@ -299,7 +299,10 @@
# define MAX_TOUCH_POINTS 10 / / Maximum number of touch points supported
# define MAX_TOUCH_POINTS 10 / / Maximum number of touch points supported
# endif
# endif
# define MAX_KEY_PRESSED_QUEUE 16 / / Max number of characters in the key input queue
# define MAX_KEY_PRESSED_QUEUE 16 / / Max number of keys in the key input queue
# endif
# define MAX_CHAR_PRESSED_QUEUE 16 / / Max number of characters in the char input queue
# endif
# endif
@ -407,9 +410,13 @@ typedef struct CoreData {
int exitKey ; / / Default exit key
int exitKey ; / / Default exit key
char currentKeyState [ 512 ] ; / / Registers current frame key state
char currentKeyState [ 512 ] ; / / Registers current frame key state
char previousKeyState [ 512 ] ; / / Registers previous frame key state
char previousKeyState [ 512 ] ; / / Registers previous frame key state
int keyPressedQueue [ MAX_KEY_PRESSED_QUEUE ] ; / / Input keys queue
int keyPressedQueueCount ; / / Input keys queue count
int keyPressedQueue [ MAX_KEY_PRESSED_QUEUE ] ; / / Input characters queue
int keyPressedQueueCount ; / / Input characters queue count
int charPressedQueue [ MAX_CHAR_PRESSED_QUEUE ] ; / / Input characters queue
int charPressedQueueCount ; / / Input characters queue count
# if defined(PLATFORM_RPI) || defined(PLATFORM_DRM)
# if defined(PLATFORM_RPI) || defined(PLATFORM_DRM)
int defaultMode ; / / Default keyboard mode
int defaultMode ; / / Default keyboard mode
struct termios defaultSettings ; / / Default keyboard settings
struct termios defaultSettings ; / / Default keyboard settings
@ -510,17 +517,19 @@ static void PollInputEvents(void); // Register user events
# if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
# if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP) || defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
static void ErrorCallback ( int error , const char * description ) ; / / GLFW3 Error Callback , runs on GLFW3 error
static void ErrorCallback ( int error , const char * description ) ; / / GLFW3 Error Callback , runs on GLFW3 error
static void KeyCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , int key , int scancode , int action , int mods ) ; / / GLFW3 Keyboard Callback , runs on key pressed
static void MouseButtonCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , int button , int action , int mods ) ; / / GLFW3 Mouse Button Callback , runs on mouse button pressed
static void MouseCursorPosCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , double x , double y ) ; / / GLFW3 Cursor Position Callback , runs on mouse move
static void CharCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , unsigned int key ) ; / / GLFW3 Char Key Callback , runs on key pressed ( get char value )
static void ScrollCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , double xoffset , double yoffset ) ; / / GLFW3 Srolling Callback , runs on mouse wheel
static void CursorEnterCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , int enter ) ; / / GLFW3 Cursor Enter Callback , cursor enters client area
/ / Window callbacks events
static void WindowSizeCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , int width , int height ) ; / / GLFW3 WindowSize Callback , runs when window is resized
static void WindowSizeCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , int width , int height ) ; / / GLFW3 WindowSize Callback , runs when window is resized
static void WindowMaximizeCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , int maximized ) ; / / GLFW3 Window Maximize Callback , runs when window is maximized
static void WindowIconifyCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , int iconified ) ; / / GLFW3 WindowIconify Callback , runs when window is minimized / restored
static void WindowIconifyCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , int iconified ) ; / / GLFW3 WindowIconify Callback , runs when window is minimized / restored
static void WindowFocusCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , int focused ) ; / / GLFW3 WindowFocus Callback , runs when window get / lose focus
static void WindowFocusCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , int focused ) ; / / GLFW3 WindowFocus Callback , runs when window get / lose focus
static void WindowDropCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , int count , const char * * paths ) ; / / GLFW3 Window Drop Callback , runs when drop files into window
static void WindowDropCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , int count , const char * * paths ) ; / / GLFW3 Window Drop Callback , runs when drop files into window
static void WindowMaximizeCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , int maximized ) ; / / GLFW3 Window Maximize Callback , runs when window is maximized
/ / Input callbacks events
static void KeyCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , int key , int scancode , int action , int mods ) ; / / GLFW3 Keyboard Callback , runs on key pressed
static void CharCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , unsigned int key ) ; / / GLFW3 Char Key Callback , runs on key pressed ( get char value )
static void MouseButtonCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , int button , int action , int mods ) ; / / GLFW3 Mouse Button Callback , runs on mouse button pressed
static void MouseCursorPosCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , double x , double y ) ; / / GLFW3 Cursor Position Callback , runs on mouse move
static void MouseScrollCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , double xoffset , double yoffset ) ; / / GLFW3 Srolling Callback , runs on mouse wheel
static void CursorEnterCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , int enter ) ; / / GLFW3 Cursor Enter Callback , cursor enters client area
# endif
# endif
# if defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID)
# if defined(PLATFORM_ANDROID)
@ -1457,17 +1466,17 @@ int GetMonitorCount(void)
Vector2 GetMonitorPosition ( int monitor )
Vector2 GetMonitorPosition ( int monitor )
# if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
# if defined(PLATFORM_DESKTOP)
int monitorCount ;
GLFWmonitor * * monitors = glfwGetMonitors ( & monitorCount ) ;
int monitorCount ;
GLFWmonitor * * monitors = glfwGetMonitors ( & monitorCount ) ;
if ( ( monitor > = 0 ) & & ( monitor < monitorCount ) )
if ( ( monitor > = 0 ) & & ( monitor < monitorCount ) )
int x , y ;
int x , y ;
glfwGetMonitorPos ( monitors [ monitor ] , & x , & y ) ;
glfwGetMonitorPos ( monitors [ monitor ] , & x , & y ) ;
const GLFWvidmode * mode = glfwGetVideoMode ( monitors [ monitor ] ) ;
return ( Vector2 ) { ( float ) x , ( float ) y } ;
else TRACELOG ( LOG_WARNING , " GLFW: Failed to find selected monitor " ) ;
const GLFWvidmode * mode = glfwGetVideoMode ( monitors [ monitor ] ) ;
return ( Vector2 ) { ( float ) x , ( float ) y } ;
else TRACELOG ( LOG_WARNING , " GLFW: Failed to find selected monitor " ) ;
# endif
# endif
return ( Vector2 ) { 0 , 0 } ;
return ( Vector2 ) { 0 , 0 } ;
@ -2726,7 +2735,8 @@ int GetKeyPressed(void)
value = CORE . Input . Keyboard . keyPressedQueue [ 0 ] ;
value = CORE . Input . Keyboard . keyPressedQueue [ 0 ] ;
/ / Shift elements 1 step toward the head .
/ / Shift elements 1 step toward the head .
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ( CORE . Input . Keyboard . keyPressedQueueCount - 1 ) ; i + + ) CORE . Input . Keyboard . keyPressedQueue [ i ] = CORE . Input . Keyboard . keyPressedQueue [ i + 1 ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ( CORE . Input . Keyboard . keyPressedQueueCount - 1 ) ; i + + )
CORE . Input . Keyboard . keyPressedQueue [ i ] = CORE . Input . Keyboard . keyPressedQueue [ i + 1 ] ;
/ / Reset last character in the queue
/ / Reset last character in the queue
CORE . Input . Keyboard . keyPressedQueue [ CORE . Input . Keyboard . keyPressedQueueCount ] = 0 ;
CORE . Input . Keyboard . keyPressedQueue [ CORE . Input . Keyboard . keyPressedQueueCount ] = 0 ;
@ -2736,6 +2746,28 @@ int GetKeyPressed(void)
return value ;
return value ;
/ / Get the last char pressed
int GetCharPressed ( void )
int value = 0 ;
if ( CORE . Input . Keyboard . charPressedQueueCount > 0 )
/ / Get character from the queue head
value = CORE . Input . Keyboard . charPressedQueue [ 0 ] ;
/ / Shift elements 1 step toward the head .
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ( CORE . Input . Keyboard . charPressedQueueCount - 1 ) ; i + + )
CORE . Input . Keyboard . charPressedQueue [ i ] = CORE . Input . Keyboard . charPressedQueue [ i + 1 ] ;
/ / Reset last character in the queue
CORE . Input . Keyboard . charPressedQueue [ CORE . Input . Keyboard . charPressedQueueCount ] = 0 ;
CORE . Input . Keyboard . charPressedQueueCount - - ;
return value ;
/ / Set a custom key to exit program
/ / Set a custom key to exit program
/ / NOTE : default exitKey is ESCAPE
/ / NOTE : default exitKey is ESCAPE
void SetExitKey ( int key )
void SetExitKey ( int key )
@ -3302,19 +3334,21 @@ static bool InitGraphicsDevice(int width, int height)
TRACELOG ( LOG_INFO , " > Viewport offsets: %i, %i " , CORE . Window . renderOffset . x , CORE . Window . renderOffset . y ) ;
TRACELOG ( LOG_INFO , " > Viewport offsets: %i, %i " , CORE . Window . renderOffset . x , CORE . Window . renderOffset . y ) ;
/ / Set window callback events
glfwSetWindowSizeCallback ( CORE . Window . handle , WindowSizeCallback ) ; / / NOTE : Resizing not allowed by default !
glfwSetWindowSizeCallback ( CORE . Window . handle , WindowSizeCallback ) ; / / NOTE : Resizing not allowed by default !
glfwSetCursorEnterCallback ( CORE . Window . handle , CursorEnterCallback ) ;
glfwSetKeyCallback ( CORE . Window . handle , KeyCallback ) ;
glfwSetMouseButtonCallback ( CORE . Window . handle , MouseButtonCallback ) ;
glfwSetCursorPosCallback ( CORE . Window . handle , MouseCursorPosCallback ) ; / / Track mouse position changes
glfwSetCharCallback ( CORE . Window . handle , CharCallback ) ;
glfwSetScrollCallback ( CORE . Window . handle , ScrollCallback ) ;
glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback ( CORE . Window . handle , WindowIconifyCallback ) ;
glfwSetWindowFocusCallback ( CORE . Window . handle , WindowFocusCallback ) ;
glfwSetDropCallback ( CORE . Window . handle , WindowDropCallback ) ;
# if !defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
# if !defined(PLATFORM_WEB)
glfwSetWindowMaximizeCallback ( CORE . Window . handle , WindowMaximizeCallback ) ;
glfwSetWindowMaximizeCallback ( CORE . Window . handle , WindowMaximizeCallback ) ;
# endif
# endif
glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback ( CORE . Window . handle , WindowIconifyCallback ) ;
glfwSetWindowFocusCallback ( CORE . Window . handle , WindowFocusCallback ) ;
glfwSetDropCallback ( CORE . Window . handle , WindowDropCallback ) ;
/ / Set input callback events
glfwSetKeyCallback ( CORE . Window . handle , KeyCallback ) ;
glfwSetCharCallback ( CORE . Window . handle , CharCallback ) ;
glfwSetMouseButtonCallback ( CORE . Window . handle , MouseButtonCallback ) ;
glfwSetCursorPosCallback ( CORE . Window . handle , MouseCursorPosCallback ) ; / / Track mouse position changes
glfwSetScrollCallback ( CORE . Window . handle , MouseScrollCallback ) ;
glfwSetCursorEnterCallback ( CORE . Window . handle , CursorEnterCallback ) ;
glfwMakeContextCurrent ( CORE . Window . handle ) ;
glfwMakeContextCurrent ( CORE . Window . handle ) ;
@ -4189,8 +4223,9 @@ static void PollInputEvents(void)
UpdateGestures ( ) ;
UpdateGestures ( ) ;
# endif
# endif
/ / Reset key pressed registered
/ / Reset keys / chars pressed registered
CORE . Input . Keyboard . keyPressedQueueCount = 0 ;
CORE . Input . Keyboard . keyPressedQueueCount = 0 ;
CORE . Input . Keyboard . charPressedQueueCount = 0 ;
# if !(defined(PLATFORM_RPI) || defined(PLATFORM_DRM))
# if !(defined(PLATFORM_RPI) || defined(PLATFORM_DRM))
/ / Reset last gamepad button / axis registered state
/ / Reset last gamepad button / axis registered state
@ -4465,15 +4500,50 @@ static void ErrorCallback(int error, const char *description)
TRACELOG ( LOG_WARNING , " GLFW: Error: %i Description: %s " , error , description ) ;
TRACELOG ( LOG_WARNING , " GLFW: Error: %i Description: %s " , error , description ) ;
/ / GLFW3 Srolling Callback , runs on mouse wheel
static void ScrollCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , double xoffset , double yoffset )
/ / GLFW3 WindowSize Callback , runs when window is resizedLastFrame
/ / NOTE : Window resizing not allowed by default
static void WindowSizeCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , int width , int height )
CORE . Input . Mouse . currentWheelMove = ( float ) yoffset ;
SetupViewport ( width , height ) ; / / Reset viewport and projection matrix for new size
/ / Set current screen size
CORE . Window . screen . width = width ;
CORE . Window . screen . height = height ;
CORE . Window . currentFbo . width = width ;
CORE . Window . currentFbo . height = height ;
/ / NOTE : Postprocessing texture is not scaled to new size
CORE . Window . resizedLastFrame = true ;
/ / GLFW3 WindowIconify Callback , runs when window is minimized / restored
static void WindowIconifyCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , int iconified )
if ( iconified ) CORE . Window . flags | = FLAG_WINDOW_MINIMIZED ; / / The window was iconified
else CORE . Window . flags & = ~ FLAG_WINDOW_MINIMIZED ; / / The window was restored
/ / GLFW3 WindowMaximize Callback , runs when window is maximized / restored
static void WindowMaximizeCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , int maximized )
if ( maximized ) CORE . Window . flags | = FLAG_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED ; / / The window was maximized
else CORE . Window . flags & = ~ FLAG_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED ; / / The window was restored
/ / GLFW3 WindowFocus Callback , runs when window get / lose focus
static void WindowFocusCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , int focused )
if ( focused ) CORE . Window . flags & = ~ FLAG_WINDOW_UNFOCUSED ; / / The window was focused
else CORE . Window . flags | = FLAG_WINDOW_UNFOCUSED ; / / The window lost focus
/ / GLFW3 Keyboard Callback , runs on key pressed
/ / GLFW3 Keyboard Callback , runs on key pressed
static void KeyCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , int key , int scancode , int action , int mods )
static void KeyCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , int key , int scancode , int action , int mods )
/ / TRACELOG ( LOG_DEBUG , " Key Callback: KEY:%i(%c) - SCANCODE:%i (STATE:%i) " , key , key , scancode , action ) ;
if ( key = = CORE . Input . Keyboard . exitKey & & action = = GLFW_PRESS )
if ( key = = CORE . Input . Keyboard . exitKey & & action = = GLFW_PRESS )
glfwSetWindowShouldClose ( CORE . Window . handle , GLFW_TRUE ) ;
glfwSetWindowShouldClose ( CORE . Window . handle , GLFW_TRUE ) ;
@ -4536,6 +4606,33 @@ static void KeyCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int key, int scancode, int action, i
/ / to work properly with our implementation ( IsKeyDown / IsKeyUp checks )
/ / to work properly with our implementation ( IsKeyDown / IsKeyUp checks )
if ( action = = GLFW_RELEASE ) CORE . Input . Keyboard . currentKeyState [ key ] = 0 ;
if ( action = = GLFW_RELEASE ) CORE . Input . Keyboard . currentKeyState [ key ] = 0 ;
else CORE . Input . Keyboard . currentKeyState [ key ] = 1 ;
else CORE . Input . Keyboard . currentKeyState [ key ] = 1 ;
/ / Check if there is space available in the key queue
if ( ( CORE . Input . Keyboard . keyPressedQueueCount < MAX_KEY_PRESSED_QUEUE ) & & ( action = = GLFW_RELEASE ) )
/ / Add character to the queue
CORE . Input . Keyboard . keyPressedQueue [ CORE . Input . Keyboard . keyPressedQueueCount ] = key ;
CORE . Input . Keyboard . keyPressedQueueCount + + ;
/ / GLFW3 Char Key Callback , runs on key down ( gets equivalent unicode char value )
static void CharCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , unsigned int key )
/ / TRACELOG ( LOG_DEBUG , " Char Callback: KEY:%i(%c) " , key , key ) ;
/ / NOTE : Registers any key down considering OS keyboard layout but
/ / do not detects action events , those should be managed by user . . .
/ / Ref : https : / / github . com / glfw / glfw / issues / 668 # issuecomment - 166794907
/ / Ref : https : / / www . glfw . org / docs / latest / input_guide . html # input_char
/ / Check if there is space available in the queue
if ( CORE . Input . Keyboard . charPressedQueueCount < MAX_KEY_PRESSED_QUEUE )
/ / Add character to the queue
CORE . Input . Keyboard . charPressedQueue [ CORE . Input . Keyboard . charPressedQueueCount ] = key ;
CORE . Input . Keyboard . charPressedQueueCount + + ;
@ -4605,21 +4702,10 @@ static void MouseCursorPosCallback(GLFWwindow *window, double x, double y)
# endif
# endif
/ / GLFW3 Char Key Callback , runs on key down ( get unicode char value )
static void Char Callback( GLFWwindow * window , unsigned int key )
/ / GLFW3 Srolling Callback , runs on mouse wheel
static void MouseScroll Callback( GLFWwindow * window , double xoffset , double yoffset )
/ / NOTE : Registers any key down considering OS keyboard layout but
/ / do not detects action events , those should be managed by user . . .
/ / Ref : https : / / github . com / glfw / glfw / issues / 668 # issuecomment - 166794907
/ / Ref : https : / / www . glfw . org / docs / latest / input_guide . html # input_char
/ / Check if there is space available in the queue
if ( CORE . Input . Keyboard . keyPressedQueueCount < MAX_KEY_PRESSED_QUEUE )
/ / Add character to the queue
CORE . Input . Keyboard . keyPressedQueue [ CORE . Input . Keyboard . keyPressedQueueCount ] = key ;
CORE . Input . Keyboard . keyPressedQueueCount + + ;
CORE . Input . Mouse . currentWheelMove = ( float ) yoffset ;
/ / GLFW3 CursorEnter Callback , when cursor enters the window
/ / GLFW3 CursorEnter Callback , when cursor enters the window
@ -4629,44 +4715,6 @@ static void CursorEnterCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int enter)
else CORE . Input . Mouse . cursorOnScreen = false ;
else CORE . Input . Mouse . cursorOnScreen = false ;
/ / GLFW3 WindowSize Callback , runs when window is resizedLastFrame
/ / NOTE : Window resizing not allowed by default
static void WindowSizeCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , int width , int height )
SetupViewport ( width , height ) ; / / Reset viewport and projection matrix for new size
/ / Set current screen size
CORE . Window . screen . width = width ;
CORE . Window . screen . height = height ;
CORE . Window . currentFbo . width = width ;
CORE . Window . currentFbo . height = height ;
/ / NOTE : Postprocessing texture is not scaled to new size
CORE . Window . resizedLastFrame = true ;
/ / GLFW3 WindowIconify Callback , runs when window is minimized / restored
static void WindowIconifyCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , int iconified )
if ( iconified ) CORE . Window . flags | = FLAG_WINDOW_MINIMIZED ; / / The window was iconified
else CORE . Window . flags & = ~ FLAG_WINDOW_MINIMIZED ; / / The window was restored
/ / GLFW3 WindowMaximize Callback , runs when window is maximized / restored
static void WindowMaximizeCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , int maximized )
if ( maximized ) CORE . Window . flags | = FLAG_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED ; / / The window was maximized
else CORE . Window . flags & = ~ FLAG_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED ; / / The window was restored
/ / GLFW3 WindowFocus Callback , runs when window get / lose focus
static void WindowFocusCallback ( GLFWwindow * window , int focused )
if ( focused ) CORE . Window . flags & = ~ FLAG_WINDOW_UNFOCUSED ; / / The window was focused
else CORE . Window . flags | = FLAG_WINDOW_UNFOCUSED ; / / The window lost focus
/ / GLFW3 Window Drop Callback , runs when drop files into window
/ / GLFW3 Window Drop Callback , runs when drop files into window
/ / NOTE : Paths are stored in dynamic memory for further retrieval
/ / NOTE : Paths are stored in dynamic memory for further retrieval
/ / Everytime new files are dropped , old ones are discarded
/ / Everytime new files are dropped , old ones are discarded