@ -5,11 +5,11 @@
* An abstraction layer for multiple OpenGL versions ( 1.1 , 2.1 , 3.3 Core , 4.3 Core , ES 2.0 )
* that provides a pseudo - OpenGL 1.1 immediate - mode style API ( rlVertex , rlTranslate , rlRotate . . . )
* When chosing an OpenGL backend different than OpenGL 1.1 , some internal buffer are
* When choo sing an OpenGL backend different than OpenGL 1.1 , some internal buffer are
* initialized on rlglInit ( ) to accumulate vertex data .
* When an internal state change is required all the stored vertex data is renderer in batch ,
* additioa nlly , rlDrawRenderBatchActive ( ) could be called to force flushing of the batch .
* additiona lly , rlDrawRenderBatchActive ( ) could be called to force flushing of the batch .
* Some additional resources are also loaded for convenience , here the complete list :
* - Default batch ( RLGL . defaultBatch ) : RenderBatch system to accumulate vertex data
@ -61,12 +61,11 @@
* When loading a shader , the following vertex attribute and uniform
* location names are tried to be set automatically :
* # define RL_DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_POSITION " vertexPosition " / / Binded by default to shader location : 0
* # define RL_DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_TEXCOORD " vertexTexCoord " / / Binded by default to shader location : 1
* # define RL_DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_NORMAL " vertexNormal " / / Binded by default to shader location : 2
* # define RL_DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_COLOR " vertexColor " / / Binded by default to shader location : 3
* # define RL_DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_TANGENT " vertexTangent " / / Binded by default to shader location : 4
* # define RL_DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_TEXCOORD2 " vertexTexCoord2 " / / Binded by default to shader location : 5
* # define RL_DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_POSITION " vertexPosition " / / Bound by default to shader location : 0
* # define RL_DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_TEXCOORD " vertexTexCoord " / / Bound by default to shader location : 1
* # define RL_DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_NORMAL " vertexNormal " / / Bound by default to shader location : 2
* # define RL_DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_COLOR " vertexColor " / / Bound by default to shader location : 3
* # define RL_DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_TANGENT " vertexTangent " / / Bound by default to shader location : 4
* # define RL_DEFAULT_SHADER_UNIFORM_NAME_MVP " mvp " / / model - view - projection matrix
* # define RL_DEFAULT_SHADER_UNIFORM_NAME_VIEW " matView " / / view matrix
* # define RL_DEFAULT_SHADER_UNIFORM_NAME_PROJECTION " matProjection " / / projection matrix
@ -505,16 +504,16 @@ typedef enum {
/ / Framebuffer attachment type
/ / NOTE : By default up to 8 color channels defined but it can be more
typedef enum {
RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL0 = 0 , / / Framebuffer attachmm ent type : color 0
RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL1 , / / Framebuffer attachmm ent type : color 1
RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL2 , / / Framebuffer attachmm ent type : color 2
RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL3 , / / Framebuffer attachmm ent type : color 3
RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL4 , / / Framebuffer attachmm ent type : color 4
RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL5 , / / Framebuffer attachmm ent type : color 5
RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL6 , / / Framebuffer attachmm ent type : color 6
RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL7 , / / Framebuffer attachmm ent type : color 7
RL_ATTACHMENT_DEPTH = 100 , / / Framebuffer attachmm ent type : depth
RL_ATTACHMENT_STENCIL = 200 , / / Framebuffer attachmm ent type : stencil
RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL0 = 0 , / / Framebuffer attachment type : color 0
RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL1 , / / Framebuffer attachment type : color 1
RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL2 , / / Framebuffer attachment type : color 2
RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL3 , / / Framebuffer attachment type : color 3
RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL4 , / / Framebuffer attachment type : color 4
RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL5 , / / Framebuffer attachment type : color 5
RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL6 , / / Framebuffer attachment type : color 6
RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL7 , / / Framebuffer attachment type : color 7
RL_ATTACHMENT_DEPTH = 100 , / / Framebuffer attachment type : depth
RL_ATTACHMENT_STENCIL = 200 , / / Framebuffer attachment type : stencil
} rlFramebufferAttachType ;
/ / Framebuffer texture attachment type
@ -545,7 +544,7 @@ extern "C" { // Prevents name mangling of functions
RLAPI void rlMatrixMode ( int mode ) ; / / Choose the current matrix to be transformed
RLAPI void rlPushMatrix ( void ) ; / / Push the current matrix to stack
RLAPI void rlPopMatrix ( void ) ; / / Pop latt est inserted matrix from stack
RLAPI void rlPopMatrix ( void ) ; / / Pop latest inserted matrix from stack
RLAPI void rlLoadIdentity ( void ) ; / / Reset current matrix to identity matrix
RLAPI void rlTranslatef ( float x , float y , float z ) ; / / Multiply the current matrix by a translation matrix
RLAPI void rlRotatef ( float angle , float x , float y , float z ) ; / / Multiply the current matrix by a rotation matrix
@ -642,7 +641,7 @@ RLAPI void rlSetBlendFactorsSeparate(int glSrcRGB, int glDstRGB, int glSrcAlpha,
/ / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
/ / rlgl initialization functions
RLAPI void rlglInit ( int width , int height ) ; / / Initialize rlgl ( buffers , shaders , textures , states )
RLAPI void rlglClose ( void ) ; / / De - inititi alize rlgl ( buffers , shaders , textures )
RLAPI void rlglClose ( void ) ; / / De - initialize rlgl ( buffers , shaders , textures )
RLAPI void rlLoadExtensions ( void * loader ) ; / / Load OpenGL extensions ( loader function required )
RLAPI int rlGetVersion ( void ) ; / / Get current OpenGL version
RLAPI void rlSetFramebufferWidth ( int width ) ; / / Set current framebuffer width
@ -716,7 +715,7 @@ RLAPI void rlSetShader(unsigned int id, int *locs);
/ / Compute shader management
RLAPI unsigned int rlLoadComputeShaderProgram ( unsigned int shaderId ) ; / / Load compute shader program
RLAPI void rlComputeShaderDispatch ( unsigned int groupX , unsigned int groupY , unsigned int groupZ ) ; / / Dispatch compute shader ( equivalent to * draw * for graphics pile pine )
RLAPI void rlComputeShaderDispatch ( unsigned int groupX , unsigned int groupY , unsigned int groupZ ) ; / / Dispatch compute shader ( equivalent to * draw * for graphics pipel ine )
/ / Shader buffer storage object management ( ssbo )
RLAPI unsigned int rlLoadShaderBuffer ( unsigned int size , const void * data , int usageHint ) ; / / Load shader storage buffer object ( SSBO )
@ -892,22 +891,22 @@ RLAPI void rlLoadDrawQuad(void); // Load and draw a quad
/ / Default shader vertex attribute names to set location points
# define RL_DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_POSITION "vertexPosition" / / Binde d by default to shader location: 0
# define RL_DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_POSITION "vertexPosition" / / Boun d by default to shader location: 0
# endif
# define RL_DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_TEXCOORD "vertexTexCoord" / / Binde d by default to shader location: 1
# define RL_DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_TEXCOORD "vertexTexCoord" / / Boun d by default to shader location: 1
# endif
# define RL_DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_NORMAL "vertexNormal" / / Binde d by default to shader location: 2
# define RL_DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_NORMAL "vertexNormal" / / Boun d by default to shader location: 2
# endif
# define RL_DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_COLOR "vertexColor" / / Binde d by default to shader location: 3
# define RL_DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_COLOR "vertexColor" / / Boun d by default to shader location: 3
# endif
# define RL_DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_TANGENT "vertexTangent" / / Binde d by default to shader location: 4
# define RL_DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_TANGENT "vertexTangent" / / Boun d by default to shader location: 4
# endif
# define RL_DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_TEXCOORD2 "vertexTexCoord2" / / Binde d by default to shader location: 5
# define RL_DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_TEXCOORD2 "vertexTexCoord2" / / Boun d by default to shader location: 5
# endif
@ -2767,7 +2766,7 @@ void rlDrawRenderBatch(rlRenderBatch *batch)
for ( int i = 0 , vertexOffset = 0 ; i < batch - > drawCounter ; i + + )
/ / Bind current draw call texture , activated as GL_TEXTURE0 and binde d to sampler2D texture0 by default
/ / Bind current draw call texture , activated as GL_TEXTURE0 and Boun d to sampler2D texture0 by default
glBindTexture ( GL_TEXTURE_2D , batch - > draws [ i ] . textureId ) ;
if ( ( batch - > draws [ i ] . mode = = RL_LINES ) | | ( batch - > draws [ i ] . mode = = RL_TRIANGLES ) ) glDrawArrays ( batch - > draws [ i ] . mode , vertexOffset , batch - > draws [ i ] . vertexCount ) ;
@ -3856,7 +3855,7 @@ unsigned int rlLoadShaderProgram(unsigned int vShaderId, unsigned int fShaderId)
glAttachShader ( program , vShaderId ) ;
glAttachShader ( program , fShaderId ) ;
/ / NOTE : Default attribute shader locations must be binde d before linking
/ / NOTE : Default attribute shader locations must be Boun d before linking
glBindAttribLocation ( program , 0 , RL_DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_POSITION ) ;
glBindAttribLocation ( program , 1 , RL_DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_TEXCOORD ) ;
glBindAttribLocation ( program , 2 , RL_DEFAULT_SHADER_ATTRIB_NAME_NORMAL ) ;