@ -279,17 +279,31 @@ static TextureCubemap GenTextureCubemap(Shader shader, Texture2D panorama, int s |
rlViewport(0, 0, size, size); // Set viewport to current fbo dimensions |
// Activate and enable texture for drawing to cubemap faces |
rlActiveTextureSlot(0); |
rlEnableTexture(panorama.id); |
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) |
{ |
// Set the view matrix for the current cube face |
rlSetUniformMatrix(shader.locs[SHADER_LOC_MATRIX_VIEW], fboViews[i]); |
// Select the current cubemap face attachment for the fbo |
// WARNING: This function by default enables->attach->disables fbo!!! |
rlFramebufferAttach(fbo, cubemap.id, RL_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_CHANNEL0, RL_ATTACHMENT_CUBEMAP_POSITIVE_X + i, 0); |
rlEnableFramebuffer(fbo); |
rlSetTexture(panorama.id); // WARNING: It must be called after enabling current framebuffer if using internal batch system! |
// Load and draw a cube, it uses the current enabled texture |
rlClearScreenBuffers(); |
DrawCubeV(Vector3Zero(), Vector3One(), WHITE); |
rlDrawRenderBatchActive(); |
rlLoadDrawCube(); |
// ALTERNATIVE: Try to use internal batch system to draw the cube instead of rlLoadDrawCube |
// for some reason this method does not work, maybe due to cube triangles definition? normals pointing out? |
// TODO: Investigate this issue... |
//rlSetTexture(panorama.id); // WARNING: It must be called after enabling current framebuffer if using internal batch system! |
//rlClearScreenBuffers(); |
//DrawCubeV(Vector3Zero(), Vector3One(), WHITE); |
//rlDrawRenderBatchActive(); |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |