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REVIEWED: Example: `textures_textured_curve`

Ray пре 2 година
3 измењених фајлова са 152 додато и 134 уклоњено
  1. +0
  2. +152
  3. BIN

examples/textures/resources/roadTexture_01.png → examples/textures/resources/road.png Прегледај датотеку

+ 152
- 134
examples/textures/textures_textured_curve.c Прегледај датотеку

@ -2,145 +2,219 @@
* raylib [textures] example - Draw a texture along a segmented curve
* Example originally created with raylib 4.5
* Example originally created with raylib 4.5-dev
* Example contributed by Jeffery Myers and reviewed by Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
* Example licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license, which is an OSI-certified,
* BSD-like license that allows static linking with closed source software
* Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Jeffery Myers and Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
* Copyright (c) 2022 Jeffery Myers and Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
#include "raylib.h"
#include "raymath.h"
#include "rlgl.h"
Texture RoadTexture = { 0 };
#include <math.h> // Required for: powf()
#include <stdlib.h> // Required for: NULL
// Global Variables Definition
static Texture texRoad = { 0 };
static bool showCurve = false;
static float curveWidth = 50;
static int curveSegments = 24;
static Vector2 curveStartPosition = { 0 };
static Vector2 curveStartPositionTangent = { 0 };
static Vector2 curveEndPosition = { 0 };
static Vector2 curveEndPositionTangent = { 0 };
static Vector2 *curveSelectedPoint = NULL;
// Module Functions Declaration
static void UpdateOptions(void);
static void UpdateCurve(void);
static void DrawCurve(void);
static void DrawTexturedCurve(void);
bool ShowCurve = false;
// Program main entry point
int main()
// Initialization
const int screenWidth = 800;
const int screenHeight = 450;
InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "raylib [textures] examples - textured curve");
// Load the road texture
texRoad = LoadTexture("resources/road.png");
SetTextureFilter(texRoad, TEXTURE_FILTER_BILINEAR);
// Setup the curve
curveStartPosition = (Vector2){ 80, 100 };
curveStartPositionTangent = (Vector2){ 100, 300 };
curveEndPosition = (Vector2){ 700, 350 };
curveEndPositionTangent = (Vector2){ 600, 100 };
SetTargetFPS(60); // Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second
// Main game loop
while (!WindowShouldClose()) // Detect window close button or ESC key
// Update
float Width = 50;
int Segments = 24;
Vector2 SP = { 0 };
Vector2 SPTangent = { 0 };
// Draw
Vector2 EP = { 0 };
Vector2 EPTangent = { 0 };
Vector2* Selected = NULL;
DrawText("Drag points to move curve, press SPACE to show/hide base curve", 10, 10, 10, DARKGRAY);
DrawText(TextFormat("Curve width: %2.0f (Use + and - to adjust)", curveWidth), 10, 30, 10, DARKGRAY);
DrawText(TextFormat("Curve segments: %d (Use LEFT and RIGHT to adjust)", curveSegments), 10, 50, 10, DARKGRAY);
void DrawCurve()
// De-Initialization
CloseWindow(); // Close window and OpenGL context
return 0;
// Module Functions Definition
static void DrawCurve(void)
if (ShowCurve)
DrawLineBezierCubic(SP, EP, SPTangent, EPTangent, 2, BLUE);
if (showCurve) DrawLineBezierCubic(curveStartPosition, curveEndPosition, curveStartPositionTangent, curveEndPositionTangent, 2, BLUE);
// draw the various control points and highlight where the mouse is
DrawLineV(SP, SPTangent, SKYBLUE);
DrawLineV(EP, EPTangent, PURPLE);
// Draw the various control points and highlight where the mouse is
DrawLineV(curveStartPosition, curveStartPositionTangent, SKYBLUE);
DrawLineV(curveEndPosition, curveEndPositionTangent, PURPLE);
Vector2 mouse = GetMousePosition();
if (CheckCollisionPointCircle(mouse, SP, 6))
DrawCircleV(SP, 7, YELLOW);
DrawCircleV(SP, 5, RED);
if (CheckCollisionPointCircle(mouse, curveStartPosition, 6)) DrawCircleV(curveStartPosition, 7, YELLOW);
DrawCircleV(curveStartPosition, 5, RED);
if (CheckCollisionPointCircle(mouse, SPTangent, 6))
DrawCircleV(SPTangent, 7, YELLOW);
DrawCircleV(SPTangent, 5, MAROON);
if (CheckCollisionPointCircle(mouse, curveStartPositionTangent, 6)) DrawCircleV(curveStartPositionTangent, 7, YELLOW);
DrawCircleV(curveStartPositionTangent, 5, MAROON);
if (CheckCollisionPointCircle(mouse, EP, 6))
DrawCircleV(EP, 7, YELLOW);
DrawCircleV(EP, 5, GREEN);
if (CheckCollisionPointCircle(mouse, curveEndPosition, 6)) DrawCircleV(curveEndPosition, 7, YELLOW);
DrawCircleV(curveEndPosition, 5, GREEN);
if (CheckCollisionPointCircle(mouse, EPTangent, 6))
DrawCircleV(EPTangent, 7, YELLOW);
DrawCircleV(EPTangent, 5, DARKGREEN);
if (CheckCollisionPointCircle(mouse, curveEndPositionTangent, 6)) DrawCircleV(curveEndPositionTangent, 7, YELLOW);
DrawCircleV(curveEndPositionTangent, 5, DARKGREEN);
t">void EditCurve()
">static void UpdateCurve(void)
// k">if the mouse is not down, we are not editing the curve so clear the selection
// n">If the mouse is not down, we are not editing the curve so clear the selection
if (!IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))
Selected = NULL;
curveSelectedPoint = NULL;
// k">if a point was selected, move it
if (Selected)
// n">If a point was selected, move it
if (curveSelectedPoint)
*Selected = Vector2Add(*Selected, GetMouseDelta());
*curveSelectedPoint = Vector2Add(*curveSelectedPoint, GetMouseDelta());
// the mouse is down, and nothing was selected, so see if anything was picked
// The mouse is down, and nothing was selected, so see if anything was picked
Vector2 mouse = GetMousePosition();
if (CheckCollisionPointCircle(mouse, SP, 6))
Selected = &SP;
else if (CheckCollisionPointCircle(mouse, SPTangent, 6))
Selected = &SPTangent;
else if (CheckCollisionPointCircle(mouse, EP, 6))
Selected = &EP;
else if (CheckCollisionPointCircle(mouse, EPTangent, 6))
Selected = &EPTangent;
if (CheckCollisionPointCircle(mouse, curveStartPosition, 6)) curveSelectedPoint = &curveStartPosition;
else if (CheckCollisionPointCircle(mouse, curveStartPositionTangent, 6)) curveSelectedPoint = &curveStartPositionTangent;
else if (CheckCollisionPointCircle(mouse, curveEndPosition, 6)) curveSelectedPoint = &curveEndPosition;
else if (CheckCollisionPointCircle(mouse, curveEndPositionTangent, 6)) curveSelectedPoint = &curveEndPositionTangent;
void DrawTexturedCurve()
static void DrawTexturedCurve(void)
const float step = 1.0f / Segments;
const float step = 1.0f/curveSegments;
Vector2 previous = SP;
Vector2 previous = curveStartPosition;
Vector2 previousTangent = { 0 };
float previousV = 0;
// we can't compute a tangent for the first point, so we need to reuse the tangent from the first segment
// We can't compute a tangent for the first point, so we need to reuse the tangent from the first segment
bool tangentSet = false;
Vector2 current = { 0 };
float t = 0.0f;
for (int i = 1; i <= Segments; i++)
for (int i = 1; i <= curveSegments; i++)
// segment the curve
t = step * i;
// Segment the curve
t = step*i;
float a = powf(1 - t, 3);
float b = 3 * powf(1 - t, 2) * t;
float c = 3 * (1 - t) * powf(t, 2);
float b = 3*powf(1 - t, 2)*t;
float c = 3*(1 - t)*powf(t, 2);
float d = powf(t, 3);
// compute the endpoint for this segment
current.y = a * SP.y + b * SPTangent.y + c * EPTangent.y + d * EP.y;
current.x = a * SP.x + b * SPTangent.x + c * EPTangent.x + d * EP.x;
// Compute the endpoint for this segment
current.y = a*curveStartPosition.y + b*curveStartPositionTangent.y + c*curveEndPositionTangent.y + d*curveEndPosition.y;
current.x = a*curveStartPosition.x + b*curveStartPositionTangent.x + c*curveEndPositionTangent.x + d*curveEndPosition.x;
// vector from previous to current
// Vector from previous to current
Vector2 delta = { current.x - previous.x, current.y - previous.y };
// the right hand normal to the delta vector
// The right hand normal to the delta vector
Vector2 normal = Vector2Normalize((Vector2){ -delta.y, delta.x });
// the v texture coordinate of the segment (add up the length of all the segments so far)
// The v texture coordinate of the segment (add up the length of all the segments so far)
float v = previousV + Vector2Length(delta);
// make sure the start point has a normal
// Make sure the start point has a normal
if (!tangentSet)
previousTangent = normal;
tangentSet = true;
// extend out the normals from the previous and current points to get the quad for this segment
Vector2 prevPosNormal = Vector2Add(previous, Vector2Scale(previousTangent, Width));
Vector2 prevNegNormal = Vector2Add(previous, Vector2Scale(previousTangent, -Width));
// Extend out the normals from the previous and current points to get the quad for this segment
Vector2 prevPosNormal = Vector2Add(previous, Vector2Scale(previousTangent, curveWidth));
Vector2 prevNegNormal = Vector2Add(previous, Vector2Scale(previousTangent, -curveWidth));
Vector2 currentPosNormal = Vector2Add(current, Vector2Scale(normal, Width));
Vector2 currentNegNormal = Vector2Add(current, Vector2Scale(normal, -Width));
Vector2 currentPosNormal = Vector2Add(current, Vector2Scale(normal, curveWidth));
Vector2 currentNegNormal = Vector2Add(current, Vector2Scale(normal, -curveWidth));
// draw the segment as a quad
// Draw the segment as a quad
@ -160,82 +234,26 @@ void DrawTexturedCurve()
// the current step is the start of the next step
// The current step is the start of the next step
previous = current;
previousTangent = normal;
previousV = v;
void UpdateOptions()
static void UpdateOptions(void)
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_SPACE))
ShowCurve = !ShowCurve;
// width
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_EQUAL))
Width += 2;
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_MINUS))
Width -= 2;
if (Width < 2)
Width = 2;
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_SPACE)) showCurve = !showCurve;
// segments
// Update with
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_EQUAL)) curveWidth += 2;
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_MINUS)) curveWidth -= 2;
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_LEFT_BRACKET))
Segments -= 2;
if (curveWidth < 2) curveWidth = 2;
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_RIGHT_BRACKET))
Segments += 2;
// Update segments
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_LEFT)) curveSegments -= 2;
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_RIGHT)) curveSegments += 2;
if (Segments < 2)
Segments = 2;
if (curveSegments < 2) curveSegments = 2;
int main ()
// set up the window
InitWindow(1280, 800, "raylib [textures] examples - textured curve");
// load the road texture
RoadTexture = LoadTexture("resources/roadTexture_01.png");
// setup the curve
SP = (Vector2){ 80, 400 };
SPTangent = (Vector2){ 600, 100 };
EP = (Vector2){ 1200, 400 };
EPTangent = (Vector2){ 600, 700 };
// game loop
while (!WindowShouldClose())
DrawText("Drag points to move curve, press space to show/hide base curve", 10, 0, 20, WHITE);
DrawText(TextFormat("Width %2.0f + and - to adjust", Width), 10, 20, 20, WHITE);
DrawText(TextFormat("Segments %d [ and ] to adjust", Segments), 10, 40, 20, WHITE);
DrawFPS(10, 60);
// cleanup
return 0;

examples/textures/textures_textured_curve.png Прегледај датотеку

Before After
Width: 1282  |  Height: 832  |  Size: 20 KiB Width: 800  |  Height: 450  |  Size: 47 KiB
