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Update text_draw_3d.c

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1 ficheiros alterados com 19 adições e 14 eliminações
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examples/text/text_draw_3d.c Ver ficheiro

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ bool SHOW_TEXT_BOUNDRY = false;
// Configuration structure for waving the text
typedef struct {
typedef struct n">WaveTextConfig {
Vector3 waveRange;
Vector3 waveSpeed;
Vector3 waveOffset;
@ -57,19 +57,19 @@ typedef struct {
// Module Functions Declaration
// Draw a codepoint in 3D space
void DrawTextCodepoint3D(Font font, int codepoint, Vector3 position, float fontSize, bool backface, Color tint);
static void DrawTextCodepoint3D(Font font, int codepoint, Vector3 position, float fontSize, bool backface, Color tint);
// Draw a 2D text in 3D space
void DrawText3D(Font font, const char *text, Vector3 position, float fontSize, float fontSpacing, float lineSpacing, bool backface, Color tint);
static void DrawText3D(Font font, const char *text, Vector3 position, float fontSize, float fontSpacing, float lineSpacing, bool backface, Color tint);
// Measure a text in 3D. For some reason `MeasureTextEx()` just doesn't seem to work so i had to use this instead.
Vector3 MeasureText3D(Font font, const char* text, float fontSize, float fontSpacing, float lineSpacing);
static Vector3 MeasureText3D(Font font, const char *text, float fontSize, float fontSpacing, float lineSpacing);
// Draw a 2D text in 3D space and wave the parts that start with `~~` and end with `~~`.
// This is a modified version of the original code by @Nighten found here
void DrawTextWave3D(Font font, const char *text, Vector3 position, float fontSize, float fontSpacing, float lineSpacing, bool backface, WaveTextConfig* config, float time, Color tint);
static void DrawTextWave3D(Font font, const char *text, Vector3 position, float fontSize, float fontSpacing, float lineSpacing, bool backface, WaveTextConfig *config, float time, Color tint);
// Measure a text in 3D ignoring the `~~` chars.
Vector3 MeasureTextWave3D(Font font, const char* text, float fontSize, float fontSpacing, float lineSpacing);
static Vector3 MeasureTextWave3D(Font font, const char *text, float fontSize, float fontSpacing, float lineSpacing);
// Generates a nice color with a random hue
Color GenerateRandomColor(float s, float v);
static Color GenerateRandomColor(float s, float v);
// Program main entry point
@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ int main(void)
// Module Functions Definitions
// Draw codepoint at specified position in 3D space
void DrawTextCodepoint3D(Font font, int codepoint, Vector3 position, float fontSize, bool backface, Color tint)
static void DrawTextCodepoint3D(Font font, int codepoint, Vector3 position, float fontSize, bool backface, Color tint)
// Character index position in sprite font
// NOTE: In case a codepoint is not available in the font, index returned points to '?'
@ -511,7 +511,8 @@ void DrawTextCodepoint3D(Font font, int codepoint, Vector3 position, float fontS
void DrawText3D(Font font, const char *text, Vector3 position, float fontSize, float fontSpacing, float lineSpacing, bool backface, Color tint)
// Draw a 2D text in 3D space
static void DrawText3D(Font font, const char *text, Vector3 position, float fontSize, float fontSpacing, float lineSpacing, bool backface, Color tint)
int length = TextLength(text); // Total length in bytes of the text, scanned by codepoints in loop
@ -553,7 +554,8 @@ void DrawText3D(Font font, const char *text, Vector3 position, float fontSize, f
Vector3 MeasureText3D(Font font, const char* text, float fontSize, float fontSpacing, float lineSpacing)
// Measure a text in 3D. For some reason `MeasureTextEx()` just doesn't seem to work so i had to use this instead.
static Vector3 MeasureText3D(Font font, const char* text, float fontSize, float fontSpacing, float lineSpacing)
int len = TextLength(text);
int tempLen = 0; // Used to count longer text line num chars
@ -607,8 +609,9 @@ Vector3 MeasureText3D(Font font, const char* text, float fontSize, float fontSpa
return vec;
void DrawTextWave3D(Font font, const char *text, Vector3 position, float fontSize, float fontSpacing, float lineSpacing, bool backface, WaveTextConfig* config, float time, Color tint)
// Draw a 2D text in 3D space and wave the parts that start with `~~` and end with `~~`.
// This is a modified version of the original code by @Nighten found here
static void DrawTextWave3D(Font font, const char *text, Vector3 position, float fontSize, float fontSpacing, float lineSpacing, bool backface, WaveTextConfig* config, float time, Color tint)
int length = TextLength(text); // Total length in bytes of the text, scanned by codepoints in loop
@ -669,7 +672,8 @@ void DrawTextWave3D(Font font, const char *text, Vector3 position, float fontSiz
Vector3 MeasureTextWave3D(Font font, const char* text, float fontSize, float fontSpacing, float lineSpacing)
// Measure a text in 3D ignoring the `~~` chars.
static Vector3 MeasureTextWave3D(Font font, const char* text, float fontSize, float fontSpacing, float lineSpacing)
int len = TextLength(text);
int tempLen = 0; // Used to count longer text line num chars
@ -730,7 +734,8 @@ Vector3 MeasureTextWave3D(Font font, const char* text, float fontSize, float fon
return vec;
Color GenerateRandomColor(float s, float v)
// Generates a nice color with a random hue
static Color GenerateRandomColor(float s, float v)
const float Phi = 0.618033988749895f; // Golden ratio conjugate
float h = GetRandomValue(0, 360);
