@ -186,151 +186,6 @@ void InitWindow(int width, int height, const char *title) |
#endif |
} |
// Register fullscreen change events |
static EM_BOOL EmscriptenFullscreenChangeCallback(int eventType, const EmscriptenFullscreenChangeEvent *event, void *userData) |
{ |
// TODO: Implement EmscriptenFullscreenChangeCallback()? |
return 1; // The event was consumed by the callback handler |
} |
// Register window resize event |
static EM_BOOL EmscriptenWindowResizedCallback(int eventType, const EmscriptenUiEvent *event, void *userData) |
{ |
// TODO: Implement EmscriptenWindowResizedCallback()? |
return 1; // The event was consumed by the callback handler |
} |
EM_JS(int, GetWindowInnerWidth, (), { return window.innerWidth; }); |
EM_JS(int, GetWindowInnerHeight, (), { return window.innerHeight; }); |
// Register DOM element resize event |
static EM_BOOL EmscriptenResizeCallback(int eventType, const EmscriptenUiEvent *event, void *userData) |
{ |
// Don't resize non-resizeable windows |
if ((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE) == 0) return 1; |
// This event is called whenever the window changes sizes, |
// so the size of the canvas object is explicitly retrieved below |
int width = GetWindowInnerWidth(); |
int height = GetWindowInnerHeight(); |
if (width < CORE.Window.screenMin.width) width = CORE.Window.screenMin.width; |
else if (width > CORE.Window.screenMax.width && CORE.Window.screenMax.width > 0) width = CORE.Window.screenMax.width; |
if (height < CORE.Window.screenMin.height) height = CORE.Window.screenMin.height; |
else if (height > CORE.Window.screenMax.height && CORE.Window.screenMax.height > 0) height = CORE.Window.screenMax.height; |
emscripten_set_canvas_element_size("#canvas", width, height); |
SetupViewport(width, height); // Reset viewport and projection matrix for new size |
CORE.Window.currentFbo.width = width; |
CORE.Window.currentFbo.height = height; |
CORE.Window.resizedLastFrame = true; |
if (IsWindowFullscreen()) return 1; |
// Set current screen size |
CORE.Window.screen.width = width; |
CORE.Window.screen.height = height; |
// NOTE: Postprocessing texture is not scaled to new size |
return 0; |
} |
// Register mouse input events |
static EM_BOOL EmscriptenMouseCallback(int eventType, const EmscriptenMouseEvent *mouseEvent, void *userData) |
{ |
// This is only for registering mouse click events with emscripten and doesn't need to do anything |
return 1; // The event was consumed by the callback handler |
} |
// Register connected/disconnected gamepads events |
static EM_BOOL EmscriptenGamepadCallback(int eventType, const EmscriptenGamepadEvent *gamepadEvent, void *userData) |
{ |
/* |
TRACELOGD("%s: timeStamp: %g, connected: %d, index: %ld, numAxes: %d, numButtons: %d, id: \"%s\", mapping: \"%s\"", |
eventType != 0? emscripten_event_type_to_string(eventType) : "Gamepad state", |
gamepadEvent->timestamp, gamepadEvent->connected, gamepadEvent->index, gamepadEvent->numAxes, gamepadEvent->numButtons, gamepadEvent->id, gamepadEvent->mapping); |
for (int i = 0; i < gamepadEvent->numAxes; ++i) TRACELOGD("Axis %d: %g", i, gamepadEvent->axis[i]); |
for (int i = 0; i < gamepadEvent->numButtons; ++i) TRACELOGD("Button %d: Digital: %d, Analog: %g", i, gamepadEvent->digitalButton[i], gamepadEvent->analogButton[i]); |
*/ |
if ((gamepadEvent->connected) && (gamepadEvent->index < MAX_GAMEPADS)) |
{ |
CORE.Input.Gamepad.ready[gamepadEvent->index] = true; |
sprintf(CORE.Input.Gamepad.name[gamepadEvent->index], "%s", gamepadEvent->id); |
} |
else CORE.Input.Gamepad.ready[gamepadEvent->index] = false; |
return 1; // The event was consumed by the callback handler |
} |
// Register touch input events |
static EM_BOOL EmscriptenTouchCallback(int eventType, const EmscriptenTouchEvent *touchEvent, void *userData) |
{ |
// Register touch points count |
CORE.Input.Touch.pointCount = touchEvent->numTouches; |
double canvasWidth = 0.0; |
double canvasHeight = 0.0; |
// NOTE: emscripten_get_canvas_element_size() returns canvas.width and canvas.height but |
// we are looking for actual CSS size: canvas.style.width and canvas.style.height |
// EMSCRIPTEN_RESULT res = emscripten_get_canvas_element_size("#canvas", &canvasWidth, &canvasHeight); |
emscripten_get_element_css_size("#canvas", &canvasWidth, &canvasHeight); |
for (int i = 0; (i < CORE.Input.Touch.pointCount) && (i < MAX_TOUCH_POINTS); i++) |
{ |
// Register touch points id |
CORE.Input.Touch.pointId[i] = touchEvent->touches[i].identifier; |
// Register touch points position |
CORE.Input.Touch.position[i] = (Vector2){touchEvent->touches[i].targetX, touchEvent->touches[i].targetY}; |
// Normalize gestureEvent.position[x] for CORE.Window.screen.width and CORE.Window.screen.height |
CORE.Input.Touch.position[i].x *= ((float)GetScreenWidth() / (float)canvasWidth); |
CORE.Input.Touch.position[i].y *= ((float)GetScreenHeight() / (float)canvasHeight); |
if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_TOUCHSTART) CORE.Input.Touch.currentTouchState[i] = 1; |
else if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_TOUCHEND) CORE.Input.Touch.currentTouchState[i] = 0; |
} |
GestureEvent gestureEvent = {0}; |
gestureEvent.pointCount = CORE.Input.Touch.pointCount; |
// Register touch actions |
if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_TOUCHSTART) gestureEvent.touchAction = TOUCH_ACTION_DOWN; |
else if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_TOUCHEND) gestureEvent.touchAction = TOUCH_ACTION_UP; |
else if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_TOUCHMOVE) gestureEvent.touchAction = TOUCH_ACTION_MOVE; |
else if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_TOUCHCANCEL) gestureEvent.touchAction = TOUCH_ACTION_CANCEL; |
for (int i = 0; (i < gestureEvent.pointCount) && (i < MAX_TOUCH_POINTS); i++) |
{ |
gestureEvent.pointId[i] = CORE.Input.Touch.pointId[i]; |
gestureEvent.position[i] = CORE.Input.Touch.position[i]; |
// Normalize gestureEvent.position[i] |
gestureEvent.position[i].x /= (float)GetScreenWidth(); |
gestureEvent.position[i].y /= (float)GetScreenHeight(); |
} |
// Gesture data is sent to gestures system for processing |
ProcessGestureEvent(gestureEvent); |
// Reset the pointCount for web, if it was the last Touch End event |
if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_TOUCHEND && CORE.Input.Touch.pointCount == 1) CORE.Input.Touch.pointCount = 0; |
#endif |
return 1; // The event was consumed by the callback handler |
} |
// Initialize display device and framebuffer |
// NOTE: width and height represent the screen (framebuffer) desired size, not actual display size |
// If width or height are 0, default display size will be used for framebuffer size |
@ -1526,3 +1381,148 @@ static void WindowDropCallback(GLFWwindow *window, int count, const char **paths |
} |
} |
} |
// Register fullscreen change events |
static EM_BOOL EmscriptenFullscreenChangeCallback(int eventType, const EmscriptenFullscreenChangeEvent *event, void *userData) |
{ |
// TODO: Implement EmscriptenFullscreenChangeCallback()? |
return 1; // The event was consumed by the callback handler |
} |
// Register window resize event |
static EM_BOOL EmscriptenWindowResizedCallback(int eventType, const EmscriptenUiEvent *event, void *userData) |
{ |
// TODO: Implement EmscriptenWindowResizedCallback()? |
return 1; // The event was consumed by the callback handler |
} |
EM_JS(int, GetWindowInnerWidth, (), { return window.innerWidth; }); |
EM_JS(int, GetWindowInnerHeight, (), { return window.innerHeight; }); |
// Register DOM element resize event |
static EM_BOOL EmscriptenResizeCallback(int eventType, const EmscriptenUiEvent *event, void *userData) |
{ |
// Don't resize non-resizeable windows |
if ((CORE.Window.flags & FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE) == 0) return 1; |
// This event is called whenever the window changes sizes, |
// so the size of the canvas object is explicitly retrieved below |
int width = GetWindowInnerWidth(); |
int height = GetWindowInnerHeight(); |
if (width < CORE.Window.screenMin.width) width = CORE.Window.screenMin.width; |
else if (width > CORE.Window.screenMax.width && CORE.Window.screenMax.width > 0) width = CORE.Window.screenMax.width; |
if (height < CORE.Window.screenMin.height) height = CORE.Window.screenMin.height; |
else if (height > CORE.Window.screenMax.height && CORE.Window.screenMax.height > 0) height = CORE.Window.screenMax.height; |
emscripten_set_canvas_element_size("#canvas", width, height); |
SetupViewport(width, height); // Reset viewport and projection matrix for new size |
CORE.Window.currentFbo.width = width; |
CORE.Window.currentFbo.height = height; |
CORE.Window.resizedLastFrame = true; |
if (IsWindowFullscreen()) return 1; |
// Set current screen size |
CORE.Window.screen.width = width; |
CORE.Window.screen.height = height; |
// NOTE: Postprocessing texture is not scaled to new size |
return 0; |
} |
// Register mouse input events |
static EM_BOOL EmscriptenMouseCallback(int eventType, const EmscriptenMouseEvent *mouseEvent, void *userData) |
{ |
// This is only for registering mouse click events with emscripten and doesn't need to do anything |
return 1; // The event was consumed by the callback handler |
} |
// Register connected/disconnected gamepads events |
static EM_BOOL EmscriptenGamepadCallback(int eventType, const EmscriptenGamepadEvent *gamepadEvent, void *userData) |
{ |
/* |
TRACELOGD("%s: timeStamp: %g, connected: %d, index: %ld, numAxes: %d, numButtons: %d, id: \"%s\", mapping: \"%s\"", |
eventType != 0? emscripten_event_type_to_string(eventType) : "Gamepad state", |
gamepadEvent->timestamp, gamepadEvent->connected, gamepadEvent->index, gamepadEvent->numAxes, gamepadEvent->numButtons, gamepadEvent->id, gamepadEvent->mapping); |
for (int i = 0; i < gamepadEvent->numAxes; ++i) TRACELOGD("Axis %d: %g", i, gamepadEvent->axis[i]); |
for (int i = 0; i < gamepadEvent->numButtons; ++i) TRACELOGD("Button %d: Digital: %d, Analog: %g", i, gamepadEvent->digitalButton[i], gamepadEvent->analogButton[i]); |
*/ |
if ((gamepadEvent->connected) && (gamepadEvent->index < MAX_GAMEPADS)) |
{ |
CORE.Input.Gamepad.ready[gamepadEvent->index] = true; |
sprintf(CORE.Input.Gamepad.name[gamepadEvent->index], "%s", gamepadEvent->id); |
} |
else CORE.Input.Gamepad.ready[gamepadEvent->index] = false; |
return 1; // The event was consumed by the callback handler |
} |
// Register touch input events |
static EM_BOOL EmscriptenTouchCallback(int eventType, const EmscriptenTouchEvent *touchEvent, void *userData) |
{ |
// Register touch points count |
CORE.Input.Touch.pointCount = touchEvent->numTouches; |
double canvasWidth = 0.0; |
double canvasHeight = 0.0; |
// NOTE: emscripten_get_canvas_element_size() returns canvas.width and canvas.height but |
// we are looking for actual CSS size: canvas.style.width and canvas.style.height |
// EMSCRIPTEN_RESULT res = emscripten_get_canvas_element_size("#canvas", &canvasWidth, &canvasHeight); |
emscripten_get_element_css_size("#canvas", &canvasWidth, &canvasHeight); |
for (int i = 0; (i < CORE.Input.Touch.pointCount) && (i < MAX_TOUCH_POINTS); i++) |
{ |
// Register touch points id |
CORE.Input.Touch.pointId[i] = touchEvent->touches[i].identifier; |
// Register touch points position |
CORE.Input.Touch.position[i] = (Vector2){touchEvent->touches[i].targetX, touchEvent->touches[i].targetY}; |
// Normalize gestureEvent.position[x] for CORE.Window.screen.width and CORE.Window.screen.height |
CORE.Input.Touch.position[i].x *= ((float)GetScreenWidth() / (float)canvasWidth); |
CORE.Input.Touch.position[i].y *= ((float)GetScreenHeight() / (float)canvasHeight); |
if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_TOUCHSTART) CORE.Input.Touch.currentTouchState[i] = 1; |
else if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_TOUCHEND) CORE.Input.Touch.currentTouchState[i] = 0; |
} |
GestureEvent gestureEvent = {0}; |
gestureEvent.pointCount = CORE.Input.Touch.pointCount; |
// Register touch actions |
if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_TOUCHSTART) gestureEvent.touchAction = TOUCH_ACTION_DOWN; |
else if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_TOUCHEND) gestureEvent.touchAction = TOUCH_ACTION_UP; |
else if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_TOUCHMOVE) gestureEvent.touchAction = TOUCH_ACTION_MOVE; |
else if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_TOUCHCANCEL) gestureEvent.touchAction = TOUCH_ACTION_CANCEL; |
for (int i = 0; (i < gestureEvent.pointCount) && (i < MAX_TOUCH_POINTS); i++) |
{ |
gestureEvent.pointId[i] = CORE.Input.Touch.pointId[i]; |
gestureEvent.position[i] = CORE.Input.Touch.position[i]; |
// Normalize gestureEvent.position[i] |
gestureEvent.position[i].x /= (float)GetScreenWidth(); |
gestureEvent.position[i].y /= (float)GetScreenHeight(); |
} |
// Gesture data is sent to gestures system for processing |
ProcessGestureEvent(gestureEvent); |
// Reset the pointCount for web, if it was the last Touch End event |
if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_TOUCHEND && CORE.Input.Touch.pointCount == 1) CORE.Input.Touch.pointCount = 0; |
#endif |
return 1; // The event was consumed by the callback handler |
} |