Here it is a wish-list with features and ideas to improve the library. Note that features listed here are usually long term improvements or just describe a route to follow for the library. There are also some additional places to look for raylib improvements of ideas:
Here it is a wishlist with features and ideas to improve the library. Note that features listed here are usually long term improvements or just describe a route to follow for the library. There are also some additional places to look for raylib improvements and ideas:
- [GitHub Issues]( has several open issues for possible improvements or bugs to fix.
- [raylib source code]( has multiple *TODO* comments around code with pending things to review or improve.
- [raylib wishlist]( is open to everyone to ask for improvements, feel free to check and comment.
- raylib wishlists discussions (, are open to everyone to ask for improvements, feel free to check and comment.
_Current version of raylib is complete and functional but, as always, there is lot of room for improvement._
_Current version of raylib is complete and functional but there is always room for improvements._
**raylib 4.x**
- [ ] Redesign camera module (more flexible) ([#1143](
- [ ] Redesign camera module (more flexible) ([#1143](,