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Ray hace 1 año
Se han modificado 5 ficheros con 11 adiciones y 11 borrados
  1. +1
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  3. +1
  4. +7
  5. +1

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src/raylib.h Ver fichero

@ -1277,7 +1277,7 @@ RLAPI void ImageMipmaps(Image *image);
RLAPI void ImageDither(Image *image, int rBpp, int gBpp, int bBpp, int aBpp); // Dither image data to 16bpp or lower (Floyd-Steinberg dithering)
RLAPI void ImageFlipVertical(Image *image); // Flip image vertically
RLAPI void ImageFlipHorizontal(Image *image); // Flip image horizontally
RLAPI void ImageRotate(Image *image, int degrees); // Rotate image by input angle in degrees (-359 to 359)
RLAPI void ImageRotate(Image *image, int degrees); // Rotate image by input angle in degrees (-359 to 359)
RLAPI void ImageRotateCW(Image *image); // Rotate image clockwise 90deg
RLAPI void ImageRotateCCW(Image *image); // Rotate image counter-clockwise 90deg
RLAPI void ImageColorTint(Image *image, Color color); // Modify image color: tint

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src/rlgl.h Ver fichero

@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ typedef enum {
RL_OPENGL_33, // OpenGL 3.3 (GLSL 330)
RL_OPENGL_43, // OpenGL 4.3 (using GLSL 330)
RL_OPENGL_ES_20, // OpenGL ES 2.0 (GLSL 100)
RL_OPENGL_ES_30 // OpenGL ES 3.0 (GLSL 300 es)
RL_OPENGL_ES_30 // OpenGL ES 3.0 (GLSL 300 es)
} rlGlVersion;
// Trace log level

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src/rmodels.c Ver fichero

@ -5379,7 +5379,7 @@ static ModelAnimation *LoadModelAnimationsGLTF(const char *fileName, unsigned in
strncpy(animations[i].name, animData.name, sizeof(animations[i].name));
animations[i].name[sizeof(animations[i].name) - 1] = '\0';
animations[i].frameCount = (int)(animDuration*1000.0f/GLTF_ANIMDELAY);
animations[i].framePoses = RL_MALLOC(animations[i].frameCount*sizeof(Transform *));

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src/rtextures.c Ver fichero

@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ unsigned char *ExportImageToMemory(Image image, const char *fileType, int *dataS
unsigned char *fileData = NULL;
*dataSize = 0;
if ((image.width == 0) || (image.height == 0) || (image.data == NULL)) return NULL;
@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ unsigned char *ExportImageToMemory(Image image, const char *fileType, int *dataS
return fileData;
@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ Image GenImageColor(int width, int height, Color color)
// Generate image: linear gradient
// The direction value specifies the direction of the gradient (in degrees)
// The direction value specifies the direction of the gradient (in degrees)
// with 0 being vertical (from top to bottom), 90 being horizontal (from left to right).
// The gradient effectively rotates counter-clockwise by the specified amount.
Image GenImageGradientLinear(int width, int height, int direction, Color start, Color end)
@ -898,21 +898,21 @@ Image GenImagePerlinNoise(int width, int height, int offsetX, int offsetY, float
float nx = (float)(x + offsetX)*(scale/(float)width);
float ny = (float)(y + offsetY)*(scale/(float)height);
// Basic perlin noise implementation (not used)
//float p = (stb_perlin_noise3(nx, ny, 0.0f, 0, 0, 0);
// Calculate a better perlin noise using fbm (fractal brownian motion)
// Typical values to start playing with:
// lacunarity = ~2.0 -- spacing between successive octaves (use exactly 2.0 for wrapping output)
// gain = 0.5 -- relative weighting applied to each successive octave
// octaves = 6 -- number of "octaves" of noise3() to sum
float p = stb_perlin_fbm_noise3(nx, ny, 1.0f, 2.0f, 0.5f, 6);
// Clamp between -1.0f and 1.0f
if (p < -1.0f) p = -1.0f;
if (p > 1.0f) p = 1.0f;
// We need to normalize the data from [-1..1] to [0..1]
float np = (p + 1.0f)/2.0f;

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src/utils.c Ver fichero

@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ char *LoadFileText(const char *fileName)
if (size > 0)
text = (char *)RL_MALLOC((size + 1)*sizeof(char));
if (text != NULL)
unsigned int count = (unsigned int)fread(text, sizeof(char), size, file);
