaPosition.x - roomba.width/2, roombaPosition.y - roomba.height/2, roomba.width, roomba.height });
// Check Roomba is covering at least half of the tile
if ((cleanRec.width*cleanRec.height) > TILE_REQUIRED_CLEAN_AREA)
// Start cleaning tile
tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].counter--;
if (tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].counter < 0)
tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].state--;
if (tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].state == 0)
tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].counter = 0;
score += tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].level*TILE_SCORE_BY_CLEANED_LEVEL;
// Show scoring popup, enable first ready!
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE_POPUPS; i++)
if (!popup[i].enabled)
popup[i].position = tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].position;
popup[i].value = TILE_SCORE_BY_CLEANED_LEVEL*tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].level;
popup[i].enabled = true;
popup[i].alpha = 1.0f;
else tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].counter = TILE_REQUIRED_CLEAN_TIME;
// Update enabled popups!
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE_POPUPS; i++)
if (popup[i].enabled)
popup[i].position.y -= 2;
popup[i].alpha -= 0.015f;
if (popup[i].alpha < 0.0f) popup[i].enabled = false;
// Cat movement logic
if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))
// Check for a valid cell to move on
if ((mousePosition.x > roomOffset.x) && (mousePosition.x < (roomOffset.x + MAX_TILES_X*TILE_SIZE)) &&
(mousePosition.y > roomOffset.y) && (mousePosition.y < (roomOffset.y + MAX_TILES_Y*TILE_SIZE)) &&
furcolmap[mouseTileY*MAX_TILES_X + mouseTileX] != 0)
catTargetPosition = GetMousePosition();
catShouldMove = true;
if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON)) PlaySound(fxCat[GetRandomValue(0,1)]);
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_SPACE)) PlaySound(fxRoomba[GetRandomValue(0,2)]);
// Check if cat should move
if (catShouldMove)
if (CheckCollisionPointCircle(catPosition, catTargetPosition, CAT_TARGET_RADIUS))
catShouldMove = false;
// Spread dirt all around selected cell!
// NOTE: We consider cat drawing offset
catTilePosX = (int)floorf((catPosition.x - cat.width/2 - roomOffset.x)/TILE_SIZE) + 1;
catTilePosY = (int)floorf((catPosition.y - cat.height/2 - 10 - roomOffset.y)/TILE_SIZE) + 1;
// Check if tile includes a dirt element
if (furcolmap[mouseTileY*MAX_TILES_X + mouseTileX] == 3)
for (int y = (catTilePosY - CAT_DIRT_CELL_RADIUS); y < (catTilePosY + CAT_DIRT_CELL_RADIUS + 1); y++)
for (int x = (catTilePosX - CAT_DIRT_CELL_RADIUS); x < (catTilePosX + CAT_DIRT_CELL_RADIUS + 1); x++)
if (((y >= 0) && (y < MAX_TILES_Y) && (x >= 0) && (x < MAX_TILES_X)) &&
(tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].state == 0) &&
(furcolmap[y*MAX_TILES_X + x] != 0) &&
(furcolmap[y*MAX_TILES_X + x] != 3))
int dirt = GetRandomValue(0, 100);
if (dirt < 50) tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].level = 0; // 50% probability
else if (dirt < 70) tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].level = 1; // 20% probability
else if (dirt < 90) tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].level = 2; // 10% probability
else if (dirt < 100) tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].level = 3; // 10% probability
tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].state = tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].level;
tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].counter = (tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].level == 0)? 0 : TILE_REQUIRED_CLEAN_TIME;
tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].cleaned = (tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].level == 0)? true : false;
Vector2 dir = Vector2Subtract(catTargetPosition, catPosition);
Vector2 dirnorm = Vector2Normalize(dir);
catPosition.x += catSpeed.x*dirnorm.x;
catPosition.y += catSpeed.y*dirnorm.y;
if (levelFinished)
// TODO: Check level finished
// Gameplay Screen Draw logic
void DrawGameplayScreen(void)
DrawRectangle(0, 0, GetScreenWidth(), GetScreenHeight(), GetColor(0x57374cff));
// Draw tiles
for (int y = 0; y < MAX_TILES_Y; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < MAX_TILES_X; x++)
// Draw dirty tiles
DrawTextureRec(dirtiles, (Rectangle){ tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].state*TILE_SIZE, 0, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE },
(Vector2){ roomOffset.x + TILE_SIZE*x, roomOffset.y + TILE_SIZE*y }, WHITE);
// TODO: Draw possible walls
// Draw starting point for roomba and cat
DrawTextureRec(furniture, (Rectangle){ furset[30].posX, furset[30].posY, furset[30].width, furset[30].height }, roomOffset, WHITE);
DrawTextureRec(furniture, (Rectangle){ furset[29].posX, furset[29].posY, furset[29].width, furset[29].height }, (Vector2){ roomOffset.x + 29*36, roomOffset.y }, WHITE);
DrawTexture(roomba, roombaPosition.x - roomba.width/2, roombaPosition.y - roomba.height/2, WHITE);
DrawTexture(cat, catPosition.x - cat.width/2, catPosition.y - cat.height/2 - 10, WHITE);
float furAlpha = 1.0f;
// Draw home objects
for (int i = 0; i < furnitureCount; i++)
if (CheckCollisionCircleRec((Vector2){ roombaPosition.x - roomba.width/2, roombaPosition.y - roomba.height/2 }, roomba.width,
(Rectangle){ roomOffset.x + furmap[i].cellX*TILE_SIZE, roomOffset.y + furmap[i].cellY*TILE_SIZE,
furset[furmap[i].furId].width, furset[furmap[i].furId].height}) && (furmap[i].state == 1))
DrawTextureRec(furniture, (Rectangle){ furset[furmap[i].furId].posX, furset[furmap[i].furId].posY, furset[furmap[i].furId].width, furset[furmap[i].furId].height },
(Vector2){ roomOffset.x + furmap[i].cellX*TILE_SIZE, roomOffset.y + furmap[i].cellY*TILE_SIZE }, Fade(WHITE, 0.5f));
DrawTextureRec(furniture, (Rectangle){ furset[furmap[i].furId].posX, furset[furmap[i].furId].posY, furset[furmap[i].furId].width, furset[furmap[i].furId].height },
(Vector2){ roomOffset.x + furmap[i].cellX*TILE_SIZE, roomOffset.y + furmap[i].cellY*TILE_SIZE }, Fade(WHITE, furAlpha));
#if defined(TILE_VIEWER_MODE)
DrawTexture(tracemap, roomOffset.x, roomOffset.y, Fade(WHITE, 0.5f));
DrawTexture(fursetid, 0, 720, WHITE);
// TODO: If an object has been used by cat, draw it in gray
// Maybe add a tempo bar for reusing?
// Draw UI
DrawTextEx(font2, "SCORE:", (Vector2){ 80, 10 }, font2.baseSize, 2, WHITE);
DrawTextEx(font, FormatText("%i", score), (Vector2){ 260, 10 }, font.baseSize, 2, WHITE);
DrawTextEx(font2, "CLEAN:", (Vector2){ 500, 10 }, font2.baseSize, 2, WHITE);
DrawTextEx(font, FormatText("%.2f%%", GetTileCleanPercent()), (Vector2){ 690, 10 }, font.baseSize, 2, WHITE);
DrawTextEx(font2, "TIME:", (Vector2){ 950, 10 }, font2.baseSize, 2, WHITE);
DrawTextEx(font, FormatText("%i:%02is", timeLevelSeconds/60, timeLevelSeconds%60), (Vector2){ 1100, 10 }, font.baseSize, 2, WHITE);
// Debug information
//DrawText(FormatText("CatTilePos: [ %i, %i ]", catTilePosX, catTilePosY), roomOffset.x, 690, 20, RAYWHITE);
//DrawText(FormatText("MousePos: [ %i, %i ]", mouseTileX, mouseTileY), 400, 690, 20, RED);
//DrawText(FormatText("RoombaPos: [ %i, %i ]", roombaTilePosX, roombaTilePosY), 600, 690, 20, GREEN);
if ((mouseTileY >= 0) && (mouseTileY < MAX_TILES_Y) && (mouseTileX >= 0) && (mouseTileX < MAX_TILES_X))
DrawRectangleLinesEx((Rectangle){ tiles[mouseTileY*MAX_TILES_X + mouseTileX].position.x,
tiles[mouseTileY*MAX_TILES_X + mouseTileX].position.y, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE }, 2, RED);
// Draw enabled popups!
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE_POPUPS; i++)
if (popup[i].enabled) DrawText(FormatText("+%i", popup[i].value), popup[i].position.x, popup[i].position.y, 20, Fade(RED, popup[i].alpha));
// Show objective
if (showObjective)
DrawRectangle(0, 150, GetScreenWidth(), GetScreenHeight() - 300, Fade(DARKGRAY, 0.7f));
DrawTextEx(font2, "OBJECTIVE:", (Vector2){ 500, 240 }, font2.baseSize, 2, WHITE);
DrawTextEx(font, "CLEAN 80% OF THE ROOM", (Vector2){ 300, 320 }, font.baseSize, 2, WHITE);
// Gameplay Screen Unload logic
void UnloadGameplayScreen(void)
// Unload GAMEPLAY screen variables here!
// Gameplay Screen should finish?
int FinishGameplayScreen(void)
return finishScreen;
// Module Functions Declaration
// Check how much cleaning we have done
static float GetTileCleanPercent(void)
float value = 0;
int tileLevelsToClean = 0;
int tileLevelsCleaned = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < MAX_TILES_Y; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < MAX_TILES_X; x++)
if (tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].level > 0)
tileLevelsToClean += tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].level;
tileLevelsCleaned += tiles[y*MAX_TILES_X + x].state;
value = ((float)(tileLevelsToClean - tileLevelsCleaned)/tileLevelsToClean)*100.0f;
return value;

+ 211
- 0
games/cat_vs_roomba/screens/screen_logo.c 查看文件

@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
* raylib - Advance Game template
* Logo Screen Functions Definitions (Init, Update, Draw, Unload)
* Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented
* as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#include "raylib.h"
#include "screens.h"
#define LOGO_RECS_SIDE 16
// Global Variables Definition (local to this module)
// Logo screen global variables
static int framesCounter;
static int finishScreen;
static int logoPositionX;
static int logoPositionY;
static int lettersCount;
static int topSideRecWidth;
static int leftSideRecHeight;
static int bottomSideRecWidth;
static int rightSideRecHeight;
static char raylib[8]; // raylib text array, max 8 letters
static int state; // Tracking animation states (State Machine)
static float alpha = 1.0f; // Useful for fading
// Logo Screen Functions Definition
// Logo Screen Initialization logic
void InitLogoScreen(void)
// Initialize LOGO screen variables here!
finishScreen = 0;
framesCounter = 0;
lettersCount = 0;
logoPositionX = GetScreenWidth()/2 - 128;
logoPositionY = GetScreenHeight()/2 - 128;
topSideRecWidth = LOGO_RECS_SIDE;
leftSideRecHeight = LOGO_RECS_SIDE;
bottomSideRecWidth = LOGO_RECS_SIDE;
rightSideRecHeight = LOGO_RECS_SIDE;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) raylib[i] = '\0';
state = 0;
alpha = 1.0f;
// Logo Screen Update logic
void UpdateLogoScreen(void)
// Update LOGO screen variables here!
if (state == 0) // State 0: Small box blinking
if (framesCounter == 80)
state = 1;
framesCounter = 0; // Reset counter... will be used later...
else if (state == 1) // State 1: Top and left bars growing
topSideRecWidth += 8;
leftSideRecHeight += 8;
if (topSideRecWidth == 256) state = 2;
else if (state == 2) // State 2: Bottom and right bars growing
bottomSideRecWidth += 8;
rightSideRecHeight += 8;
if (bottomSideRecWidth == 256) state = 3;
else if (state == 3) // State 3: Letters appearing (one by one)
if (framesCounter/10) // Every 12 frames, one more letter!
framesCounter = 0;
switch (lettersCount)
case 1: raylib[0] = 'r'; break;
case 2: raylib[1] = 'a'; break;
case 3: raylib[2] = 'y'; break;
case 4: raylib[3] = 'l'; break;
case 5: raylib[4] = 'i'; break;
case 6: raylib[5] = 'b'; break;
default: break;
// When all letters have appeared...
if (lettersCount >= 10)
state = 4;
framesCounter = 0;
else if (state == 4)
if (framesCounter > 100)
alpha -= 0.02f;
if (alpha <= 0.0f)
alpha = 0.0f;
finishScreen = 1;
// Logo Screen Draw logic
void DrawLogoScreen(void)
if (state == 0)
if ((framesCounter/10)%2) DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY, 16, 16, BLACK);
else if (state == 1)
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY, topSideRecWidth, 16, BLACK);
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY, 16, leftSideRecHeight, BLACK);
else if (state == 2)
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY, topSideRecWidth, 16, BLACK);
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY, 16, leftSideRecHeight, BLACK);
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX + 240, logoPositionY, 16, rightSideRecHeight, BLACK);
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY + 240, bottomSideRecWidth, 16, BLACK);
else if (state == 3)
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY, topSideRecWidth, 16, Fade(BLACK, alpha));
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY + 16, 16, leftSideRecHeight - 32, Fade(BLACK, alpha));
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX + 240, logoPositionY + 16, 16, rightSideRecHeight - 32, Fade(BLACK, alpha));
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY + 240, bottomSideRecWidth, 16, Fade(BLACK, alpha));
DrawRectangle(GetScreenWidth()/2 - 112, GetScreenHeight()/2 - 112, 224, 224, Fade(RAYWHITE, alpha));
DrawText(raylib, GetScreenWidth()/2 - 44, GetScreenHeight()/2 + 48, 50, Fade(BLACK, alpha));
else if (state == 4)
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY, topSideRecWidth, 16, Fade(BLACK, alpha));
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY + 16, 16, leftSideRecHeight - 32, Fade(BLACK, alpha));
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX + 240, logoPositionY + 16, 16, rightSideRecHeight - 32, Fade(BLACK, alpha));
DrawRectangle(logoPositionX, logoPositionY + 240, bottomSideRecWidth, 16, Fade(BLACK, alpha));
DrawRectangle(GetScreenWidth()/2 - 112, GetScreenHeight()/2 - 112, 224, 224, Fade(RAYWHITE, alpha));
DrawText(raylib, GetScreenWidth()/2 - 44, GetScreenHeight()/2 + 48, 50, Fade(BLACK, alpha));
if (framesCounter > 20) DrawText("powered by", logoPositionX, logoPositionY - 27, 20, Fade(DARKGRAY, alpha));
// Logo Screen Unload logic
void UnloadLogoScreen(void)
// Unload LOGO screen variables here!
// Logo Screen should finish?
int FinishLogoScreen(void)
return finishScreen;

+ 154
- 0
games/cat_vs_roomba/screens/screen_title.c 查看文件

@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
* raylib - Advance Game template
* Title Screen Functions Definitions (Init, Update, Draw, Unload)
* Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented
* as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#include "raylib.h"
#include "screens.h"
// Global Variables Definition (local to this module)
// Title screen global variables
static int framesCounter;
static int finishScreen;
static int state;
static int scrollPositionX;
static int catPosX;
static int roombaPosX;
static float vsAlpha;
static float vsScale;
static Texture2D cat;
static Texture2D vs;
static Texture2D roomba;
// Title Screen Functions Definition
// Title Screen Initialization logic
void InitTitleScreen(void)
// TODO: Initialize TITLE screen variables here!
framesCounter = 0;
finishScreen = 0;
cat = LoadTexture("resources/title_cat.png");
vs = LoadTexture("resources/title_vs.png");
roomba = LoadTexture("resources/title_roomba.png");
state = 0;
catPosX = 1760;
roombaPosX = -700;
scrollPositionX = 0;
vsAlpha = 0.0f;
vsScale = 10.0f;
// Title Screen Update logic
void UpdateTitleScreen(void)
scrollPositionX -= 5;
if (scrollPositionX < -GetScreenWidth()) scrollPositionX = 0;
if (state == 0)
catPosX -= 4;
roombaPosX += 3;
if (catPosX < (GetScreenWidth()/2 - cat.width/2)) catPosX = (GetScreenWidth()/2 - cat.width/2);
if (roombaPosX > (GetScreenWidth()/2 - roomba.width/2)) roombaPosX = (GetScreenWidth()/2 - roomba.width/2);
if ((catPosX == (GetScreenWidth()/2 - cat.width/2)) && (roombaPosX == (GetScreenWidth()/2 - roomba.width/2)))
state = 1;
framesCounter = 0;
else if (state == 1)
vsScale -= 0.1f;
vsAlpha += 0.01f;
if (vsScale < 1.0f) vsScale = 1.0f;
if (vsAlpha > 1.0f) vsAlpha = 1.0f;
if (framesCounter > 160)
state = 2;
framesCounter = 0;
else if (state == 2) framesCounter++;
// Press enter or tap to change to GAMEPLAY screen
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER) || IsGestureDetected(GESTURE_TAP))
//finishScreen = 1; // OPTIONS
finishScreen = 2; // GAMEPLAY
// Title Screen Draw logic
void DrawTitleScreen(void)
for (int i = 0; i < 64*2*2; i++)
DrawRectangle(64*i + scrollPositionX, 0, 64, GetScreenHeight(), (i%2 == 0)? GetColor(0xf3726dff) : GetColor(0xffcf6bff));
DrawTexture(cat, catPosX, 80, WHITE);
DrawTexture(roomba, roombaPosX, 320, WHITE);
if (state > 0)
DrawTexturePro(vs, (Rectangle){ 0, 0, vs.width, vs.height }, (Rectangle){ GetScreenWidth()/2, 300, vs.width*vsScale, vs.height*vsScale }, (Vector2){ vs.width/2*vsScale, vs.height/2*vsScale }, 0.0f, Fade(WHITE, vsAlpha));
if ((state == 2) && ((framesCounter/30)%2)) DrawTextEx(font2, "PRESS ENTER to START", (Vector2){ 340, 550 }, font2.baseSize, 2, WHITE);
// Title Screen Unload logic
void UnloadTitleScreen(void)
// Title Screen should finish?
int FinishTitleScreen(void)
return finishScreen;

+ 92
- 0
games/cat_vs_roomba/screens/screens.h 查看文件

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
* raylib - Advance Game template
* Screens Functions Declarations (Init, Update, Draw, Unload)
* Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented
* as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#ifndef SCREENS_H
#define SCREENS_H
// Types and Structures Definition
typedef enum GameScreen { LOGO = 0, TITLE, OPTIONS, GAMEPLAY, ENDING } GameScreen;
// Global Variables Definition
GameScreen currentScreen;
Font font;
Font font2;
Music music;
Sound fxCoin;
int score;
int result; // 0-Loose, 1-Win
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { // Prevents name mangling of functions
// Logo Screen Functions Declaration
void InitLogoScreen(void);
void UpdateLogoScreen(void);
void DrawLogoScreen(void);
void UnloadLogoScreen(void);
int FinishLogoScreen(void);
// Title Screen Functions Declaration
void InitTitleScreen(void);
void UpdateTitleScreen(void);
void DrawTitleScreen(void);
void UnloadTitleScreen(void);
int FinishTitleScreen(void);
// Gameplay Screen Functions Declaration
void InitGameplayScreen(void);
void UpdateGameplayScreen(void);
void DrawGameplayScreen(void);
void UnloadGameplayScreen(void);
int FinishGameplayScreen(void);
// Ending Screen Functions Declaration
void InitEndingScreen(void);
void UpdateEndingScreen(void);
void DrawEndingScreen(void);
void UnloadEndingScreen(void);
int FinishEndingScreen(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // SCREENS_H
