@ -1044,7 +1044,7 @@ RLAPI void UnloadVrStereoConfig(VrStereoConfig config); // Unload VR s |
// NOTE: Shader functionality is not available on OpenGL 1.1 |
RLAPI Shader LoadShader(const char *vsFileName, const char *fsFileName); // Load shader from files and bind default locations |
RLAPI Shader LoadShaderFromMemory(const char *vsCode, const char *fsCode); // Load shader from code strings and bind default locations |
RLAPI bool IsShaderReady(Shader shader); // Check if a shader is ready |
RLAPI bool IsShaderValid(Shader shader); // Check if a shader is valid (loaded on GPU) |
RLAPI int GetShaderLocation(Shader shader, const char *uniformName); // Get shader uniform location |
RLAPI int GetShaderLocationAttrib(Shader shader, const char *attribName); // Get shader attribute location |
RLAPI void SetShaderValue(Shader shader, int locIndex, const void *value, int uniformType); // Set shader uniform value |
@ -1319,7 +1319,7 @@ RLAPI Image LoadImageAnimFromMemory(const char *fileType, const unsigned char *f |
RLAPI Image LoadImageFromMemory(const char *fileType, const unsigned char *fileData, int dataSize); // Load image from memory buffer, fileType refers to extension: i.e. '.png' |
RLAPI Image LoadImageFromTexture(Texture2D texture); // Load image from GPU texture data |
RLAPI Image LoadImageFromScreen(void); // Load image from screen buffer and (screenshot) |
RLAPI bool IsImageReady(Image image); // Check if an image is ready |
RLAPI bool IsImageValid(Image image); // Check if an image is valid (data and parameters) |
RLAPI void UnloadImage(Image image); // Unload image from CPU memory (RAM) |
RLAPI bool ExportImage(Image image, const char *fileName); // Export image data to file, returns true on success |
RLAPI unsigned char *ExportImageToMemory(Image image, const char *fileType, int *fileSize); // Export image to memory buffer |
@ -1405,9 +1405,9 @@ RLAPI Texture2D LoadTexture(const char *fileName); |
RLAPI Texture2D LoadTextureFromImage(Image image); // Load texture from image data |
RLAPI TextureCubemap LoadTextureCubemap(Image image, int layout); // Load cubemap from image, multiple image cubemap layouts supported |
RLAPI RenderTexture2D LoadRenderTexture(int width, int height); // Load texture for rendering (framebuffer) |
RLAPI bool IsTextureReady(Texture2D texture); // Check if a texture is ready |
RLAPI bool IsTextureValid(Texture2D texture); // Check if a texture is valid (loaded in GPU) |
RLAPI void UnloadTexture(Texture2D texture); // Unload texture from GPU memory (VRAM) |
RLAPI bool IsRenderTextureReady(RenderTexture2D target); // Check if a render texture is ready |
RLAPI bool IsRenderTextureValid(RenderTexture2D target); // Check if a render texture is valid (loaded in GPU) |
RLAPI void UnloadRenderTexture(RenderTexture2D target); // Unload render texture from GPU memory (VRAM) |
RLAPI void UpdateTexture(Texture2D texture, const void *pixels); // Update GPU texture with new data |
RLAPI void UpdateTextureRec(Texture2D texture, Rectangle rec, const void *pixels); // Update GPU texture rectangle with new data |
@ -1454,7 +1454,7 @@ RLAPI Font LoadFont(const char *fileName); |
RLAPI Font LoadFontEx(const char *fileName, int fontSize, int *codepoints, int codepointCount); // Load font from file with extended parameters, use NULL for codepoints and 0 for codepointCount to load the default character set, font size is provided in pixels height |
RLAPI Font LoadFontFromImage(Image image, Color key, int firstChar); // Load font from Image (XNA style) |
RLAPI Font LoadFontFromMemory(const char *fileType, const unsigned char *fileData, int dataSize, int fontSize, int *codepoints, int codepointCount); // Load font from memory buffer, fileType refers to extension: i.e. '.ttf' |
RLAPI bool IsFontReady(Font font); // Check if a font is ready |
RLAPI bool IsFontValid(Font font); // Check if a font is valid (font data loaded, WARNING: GPU texture not checked) |
RLAPI GlyphInfo *LoadFontData(const unsigned char *fileData, int dataSize, int fontSize, int *codepoints, int codepointCount, int type); // Load font data for further use |
RLAPI Image GenImageFontAtlas(const GlyphInfo *glyphs, Rectangle **glyphRecs, int glyphCount, int fontSize, int padding, int packMethod); // Generate image font atlas using chars info |
RLAPI void UnloadFontData(GlyphInfo *glyphs, int glyphCount); // Unload font chars info data (RAM) |
@ -1544,7 +1544,7 @@ RLAPI void DrawGrid(int slices, float spacing); |
// Model management functions |
RLAPI Model LoadModel(const char *fileName); // Load model from files (meshes and materials) |
RLAPI Model LoadModelFromMesh(Mesh mesh); // Load model from generated mesh (default material) |
RLAPI bool IsModelReady(Model model); // Check if a model is ready |
RLAPI bool IsModelValid(Model model); // Check if a model is valid (loaded in GPU, VAO/VBOs) |
RLAPI void UnloadModel(Model model); // Unload model (including meshes) from memory (RAM and/or VRAM) |
RLAPI BoundingBox GetModelBoundingBox(Model model); // Compute model bounding box limits (considers all meshes) |
@ -1587,7 +1587,7 @@ RLAPI Mesh GenMeshCubicmap(Image cubicmap, Vector3 cubeSize); |
// Material loading/unloading functions |
RLAPI Material *LoadMaterials(const char *fileName, int *materialCount); // Load materials from model file |
RLAPI Material LoadMaterialDefault(void); // Load default material (Supports: DIFFUSE, SPECULAR, NORMAL maps) |
RLAPI bool IsMaterialReady(Material material); // Check if a material is ready |
RLAPI bool IsMaterialValid(Material material); // Check if a material is valid (shader assigned, map textures loaded in GPU) |
RLAPI void UnloadMaterial(Material material); // Unload material from GPU memory (VRAM) |
RLAPI void SetMaterialTexture(Material *material, int mapType, Texture2D texture); // Set texture for a material map type (MATERIAL_MAP_DIFFUSE, MATERIAL_MAP_SPECULAR...) |
RLAPI void SetModelMeshMaterial(Model *model, int meshId, int materialId); // Set material for a mesh |
@ -1625,11 +1625,11 @@ RLAPI float GetMasterVolume(void); // Get mas |
// Wave/Sound loading/unloading functions |
RLAPI Wave LoadWave(const char *fileName); // Load wave data from file |
RLAPI Wave LoadWaveFromMemory(const char *fileType, const unsigned char *fileData, int dataSize); // Load wave from memory buffer, fileType refers to extension: i.e. '.wav' |
RLAPI bool IsWaveReady(Wave wave); // Checks if wave data is ready |
RLAPI bool IsWaveValid(Wave wave); // Checks if wave data is valid (data loaded and parameters) |
RLAPI Sound LoadSound(const char *fileName); // Load sound from file |
RLAPI Sound LoadSoundFromWave(Wave wave); // Load sound from wave data |
RLAPI Sound LoadSoundAlias(Sound source); // Create a new sound that shares the same sample data as the source sound, does not own the sound data |
RLAPI bool IsSoundReady(Sound sound); // Checks if a sound is ready |
RLAPI bool IsSoundValid(Sound sound); // Checks if a sound is valid (data loaded and buffers initialized) |
RLAPI void UpdateSound(Sound sound, const void *data, int sampleCount); // Update sound buffer with new data |
RLAPI void UnloadWave(Wave wave); // Unload wave data |
RLAPI void UnloadSound(Sound sound); // Unload sound |
@ -1655,7 +1655,7 @@ RLAPI void UnloadWaveSamples(float *samples); // Unload |
// Music management functions |
RLAPI Music LoadMusicStream(const char *fileName); // Load music stream from file |
RLAPI Music LoadMusicStreamFromMemory(const char *fileType, const unsigned char *data, int dataSize); // Load music stream from data |
RLAPI bool IsMusicReady(Music music); // Checks if a music stream is ready |
RLAPI bool IsMusicValid(Music music); // Checks if a music stream is valid (context and buffers initialized) |
RLAPI void UnloadMusicStream(Music music); // Unload music stream |
RLAPI void PlayMusicStream(Music music); // Start music playing |
RLAPI bool IsMusicStreamPlaying(Music music); // Check if music is playing |
@ -1672,7 +1672,7 @@ RLAPI float GetMusicTimePlayed(Music music); // Get cur |
// AudioStream management functions |
RLAPI AudioStream LoadAudioStream(unsigned int sampleRate, unsigned int sampleSize, unsigned int channels); // Load audio stream (to stream raw audio pcm data) |
RLAPI bool IsAudioStreamReady(AudioStream stream); // Checks if an audio stream is ready |
RLAPI bool IsAudioStreamValid(AudioStream stream); // Checks if an audio stream is valid (buffers initialized) |
RLAPI void UnloadAudioStream(AudioStream stream); // Unload audio stream and free memory |
RLAPI void UpdateAudioStream(AudioStream stream, const void *data, int frameCount); // Update audio stream buffers with data |
RLAPI bool IsAudioStreamProcessed(AudioStream stream); // Check if any audio stream buffers requires refill |