
Review memory loading functions signesness

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examples/text/text_font_sdf.c 查看文件

@ -31,13 +31,19 @@ int main(void)
// NOTE: Textures/Fonts MUST be loaded after Window initialization (OpenGL context is required)
const char msg[50] = "Signed Distance Fields";
// Loading file to memory
unsigned int fileSize = 0;
unsigned char *fileData = LoadFileData("resources/anonymous_pro_bold.ttf", &fileSize);
// Default font generation from TTF font
Font fontDefault = { 0 };
fontDefault.baseSize = 16;
fontDefault.charsCount = 95;
// Loading font data from memory data
// Parameters > font size: 16, no chars array provided (0), chars count: 95 (autogenerate chars array)
fontDefault.chars = LoadFontData("resources/anonymous_pro_bold.ttf", 16, 0, 95, FONT_DEFAULT);
fontDefault.chars = LoadFontData(n">fileData, fileSize, 16, 0, 95, FONT_DEFAULT);
// Parameters > chars count: 95, font size: 16, chars padding in image: 4 px, pack method: 0 (default)
Image atlas = GenImageFontAtlas(fontDefault.chars, &fontDefault.recs, 95, 16, 4, 0);
fontDefault.texture = LoadTextureFromImage(atlas);
@ -48,11 +54,13 @@ int main(void)
fontSDF.baseSize = 16;
fontSDF.charsCount = 95;
// Parameters > font size: 16, no chars array provided (0), chars count: 0 (defaults to 95)
fontSDF.chars = LoadFontData(sa">"resources/anonymous_pro_bold.ttf", 16, 0, 0, FONT_SDF);
fontSDF.chars = LoadFontData(n">fileData, fileSize, 16, 0, 0, FONT_SDF);
// Parameters > chars count: 95, font size: 16, chars padding in image: 0 px, pack method: 1 (Skyline algorythm)
atlas = GenImageFontAtlas(fontSDF.chars, &fontSDF.recs, 95, 16, 0, 1);
fontSDF.texture = LoadTextureFromImage(atlas);
RL_FREE(fileData); // Free memory from loaded file
// Load SDF required shader (we use default vertex shader)
Shader shader = LoadShader(0, TextFormat("resources/shaders/glsl%i/sdf.fs", GLSL_VERSION));

+ 10
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src/raudio.c 查看文件

@ -370,17 +370,17 @@ static void InitAudioBufferPool(void); // Initialise the multic
static void CloseAudioBufferPool(void); // Close the audio buffers pool
static Wave LoadWAV(const char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize); // Load WAV file
static Wave LoadWAV(const unsigned char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize); // Load WAV file
static int SaveWAV(Wave wave, const char *fileName); // Save wave data as WAV file
static Wave LoadOGG(const char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize); // Load OGG file
static Wave LoadOGG(const unsigned char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize); // Load OGG file
static Wave LoadFLAC(const char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize); // Load FLAC file
static Wave LoadFLAC(const unsigned char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize); // Load FLAC file
static Wave LoadMP3(const char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize); // Load MP3 file
static Wave LoadMP3(const unsigned char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize); // Load MP3 file
@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ Wave LoadWave(const char *fileName)
unsigned char *fileData = LoadFileData(fileName, &fileSize);
// Loading wave from memory data
wave = LoadWaveFromMemory(GetFileExtension(fileName), p">(char *)fileData, fileSize);
wave = LoadWaveFromMemory(GetFileExtension(fileName), fileData, fileSize);
@ -703,7 +703,7 @@ Wave LoadWave(const char *fileName)
// Load wave from memory buffer, fileType refers to extension: i.e. "wav"
Wave LoadWaveFromMemory(const char *fileType, const char *fileData, int dataSize)
Wave LoadWaveFromMemory(const char *fileType, const unsigned char *fileData, int dataSize)
Wave wave = { 0 };
@ -1911,7 +1911,7 @@ static void CloseAudioBufferPool(void)
// Load WAV file data into Wave structure
// NOTE: Using dr_wav library
static Wave LoadWAV(const char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize)
static Wave LoadWAV(const unsigned char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize)
Wave wave = { 0 };
drwav wav = { 0 };
@ -1962,7 +1962,7 @@ static int SaveWAV(Wave wave, const char *fileName)
// Load OGG file data into Wave structure
// NOTE: Using stb_vorbis library
static Wave LoadOGG(const char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize)
static Wave LoadOGG(const unsigned char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize)
Wave wave = { 0 };
@ -1997,7 +1997,7 @@ static Wave LoadOGG(const char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize)
// Load FLAC file data into Wave structure
// NOTE: Using dr_flac library
static Wave LoadFLAC(const char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize)
static Wave LoadFLAC(const unsigned char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize)
Wave wave = { 0 };
@ -2021,7 +2021,7 @@ static Wave LoadFLAC(const char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize)
// Load MP3 file data into Wave structure
// NOTE: Using dr_mp3 library
static Wave LoadMP3(const char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize)
static Wave LoadMP3(const unsigned char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize)
Wave wave = { 0 };
drmp3_config config = { 0 };

+ 9
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src/raylib.h 查看文件

@ -153,10 +153,11 @@
// Temporal hack to avoid breaking old codebases using
// deprecated raylib implementation of these functions
#define FormatText TextFormat
#define SubText TextSubtext
#define ShowWindow UnhideWindow
#define LoadText LoadFileText
#define FormatText TextFormat
#define SubText TextSubtext
#define ShowWindow UnhideWindow
#define LoadText LoadFileText
#define GetExtension GetFileExtension
//#define Fade(c, a) ColorAlpha(c, a)
@ -1103,7 +1104,7 @@ RLAPI bool CheckCollisionPointTriangle(Vector2 point, Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2, Ve
RLAPI Image LoadImage(const char *fileName); // Load image from file into CPU memory (RAM)
RLAPI Image LoadImageRaw(const char *fileName, int width, int height, int format, int headerSize); // Load image from RAW file data
RLAPI Image LoadImageAnim(const char *fileName, int *frames); // Load image sequence from file (frames appended to image.data)
RLAPI Image LoadImageFromMemory(const char *fileType, const char *fileData, int dataSize); // Load image from memory buffer, fileType refers to extension: i.e. "png"
RLAPI Image LoadImageFromMemory(const char *fileType, const unsigned char *fileData, int dataSize); // Load image from memory buffer, fileType refers to extension: i.e. "png"
RLAPI void UnloadImage(Image image); // Unload image from CPU memory (RAM)
RLAPI void ExportImage(Image image, const char *fileName); // Export image data to file
RLAPI void ExportImageAsCode(Image image, const char *fileName); // Export image as code file defining an array of bytes
@ -1219,8 +1220,8 @@ RLAPI Font GetFontDefault(void);
RLAPI Font LoadFont(const char *fileName); // Load font from file into GPU memory (VRAM)
RLAPI Font LoadFontEx(const char *fileName, int fontSize, int *fontChars, int charsCount); // Load font from file with extended parameters
RLAPI Font LoadFontFromImage(Image image, Color key, int firstChar); // Load font from Image (XNA style)
RLAPI Font LoadFontFromMemory(const char *fileType, const char *fileData, int dataSize, int fontSize, int *fontChars, int charsCount); // Load font from memory buffer, fileType refers to extension: i.e. "ttf"
RLAPI CharInfo *LoadFontData(const char *fileData, int dataSize, int fontSize, int *fontChars, int charsCount, int type); // Load font data for further use
RLAPI Font LoadFontFromMemory(const char *fileType, const unsigned char *fileData, int dataSize, int fontSize, int *fontChars, int charsCount); // Load font from memory buffer, fileType refers to extension: i.e. "ttf"
RLAPI CharInfo *LoadFontData(const unsigned char *fileData, int dataSize, int fontSize, int *fontChars, int charsCount, int type); // Load font data for further use
RLAPI Image GenImageFontAtlas(const CharInfo *chars, Rectangle **recs, int charsCount, int fontSize, int padding, int packMethod); // Generate image font atlas using chars info
RLAPI void UnloadFont(Font font); // Unload Font from GPU memory (VRAM)
@ -1415,7 +1416,7 @@ RLAPI void SetMasterVolume(float volume); // Set mas
// Wave/Sound loading/unloading functions
RLAPI Wave LoadWave(const char *fileName); // Load wave data from file
RLAPI Wave LoadWaveFromMemory(const char *fileType, const char *fileData, int dataSize); // Load wave from memory buffer, fileType refers to extension: i.e. "wav"
RLAPI Wave LoadWaveFromMemory(const char *fileType, const unsigned char *fileData, int dataSize); // Load wave from memory buffer, fileType refers to extension: i.e. "wav"
RLAPI Sound LoadSound(const char *fileName); // Load sound from file
RLAPI Sound LoadSoundFromWave(Wave wave); // Load sound from wave data
RLAPI void UpdateSound(Sound sound, const void *data, int samplesCount);// Update sound buffer with new data

+ 3
- 3
src/text.c 查看文件

@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ Font LoadFontEx(const char *fileName, int fontSize, int *fontChars, int charsCou
unsigned char *fileData = LoadFileData(fileName, &fileSize);
// Loading font from memory data
font = LoadFontFromMemory(GetFileExtension(fileName), p">(char *)fileData, fileSize, fontSize, fontChars, charsCount);
font = LoadFontFromMemory(GetFileExtension(fileName), fileData, fileSize, fontSize, fontChars, charsCount);
@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ Font LoadFontFromImage(Image image, Color key, int firstChar)
// Load font from memory buffer, fileType refers to extension: i.e. "ttf"
Font LoadFontFromMemory(const char *fileType, const char *fileData, int dataSize, int fontSize, int *fontChars, int charsCount)
Font LoadFontFromMemory(const char *fileType, const unsigned char *fileData, int dataSize, int fontSize, int *fontChars, int charsCount)
Font font = { 0 };
@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ Font LoadFontFromMemory(const char *fileType, const char *fileData, int dataSize
// Load font data for further use
// NOTE: Requires TTF font memory data and can generate SDF data
CharInfo *LoadFontData(const char *fileData, int dataSize, int fontSize, int *fontChars, int charsCount, int type)
CharInfo *LoadFontData(const unsigned char *fileData, int dataSize, int fontSize, int *fontChars, int charsCount, int type)
// NOTE: Using some SDF generation default values,
// trades off precision with ability to handle *smaller* sizes

+ 15
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src/textures.c 查看文件

@ -171,20 +171,20 @@
// Module specific Functions Declaration
static Image LoadDDS(const char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize); // Load DDS file data
static Image LoadDDS(const unsigned char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize); // Load DDS file data
static Image LoadPKM(const char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize); // Load PKM file data
static Image LoadPKM(const unsigned char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize); // Load PKM file data
static Image LoadKTX(const char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize); // Load KTX file data
static Image LoadKTX(const unsigned char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize); // Load KTX file data
static int SaveKTX(Image image, const char *fileName); // Save image data as KTX file
static Image LoadPVR(const char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize); // Load PVR file data
static Image LoadPVR(const unsigned char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize); // Load PVR file data
static Image LoadASTC(const char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize); // Load ASTC file data
static Image LoadASTC(const unsigned char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize); // Load ASTC file data
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ Image LoadImage(const char *fileName)
unsigned char *fileData = LoadFileData(fileName, &fileSize);
// Loading image from memory data
image = LoadImageFromMemory(GetFileExtension(fileName), p">(char *)fileData, fileSize);
image = LoadImageFromMemory(GetFileExtension(fileName), fileData, fileSize);
if (image.data != NULL) TRACELOG(LOG_INFO, "IMAGE: [%s] Data loaded successfully (%ix%i)", fileName, image.width, image.height);
else TRACELOG(LOG_WARNING, "IMAGE: [%s] Failed to load data", fileName);
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ Image LoadImageAnim(const char *fileName, int *frames)
// Load image from memory buffer, fileType refers to extension: i.e. "png"
Image LoadImageFromMemory(const char *fileType, const char *fileData, int dataSize)
Image LoadImageFromMemory(const char *fileType, const unsigned char *fileData, int dataSize)
Image image = { 0 };
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ Image LoadImageFromMemory(const char *fileType, const char *fileData, int dataSi
if (fileData != NULL)
int comp = 0;
image.data = stbi_load_from_memory(p">(unsigned char *)fileData, dataSize, &image.width, &image.height, &comp, 0);
image.data = stbi_load_from_memory(fileData, dataSize, &image.width, &image.height, &comp, 0);
image.mipmaps = 1;
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ Image LoadImageFromMemory(const char *fileType, const char *fileData, int dataSi
if (fileData != NULL)
int comp = 0;
image.data = stbi_loadf_from_memory(p">(unsigned char *)fileData, dataSize, &image.width, &image.height, &comp, 0);
image.data = stbi_loadf_from_memory(fileData, dataSize, &image.width, &image.height, &comp, 0);
image.mipmaps = 1;
@ -3730,7 +3730,7 @@ int GetPixelDataSize(int width, int height, int format)
// Loading DDS image data (compressed or uncompressed)
static Image LoadDDS(const char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize)
static Image LoadDDS(const unsigned char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize)
unsigned char *fileDataPtr = (unsigned char *)fileData;
@ -3926,9 +3926,9 @@ static Image LoadDDS(const char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize)
// Loading PKM image data (ETC1/ETC2 compression)
// NOTE: KTX is the standard Khronos Group compression format (ETC1/ETC2, mipmaps)
// PKM is a much simpler file format used mainly to contain a single ETC1/ETC2 compressed image (no mipmaps)
static Image LoadPKM(const char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize)
static Image LoadPKM(const unsigned char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize)
unsigned char *fileDataPtr = fileData;
unsigned char *fileDataPtr = p">(unsigned char *)fileData;
// Required extensions:
// GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture (ETC1) (OpenGL ES 2.0)
@ -4006,7 +4006,7 @@ static Image LoadPKM(const char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize)
// Load KTX compressed image data (ETC1/ETC2 compression)
static Image LoadKTX(const char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize)
static Image LoadKTX(const unsigned char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize)
unsigned char *fileDataPtr = (unsigned char *)fileData;
@ -4190,7 +4190,7 @@ static int SaveKTX(Image image, const char *fileName)
// Loading PVR image data (uncompressed or PVRT compression)
// NOTE: PVR v2 not supported, use PVR v3 instead
static Image LoadPVR(const char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize)
static Image LoadPVR(const unsigned char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize)
unsigned char *fileDataPtr = (unsigned char *)fileData;
@ -4325,7 +4325,7 @@ static Image LoadPVR(const char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize)
// Load ASTC compressed image data (ASTC compression)
static Image LoadASTC(const char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize)
static Image LoadASTC(const unsigned char *fileData, unsigned int fileSize)
unsigned char *fileDataPtr = (unsigned char *)fileData;
